The Frilcian Conquest

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 11, 2022


Carter was more than aware of Protius' presence that night. He held Carter very tightly. Carter had thought that when his captor fell asleep his grip would relax, but it didn't. Sleeping in a bed was not new to Carter, but he had a hard time remembering the last time he had slept in one. It WAS certain that he had never slept in the position he knew as "the little spoon." When they were together, that was Aron's position. He thought of Aron before he fell asleep: patient, sweet Aron. He remembered the first time they had made love, and how nervous he was: Carter had a cock that was less than 6 inches long, and he was afraid that this beautiful man was going to be repelled by such a small instrument. Aron had not. He had simply embraced Carter and whispered "I have longed for this for some time, Carter. Can we?" They had met as founding members of the Bowmen. Each had exceptional skills at archery. Aron had competed in the Olympics before the Frilicians forbade them, and Carter had learned to catch fish via a bow and arrow when he was a young man. At the time, the group was not composed solely of couples, but only of young men and women skilled in archery. The coupling had evolved over the five years that Carter had known Aron, and while it had never become a requirement, it seemed that most of the members, if not all, were paired. Aron had approached Carter. He remembered his first words: "you seem so distant. Why don't you let someone get close to you?" Carter had looked at Aron and asked, "Do you have suggestions?" to which Aron had replied: "No, but I'm volunteering." That had been their first date. Not surprisingly, they went out to hunt game for the group. It had gotten more and more difficult to find food as time went on, but they had returned that day with a successful bag. Heinrich, the then leader of the group, had made the comment that they made a good team. Aron had looked at Carter and said, "I think he's right." There was no time for courtship, but soon Aron had moved into Carter's quarters and slept with him when they were on the march. They had taken the piercings when Heinrich had suggested that it be done so that IF something happened to one or the other, the partner could be advised. That was how Carter knew that Aron had been killed. The Bowmen, like all of the Earth resisters, knew that things were hopeless. They WOULD be defeated: the Frilicians were just too powerful and too smart. Hence, they all fought to the death. Meanwhile, the Frilicians, more interested in slave commerce than killing their adversaries, did their best to capture rather than to kill. When it was necessary, however, they killed.

Carter could smile bitterly because of his own capture: Aron refused to surrender, even as he was surrounded by dozens of Frilicians (at least that is what the survivors said). One of the Frilcian soldiers had attempted to subdue Aron with a stun shot to his abdomen, and had missed, setting off a chain reaction that stopped Aron's heart. The survivors had collected Aron's body, and the bodies of the other killed Bowmen (three of them) and had ceremoniously removed the piercing that bound Aron to Carter. Carter still had that piercing. He kept it hidden in one of his shoes, hidden in a piece of the shoe frame. He dreamt of his time with Aron that night. When he woke, Protius was not in the room. There was a "presence" about Protius that Carter could not explain. He sensed it immediately, and when it was absent, as it was that morning, he knew that too. He thought about his own capture: his singlemindedness had led to it. Again, the approach that had the Earth resisters fight to the death had been driving him. The Frilician he had on the ground was notorious among the resisters and had captured more than two dozen Earthlings for the slave trade. Just one more blow and he would cease to exist. Then the collar slipped over his neck. The young man -- how old was he, perhaps 22? had pulled it tight and sent a charge through it, immobilizing Carter. He was surrounded, immediately, by six Frilcians with their stunners pointed at him. Two of them held controllers for the collar as well. He remembered the voice of the soldier who said "Take him. He will make a fine addition to the haul today." Carter had been bound, gagged, and then brought to the Frilician city with the rest of the captives. There were two other bowmen in the group of captives. He wondered where they were now. "GOOD MORNING, COLONEL CARTER. I TRUST YOU SLEPT WELL?" Barratino was standing at the doorway to the bedroom. "I did. Thank you, Commander Barratino. Where is Lord Protius?" He saw a smile play across Barratino's face. "Our leader is at work learning more about his new slave. He will be in the libraries today, but he has left instructions