The Frilcian Conquest

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 29, 2022


Selection would begin as soon as the remaining 12 Bowmen arrived at Protius' headquarters. The 38 new captives found themselves subjected to periodic "look-overs" by members of the court. There was one mid-level official, named Stasius, who seemed to have a particular fondness for Nick. The first time Stasius cupped Nick's ass, Nick turned and threw a punch at him. The bolt of electricity that went to both his collar and that of Anton persuaded him to put up with it. If in fact he WERE selected, he'd have to deal with it on a regular basis. Protius surveyed the new prisoners during that first day as well. There was much to be done, and the men were brought to the laboratory in groups, so that each could be fitted with a penis lock. That was all that could be done with them until all 50 prisoners were in one place, and the officials with enough rank could select from them. Things were a little different for Carter. His training as Protius' "aide" would begin in the morning. He wondered what he would be expected to do, beyond the obvious -- clearly Protius would be treating him as a sexual bottom and passive. As he slept that night, Carter recalled his time with Aron, and he also began dreaming about Nick. He was conflicted: Nick and Anton had been partners for so long, but if they ever managed to escape, well, Carter began to play "what if" with sexual fantasies. He doubted that Protius would allow him to do anything with any other man, but he knew there was more than a bit of a sexual "kinkiness" to Protius, and he might be persuaded. He might have climaxed that night, except for his own cage. He remembered when he and Aron had read up about them, and how the only way to have an orgasm when wearing a cage was via anal stimulation. Yes, he could drip, and he could drip all he wanted. It wasn't the same. He thought about the thorough fucking that Protius had already given him. His brain was mesh: he didn't know what he wanted. In the morning, however, Protius DID know what he wanted. "Get on your knees, slave carter. As you'll learn, when Clones 85 and 91 come to instruct you today, your duties will include seeing to my sexual needs in the morning, and at night. They will almost inevitably be oral sex before I get to tasks, and anal sex when I return. And of course, you will be available for my pleasure during the day. That is the lot of ANY of what we refer to as the "executive aides" in the court. "He stood up and pressed carter on his shoulders. "You may begin, slave." Carter closed his eyes for what he knew was inescapable. Again, the history of Frilcus that he and all of the freedom fighters had studied spoke of the sexual voraciousness of the Frilcians, and he expected, not incorrectly, that there would be multiple visits from Protius during the afternoon. "YES, my sweet Colonel, YES. Your tongue is magic. Pure magic. OH, YOU ARE SO GOOD. And to think you wasted so much of your life topping another man. You were built to be a bottom, as so many of you ginger men are." Protius giggled. He knew he had struck a nerve with carter, because he felt him use his teeth, ever so gently on Protius cock. It had the opposite effect that carter thought it would, and now he was beginning to choke from the combination of Protius' girth, and length. When Protius grabbed carter's hair, and held his mouth in place, not letting him slide back and forth, carter thought he would pass out from lack of air. As he learned that day, Protius was an expert at knowing just how far and how long he could take that technique. He pulled back and carter could breathe, just before carter thought it was lights out. "FUCK," he thought. "It's like a sexual sleeper hold." carter thought back to all the wrestlers and fighters that were in his family lineage. He had heard stories of sleeper holds, and the experts who had mastered them, and could master their opponents. There was one time when he was training, as an "archer," the junior company who would eventually become Bowmen if they were good enough, and he was wrestling with a smaller, lankier opponent. He had been winning and winning easily, but then he had gotten careless and found himself in a choke hold, that became a sleeper. The referee's head was turned, and he didn't see it. It would have meant a disqualification for carter's opponent: they were deemed too dangerous to use in training, but every soldier had to know how to use them. Rather than call for help, carter fought to get out of it, which only made it worse. It was the only match he lost as a trainee. And it was the only time that opponent had ever beaten him. He stayed far enough away from Jared's arms to avoid choke holds. Now, as he felt Protius getting closer and closer, he wondered where Jared was. Had he been killed in battle? He hadn't been among the 38 captives. Was he amongst the 12 that they had found, or had he gone "feral," the term they used for the Earthlings who had gone back to nature and were doing what they could to hold off inevitable capture and defeat. "AH, you are too good at this carter," Protius smiled as his cum started shooting down carter's throat. "I like my blow jobs to go on for longer than this. I guess it's a question of quality versus quantity." He rumpled carter's hair as he drew back. "I will now have to prepare myself for meetings. The clones will be here in half an hour. Later today, we will go and visit the new prisoners when they arrive. It's a very exciting day here."

