The Frilcian Conquest

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 16, 2022


Colonel Carter was a pretty good strategist, but he was not understanding some of the things that Protius and Barratino were doing. High on his list of things he didn't understand, was the switching of his control collar from one that any of the officials at the court could use, to one that only the two of them could operate. If he got away from them, there was no way to control him -- and he had every intention of getting away from them. As soon as the opportunity presented itself. It would not present itself that day. "Let's go, Slave carter," Protius said as he finished getting his uniform on. "By the way, don't worry. When we're finished today, you will have a complete wardrobe. Of THAT I have been guaranteed." Carter was still wearing the tight worn jeans they had found for him. He remembered the leer on Barratino's face when he brought Protius an orange thong, and the faded t shirt that was just a little bit too small. "At least my biceps show," Carter thought to himself. "Why the hell even make me get dressed? No one's fooled, especially me. You're gonna have me undressed as soon as we get to the laboratory," Carter muttered. "Very true, my lovely, very true. However, to save you some embarrassment I've done a bit to help you regain your pride. It is not much, but it is some. Now, your hands behind your back, please." Carter made a sound of resistance, and then he saw Protius' evil little smile and saw his finger moving to the control panel. "OK, OK. You win." Resignedly, Carter put his hands behind him. He felt the metal cuffs close on his wrists. "Rest assured, slave Carter, that there are many more ways to restrain you, most of which can be very painful. And I would have you remember that if you resist when one of the clones is touching you, you will feel, immediately, that you've been plunged into an ice bath." Carter DID remember that feeling. He had pulled back from one of the clones -- he forgot the ID number -- who was holding his forearm when they came back to Protius' rooms. He hadn't struggled again after that. "What are you planning to do to me? Why don't you just kill me, or send me to a penal colony or something?" Carter asked as they started toward the lab. "To be honest, Carter, under most circumstances, one of those WOULD have been your fate. It has been a long time since our gods have tasted the blood of a living sacrifice, and indeed the penal colonies are an option. You, however, struck me as being both useful" Protius smiled "and ornamental. Was that not something one of the early Earthlings said: `an object must be useful or ornamental to have purpose.'" "I'm NOT an object," Carter hissed and then when he saw the look on Protius face, added "you think so, though, because you're the winners. For now." "Indeed, we are. "Protius' hand dropped down to Carter's ass. "This might be the most ornamental part of you. But it is hard to make one choice."

"WELCOME LORD PROTIUS. WE ARE READY." There were three Frlicians, not clones, wearing white lab coats waiting. "Fucking Winken, Blinken and Nod," Carter thought to himself. "You'll have to untie him so that we can restrain him after he is stripped, Lord." "Yes, I know. "He sighed. "This man is so beautiful when he tries to pretend that he's not struggling against bondage. I hate to let him go for even an instant. "We will be quick, Lord Protius. Remember, once you complete the first two tasks, our final task is the one that will take the longest." "Understood. Have his garments been prepared yet?" "They have. One of the clones -- I believe it is clone 144 -- is bringing them to the quarters now. "EXCELLENT. Let's get him stretched." He untied Carter and said in a low, measured, but commanding voice. "Take off your clothing, Carter. You will never need to wear those items again." "ALLELULIA" Carter said sarcastically. "Except of course for the thong. I like how that fits you." Carter saw the look on Protius' face. He knew why he was keeping it: Carter had complained that it irritated his body. "This way, Colonel Carter." One of the laboratory assistants pointed to a cross-like device. The other two strapped Carter's wrists, and his ankles, onto the device. "It is of course your choice, Lord Protius, but it's been our experience with these Earthlings that the insertion of the pierce causes them to become a bit...turgid, and it makes placement of the cage restraint more difficult. Hence, we recommend the cage be placed first. "Agreed. May I have it?" A technician handed Protius the chastity cage. Carter, of course, knew what it was, and began to squirm in his bondage. "NO! NO! PLEASE. DON'T PUT THAT ON ME PLEASE. NO!" "You will still be able to use your