for what is to happen to you today. I presume you would like breakfast?" The word "breakfast" started Carter's stomach juices up. The concept of regular meals was foreign to the resisters: they ate what and when they could. He remembered Earth breakfasts. What would a Frilician breakfast be like? "Am I, how do I put it, Commander -- `presentable' for breakfast?" Again, he saw the smile. "No, you are not, and part of what will happen today is that we will take steps to make sure you ARE presentable at court. The companion to Lord Protius must project an appropriate image. For now, however, the clones will serve you breakfast in these quarters. You may put your jeans on again or dine naked. It will not matter to the clones. They will simply bring in what we have to offer this morning and will clean up when you are done. "He turned. "CLONES 356 AND 81, PLEASE REPORT TO LORD PROTIUS SUITE TO SERVE BREAKFAST TO HIS SLAVE." He knew he did not have to say the word "slave," but he enjoyed seeing the wince that Carter tried to conceal when he said it. Within two minutes, two "beings" identical to the ones who had tended him in the bath the night before were bringing in trays. "Please do not feel compelled to eat all or any of anything. We have simply brought a sampling of everything available from the kitchen. Should you desire more, please do not hesitate. One of us will secure it. " There were... STRAWEBERRIES! When had he last had them? The memory was painful. He and Aron had found a cache of wild ones when they were hunting together. Aron had looked at him guiltily. "We SHOULD be bringing these back to share, Steve." Steve had laughed "Do you want to do that? Everyone will get two berries." "Yes, but. "Then Aron stopped. "No. We should celebrate when we can." Commander Heinrich mentioned that neither of them seemed particular hungry at the midday meal. "While you boys were hunting, did you by chance come on any of the wild fruit this region is known for. It is the peak of strawberry season." They looked at each other guiltily. "No, Heinrich," Carter had answered. "Perhaps a bear or a wild cat found them first." "Perhaps," he noted sardonically. "Or perhaps it was a pair of wild pigs." Heinrich heard them laughing that night as they took their rest. "Better that they enjoy what they can, when they can," he sighed. As far as Carter knew, Heinrich was still alive, but he had not seen him since their platoon had split up to try to take on two different battalions of Frilcians.

Barratino and two clones came back after Carter had eaten his breakfast. "You'll get to work some of that off later, Colonel, but for now, your new Master left some instructions for what we were to do with you before he returns. "HE'S NOT MY MASTER!" Carter yelled. He saw Barratino lift the control switch for his collar, and he began to prepare for the pain. Barratino, however just laughed. "Good. You're already at the point where you recognize arrogant disobedience for what it is. I'll leave disciplining to Protius. He enjoys it more. Now, if you would behave yourself and come with us, Colonel, there is not to be any harm done to you today. Unless you do not follow instructions." They led Carter to a room where he counted at least six clones, and three Frilcians. One of them had a photo in his hands and he was consulting with Barratino who was muttering "yes, I see. Yes," while two of the clones tied Carter to a chair that resembled an old school barber's chair. There was a good reason for the resemblance: Carter was getting a haircut. "Lord Protius found some old photos of you online, Colonel. Seems that when your hair is shorter, it curls. And our Lord is a BIG fan of curly hair." One of the Frilcians walked over with barber's implements. Barratino grinned when he saw the face Carter made when he saw the electric clippers. "AH. You've heard of the Frilcian preference for smooth men. That's clear. "Carter squirmed in the ropes and one of the clones put icy fingers on the back of his neck to calm him down. "Again, I think you should relax, Colonel. SHOULD Master Protius decide he wants you smooth, he will take care of that himself. For now, we're just going to bring your curls out. " "Please be still Colonel. These instruments are sharp." It had been a while since Carter had received anything other than a fast cut with whatever knife or arrow point that his battalion had. He closed his eyes. Aron used to cut his hair and yes, it DID curl, but apparently, at this point the curl was not coming back. "That is no problem, Colonel" the barber said. "Just a short spray of this. One of the developments during the golden age of Frilcian science to uncover those who... shall we say, `altered' their hair chemistry to make themselves less desirable." The spray enhanced the molecules that caused hair to curl. Just a short spurt, and the tight curls