The Frilcian Conquest

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 16, 2022


It had taken 100 years of planning, and an enormous effort on the part of Frilcus, but now, it was over. In earth year 2456, what would be the final battle between Frilcus and Earth had concluded, with the surrender of the last platoon of Earth soldiers. The Frilcian general, Genmex IV, rode at the front of the triumphant march that would bring the prisoners and the spoils of battle before the Frilcian commander on earth, Protius IV. The Frilcians were not cruel conquerors. They had a purpose. The Frilcian population had become obsessed with Earthlings, particularly earthling men. To own an Earth slave was a mark of status, and to have a particularly comely one that the owner used for sexual purposes was especially desirable. These "pets" as some pejoratively called them, were almost always blond haired - another obsession with most Frilcians. Blond hair and blue eyes was the most desired combination of all, and it was becoming rarer: as Frilcians settled Earth and intermarriages happened, the black eye color of Frilcians became dominant to the blue eyes of Earthlings. Frilcians were not hairy and while there were historical accounts of the "long luxurious black hair" of Frilician women, without exception Frilicans either did not grow hair, or if any micro hairs sprouted, they were removed immediately. There was no prejudice against "half breeds," it was simply a case of someone being able to say "I own a REAL Earthling."

As Earth was taken over, there were many more captives than were desirable as personal property for Frilcians. Most were put to work restoring the damage that the battles had inflicted on the planet: rebuilding was taking place everywhere. Some of the prisoners were shipped back to Frilcus to work at tasks on Frilcus that required physical labor, and others - male AND female - were sent to brothels and to the great slave markets, where Frilcians who remained on their home planet could bid on a desired slave.

"It is over, My Lord," Protius IV's lead aide, Metmex spoke to him. "This platoon fought especially hard. They knew. They knew it would be over." Protius IV smiled. "I expected nothing else. The accounts of my great great great grandfather and his contemporaries speak of the incredible will of the earthlings, even when confronted with untenable situations." He scanned the captured platoon. Each soldier had been bound at the wrists, and collared. There had been no reason to use the shock element of the collars... yet. All earthlings knew that the power of the Frilcians was immense, and the shock value of the collars had been seen on public displays of disobedient captives or moreso, on captives who tried to escape and - as the term went "go feral." Very few did, and very few who were recaptured tried a second time. "I see that some of the captives are not clothed from the waist up, Metmex. You must take care of that." "Agreed Sir. We wished to have the march of triumph as quickly as possible and did not take that step. (It was a peculiarity of Frilcian customs: to be seen, unclad, from the waist up, indicated not only that you were a slave - the collar showed that - it indicated you were a slave chosen for sexual purposes. Other markers, such as piercings, tattoos, rings - all adapted from Earth - gave further information.). "We will take care of clothing them until selection immediately Master." It had been said that Protius had the eyes of an eagle, and it was true. He looked over the hundred or so men and women in front of him. He spotted a short man with a muscular body, and blondish red hair. Of all the captives, he was the only one who was gagged, and he was the only one accompanied by a Frilcian soldier, who kept one hand on the man's bicep, and another on the controls for his collar. "Why is that one gagged?" Metmex turned away and smiled. He had a feeling... "That is their leader, Sir. Colonel Steve Carter. To say he fought harder than the others is an understatement." "Who is the soldier who captured him? Surely he deserves commendation." Metmex began to explain. "There are probably two who should be commended Sir. He was captured while fighting Oxmar." "Oxmar? He was able to hold his own with Oxmar?" "Indeed Sir. It is hard to tell who was most surprised (Oxmar, a descendant of one of the first captives to be brought to Frilcus, maintained the enormous physique of his predecessors. There were stories of how a warrior woman had conquered one of his ancestors, but Oxmar did not believe those stories). "Master Protius, it is very possible he would have taken Oxmar's life but... a very young soldier, Aprex is his name, saw what was happening. Carter was so invested in his battle, he did not hear Arpex approach from behind and slip a collar on him. By the time he turned, Arpex had turned the shock value to 6, and as Carter struggled, Oxmar overpowered him. He has been cursing since then. And he has NOT come here peacefully." "He IS wearing a shirt, I see." Steve was wearing a filthy dark green shirt with his military camouflage pants. "What is he gagged with?" "What we could find Sir. It is a strip of leather that must have fallen from someone's equipment. "Bring him, Oxmar and Arpex to my private quarters. " Metmex smiled. "Should I have his shirt removed, Sir?" Now Protius smiled. His aide knew him too well. "Thank you Metmex, but I will see to that myself. I wish to reward Oxmar and Arpex, and I wish to chat with this Colonel Carter. "