penis for its evacuation purposes, Carter; however, as a slave, you are forbidden to use it for pleasure without your owner's permission. "Carter whined in misery as he felt Protius take his cock in his hand, squeeze it a bit, and then he moaned when he felt the cold plastic polymer circle his shaft, and then when he heard the "click" indicating it was locked. "It looks beautiful Carter. Made especially for you." Protius ran his hand through Carter's hair, as Carter struggled to avoid his touch. "There is much for my handsome colonel to learn. MUCH. And all in due time. Now, though." He turned to the head technician. "Please proceed with the piercing." He smiled. "The piercing object is read, Lord Protius, if you would like to inspect it." "After I watch the piercing. I always enjoy the moment when the recipient realizes: he will now be marked as a slave in yet another way." Carter squirmed, but less than he had when he was caged. He knew it was hopeless. He closed his eyes and wept a tear when he felt the piercer make the hole. He remembered when he and Aron had had them done together. "He is ready for the insertion, Lord." Protius stepped forward and he showed Carter the pierce: "an arrow, just like you used to have, only a Frilcian arrow, with my initials on the tail feathers." "Does it say: if lost return to owner?" Carter quipped. Protius just smiled again as he fondled Carter's caged dick. "That is exactly what it says. Now be still. I would prefer NOT to bloody you." Carter took a deep breath and held it. He could feel the metal shaft going through the soft skin of his nipple. Protius had unscrewed the portion with the feathers before inserting it, and now as he sealed it up, he smiled. "Rest assured, Carter, that I have much that I can do while that pierce seals up. You are not in any pain, are you?" "NO. Thank God for small favors." "That will change, handsome," and Protius began to laugh. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN? I THOUGHT WE WERE DONE." "Oh, not yet. We have one more item to prepare for you, and again, it is custom made. "While Protius was talking, one of the technicians slid over a machine with a long nozzled tube. "We will be measuring you now, Carter, for your personal dildo. Molded to the shape of my cock, but perhaps not the size of it. Perhaps smaller, perhaps larger. It depends. We are looking for the precise point where pleasure becomes pain, and vice versa." Protius took the tube, and after putting on plastic gloves, rubbed it liberally with an oil. As he did that, Carter felt two technicians put probes on the sides of his neck. "Now, we begin. First, width." Protius inserted the tip of the nozzle into Carter's hole, and then turned on a switch. Carter felt the tube pulsate and then begin to expand, slowly. There was no question: it stimulated his ass, and he began to moan and to thrust his hips forward. He could feel his cock expanding in the cage. The tube continued to expand, and the sensations grew stronger until Carter couldn't help himself and yelped in pain. "Too wide. Now we begin pinpointing the exact measurement." For the next few minutes, Carter felt relief, then pleasure, then pain, as the probes homed in on his "sweet spot" for width. When the probes indicated that Carter was at the precipice between pleasure and pain, they signaled to Protius. "GOOD. We have the width. Now, let's determine length." At first, Protius inserted the nozzle by hand, inching it up Carter's ass, setting Carter's nerve endings on fire as he proceeded. Carter couldn't help himself, and he moaned louder and louder. Then, the moaning was replaced by a "HOLY FUCK THAT HURTS." Even the technicians laughed. "Time to go to automatic, Lord." "Indeed," and he proceeded in the same way he had when determining the proper width. "We are at the tipping point, Lord" one of the technicians advised. "Then we have the measurements for my lovely's dildo. You have my mold on file, I presume." "Yes, Lord. We have it ready." "I will have it tomorrow?" "You will Sir." Protius came up to Carter and took his chin in his hand, staring directly into his eyes. "Tomorrow will be a very big day for you. We'll try -- no, YOU will try your new toy and I will have a surprise for you. "He paused for a moment. "Tomorrow you will learn why we switched collars on you, for tomorrow you will learn why we have no concern about you trying to escape." He turned to the technicians. "Please untie him. Then cuff him." "After he's dressed, Lord." "NO. My beautiful Colonel Carter has a very big mouth and suggested that he did not need to dress on his walk to the lab. I will follow his suggestion as we return." "But that means everyone will see my..." "Accessories, Carter, accessories. You will only be showing them what