that Aron had told Carter reminded him "of a ginger Greek god" reappeared. "LOVELY" Barratino leered. "Curls always look handsome on a short muscular man." Carter claimed to be 5'7" but was really closer to 5'6". Later that day, he would be weighed, and his body fat measured. Carter felt a bit of pride when the technician announced that his body fat content was 14% and that his weight was 155. As he took the measurements, he patted the developing 6 pack on Carter's abdomen. "What's the expression? Built like a brick shit house? Yeah, that's you Colonel. Welcome to our little paradise." "It's time for the intimate measurements," Barratino announced. "That happens in another room." When they got there, Carter saw the array of instruments laid out on a table, right next to what looked to be a cross of some kind. "For this, you need to strip. Take off the jeans, colonel." He looked at Barratino with pure hatred. He saw Barratino's thumb move toward the control box. "Alright, alright. You win. You KNOW you won." Barratino gestured to the cross. "Position yourself on that. "He turned to one of the ubiquitous clones. "784, affix the restraints." "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Carter yelled as he felt them tighten. "You need to be fitted with certain items, Colonel. Protius wants yours custom made and for that, we need measurements." "Good morning, Colonel" another Frilcian appeared. "Let us get started." He looked at Barratino. "You are sure Protius didn't want to do this himself?" "Perfectly sure Manischi. He's in the archives, doing research on our Colonel Carter." Carter pulled at the restraints. "What kind of research?" He grunted. "I think you'll find out. He is just trying to make your stay with us more interesting." And he laughed. Carter winced. Manischi had taken his penis in his hand, and he had a sliding instrument that was measuring its length. "5.4. That means the cage need only be 4 inches. Smallest one I ever made." "FUCK YOU!" Carter yelled. "It does the job." "It DID the job. It's going into retirement Colonel." Barratino shook his head. "I should be so lucky" Then Manischi took a set of pincers and grabbed a piece of Carter's right pectoral. He used a pincer to draw out Carter's nipple, and then a smaller set of pincers ran a circle around that nipple as Carter tried not to show he was stimulated." "Very well. I have what I need for the cage and for the pierce. Let's just finish measurements so I can get the tailor put to work." That took about another fifteen minutes and then he gathered his instruments to leave. Barratino approached. "Now I have some good news for you Colonel, and some bad news." He had what appeared to be a metal clipper in his hand. "The collar is going off. Be still. These are sharp." Carter closed his eyes, and he felt the metal break and then fall from his neck. As soon as it was gone, he increased his struggles against his bonds. "IF I GET FREE, YOU'RE A DEAD MAN BARRATINO." "Well, you won't. And here's the bad news. When Protius arrives, you'll be getting a new collar. Custom made. Beautiful metal details. And controlled by a box that has 60 settings. Only two people will be able to operate it: your Master." He paused and smiled. "And his loyal servant." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Protius was on his way back to the control center. He was still glowing from the night before: taking that sweet stud was so wonderful: muscular, just slightly hairy and TIGHT. OH MY. He thought back to the passage in his ancestor's diary where he spoke of taking the cherry of the blond young boy who became his subjugant, and then his life partner. Yes, the passages on tickling were very arousing -- he had no idea if his Colonel Carter were ticklish -- but the story about taking the man's virginity resonated. Clearly, Steve Carter was no virgin but clearly, he had not been taken very often. Protius intended to change that. He had been investigating the man's background. Frilcian computer intelligence was much more advanced than that of Earth and had been central to the easy defeat of the planet. As they discovered the names of "feral" Earthlings (usually by "persuasive reasoning" of prisoners) Frilcians could design probes to track them down. More than 100 ferals were currently in the "retraining" facility in town. But we digress. He had learned of Colonel Carter's background: how his family had come to Frilcius: first the impetuous Michael, and then his equally impetuous relatives who had attempted a rescue. He was surprised to learn that one of those -- ariel -- had been his own ancestors' toy: the twink that he had read about. "Carter doesn't fit into the family profile. There was blending along the way," he thought. Indeed, there had been, but he had not looked at the information on the Colonel's genetic test. He HAD inspected his school