"Just the three of them, Baratito" Protius spoke to the head guard outside his chamber. You may close the door. I have two great warriors with me, and I can handle myself." "As you will, Sir. " He looked at the prisoner disdainfully. "I am right outside, slave. And I have more than a collar shocker." Carter screamed "FUCK YOU" but it came out of his mouth as a blur of sound. "Oxmar, would you remove Colonel Carter's gag? " Oxmar looked at Protius dubiously, but did as he was told. "FUCK YOU FUCK FRILCUS FUCK THE COLLAR FUCK YOU ALL." was the first thing that Carter screamed. He then continued to scream for ten minutes while Protius kept quiet, and Oxmar and Metmex looked on in amazement. He ended with. "IF I COULD GET OUT OF THESE ROPES I'D KILL ALL THREE OF YOU." "No you wouldn't," was the only thing Protius said. Then he sat up straight in his chair. "Oxmar, Metmex, you have done well. I wish to reward you both. I have instructed Baratito to let you have 10,000 gold favors, and your choice of prisoners as slave. Will that suffice?" They looked at each other. The monthly stipend for a Frilcian soldier was 60 favors. They began praising Protius, bowing, pledging eternal fealty. Protius just smiled. "The two of you should go choose your slaves before the pickings are slim. I will be fine Oxmar. Do not worry." Resignedly, Oxmar left with Metmex.

"SO. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" Carter demanded. "Oh, I have what I want. For now," Protius got up and walked slowly around Carter. Carter gulped. He began to feel frightened. "You have been captured Colonel Carter. You know what that means." "I'M FULLY AWARE OF IT. AND I'M GUESSING YOU PLAN TO TAKE ME AS YOUR SEX SLAVE" "My my. Such confidence. SUCH confidence. You are only HALF correct. I am planning to 'audition' you as my sex slave." Carter gulped. More than a century ago, two of his ancestors had been used as sexual servants. Now, history seemed to be repeating itself. "I will remove your bonds, if you agree to removing your shirt." "Do I have a choice?" Carter asked, with some fear in his voice. Protius heard it. "You have a choice. If you refuse, however, you will NOT be sent to the brothels, nor will you be sent to the auction houses, nor will you remain here to work with the labor crews." "The mines." Carter whispered. "Indeed. The mines. " Protius paused. "The mines tend to bring out the animal in men. I have heard you are a fierce fighter, but I wonder if even you can hold off ten, large men, who have not had any sexual contact for three months." "BASTARD." Carter sputtered. "I have no choice. Take off the ropes." "Excellent decision." Protius pulled out a small knife he kept at his waist, and cut the bonds. "Perhaps I should just cut the shirt away from you, Carter." "That won't be necessary." He sighed, and pulled off his t shirt. Protius looked at the musculature. He smiled. "You have a fine body Colonel Carter. Absolutely beautiful. What is the expression you earthlings use: 'ripped' "? For the first time, Steve smiled. "That's one expression. There are others. " "You will teach them to me. IF I choose to keep you." Protius had made up his mind, that he WOULD keep Carter, but he wanted to maintain a facade. Then he noticed a silver piercing through Carter's left nipple.

He got close enough to see it was an arrow. "You are a bowman." "Bowmen." This was a group of men that the Frilcians had heard of, but had never encountered. They modeled themselves on an ancient Greek story : the Sacred Band of Thebes. A platoon of 150 pair of lovers. The story was that the Earth troop, the "bowmen" were all adept archers, which explained the arrow. The position of the pierce indicated the position the man took in bed with his lover. "You are accustomed to being dominant, Carter. This is all very new to you." Protius dropped his voice. "I am assuming that your lover.." "Dead. Your soldiers captured him and he was one of the ones who tried to escape." "Such a shame. It might be fun to have the two of you together. I mourn your loss, Carter. " "This is what war brings, Lord Protius. We could have surrendered. We chose to fight. We knew the consequences." "And you know the consequences of capture, Colonel?" Carter stood up straight and put his hands behind his back. "I DO. And had I captured you, I would probably do to you what you plan to do to me." "Ha ha. I doubt that. I am almost certainly NOT the type of man whom you would bed. BUT... ENOUGH of what you would do, we will proceed to what I would do - and will do." He put his hand on Carter's shoulder and Carter shivered. Protius whispered "You have not had opportunity for a proper bath and soak in how long?" "I do not remember." "We will take care of that. Then you will be fed a good meal." "I will not eat more than what my men will be fed." "We shall see Carter, we shall see. BARRATINO" His guard was there immediately. "Yes Master?" "Please see to it that Colonel Carter receives a proper bath. You will return him here when that is done. We will dine in my quarters tonight. "As you will Master. Come with me, slave" Carter looked up angrily. "Become used to it, Carter. That is what you will be called. Slave... Slave Steve, Slave Carter. I will have my own names for you. What is one that I learned? beefcake? My beefcake." He laughed as he saw Carter blush. "Oh, Barratino?" "Yes Master?" "Please see to it that the piercing is removed from Colonel Carter. That is the past. Should he be pierced at all, it will be MY piercing."

