The Frilcian Conquest

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 24, 2022


Barratino and his men loaded Aron into the hovercraft. They bound his wrists and ankles even though he was drugged and unconscious. It was Barratino's orders.

"General, forgive my ignorance," Arpex began "how did you know that Ursus was Aron?" Barratino laughed. "Young man, if you're going to become a true soldier and a leader, you have to learn to be more observant. I have studied what information we have on ALL the bowman, and there are certain characteristics of each. That one" - he pointed back to Aron - may be covered with hair, and be burned by the sun, but the lips, the fingers. all point to him being Araon. A DNA test will verify it, but" and he smiled a wicked smile. "The strongest proof will come when he meets our Lord Protius' precious carter."


When Aron woke up again, he was untied, but he was locked in a small cell. He could see outside of it and saw his three guards. There was no one else in the cell with him. He was naked. Everything had been taken from him. His movements had brought the guard's attention.

"The sleeping bear awakens." He turned to another guard. "Notify Barratino and Lord Protius. They have told us to keep a VERY close watch on this one. Apparently, he is quite valuable to them. "

Aron stood up and looked around. He was still groggy from the tranquilizer. His mind was filled with questions: what had happened to the other ferals? He knew where he was, but, what did that guard mean when he said that he was valuable? A rebel like himself, he thought, would be lucky to live through a day.

Aron felt the collar around his neck and smiled grimly. He knew about the Frilcian control collars. He had seen them in action. This one felt shoddy: the type the Frilcians used when they were transporting slaves to their permanent prison. This was the type that could be operated by anyone with any kind of military clearance. "I guess I'm not THAT valuable," he muttered

"Quite to the contrary Ursus. Or should I call you Aron. Aron Bowman."

"MY NAME IS URSUS AUREUS. I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, FRILCIAN." Barratino turned to Protius. "Shall I open the cell, Lord?"

"Absolutely. He's not going to escape. If I don't miss my guess, Aron, or Ursus, or whatever we will call this slave, is terribly concerned about his pod of ferals. And once I let him know that if he makes an attempt to escape, I will start slaughtering them, he will behave. " Barratino nodded in assent. "OUT OF THE CELL, SLAVE." "MAKE ME COME OUT FRILCIAN. Or to distinguish you, shall I call you the UGLY Frilcian. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" his defiance got him a bolt from the control collar. It was Protius who used it. "You will come out peacefully now, earthling? Or shall we use more persuasive measures." "I'm coming, I'm coming. GEEZ" Aron still grabbed at the collar as he walked out. "You understand the rules of engagement, earthling. You are a prisoner. Hands behind your back." Aron was about to say something when he saw Barratino reach for his wrist control panel. He sighed. "I can see why he was the passive one to carter. Not much there." Protius laughed to Barratino. "Passive one? How do they know? WHAT do they know?" Aron was planning to keep his identity secret, but it seemed it was useless if they already knew. "Aron, understand that while you were being transported here, we took bodily fluid samples so we could compare your DNA to earth records. A perfect match to Aron Bowman, passive partner to Colonel Steve Carter. Believed to have died in battle but apparently fooled all." "ALRIGHT, SO YOU KNOW WHO I AM. NOW WHAT?" "AH, that remains to be determined, Aron. I have some ideas," Protius spoke, "but before we implement those, General Barratino wishes to have you interrogated. He believes that you know things that he does not and, my general does NOT like it when he is not the most informed person in the room." "I can't imagine what I'd know that you don't know!" Aron spat back. "You already know who I am, you knew where to find me, you know about my relationship, I'm sure you know the rest." "Not quite true, Aron Bowman," Barratino spoke. "You will come with me and my soldiers. And if you think the shock from the control collar was painful, rest assured we have other methods that can be best described as exquisite torture." Aron put up a brave face, but he was frightened. He DID know a good deal about the ferals and the resistance movement. And he wanted to know things himself, like whether they knew if carter was still alive. He felt a set of restraints put on his wrist, and Barratino's strong grip on his arm. "This guy doesn't need any help," he thought to himself. "He's fucking stronger than any 3 of us."


