The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Nov 13, 2015


Thanks guys, for reading my story. Oxford was a fun place in the seventies. There are more instalments to follow. Along with your enjoyment I hope you will also send a donation to Nifty to help keep it going. The fellas there do a great job for us.


THE FUCK CLUB 3 The first party

I arrived on time at Simon's rooms in Christchurch, high up in Meadow Buildings. A guy dressed in army greens opened the door. I explained who I was and gave him my invitation. He grinned and let me in. It was very dark, heavy curtained stopped even the light from the road coming in. There was a shadowed lamp in one corner that cast a dim light over the room. The doorman came up behind me

"You're the guy Simon told me about, the best arse in Oxford he said! I aim to try it out before the evening is over, though I doubt I will be the first, or the last!" He laughed and went back to the door. Simon came up to me naked his stiff cock shiney with grease. "We've been waiting for you, Steve's already been fucked twice. You've got some catching up to do." He took me through to his bedroom where most of the action was taking place. As I walked through the door a hand reached out and grabbed my ankle; it was Jeff. The hand moved up until it found my cock.

"Wow what have we we found here? Hold still, let me get you out of these clothes."

I braced myself against the wall and closed my eyes. Tonight I would just let it all happen. My trousers were pulled down and my cock sprang free, jerking upright in the near darkness. I kicked off my trousers and just left them as Jeff's warm greedy mouth closed over my cockhead. He pulled back the foreskin and The gentle insistent pressure on my exposed super sensitive dick became the centre of everything at that moment. His hands tugged my hips pulling me further into his mouth. I began thrusting hard and I could feel the head going down his throat. Never mind Jim, Jef was no slouch as a cocksucker either. I had to learn how to stop my gag reflex and give others this sort of incredible feeling. I grabbed his head and his mass of blond hair. I could feel the tingle growing somewhere in my guts and went along with the flow. I relaxed into the cum and moaned out loud as my cum pumped out in thick jets into his eager mouth. His hands moved up and gently massaged my tummy as my now limp dick slipped from his slimy lips. before he scrabbled to his feet and kissed me hard on the mouth and We swapped my heavy load. I tasted pretty good I decided and searched his mouth for more. Well, what's not to like? It's cum, and nothing tastes nicer than cum. A voice behind us said "Come on guys, it's Michael's turn on the bed."

"On the bed, what does that mean?"

"Don't worry," he said with a big grin on his boyish face, "You'll love it and it is a way for you get to know every one. And everyone to get to know you," he added with a chuckle. We picked our way over to the bed on the far side. Directly in front of us were two boys on their side languidly fucking. Curled spoon fashion one naked arse moving against the other. I could see each set of buttock muscles clench and relax. one driving the cock, the other tightening the sheath. Their legs twisted and rubbed with sensual grace. No hurry, no fuss.The doorman joined in stripping my tee shirt off and pushed me down onto the bed. He was naked now, darkly tanned, smooth defined chest going down to hairy tight abs. I stared at the bloated heavy cock, his long muscled thighs and a new surge of lust swept over me. he positioned me on my back on the bed, It looked as if he was going the first to fuck me after all. I looked up to see a dozen faces looking down at me. Hands moved over my body spreading my legs. Someone dragged a hard prick over my forehead and down to prod at my mouth. They would do everything for me and I smiled as I opened my mouth to accept the first cock. I savoured the juicy head, running my tougue lovingly overit, tasting the precum. Shit I loved this. I felt a mouth on my own own cock. I sucked lustily and while reaching up to rub the tummy of the boy I was sucking off my hands were taken and two more stiff pricks were put in them. I jacked them automatically while I still swirled my toungue around the cock in my mouth. I felt my legs being raise and looked down my body to see combat man from the door kneeling between my legs grinning at me. He spat on my arse then licked my hole. Simon was standing next to him and handed him a tube of grease. Combat man stood up and lovingly worked the grease onto his cock. Simon greased his own as well. I couldn't wait. I pulled the two cocks I was holding closer to my mouth in a frantic impulse to suck on them too. One of them shot across my face. The cock I was sucking erupted in my mouth. Warm sweet cum, sweet salty spunk, slimey boy cum filling my mouth. I was a slut in heat and I couldn't have been happier, I wanted to shout out. But there wasn't time. I turned towards the other cock and with a wide open mouth I stretched up to close my mouth around the nob just in time to get another serving of cum. I hadn't swallowed the other cum yet and my mouth was full to overflowing. I sudden sharp pain in my arse brought me back to reality; I yelped. I quickly swallowed some of the mouthful and looked down to see combat man straining forward to press his cock to its home in my arse. He went slowly, waing for me to get used to it. Finally I felt his groin pressed hard against my arse, it felt enormouse. I began to relax as his thrusting began.

