The Fruits Born From New Boundaries Explored

By James Jenkins

Published on Apr 5, 2023



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DISCLAIMER: I have done careful research to be true to the 18th century in which the film "Sleep Hollow" (1999) is set in. The story takes place shortly after the ending of the movie. Also, I do not own the rights of any part of the movie. Credit goes to director Tim Burton and screenwriters Washington Irving, Kevin Yagher, and Andrew Kevin Walker. I don't know the actors Johnny Depp (Ichabod Crane) nor Marc Pickering (Young Masbath) or even their sexual nature. (The standalone story is fictional and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the actors mentioned or any personal knowledge about their lives).


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The Fruits Born from New Boundaries Explored © James Jenkins 2023

The day is tumultuous, to a degree terrestrial, but nonetheless uncompromising. Ichabod Crane glance at the black hooded wall clock; it seems only a minute goes by each time he looked at the face! Why is time passing as if he were Ulysses in Circe's clutches while he was at work?

The constable's office is so loud today with the muted noise of work carried out, quills scratching on paper as voices reply to incoming reports of recent deaths and the ceaseless muffling from the amalgam of conversations that drown out into the encompassing sea of people moving about as a colony of ants.

As the academic's focus drifted, Ichabod was brought back to the present. "Hello Mr. constable sir, hello Ichabod, are you listening to me?" the distant faceless voice is speaking to him.

I am not to be disturbed while at work the slim 24-year-old thought as at the same time Ichabod replied, "Oh yes hello- clear as day, how can I assist you?" as he dealt with whatever report of unexplained death there is to solve for today.

Slowly the witty philosopher looked up to find Young Masbath standing by his desk with a meek smile and brimming with enthusiasm, O that will soar in due time! As a constable Ichabod's also a mentor, another important profession, yet at least he can talk to a person who is without guile as he guides and coaches him-as the youth aspires to move up in the world, and today Young Masbath will be the center of his undivided attention.

The pale-skinned unruly-raven haired scholar closed his notebook, and the weight of the pressure lifts away the same as Atlas who bore heaven on his shoulders. As his unread pile of letters decreased, Ichabod point to the private study and lead the way. He opened the door as Young Masbath entered before him. The knowledge-filled room is standard, an oak desk, two chairs and a small, polished blue-cushioned sette and a window looking out onto the New York Street below. An odd room to most-yet it provides one amazing luxury: as Ichabod shut the door, silence followed as with a storm's passing, no footsteps nor loud voices, only chapel sanctified silence, it is sounded proofed for privacy mental tranquility when needed.

Young Masbath attempted to speak; Ichabod stopped him before he uttered a word, and he becomes fixed to his chair. The man who faced the Headless Horseman and lived look at his charge, fine black blouse, dark green vest with gold buttons and pocket flats, dark green breeches, white stockings, and dark brown buckled shoes that make a striking statement. He is thirteen but is nearing fourteen, he clearly can take care himself and since their first meeting, Ichabod knew he is somewhat holding in a curious and exploratory zeal.

Ichabod started by reading records he took on his academic performance, countless information is collected on their working days, it has everything they do in the office illustrated in diagrams and diagrams and medical effigies.

Ichabod had to accentuate to Young Masbath, "It is unwise in taking far too much time pondering the unlikeliest cause from the truth," But he immediately changed tune with how he wants to impress, needs to feel he has succeeded, and really does not like to abandon a case where learned men make wrong conclusions.

The evaluation of his performance is nothing too concerning, and they moved to some light-hearted talk, the conversation is heartful, it turns out they even shared some passions beyond the office confines.

Spellbound, Ichabod's looking at Young Masbath, and as he is reading the youth's body language intrinsically, he is leaning forward very focused on those shy brown eyes but also looking at the man with a slight melancholy or is the boy merely exposing Ichabod in his mind? Perhaps he is but a young man who is trying to please his master...Interesting, perhaps I can experiment with that I conduct a deeper observation.

As the room is muted to distracting sounds one problem is that it gets stifling, in an instant and the coal-dark haired boy is feeling the humidity. As he stands, he trips, misses the table, and falls towards the hardwood floor.

Ichabod swiftly reached to grab him as he regains his footing. "Are you alright?" I asked with a fatherly concern in his voice.

"Yes, yes sir," the lovely sallow-skinned youth replied. Ichabod proceeded to move to the door to go get help. "No-Ichabod- please give me a moment" he says not wanting to appear helpless before his hero.

Ichabod helped Young Masbath to remove his coat, his shirt is tight, and he is rather viscid, so he loosens a few buttons and removes his vest as well.

The boy is sitting on the sette more than modest looking up at his confidant, as Ichabod stepped away, he lowered his bottom against the desk. Peering down at Young Masbath. He noted the feeling of being as hot as he is, and thinks it is high time they did something with this physical power needing release...

As the boy scrambles for sensibility, he looks up endearingly at the constable. Ichabod sat on the desk now, dark leather boots on what was his chair, more than evident to him what he was about to permit his ward to gaze upon!

The buck-toothed teenager looked up towards Ichabod directly into those considerate eyes and said, "I am quite alright, sir."

Ichabod voiced a reply, as his gaze fell and centered on the scene, he wanted the boy to see. "I am overly hot in case you were unaware," then Ichabod ever so calculatingly spread his knees apart, the boy is still looking now captivated.