"The Grid." Most of Protius' court had heard of it, they whispered about it, but no one had seen it. Only Barratino, Protius, and the technician who would operate the device as he was told to do. In some ways, it was a bigger, more complicated version of the control collars: think of a bed frame, turned to be vertical, with variations on the control collar at the top for securing a prisoner's wrists, at the bottom for the ankles, at the midpoint of the legs, and at the point where the forearm bent. Two probes dangled from the grid, for attachment to a prisoner's nipples. Also - and this was the idea of Portius - an insert for the anus, and a band for the base of the genitals. That's where Ursus was bound. The metal was cold, and he felt it against his back. He yelped unwittingly when the probe went up his ass, and Barratino laughed as his dick hardened when the band was placed around his cock. "Now, Ursus, or Aureus, or Aron, whatever you're calling yourself today, I will ask you a series of questions. Depending on your answer, I will have Marconius here -- he pointed to the technician - turn on one of the restraints, or perhaps more. When I am finished with my questions, we will go back over the ones you have not answered to my satisfaction, and we will increase the strength of the power we apply. And we will combine them. Let me give you a taste of what to expect. Marconius, the thighs. Let's start with 2. Ten seconds. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH," Aron screamed when the charge was administered. Barratino smiled. "And that is the thickest, least sensitive area of your body. And the charge is only at the second of 15 levels. So.... if you would like to avoid this, we can do so." "FUCK YOU" Aron yelled and he thought he heard Portius say "Just like carter." "WAIT. DO YOU HAVE CARTER HERE, YOU BASTARDS? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK". A charge went through the wrist restraints. Level 3. "You answer questions, earthling. You do not ask them. One more time. Would you like to avoid this? Aron sneered. "Bring it on." "Very well. How many more ferals are there? Have we captured them all?" "I don't know." He pulled at the wrist restraints and screamed as the charge went through the anal probe. "Earthling, that is a VERY important question to us, and you WILL answer it. But perhaps we will return to it. Next question. Is your real name Aron Bowman?" When he hesitated, a charge at Level 3 was administered to his nipples. "YES. YES. That's my name." "Were you the partner of Colonel Steve Carter.?" No answer. A charge at level 5 was administered to his ankles. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. YES. YES. I was. " "Now, we're getting somewhere." Barratino turned to the technician, "Keep the charges at level 4 for this round. Start them at 5 seconds after I ask the question. " They proceeded. Aron admitted that he was the bottom to carter as the top. He explained what had happened: he HAD in fact been left for dead on the battlefield after receiving a sword wound to his side. He had loss a large amount of blood and had been too weak to do anything but lie there. A legendary healer among the earthlings, a woman named Leana, appeared seemingly out of air. He had heard a very soft, very gentle voice say, "It's not your time, Aron," and he felt her touch him with a soft, beige colored cloth. His pain disappeared, and he slept. He slept until the aides came to carry off the dead. One of the aides heard him breathing very softly and had called for medics. Aron had been treated under medical supervision for five months. During that time, he learned of the earthling defeats, and the disbanding of the bowmen. When he was released, he had "gone feral" as they said. The ferals were brave, but disorganized and without military training. He quickly became a miitary leader. Soon, he became aware of the bounty put on the head of bowmen: not dead, but alive. That was when he decided to grow out his hair. He stopped shaving his body and cutting the hair on his head. Aron had always been pale, but now, as a feral, he was outside most of the time and wearing very little clothing. His skin darkened. The only person who had recognized him for who he was, was Barratino. The Frilcians secured much more information as they tortured Aron, but the question of how many ferals remained free, was unanswered. Barratino turned to Protius. "Lord, if we increase the intensity of the charges, we stand a chance of damaging him, or even killing him." "I have an idea." Protius left the lab for a minute and told a guard: bring carter here. Make sure he's bound. "Take a break, Ursus. We will resume." Aron laughed. "You must like being frustrated." "To the contrary Ursus. I am RARELY frustrated. If I feel frustration coming on, I simply call for my sex slave. Bring him in." Aron said nothing, but the meters measuring his body functions registered the sharp changes as carter was brought in. He was in a white shirt, cut close to his body, and jeans. Aron recognized him, but carter did not recognize Aron. "It's... it's Ursus aureus Sir. I can tell." "Are you sure, slave carter?" "Yes Master." He saw the prisoner wince when he called Protius "Master." "Approach him. Look closer. " carter followed his instructions. When he saw the sealing pierce in Aron's right nipple he said "You're a bowman. You were someone's bottom." Aron tried to look away because if carter looked into his eyes, he'd know who he was. "FORCE HIS HEAD BACK," Barratino ordered. A guard came forward and did so. "Aron." A low, shocked voice came out of carter. "I thought you were dead." "You will have time to exchange stories later, slave, for now." Protius turned his wrist control to an 8. carter screamed and dropped to his knees. He kept the level up for a minute. Aron struggled to break free. He heard the cries coming out of carter. "STOP! STOP! Please don't hurt him anymore. I'll answer your question. The best I can. I know of seven others. There may be more in other parts of the world, that I do not know. But there was a pod of the most radical of us who broke off. I don't know where they are." "Do you know WHO they are?" "Yes. Yes. I do." "You will provide me with names, slave." Barratino ordered Aron. "Or we will be back here." He ordered the technician to free Aron. "Make sure he is rested and then have the clones bathe him. Then bring him to the preparation room for his proper collar and cage. I will have the pleasure of shaving him to the smoothness of a slave." He sneered at Aron. "The more trouble you give, the longer it will be before you are permitted to see slave carter. And keep in mind: you COULD be on the slave ship with the other ferals, heading to Frilcus, and never see him again. It is your choice." Protius had come behind carter and was holding him tightly. "I understand. I will behave. No trouble from me." "Take him to the baths. NOW"