"Good morning slave carter. I am clone 91 and clone 85 accompanies me. Please pay attention to how we take care of Lord Protius' quarters. You will be doing some of this, not all. It is all on record, in this tablet. It will be given to you, and you should study it. Take it to heart." carter watched as the two clones gathered the bedding, and the clothing that Protius had worn the day before. They gathered carter's clothing as well. "You will not be responsible for laundry, slave carter; however, you WILL be responsible for making sure that whatever Lord Protius chooses to wear on a given day is ready. You will also be in charge of his footware: he is VERY specific about how spotless he wishes his shoes to be. Also, Lord Protius has an extremely extensive collection of sexual paraphernalia. You will be responsible for maintaining that: to clean and disinfect whatever toys he chooses to use on you on a given day, and also for doing periodic maintenance on the remaining toys." They paused for a minute. "Has Lord Protius inserted your pacifier' before he left this morning?" "Pacifier? Is that what he calls this?" If a clone could smile, clone 95 did when carter picked up the custom-made dildo. Not just Lord Protius. It is the term. If he did not insert it himself, it means he intends for you to insert it yourself. It will be good practice. We are here to assist." carter gulped. They were standing there, and he knew they were going to watch, as he shoved the "thing" up his butt. "For now, should you like, slave carter, you may lubricate it; however, you must consider lubrication as what you Earthlings might called training wheels. At some point, you will be expected not to use it. And if you have difficulty." "I think I can handle this myself, thank you clone 81." carter exhaled and then tried to regulate his breathing as he put the dildo inside of him. "At such time as you need to void, slave carter, it may be removed; however, you WILL be responsible for wearing it at all times. It, and your collar, must never leave your body without Lord Protius' permission." "What else am I to do?" carter asked, wincing not so much from pain but from the unfamiliar feeling. "You will have a schedule slave carter. It includes, as you will see, several hours of work at the court gymnasium -- Master Barratino has designed your training schedule personally, which is a RARE honor. At the end of every week, you will be measured to determine how that program should be changed, if it should. There will also be time for advising our military officials on how best to approach the problem of feral Earthlings: you will be a senior advisor to our hunting corps. And you will also be responsible for any issues that arise with the corps of Bowmen. Yes, General Heinrich is more senior than you; however," and now, carter would INSIST that he had seen clone 91 smile "it is Lord Protius' belief that you will be much more receptive to obedience. We will be honest: the view of the executive counsel is that General Heinrich will not fit in to the new corps and will probably be transferred either to the excavation corps or to Frilcus itself, for other duties." The clone looked at his list. "I have forgotten two things. Once a month, you will be brought to seed collection. There is still a great deal of interest amongst Frilcian women for Earth sperm, and as a rare red-haired man, yours will be considered especially desirable. You will also make sure to wear exactly what Lord Protius has chosen for you. Today, we will collect the appropriate garments while you are at your first training session. After that, you will be responsible for it yourself. Discipline will follow if you do not abide by Lord Protius' instructions." "Do you have any questions?" Clone 85 asked him. "Many. But I do not have them formulated" "Understandable, slave carter. Please note that while we have been assigned to you specifically, all clones share all information telepathically, and you should feel free to interact with any clone you meet to ask questions as they arise." carter saw one of the clones take a deep sniff of the air. "We have just enough time to get to your first session at the gymnasium. Lord Protius has decided that you will wear red shorts, white sneakers, white socks, and a pale blue tank top to exercise today. Kindly change and we will be on our way." "You must be slave carter." A Frilcian who was larger than average, bald, and with a tattoo on his left cheek, greeted him with a brusque, strong handshake. "I am Marius. I've read all of the documentation that the librarians