they know you now wear. Of course, if you would prefer, you may wear the thong. "I would" Carter spat out. "Very well. It will be fun when we get back to my quarters. Allow the Colonel to put on his thong and then we will bind him." Carter kept his head down as they returned. He knew he was being watched, and he could hear more than one person laugh. "I could very well have put a leash through your collar, Carter. Perhaps next time I will." Carter was just glad it was Protius, and not the clones who were bringing him back. He liked trying to resist, and he could do that when Protius was restraining him. The warmth did not drain out of his body the way it did with the clones. When they got back to Protius' quarters, Carter assumed he'd be untied. That did not happen. Instead, Protius bellowed to him "ONE OF MY FAVORITE WAYS TO TAKE A SLAVE IS FROM BEHIND. WITH HIM ON HIS KNEES. ON THE FLOOR. NOW." Carter gulped. He wondered how hard Protius was. Stories and legends spoke of how much stamina the Frilcians had when they had intercourse, and Carter had learned the truth of those rumors. It was late in the day for Protius to take his ass, and he seemed to have been aroused by the events in the lab. He felt his owner's hands take hold of his sides. Protius wasn't rough: he hadn't manhandled Carter since his capture, and in fact Carter had to admit that there had been very little physical abuse. Now, he felt those hands moving up and rubbing his earlobes. "OH SHIT NOT MY EARS" Carter whispered. Protius heard. "AH! So, of all things. My lovely Colonel's Achille's heal is his ears. Have I guessed correctly?" His fingers ran around the perimeter of Carter's ears and the breath went out of Carter. "OH GOD YES. THAT FEELS SO GOOD." He still had enough composure to keep the promise he made to himself: he would NOT call Protius SIR' or MASTER'. Protius was aware of the omission and proceeded. Things would happen in their time. He pushed Carter's bound wrists higher up his back and then his long cock penetrated Carter. "Tomorrow, perhaps we will have a comparison. Just how good IS your new toy, Carter? There is always time for adjustment. Unlike with... THIS." He pushed in hard, and Carter screamed. "What is that awful expression you Earthlings use, "TAKE IT MY LITTLE BITCH?" Had you used that with your man Aron?" "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT I SAID TO ARON" Protius laughed. "EVERYTHING about you is my business now, Carter, and I WILL find out whatever I want. I have so many ways to do so." Then he stopped speaking, and Carter felt the thrusts going deeper and harder, and he heard Protius' breathing changing. Again, accounts of Frilcians stated that when sexual frenzy overcame them, all else disappeared from their minds. Their sexual behavior at that point became almost savage. Carter had to agree with what he remembered reading, as Protius reamed his ass long and hard. Carter could feel his balls churning, and for the second time that day, he felt his cock bang up against his new cage. "I can't believe this. I CAN'T" he thought. What is happening? Why am I enjoying it even a little? " That thought would remain with Carter, as it did when Protius strokes became slower, more rhythmic and his cock seemed to expand. "DO NOT tighten your glutes, slave. I want this to take as long as possible." Carter had to swallow the "yes sir," that had formed in his mouth. Aron had said that sometimes when Carter had said something very similar to him. "Was I kind to Aron? Did I take his feelings, his pleasure into account? Did I do enough of it?" Carter thought all of this as he felt his sphincters loosen, and then felt the WHACK of Protius' hand across his ass. "I WASN'T DONE BITCH. TIGHTEN THEM NOW." Again, a `yes sir' formed on Carter's lips, but he held it back in the same way he held his Master's cock and squeezed it, until he heard the bass yell come out of Protius and he could feel the hot jism filling him. Carter's arms ached. His nipple was sore, and his ears were overstimulated. He needed to pleasure himself, but he couldn't. "You have had a difficult day, Carter. I am going to summon the clones to take you to the baths. They will use restorative salts to help revivify you. As I said, you will need your rest for tomorrow." When Protius took Carter into his arms that night, he whispered "Trust me, handsome one. This is FAR better than any other fate that could have befallen you. Your cause was hopeless, and you knew that. You will have protection here. You simply have to learn the rules." Carter wanted to answer "I was never really any good with rules, but what Protius said was beginning to sound very reasonable. Carter wondered though: was it that obvious that he was already thinking of ways to escape?