They took Aron to the same clones who had prepped carter. Prior to his time with the ferals, Aron had been much more even-tempered than he was now. When one of the clones tried to remove his clothing, he fought back and tried to punch the clone. The clone's expression didn't change, but he simply put a hand on Aron's fist. Aron thought that his hand had frozen: all the warmth in it was passing into the clone. Then the clone put a hand where the grid bond had been on Aron's middle, and he froze again.

"OK OK. I'll take it off. Just leave me be." The clones stood back, expressionless, as Aron stripped. "Please enter the bath, slave aron. Leave the rest to us." They washed his body and his hair. It was the first time Aron truly felt clean in well over a year. "Wet hair is easier to cut, slave aron. Please do not cause difficulties. "I won't," Aron said reluctantly. What had happened to carter? He seemed so, well, passive. He looked good -- pale, but passive. Buff. More buff than Aron remembered. "Please be still slave aron. It will not be difficult if you are compliant." "Yes sir," Aron answered, and one of the clones emitted what sounded like a laugh. "Such a term is not for clones, slave aron. It is to be used only for the Masters." He went silent as he took a scissor to Aron's hair and began cutting.

While Aron was being tended to by the clones, Protius had gone to visit Stasius, slave nick's Master. He smiled as he entered Stasius' chambers. "How are things with your new slave, Stasius? I suspect he's been problematic." Stasius sighed. "Ah, Lord Protius, I thought -- I truly thought that things would be easier than they have been, but he's been quite a challenge. SUPERB in bed but, getting to the point where he yields makes me wonder if it's worth it." Protius well-wrought plan then became clear. "Stasius, we are preparing a new feral prisoner today. He was a bowman, just like nick, but I suspect he may be more to your liking." He saw Stasius' head look up in interest. "Unfortunately, he is not the body type of nick, nor does he have his dark coloration. He's more of a lighter haired man. He IS, however, very well built, and has a bit of arrogance. Perhaps you would like to come to the preparation area. He needs a very thorough shaving, and then he will need the requisite `jewely' all the slaves wear. Perhaps you will change your mind." "Well, I'm always up for an adornment, and..." Stasius smiled. "You would permit me the honor of shaving a slave?" "Indeed, I would, Stasius. You are a valued member of the court. If this will make you happy, we will make sure that he -- his name is Aron -- will replace nick. We will make sure nick is on the next slave ship. Let the Frilcians at home decide what to do with him."