"Hurt?" he asked leaning over me to lick the cum from my face. This seemed to spur him on. "You'll get used to it." I groaned again but this time with pleasure, and he knew it. The bastard was hitting my prostate each time, and waves of pleasure swept over me. Another hand pressed me back down again and a long limber cock, half hard, beautifully shaped hung over my face from behind. I caught a glipse of a wedge shaped torso and a square jaw with a couple of days growth of beard. The serge of wanting went through me and I reached for the cockhead with my tongue. It slid into my mouth: the head was enormouse, twice the size of the shaft. I worked furiously at trying to swallow the whole thing but the nob was just too big. After five minutes of this his breath was getting harsher and I guessed he was getting close. I reached up and jacked his cock I wanted that cum really badly, I wanted more cocks to shoot in my mouth.

Meanwhile the action in my arse was heating up, combat man was socking it hard into me, his head thrown back. I saw Simon lean over and kiss him and that was all it took. I swear I could feel his cock pulsing as he came deep inside me. It felt warm and good in there. Combat man pulled out and another boy was there ready to climb in the saddle. I realised it was Simon, good old Simon who had got me into all this, with a face splitting grin and sparkling eyes. His massive dick slipped in with no pain and no resistance, my arse was already full of cum and it just sucked him in. The guy in my mouth who had been watching the action in my arse suddenly froze and my mouth was filled with a massive gush of cum. He sighed and fell forward over me sticking my cock in his mouth. I was already on the edge and after three or four swift wanks with his had and I shot in his mouth. Simon said after that he could feel the contractions in my arse and that was what pushed him over the edge. I didn't feel him cumming but I heard the groan, and I felt him pull quickly out to let the next guy in. This one was rougher harder like an animal, hard and fast. I wouldn't have been able to stand if I was alraedy so loose and my arse so sloppy: he came in a furious flurry of strokes. No sooner was that bioy finished than another was in. I couldn't see who he was because someone was kissing me and licking up the cum that covered my face, I opened my mouth to show him the pool there and he quickly kissed me sucking it out of my mouth. Another cock. being furiously wanked was pushed between our lips. The boy kissing me pulled away slightly to suck on the new cummer. I watched it ten centimeters above my face as it went in and out of his mouth. I looked up at its owners tousled blond head and at the tense expression on his face. Then he began to grunt.

"Oh yes. Yes. I'm gonna cum! Shit!"

The guy sucking swept his tongue over the head as the first thick shots of sperm pulsed out and covered it. I opened my own mouth and a fair bit dripped in before the sucker closed his moth over the shaft and swallowed. It was all they guy in my arse needed, he shouted out as he came. I'd taken five loads in my mouth and five loads in my arse. There was cium all over my face, in my eyes and in my hair. My back was beginning to ache and I needed a break. Before anyone else could get to me I lowered my legs and sat up.

I could feel the hot cum leaking from my arse and smiled as I realised what I looked like, a cum slut in heat, and that I was. I needed a piss.

"Where's the loo?" I asked the boy I seen being sucked off over my face.