were able to find on your physical health, and I've gotten Lord Protius' report on his views and what he wishes for you to accomplish. Let's get to work. "What should I call you?" Marius smiled. "You will reserve Sir' for Lord Protius and Commander Barratino, but you should by no means call me Marius. `Coach' will do. I have heard Earthlings use it. Now, let's begin with some stretching. It is something that Lord Protius has requested, and from what I could gather from your military records, an area where you are lacking is flexibility." "Coach, will you be training all the Bowmen?" carter asked as he got on his back and felt Marius pulling his left leg back further than was comfortable but not so much as to hurt. "That remains to be seen. We do not know how many will be selected, nor how the training schedule will be set up." He shook his head. "Sometimes Lord Protius is somewhat capricious about his demands. Other times they make more sense. For example, slave carter: it will not surprise you that you will be doing a substantial number of squats, and there will be other exercises to enhance your glutes. Now, let us continue the stretching." Marius wasn't much of a talker: he reminded carter of the coaches he had had when he was in school, and then training in the army. He wondered if this was a case of a shared sensibility. Marius was a good trainer. He did ALL the exercises with carter that first day, and the same number of reps. "Should you be more comfortable exercising without your shirt, slave carter, you may do so." When Marius took off his, carter saw the sheen of sweat on his body. When Marius saw him looking, he smiled. "You are not the first man I have trained today, slave carter. Commander Barratino takes training from me, as does your Master. They have already been here. And rest assured: both are far more fit than you are, and you would lose in hand-to-hand combat to either of them. I tell you that only to give you a realistic sense of what would happen, slave carter. A word to the wise: do NOT anger Commander Barratino. His revenge can be very, VERY cruel." One of the things that carter realized he missed the most was a private shower, with all the water, let alone hot water he wanted. Lord Protius' bathroom included an enormous shower, which he was using, luxuriating in being WARM during a shower. Before he had been captured, showers were infrequent, short, and often cold. carter thought about that as he showered: in many ways, life as a slave was superior to how he was living as a soldier. There was plenty to eat, he didn't have early morning watches to attend to, insufficient bedding for sleeping, etc. And while he had spent very little time at the court of Lord Protius, he had learned that the position of Protius' sex slave was a desirable one. There was a cachet about being the "chosen one" for the leader. He had learned, for example, that back on Frilcus, Protius was known as "Earth Conqueror," and that there were posters of him all over the planet, documentary films about his life, etc. Protius said nothing about this, but the court gossip provided much information. Today, he had learned from Marius that Protius did work out and that confirmed what carter had thought was the case. In bed, Protius controlled him, and controlled him easily. The first time he had tried to fight back, carter was surprised at the smile that Protius gave him and the remark "someone has been telling you what I like," just before he had flipped carter like a turtle and fucked him from behind. carter had no doubt that Barratino could handle him, and so could Marius: they both looked like monsters. But Protius? He did not give that impression. carter closed his eyes in the shower and thought about the first time Protius had taken him. He still couldn't figure out why he had enjoyed it, but he did. When the clones had told carter that he would be expected to take care of Protius at least twice a day, he felt somewhat excited. At their most passionate, he and Aron would have sex twice a day, but those times were few and far between. He wondered if he could keep up with Protius' demands and felt his cock bang against the cage. He stepped out of the shower, toweled off, and took the clothes that Protius had prescribed for him that day: a short-sleeved shirt, pale blue that fit him snugly. carter was rightfully proud of his biceps, but this shirt displayed them so that they looked even better. He put on the cream-colored trousers that clearly had been cut for his body. He looked in the mirror. "My hair needs combing," he thought, and then realized he hadn't allowed himself to think "Protius will probably like it better well groomed." He remembered when his Master had said that he was a closet bottom, and maybe he was right. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx carter had just finished sorting out the clothing that Protius had worn the day before and had started moving what Master had said he wanted to wear for the evening when he felt an arm around his middle. He jumped and heard the chuckle and then felt the grip tighten. He felt the soft scruff of Protius' chin at his ear, as he whispered "I presume the clones advised you that there will be times that I require more than morning and evening sex. Today is one such day." "Yes Master," carter responded, trying to keep his equilibrium as Protius kissed his ear. "If you release me, I will get on my knees." "No, ginger slave. You will get on your belly. On the bed. Today, I intend to take your mouth, and then take your ass in both directions." "As Lord Protius commands, Sir," carter moved toward the bed and spread out once he was on his stomach. When Protius took his wrists and began pulling them behind his back, carter offered resistance, even though he knew: he'd lose. And he did. He felt the cord going around his wrists, and then he felt Protius' hand under him, opening his belt. "Once I get these slacks down below your ass, you will spread your legs, slave carter. I want you." "Yes sir," carter felt Protius turn the dildo in his ass slowly before he pulled it out. "You will clean it later. We have a busy afternoon after I relieve myself with my handsome slave." He positioned his cock head at carter's ass, and he held it there. carter felt the flesh, insistent but unmoving. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you want your Master's dick, carter. "The cock head pushed at carter's butt a bit insistently and carter instinctively pushed his ass back. "I do Master. I DO. Please. I want the man who owns me to take me." He felt Protius' large cock enter him. "One of the many advantages of the custom-made toys, is that they keep slaves moist and available. It is SO much easier to take a properly prepared submissive than it is to take one who is not." A scream almost came from carter's mouth as Protius plunged into him, but he swallowed it. He began to follow Protius' rhythm, and he felt the patient, careful movement of Protius' cock in his ass. He didn't want to admit that he was enjoying it more than he had enjoyed having sex with Aron, but he did. "How many Frilcians are fortunate enough to have a buff ginger as their sex slave?" Protius whispered as he began shooting deeply into carter's ass. "I can think of none, other than me. And not a single red head in the entire Bowmen contingent except my boy." he nibbled on carter's ear, and then he whispered "this afternoon, you will meet the Bowmen who have been selected to join the court, and then we will have an entertainment. It seems that Barratino, after all our years together, has taken an interest in a captive. But before he selects him, he will have to audition." He chuckled softly. "The word is that there is only one man in the Bowmen who was capable of defeating you in combat. That is Heinrich. We will see if he continues to hold Barratino's interest after their match." When Protius brought carter into the meeting room, he saw five men and one woman from the Bowmen. Nick was one of them. He knew the others a little bit, but Nick was the one he was glad to see. They all looked scared. Seeing carter with his wrists tied behind his back didn't help with the fear. "Welcome Bowmen. You should feel honored," Protius began. "You have been selected by the Frilcian court for a special role: the personal aide to a member of the Court. In that role, you will be responsible SOLELY to the Court member who chose you. "He squeezed carter's shoulder. "As you can see, I have already chosen. Now, tomorrow, clones will instruct you on basic duties, while the selector will specify the particulars of his (they were all men) duties that are unique to him. Are there any questions? One hand went up: "what is happening to the other Bowmen." Protius smiled and put his hand to the back of carter's neck. "That very much depends on your colonel carter and the rest of you. For now, they will be housed as premiere captives of the Frilcian regime, and will be dispatched, as needed, to help to collect the feral earthlings. After that, it remains to be seen." He smiled an evil smile. "If you six please the court, it will be better for ALL of