"Fear not Young Masbath, I know what you are looking at," Ichabod said to himself. By Providence have I interpreted this correctly? Proceed with courage man, embark on the path to the end, the course of events is all mine to decide-this is going to be my dominion.

Coyly licking his lips, Young Masbath maintained focus but nowhere near his mentor's eyes. Ichabod encouraged him with a nod to try and stand, which he showed no reluctance in complying with. The boy is somewhat trepidatious on his feet as he takes a step towards the elder man, those experienced hands stretched out and Ichabod caught the gasping youth around his waist. Ichabod held him there and ever so gingerly pulled his ward towards him, and steadied the boy in front of him as he did Katrina on their wedding day.

Absent speech, Ichabod looked into his doe-like eyes now and said, "Would you like to take a closer look Young Masbath?"

The boy tries to mouth a word, but nothing comes forth, and Ichabod guided him down, as he backtracked onto the desk a degree further, while pulling his feet up onto the desk entirely. Young Masbath blanched realizing how Ichabod yearned for this lesson to begin. The ivory-white hands are on either side of the youth's long face, the constable could feel the latter's warm cheeks against his thighs, and the pupil continues their clandestine odyssey.

Ichabod moved a hand and pulled his shift aside so the boy could see what he wanted him to observe closely, and in his words "Seeks to be impressed."

Both are on the path now, and Ichabod bears the confidence of a chess master. Young Masbath's tongue is too swift as first and the faint-hearted man told him to be considerate and keep focus. Eyes half lidded, Ichabod felt the satiny texture and warmth of those full lips on his scrotum the boy's tongue now firmly focused on his cock, while his scrotum's afire. Ichabod drew his hand down the lad's right, reached for his hand, and pushed it downwards to the scrotum, the boy takes the inducement and Ichabod sensed his pupil's fingers on the edge of the gate, strong sweat made it easy for the orphan boy to slide his fingers in deeply. Ichabod gasped and tightened his hole around the tender fingers and the lad violates him with his spears, his tongue proceeding in its quest.

In a streak of bravery, Ichabod pushed him back to standing, the boy looked at him with a smile, Ichabod reached for his belt to unfasten it, undo the button, and slide the breaches down, his aide's cock it as expected prepared to join in the venture. Ichabod drew it out as he pushed the youth's shift down to the floor. Reassuringly, Ichabod looked at him and gazed at his companion's cock, well to see his personal care was not limited to the hair on his head.

Young Masbath's cock stands among a bush of mangled pubic hair yet bold, and My God- do I see he has grown considerably down there? Ichabod wrapped his hand around it and the youth's unrestrained minimal juices feels warm and syrupy in his grasp. Shuddering, Ichabod pushed his ward's cock back to unveil his unadulterated beauty and revere the pollutions ring adorning his cock. Ichabod moved the boy's cock between his careful fingers, and the lad moaned a shameless sigh. Methodical hands slid around to his bottom and trimmed nails sank in like talons as Ichabod pulled the wide-eyed virgin towards him.

Unspoken, Ichabod is somewhat taken aback by his ward's speed, the boy nearly catches him unawares. Slowing his advancement, Ichabod wanted to feel his charge enter him slowly, the cold steel of the pollutions ring is first euphoric reverie then the softness of his anus opens, and Ichabod pulled Young Masbath in. He is hard and Ichabod felt the timid lad slide inside him. The jugum penis is a surprising addition and builds up the feeling as the youth shoves his hard cock deeper into the constable's ass. Ichabod unbuttoned his vest, both nipples needed warm attention, and they can be seen hard and elated through the cotton of his shirt. Ichabod continued to guide him as the boy fucks his ass and now licks gently over both nipples, desperate to let loose. He slid his hand down to his ass, cool fingertips feeling the fleshy lips firmly around the lad's cock, and Ichabod shuddered slightly at the heavenly rush. The constable's manhood is heated and erect, and he began to drive his fingers over himself in a sleek, slow tempo in time to the thrusting of his ward's cock.

Having no illusions as Ichabod would not last much longer, and he started to feel the arrival of the humid maelstrom over him, the sordid scent in acting of love defied convention as the beastly aromas permeated through the room. Ichabod refrained as best he could as he enclosed his ass around the young cock again. He felt the boy is nearing the bridge between innocence and manhood, Ichabod wanted to see him fulfill it and pushed the boy out. Quickly sliding his hands over the lulled lad and wank his cock, the boy exploded over him- leaking cum hot on the man's hands. Before his cock could be at ease, Ichabod drew him back into his ass and felt his aide continue to thrust into him. The usual puritanical scientist stroked his cock and then it is his turn to feel the gunpowder rush of climax, his head becomes blurred, muscles tightened, and lasted until his whole body is marble solid. Rosy penis now over sensitive as Ichabod elicited the final crash of his orgasm. He resumed with the feather-soft motions until he succumbed to it as a besieged fort. Constable Crane's anus grasped one last feel of Young Masbath's cock inside before he retreated, and stepped back with just a grin as he stands there before his master. Ichabod knew he is extremely proud to have proven himself.

As get dressed no words are exchanges, merely fluttering glances, and smiles. The room is smoky and stained with sex, as they attempt to regain civil decorum before they leave the study, expecting to enter the lively office, however, its empty as everyone has gone home for the evening.

They have been in there dancing the kipples for two hours, Ichabod suddenly smiled to himself and then unashamedly announced to the quiet space: "As suspected, time slips by beyond conception, when occupied in having one's corn ground..."

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