"Through there, if you can get in." He said with a smirk as he squeezed my arse and ran two fingers into my well fucked cunt."I want some of this before the evening is out.

"Don't keep me waiting." I said as I got up and walked to the loo.

The boy was right, there was quite a crowd and they were gathered around the bath. I'd found Jim and he was doing what he liked doing best; drinking piss from the tap. Four of the guys in there were actually pissing on him, six more were watching the action, playing with their dicks and waiting their turn. Two streams were splashing off his face and in his mouth, the two others'piss was playing on his chest and cock and wanking hand.The bath was small Jim had to sit upright and it looked half full of piss, he must have put the plug in. There had been empty drinks cans all over the room and in here, there were probably twenty or more boys at the party and I guess most of them had been in here at least once.

One of the guys waiting in line moved aside so that I could get closer and see what was going on. He was short and muscular with a thickly hairy chest, arms and legs. A long hot looking dick hung out half hard. He was playing with his balls. Thick black hair hung over this forehead, black eyes uder heavy lashed looked me over. I ran an appreciative hand through the hair on his chest and wistled softly through my teeth. He put his hand behind my kneck and pulled me into a kiss. He was surprisingly gentle. I reached down and played with his now very thick rammer which was rapidly getting harder. I felt a thick finger probing my arse.

"It feels like your'e nice and ready," he said with a strong American accent.

"I'm always ready," I said. Or I always will be from now on I thought to myself. I just turned around and bent over the bath. A wet hand reached over to my cock, Jim was getting interested. "Oh yeh, fuck me, fuck me hard." Being a slut was getting easier by the minute. I felt the helmet of his rock hard dick probing the entrance of my slimy cunt, gently pushing then pulling back, teasing me, then he was in, and kept going in one long smooth glide to the base. Oh it felt good, no, it felt incredible! Every time I got fucked I seemed to love it more. I was startled out of my revery when another pair of hands lifted up my face and pulled me into a forceful kiss. He raised his hands to my sholders and with scarsely any pressure guided me down till his white smooth cock slipped into my mouth. I ran my hands over his sleek smooth body, feeling the sharp ridges and planes of his muscles. As I sucked the dick of muscle boy, the American long dicked me with abandon and Jim's piss wet hand played with my own dick. I felt dribbles of piss run down my legs. Suddenly the Yank cried out helplessly and I felt the convulsive spasms of his orgasm as blasts of his jism sluiced up my arse.

I concentrated on the dick in my mouth. It was so hard, and the ridges and veins on the shaft teased my lips. I wanted him to come quickly , wanted to feel the thick salty blasts across my tongue. He dug torturing fingers into the muscles of my shoulders and ramming his pelvis into my face, came in a vesuvious of cum in the back of my mouth. I rolled it around in my mouth glorying in its crwamy texture and rich taste. I let it slowly dribble down my throat. Muscles pulled me up into another kiss. My face and hair were still covered in cum from before, and it mixed with the sweat that was running down the sides. My two assailants backed away and I collapsed on my knees next to the bath. Two wet hands pulled me forward into a wet salty kiss. Jim, his hair plastered wet against his head and piss was running down his face tried to pull me into the bath. I reached over to steady myself and my hand slid over his wet skin. The heady smell of fresh piss rose to greet me and my hand sank into the warm yellow pool in the bath. Jim pulled me harder and I slipped over to join him in the bath. The piss was so deep it reached my balls. Jim lent forward and began to suck me off his chin and nose going into the piss. The American who had just fucked me pulled my head back gently by the hair, put his soft thick dick to my lips and let go a heavy stream of pale golden juice into my mouth. I swallowed for a minute then pulled back and let the stream play over my face and soak my hair. I pulled Jim up and filling my mouth with piss I spat it into his mouth. We tonged each others mouths enthusiastically while the streams of piss continued to splash over us. We shared mouthfuls of piss, exchanging the salty fluid as it cascaded over our faces. I turned my head up one more time but the streams taped off and for a moment we were alone.