your colleagues. And you may very well be joined by a seventh. We are going to proceed to the arena where we will watch your General Heinrich in hand-to-hand combat. I am looking forward to it." "Why is he keeping you tied up?" Nick whispered to carter, before his courtier delivered a bolt to his collar. "You may answer, slave carter" Protius instructed steve. "I've already surrendered. That makes me an official slave. It's court policy that slaves are to be bound in public areas." Nick couldn't help himself: "YOU MEAN WE'RE ALL GOING TO BE TIED UP?" The next jolt was stronger, and he yelled. "OH SHIT. OK OK. I'll be quiet!" Protius rose again to address them all. "Commander Barratino, who very rarely takes on an aide, has expressed an interest in your Heinrich. Normally, he would simply take him; however, the Commander will only accept an aide whom he deems acceptable. He determines that by hand-to-hand combat. If he deems Heinrich worthy, he will join you and six will become seven. If he does not, your General will NOT remain with you, but will be sent to Frilcus in the next consignment of prisoners to be auctioned. He is too dangerous to be permitted to remain as a member of the rest of the Bowmen." Heinrich was stripped to the waist, as was Barratino. For carter, Barratino's body was a revelation. Normally, Barratino was in full court or military gear. Now, carter could see that he was SOLID muscle. Heinrich's body was beautifully sculpted and covered with a light coating of gray and black hair. Heinrich preferred women, not that this mattered to Barratino. He saw Heinrich as possible trouble: a leader among prisoners. He had to make sure that there was no chance of revolution. And, to Barratino, Heinrich had the best body of any of the Earth prisoners he had encountered. Heinrich was 6'3", but Barratino towered over him. His arms were longer, his legs were thicker, and the Bowmen's best fighter was in serious trouble from the first minute of the fight. Barratino extended the man's torment for fifteen minutes before he put Heinrich into a hold that was known, ironicaly, as "The Archer's Pull." It was the hold Heinrich had used on carter when they had wrestled for command of the Bowmen. "Protius had to have told him that," carter thought. "He's taunting me. I KNOW he is." "I GIVE. I GIVE. NO MORE. NO MORE. I SURRENDER." Heinrich spat out the words and then moaned when Barratino released the hold, rolled him to his back and put his booted fit on his chest. He smiled as he removed it. "GET UP SLAVE. It's time you got to work servicing your new MASTER." "BRAVO! "yelled Protius. "I know I speak for all Frilcians when I say we believe you have chosen well, Barratino. May he bring you hours of pleasure." "Oh, he will Lord Protius, he will." He looked at Heinrich. "Won't you slave heinrich?" "Yes, yes. I will obey you, my conqueror" heinrich followed the code of military language in calling the victor his conqueror. carter had not had to do that because Protius had not defeated him in battle. It was designed to be a humiliating statement and stood as the first example of total submission to a new Master. "On the one hand, I wish the battle had been more prolonged, your heinrich suffers so beautifully," Protius said to carter as he led him out of the arena. "On the other hand, it is a busy day today. Your colleagues must be fitted with their collars, their piercings, and their custom toys." He squeezed carter's bicep. "If you would like to be there when it is nick's turn, that can be arranged." "No, Sir. I would prefer to not see it. I have tasks to do for you." Protius smiled. He was still trying to decipher how much of carter had submitted, and how much was still resisting and scheming. He was pleased that nick would be a part of the court, at least for a while. "Very well. To your tasks. I will be back shortly, and I will need to be attended to. Tomorrow, we begin the plan to capture the ferals. They have been allowed to cause too much trouble. "He led carter back to the suite. When they got there, Protius pushed carter to his knees. "The battle excited me more than I thought. Open your mouth, carter. Get on my dick. As good a job as you did this morning." "Yes sir," carter closed his eyes and took Protius in his mouth. He would have to get to nick to see what they could do. Heinrich would probably be close at hand because Barratino's quarters were adjacent to Protius'. His mind began to race. He wished Aron were around to calm him down as he always did.

Next: Chapter 5

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