Barratino took Colonel Carter by the arm. His grip was strong. As they walked, he muttered "Lord Protius is much more lenient than I am. I would have had that piercing out by now and I would have you in chastity. AND your ass would have been ripped apart." "Then I'm glad I am not on audition for YOU." Barratino laughed. "On audition. Believe what you will, earthman. But believe this: you are now his bitch slave." They approached a set of dark red doors. Barratino knocked hard and a Frilcian came to the door. "Lavus! Allow me to present Colonel Steve Carter. Lord Protius wishes that he be cleansed for his initiation " he grinned at that. "And that this..." he flicked at Carter's piercing hard enough for Steve to wince "Be removed. IMMEDIATELY" "So it shall be. " Lavus smiled at Steve. "Colonel Carter. Welcome to the elite baths. Please come with me. There are three clones on duty. They will see to your needs." "Clones?" Steve asked. "Ah yes. During the period when Frilcus prepared for the campaign to liberate Earth, we built up an army of servants, based upon fertilization of eggs out of a woman's body. It was so much easier to raise the troops we needed that way. Unfortunately, it did not go as well as planned. The clones are fearless, and take orders without question, but they are sterile. And without sexual desire. " "How long do they live?" Steve asked. "A fair question. We do not know. The three who will tend to you tonight are at least 150 earth years old. They do not seem to die natural deaths. "Please Slave Carter. This way please." One of the clones spoke. Being called "Slave" was the worst part of this experience for Steve. Yes, he was a captive, and he was a prisoner. He could handle both of those. "Slave" was much more difficult for him." The total lack of interest on the part of the clones helped Steve feel at ease as he sank into the warm, slightly saline water of the bath. He began to fall asleep before one of the clones roused him. "Please Slave Carter. The next step awaits you." That was the scraping of dead cells from his body. One clone said, without any inflection "You are so muscular that this is more difficult than it is normally. I apologize if we irritate your skin in any way." Steve felt no irritation at all. The careful scraping actually felt very good and, as they moved their styli around his pectoral area, Steve felt his cock growing hard, for the first time in a long time. They led him to another bath, this time with hotter, less saline water and here Steve was washed, top to bottom. His hair received special attention. It was thick and short, and hadn't been washed even perfunctorily in a very long time. "Have the vermin been destroyed, clone 46?" one asked the other. "Yes clone 71. I do not see any more life forms." Steve knew his hair had been filthy, but he had not been aware of what he saw in the water, as the drowned insects floated in the suds. One of the clones - the one who's number he hadn't heard - went to the door. "Master Barratino, it is time for your help." Barratino strode in. He growled at Steve. "HANDS. BEHIND YOUR BACK. NOW SLAVE." To make his point, he sent a shock to Steve's collar. "OK OK. NO NEED." Steve put his hands behind him and he felt the restraints go around his wrist. They were metal. When he was captured, he had been bound with leather. "PUSH OUT YOUR CHEST. DO NOT MAKE THIS HARDER THAN IT HAS TO BE." "PLEASE. NO. NO. May I speak to Protius?" "LORD PROTIUS SLAVE. AND NO YOU MAY NOT. NOW PUSH OUT YOUR CHEST." Another shot of electricity went through Steve's body. "AGGGGGGGGGGGH. OK OK." A tear came to Steve's eye as one clone cut the head from the arrow, and the other used a small tweezer to pull the shaft out of his nipple. "He is all but prepared Master Barratino. He need only be dressed." Carter grumbled. "You mean I'm not to be paraded NAKED?" Barratino smirked. "No one would notice anything, slave. Follow clone 22. It will provide you with your attire." The "attire" was leather sandals, and a pair of very tight, faded jeans. Steve recalled wearing jeans like this when he was still a student. He knew they flattered his ass. He was not given a shirt. "HANDS SLAVE" Steve was bound again, and a leash was placed through a link on his collar. "PICK UP YOUR PACE. SUPPER AWAITS." It did. Protius remembered what Steve had said. He would eat nothing more than what his men would be eating. He had had servants set up the dining area, so that one side of the table had the food of the workers presented. The other had the richer, more savory food of the elite. "Colonel Carter. You DO