records, and his military records. Nothing to worry about, only that Carter was known to have an explosive temper and responded to "severe discipline." Protius smiled when he read that. There were many references to his loyalty which gave Protius an idea to perhaps keep his new prize in line. He had also done some investigating and now, he had confirmed what he wanted as his slave's new piercing. He was still mulling the idea of marking him. "I'll save that for punishment threat." The doors of the room where Carter was restrained opened, and in walked Protius. "AH. My sweet Colonel. "He moved closer and ran his finger up and down the midline of Carter's abdomen. "Have the clones treated you well?" "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU CARE?" "Oh, I do, Carter, I do. Because the only person who has the right to treat you badly." He reached down and grabbed Carter's balls. "Is me." He squeezed until he got a loud "FUCK LET ME GO" out of Carter. "For now, yes. "He turned to Barratino. "His ornaments: are they ready? "Yes Master Protius." "Good. Let us install them." He picked up a band. Carter knew what the band meant and where it was going: over his right bicep. "It's inscribed with my official insignia. It indicates to anyone who finds you, in the unlikely event that you escape that you belong to the High Commander and should be returned. Barratino." His lieutenant advanced. He had a small gun in his hand, and it gave out a slightly warm feeling. "He's sealing the band, Carter. Now the only way it can be taken off is by cutting. "He turned to Barratino again. "Have you the collar?" "Right here Sir." Carter noticed how it glowed. "An amalgam of gold and platinum. ONLY for regal slaves. And I'm sure that Barratino told you about the control mechanism." "HE'S BEEN DROOLING SINCE HE TOLD ME. HE WANTS TO USE IT." "As do I, Carter. As do I." Carter instinctively tried to fight being collared, and a smack to his balls took the fight out of him. "One of the good things about this new collar, Carter, is that one control sends a charge synchronized to penile nerves. As you will see." Carter heard the buzz and then his cock rose and extended, to the amusement of Barratino. Protius stroked the hard cock. "Imagine what that will be like, once you are locked in your cage. "He turned to Barratino again. "You may take him down. Do I have your word that you will behave yourself, slave Carter." Carter sighed. "You do. Master Protius." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hands bound behind him, his jeans back on, Carter could only listen as he heard Protius discuss future plans with Barratino. "The pierce. I think a bowman should have an arrow as his pierce; however, I have compared Earth arrows and Frilcian arrows. His pierce will be a Frilcian arrow. The same amalgam as his collar. With my insignia etched in the feathered tail of the arrow. "BRILLIANT SIR. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT." "It will serve as a template in the event I choose to mark him. Now, this afternoon Barratino, if there are no more prisoners to process, I have a task for you." "Say the word, Master." "I learned this morning that we have records of the capture of bowmen." Carter tensed when he heard that, but a clone tightened a grip on his forearm. "I am surprised by how many we could find. I believe I located 36 prisoners who are at various sites throughout this city. Less than a day away. And another 17 who can be moved back within a week. Please start the process of bringing them here. One of the barracks is cleared. They will reside there." He turned to Carter. "You are probably wondering what will happen to them. That will be dependent on you, slave. As of now, I am planning to create an elite brothel: who would NOT want to play with a bowman? It is what I intend to do now." He paused. "OH, Barratino, was he fitted for his plug?" "Not yet Sir. We knew you would want to be here for that." "Indeed, I do." He gently took a clone's hand from Carter's arm. "Now, I have worked hard this morning and I need release. " "You're gonna FUCK me, aren't you?" Carter winced. "Indeed, I am." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "I learned all about the various ways you Earthlings trained yourself to endure pain, Carter. What I am about to do to you is not within your repertoire. Let us see how much you can endure." Carter was tied to another one of the cross structures. Protius had wheeled over a large machine that appeared to be some kind of engine. "These clamps all carry charge. For now, the machine has not been activated. First, I have to attach them." "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. FUCK!" Carter yelled when Protius attached the first one, right at his left armpit. His screams became whimpers as first his left side, then his right side, were covered with the clamps.