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Both Protius and Carter had washed and eaten breakfast when Barratino came to the quarters the next morning. "By your leave, Sir, your requested prisoners have arrived and are gathered." "EXCELLENT! THANK YOU BARRATINO. I do hope your schedule permits you to attend the address." "I would not miss it, Lord. If I may, this is BRILLIANT. And totally expected from you." Protius turned to Carter. "You will be at this address. But this time, we will make sure you are clothes. Let me see... AH. A white shirt and blue trousers with your tennis shoes will suffice." "No thong?" Carter spat out. "Now that you mention it, yes, a yellow one." "FUCK. Me and my big mouth" went through Carter's head. He went to the new clothes that had been delivered and picked out what Protius had selected. He had to suck in his gut to close the shirt, and the pants were skin-tight. If one knew to look, they would see the outline of the cage in Carter's pants. One did not need to know to look to see the piercing at his pectoral. "I will bind you, Carter. And gag you. Trust me: the gagging is for your own good because, if you misbehave at the address this morning, punishment will be severe for you and... others." "What is this? MMMMMMMMMPH" A large cleave gag went into Carter's mouth before Protius tied his wrists. Then Protius opened a button on the white shirt. "Let us go. The assembly is beginning." It was an outdoor assembly and Protius took Carter to a dais that was about fifteen feet above the field where Carter saw people he knew. People he knew well. "BOWMEN!" he thought as he looked out. "I KNOW THESE MEN. THESE WOMEN. WHAT IS GOING ON?" Protius held Carter's forearm tighter. "NOW, you will understand why I am not concerned about an escape attempt on your part, Carter. If Frilcians are good at nothing else, we are good at record keeping, and sex. It was not difficult to find all prisoners who were previously bowmen. We succeeded in finding 38 who were within 24 hours from court. There are twelve more, who will be here within a week. "HOLY SHIT" Carter thought as he looked over them. HEINRICH. His commanding officer was there. He would have laid odds that Heinrich had died in battle. He saw the couple that he and Aron had played with: Nick, from Greece, and Anton, from Italy. If Aron had not accepted Carter as his DOM, Carter would have pursued Nick. Even now, he felt his cock stir.