The clones knew how to cut a man's hair to flatter him most, and when Stasius and Protius came to the prep chamber, Aron was strapped into the X' post, still naked, but clean and with a trimmed head of hair. "OH MY, Lord Protius. He is indeed BEAUTIFUL. The arms. What do the earthlings say: great wings?" Protius laughed. "Indeed. They developed from fighting. He was a bowman and then a feral. Capturing him was not easy, but I trust it will be worth it. For the first time since his capture, Aron looked frightened. "What happens to me now? What...." "Permit me to introduce Stasius, one of our high-ranking officials, Aron. He may decide to keep you as his personal slave, within the court. His chambers are just down a corridor from mine. And Barratino's. It will be a mini reunion, since carter is my slave, and heinrich belongs to Barratino." Aron gulped. He wanted to be near his former lover, but... as slaves? "Is the shaving apparatus ready?" Stasius asked. "It is, Master Stasius" answered a clone. "His pelt is heavy, so we have prepared the heavy-duty instruments. " "You will be shaved completely, Aron. ALL of your body hair is to be removed. As is the case for ALL earthling slaves. Stasius, please proceed." "Be still, slave aron," Stasius ordered. "I would not wish to damage your beautiful skin." Aron was trying not to shake. Carter had required him to keep his body smooth, and part of the joy of being feral was having his hair back. Now, he heard the whine of the clipper, and he felt it touch his chest. "It is like shearing an earth sheep" Stasius joked as he moved up and down Aron's chest. Aron looked and tried not to weep. When Stasius took his cock in his hand and began shaving, tears fell down from his eyes. Then the pits. That might have been the most difficult for Aron: he was very ticklish and keeping still was difficult. When Stasius was done, he stood back. "A very different look from nick, that is for sure." He smiled. "Your major duty from now on, is to make sure that I am kept happy and satisfied, slave aron. I will not be stinting with punishment if you forget that." Aron did not know what to say other than "I get it." When he saw the looks of disapproval and heard the whispering, he added. "Master Stasius." "I have taken the liberty of removing nick's piercing, Stasius." Barratino spoke. "You are of course free to have another one used; however, this has been disinfected and is ready. Stasius smiled. "Leave me with him for the span of one earth hour. I will prepare his jewelry." "I would take his shavings, Stasius. They will make a fine gift for someone."


Back at Protius' quarters, carter paced nervously. He was worried about Aron. He knew Aron tended to become angry and temperamental, and he knew that would not be tolerated here. He heard the door open and heart Protius' footsteps. He dropped to his knees and opened his mouth. "EXCELLENT slave carter. You will be a superb role model for slave aron." "Master Protius, is he ok?" "He is fine, slave carter. Absolutely fine. He will be replacing slave nick in the court. That is all you need to know for now, other than this needs tending to." He spread his robes and exposed his hard cock. "Watching slave aron receive his shaving was more exciting than I thought it would be. Get to work." "Yes, Master," carter answered, placing his lips over Protius' cock. As he did so, Protius noticed a few chest hairs pointing out of carter's open collar. "He will need a shave soon. And perhaps, when slave aron needs his next shaving, I will make him do it." He rammed his cock as far down carter's throat as he could. There were so many possibilities for the future, and as each ran through his head, his cock grew harder. He smiled. He knew that he would not be able to restrain himself, and he would breed carter's throat. He would take what he needed to secure his slave's ass later than night. For now, though, he pumped, and carter felt the now familiar, salty taste of Protius' seed. As if it had been timed, just as Protius collected himself, there was a tap on the door. "By your leave, Lord Protius, I would have you see my new slave... slave aron." Aron was collared, pierced, and caged. As had been the case with carter, he was not dressed yet. Clothing would follow. "I will initiate him into his duties and my requirements this evening." Aron saw carter on his knees. He saw what he thought was semen on his lips. Carter could not maintain eye contact with aron. "Let us go, slave. I know you will not require initiation into the art of taking cock. Let us just see if your reputation is justified." He laughed and led aron off. "You will have the chance to interact on the morrow, slave carter. For now, I do believe that you have tasks to complete before dinner." "You are correct Lord Protius. I will continue."

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