When he was done, Protius put one last clamp on the head of Carter's penis, and that caused another scream to come out of Carter's mouth. "Now, I'm going to start increasing the charge, Colonel. And I will have a series of questions to ask you, culminating in the final one which will have to do with your surrender." "WHAT THE FUCK?" "It is very simple, Colonel. You were captured. You did not surrender. You will do so now." "NOT GONNA HAPPEN. OH FUCK!" The first charge went through Carter's body. If that wasn't enough, Protius activated the penile function on the collar. As Carter's cock stretched, Protius added more clamps. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" "My first question. When I bring the bowmen here, do you agree to supervise their training and discipline?" "NNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG." The power increased. Carter threw his head back. "We are only at level 3, Carter." More power was added. They were at 5, and a more powerful jolt went to Carter's penis. He began to drip. "Supervising a small group of warriors. You've done that before. It will, of course, mean they will not be in captivity with private households, nor will they be involved in reconstruction or mines; however, they WILL be available to the residents of this compound. "FUCK NO. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH" Protius increased the power to ten." "They will be treated nearly as well as you are. Not as well because... you are my special chosen sub, Carter." He saw Protius turn the knob on the power. The pain was excruciating. "OK OK OK. I'll do it. I agree. I agree." Protius immediately dropped the power to a low level. Carter could feel the buzz. "Next, since I now know what you can easily handle, we will move to surrender." "FUCK YOU" Carter yelled. Just before Protius revved up the power. "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. YOU BASTARD. YOU FUCKING BASTARD." There had been no surge of the penile charge, but Carter saw that his cock was rigid. Then he felt the two clamps added to his nipples. And another surge of power. "We are at thirty now, my sweet. And we can go to 100. Shall we double this?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "To 40 perhaps?" Protius raised the power. Carter could feel the sweat all over his body. He had NEVER felt this combination of pain, and pleasure. Why was he feeling the sensations in his asshole? He had no idea. "I'm about to move it to 50 unless I hear those two sweet words, Carter. " "I SURRENDER! I FUCKING SURRENDER! I GIVE UP I GIVE UP. OH, FUCK I SURRENDER." "You will now call me Master. Is that understood?" Carter sighed. "Yes Master" "You will do whatever I tell you or you will suffer punishment. SEVERE punishment." "Yes Master." "When I release these, you will move to the bed. On your back. And you will pull up your knees to make it easier for my penetration." "Yes Master." As each clamp came off, Carter experienced new pain, both physical and the mental pain of realizing: he had just surrendered. He was officially the property of this man. "I have learned so much about you today, Carter. So much. And there is much more to learn. Including: how best to take that tight ass of yours." Protius, like most Frilcians, would have been considered well endowed to Earthlings. With the equivalent of 9.5 inches, however, he was an average Frilcian. At that moment, at least two of Carter's fellow bowmen were being taken by Frilcians of above average length and were moaning in pain. Carter was not because Protius was gentle, almost loving as he slowly took Carter's ass for the second time. "You will make a SUPERB slave, Carter. And I will call you Carter. There are too many Steve's among you earthlings." "Yes Master. OOOH. That thrust. So good." Protius smiled. Yes, this was coming along just fine. Would he have finally found "the one?" Time would tell. But for now, his desire was building, cresting, and... "YOU ARE SO FUCKING HOT YOU STUDLY GINGER" he yelled as his nut broke and it filled Carter. "I enjoyed that. Why did I enjoy that?" Carter thought as he felt Protius pull out of him slowly.

Next: Chapter 3

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