look much better than you did. I thought that not possible. Did you enjoy your bath." He looked at Barratino, who snorted as he opened the cuffs and then left the room with a slam of the door. "I did, very much. " "Those baths are ONLY for the elite and their chosen ones. Not all Frilcians bathe in that fashion. Nor do they dine as we will. Please feel free to sit." Steve looked at the table and sat within reach of the common food. "For tonight, I will serve you wine, Colonel Carter. Hereafter, you will serve me." Steve said nothing. "I prefer to drink only water. " "As you will, my beauty, as you will." He smiled "As you may have gathered, Colonel Carter, I have given this thought and have decided that you will remain with me. In the role of my sexual slave." "I suppose I should be flattered," Carter sneered. "Of all the men in the world, he chose me." He immediately regretted that choice of tone as a shock went through his collar. "Please serve yourself slave steve. If you wish to sample only the common fare, that is your choice of course." steve looked at some of the other dishes and his mouth was watering. "This food will go to waste" is how he justified sampling it. Once he started though, he could not help himself. Again, he could not remember the last time he had enjoyed such a full meal. "The wine is still available, slave steve." steve picked up a goblet and drank. Protius smiled. "It will make what is to follow less.... upsetting to you. But you will adapt to it." steve looked at him, but said nothing. "Have you completed your meal, my beauty?" "I have. I appreciate your hospitality. " Protius smiled. He rose from his chair, and went to steve's. He put his hand on the back of steve's neck and, for the first time, steve realized how strong Protius was. "Sleeping quarters are this way." steve looked around. He could hear Barratino outside, and he saw no escape routes. And the collar. He knew that he was receiving charges at a level of 5 and 6, and that the collar could easily go up to 40. "Will you be gentle?" He asked Protius. "I will not. I will take you as I wish to take you." steve saw the bed: there was a large head board, metal, with a set of restraints on it. "Yes, we will be using those. Frequently. And many others. " Then Protius came up from behind steve and ran a tongue over his ear. "OH SWEET JESUS" steve moaned. "No. Just Lord Protius." steve felt a hand go to his jeans button and open it. He had on no underwear, and Protius had his hands on steve's ass immediately. "So soft. So pure." He was whispering into steve's ear, and steve was shivering at his touch. When Protius' finger began probing, he whimpered. Then he felt Protius' other hand on his nipple. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" he moaned. "You earthlings call it foreplay. It seems you like it." "Yes. Yes... I do. I miss it. " Protius laughed as he ran a hand over steve's rigid dick. "I can tell. Let's get you in position." steve gave up his wrists limply, as Protius locked them in place. "If you feel as if you would care to struggle more in the future, slave steve, that would be welcome. For tonight , though." He fell silent and his tongue began to lick at the sore nipple that once held the Bowman arrow. He moaned as Protius chewed it. "We will secure a new pierce for you in short order steve. And several other things. But for now...." He smiled. "You have very strong legs. Lift them." steve closed his eyes and did what he was told. How long had it been since a cock had been in his ass? He had taken the role of DOM with his lover because his lover wanted no part in topping, but steve had always preferred to be receptive. He just dared not say it. Now, his hole took Protius' cock as hungrily as he had taken dinner. It was a long, thin cock and Protius did not stop until his balls were hitting steve's ass. "Now you are mine, steve. You are most certainly my sexual slave." He wriggled his cock and steve moaned. "You will call me Master from now on. " "Yes Master. I understand." Protius began to pump fuck steve. He talked about how beautiful steve was, and how lovely his eyes were. He talked about the firmness of his ass, and the tightness of his hole. And as he spoke about what he planned to do to steve in the future ,the slave got more and more aroused. "TAKE ME MASTER TAKE ME," he yelled as Protius spilled into his new prize. As he pulled out, Protius smiled. "We will sleep now, steve. slave steve. And I do believe I know what your new pierce will be." "Yes Master."

Next: Chapter 2

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