"Shit Mikey, this is the best ever. I can't believe we're doing this!"

"I know," I replied, "but I love it, I just love it. Five days ago I hadn't thought about piss play, now I can't get enough."

"Well, I told you you had some catching up to do, I've been drinking my brother's piss since I was fourteen. Now you can get some experience by drinking more of mine. Come on handsome open your mouth and drink my piss." I looked up at his beautiful face, at the wet hair sticking to his forehead, at the drops of piss rolling down his chest and legs. looked at the large piss slit at the end of his pale soft cock. A strong yellow stream struck my forehead and ran down my face. I opened my mouth wide and Jim pissed straight into it. His piss was sweet, he must have been drinking coke or some other sweet soda. I gulped it down as fast as I could but a lot was running down my chin and over my chest. He moved closer and his still gushing cock slipped between my lips and the golden nectar went straight down my throat. He pissed for over a minute, mostly in my mouth but he finished with a long stream over the top of my head.

Then it was my turn and small rivers of piss ran down my legs. Jim knelt down and pooling piss in his hands he poured it over my rigged cock and tounged the end.

"Stop it, my cock's too hard. I can't piss with a hard on." He backed off, and my cock softend enough for the flow to start.

"You must have a lot I want it all in my mouth and on my face."

"I'm bursting, open your mouth."

He leaned back and opened his mouth wide as my stream began. Slowly he inched forward as the piss pooled in his mouth. He spilt scarcely a drop, then his lips ungulfed my still spewing cock and and I watched his throat muscles work as he swallowed the flood. When my fow finally stopped he got to his feet and kissed me. Of course his moth was still full of my piss which he spat into my own mouth and over my face. The sweet liquid passed back and forth and down our throats and chins as we tongued each others mouths.

Finally I stepped back. We gave each other big shit eating grins. I turned on the shower. The hot water washed of the piss from our bodies and helped to warm up the piss in the bath which was cooling down. Wallowing in warm piss is incredible, but cold piss is less fun. It seemed a shame to get cleaned up but slut that had become, I wasn't going to walk back through Oxford smelling like a urinal.Jim leaned back and buried his head in the warm piss bath, soaking his hair once again and turning his head sideways opened his mouth to drink more. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Well?" he asked.

"Nothing, piss freak. Nothing." I climbed out of the bath and wiped myself down on one of the stack of towls. As I was drying two more guys came in.

"Shit, you're not still in there are you?" said one.

"Well we've got more for you." They stepped up to the bath flopping their heavy dicks. I winked at Jim and with a look of ecstacy he closed his mouth around the shiny nob of the first dick. I left the bathroom.

Outside the room seemed so dark after the bright light of the bathroom that I couldn't see anything. I had thought I had had enough sex for one evening and just wanted to find my clothes and get to the the door. But that wasn't what happened at all. Everywhere around me there were groans and the sounds of heavy breathing. Hands reached up as I passed and pulled me down. In the dark all I could make out were dim forms. I lay down across a tangle of arms and legs. My face rested on a pair of muscled, hairy thighs. I felt around for the cock that went with them and With the instinct of a baby I sucked it greedily into my mouth. I had no idea whose it was but there was cum all over it under my cheek on his belly. someone had obviously shot across him, I sucked it up, it was good, I thought I was becoming a bit of a connoseur. Perhaps I should take the test to become a "Master of Cum". I'd need lots of practice before I did that though. Hairy thighs was groaning loudly, but whether it was from my sucking or because he was being fucked hard at the same time it was difficult to say. I held the head just inside my mouth and jacked it rapidly. I could taste the precum and I was preparing for the flood; those glorious moments just before you get that first spurt. I felt his thigh muscles tense and then pump convulsively. His breath came in rasping gasps. Seconds later a huge rope of cum shot across my tongue. I closed my lips and sucked hard as more shots blasted out. I let the glorious liquid slosh around my mouth before I swallowed it.

Next: Chapter 4

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