Nick looked up at him and smiled. So did Anton. Heinrich looked up, but his look was one of concern. "He's thinking. He's always thinking," Carter decided. "He's trying to figure out what has happened. "I WELCOME ALL BOWMEN TO THE FRILCIAN COURT ON EARTH. YOU HAVE FOUGHT WELL, AND NONE SHOULD DESPAIR FOR HAVING LOST AND HAVING BEEN CAPTURED. THERE IS NO HONOR IN DEATH. "He stopped. There was silence from his audience. "Perhaps you recognize Colonel Steve Carter. Some of you battled at his side when he was captured. Rather than send him to the mines, or to Frilcus, or to sacrifice, I have chosen him as my companion. He has not done this willingly. Have you, Colonel Carter?" "MMMMMMMMMMMPH," Carter now understood why he was gagged. He answered as best he could and shook his head no. Protius continued. "But as Colonel Carter understands, as I believe most of you do, in war, nothing that we believed was the status quo is guaranteed. "He pulled Carter's shirt open, and, in the sun, it was not hard to see that his right nipple was pierced. As soon as the sounds of shock died down, Protius continued. "You were brought here for several reasons. To say that Colonel Carter has not been cooperative is an understatement. Some of you, especially YOU, General Heinrich" he pointed to the General and smiled, "will have expected that his scheming and plotting to escape has not stopped since he was brought here. That will end. NOW. Because Colonel Carter... should you attempt an escape, one of these Bowmen will lose his or her life from the Rocks of Mount Sacrus, while the rest of the Bowmen watch." He paused as he watched this sink in to both the assembled former Bowmen and with Carter. "Conversely, if there is trouble from any of you, both the troublemaker, and Colonel Carter, will be punished. I will determine the punishment; however, you should all remember the line from your training manuals The Frilcians are skilled fighters and are extremely cruel in battle. Their captives are treated well but they do not tolerate insubordination." He could tell from the reactions and the sounds that, yes, now they were remembering that. He went on. "You have been brought here as a force to help us with capturing feral earthlings. Frilcian skills are good, but they cannot match those of native earthlings. And Bowmen are regarded as the best of hunters. You will remain Bowmen -- most of you anyway -- but you will become FRILCIAN bowmen. In the next days, as our technical staff can process you, your Bowman pierces shall be replaced by the new piercing symbolizing FRILICIAN bowmen. Your Colonel Carter wears the first of them." There was murmuring and someone yelled. "WILL WE ALL BECOME BOTTOMS AS HE HAS?" There was suppressed laughter. Protius smiled. "That comment will be excused, but it is the last one which will be. Colonel Carter has NO desire to bottom, and even less to become a submissive bottom, but again, this is time of war. For the rest of you? Again, tomorrow, the members of the royal court will be inspecting ALL of you and deciding if they would like to have one of you -- EACH -- as their personal aide' in the same fashion as Colonel Carter has become mine." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Carter began to squirm until he received a jolt to his collar. "Your piercings will be removed. Those of you who are selected to serve as aides for court members, will wear the pierce as they choose. Those of you who are NOT selected, will be pierced precisely the way you are now, only with the Frilcian arrow. And again, house slaves are placed in chastity. And ALL of you will be collared to prevent escape. "He paused. "This is a new situation for all of you, going from one prisoner situation to a new one, and I will give you a day to formulate your questions. Both Colonel Carter and I will answer them. For now, you will be taken to your new dormitories. Welcome to the Frilcian court, my Bowmen. You are dismissed!" Clones moved in together with three of Barratino's men to lead them to their new quarters. "You will not need this any longer, Carter, although as with all things, seeing you helpless makes me incredibly excited." He cut the gag from Carter. "You did ALL this. To control me?" "And to further the Frilcian court. We will see how devoted these soldiers are to ensuring that you are kept safe, and how invested YOU are." He looked at Carter. "I will begin expecting more responsiveness from you. And you will be rewarded for such. For example, you pleased me very much yesterday and I have decided that you will have gym privileges, effective immediately. Tomorrow, two of the more experienced clones will teach you what your duties will be as my `aide'. The clones can do what you will be doing, and they can do it more efficiently; however, I would rather have you do it and be available for my personal needs. And so, it will be." "I understand." Carter answered. "You will also have to learn to refer to me as either Sir, Lord or Master." Carter laughed. "I'm afraid that's one wish that will not be granted." He got a smile back. "It is not a wish. It is an order. And I get what I want. As you will find out. For example, right now, I want your mouth. I want it around my dick. And should you think that this means your ass will not be assaulted, your new toy will be ready today and we will be using it as the day progresses." He saw the look of mixed hate and fear on Carter's face and laughed. "Now we return. If your mouth is as succulent as your ass is, Colonel Carter, you will force me to choose from a delightful pair of options every day."

Next: Chapter 4

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