The Fraternity Convention

By Brian Johnson

Published on Jul 16, 2023


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The Fraternity Convention - Part 3

It seemed like no sooner had my head hit the pillow that Jim was touching my shoulder saying that it was time to get up. He said get you shaving things and lets go across the hall and get ready. I will wake Pete. We went across the hall and Pete got into the shower, Jim told me to shave and he took a leak. We just rotated through the shaving showering and taking a leak. As soon as I was ready I went back and got dressed.

Jon was in the kitchen starting the coffee so I started making the eggs, scrambled. "How many do you think I should I make, I asked nobody in particular. "Three apiece" came the answer from Jim. "That will mean that we will have to get more for tomorrow." "That is okay," he replied. He started fixing the bacon and Jon started the hash browns. The toast was next and Ron set the table. By that time all 6 of us were in the kitchen. After eating, we cleared the table and left the room. Pete said something about the shuttle but Ron said they should ride with us. Pete asked if we had enough room and then he saw the Cadillac.

We got to the university and found the student center. They were serving coffee, juice and doughnuts. We picked up our name badges and information packets and headed into the auditorium and found seats. After reading the packets, we decided that between the 6 of us we could attend all of the individual meetings and compare notes at night.

The president of the sponsoring chapter introduced the national president who spoke for about 30 minutes. Next one of the national vice presidents gave us more information and we broke up for our individual sessions. We agreed to meet together for lunch in the cafeteria and that the first one there would save a table.

I went through the line and had a cheeseburger, small salad and lemonade. I must have been the first one there, so I selected a table large enough for the 6 of us. Soon we were all there and we briefly discussed the sessions we had been to. Then the conversation turned to the night and we decided to go to the grocery store and get some for food and beer. Jon mentioned that he had met two brothers from an eastern university and invited them to join us but had told them to bring beer.

We stopped at the grocery store and got what was needed. When we got to the room, the fans were still there and the air conditioning was not working. Dave got the beers and we got comfortable in our underwear. There was a knock at the door and Jon let Jerry and Wayne in. They had a couple of 12 packs of beer which Jon took and put in the kitchen and he brought Jerry and Wayne each a beer and said, "Why don't you get comfortable and strip?" They soon were in their underwear also.

Conversation covered the day's activities, the hot rooms, girls, the fraternity, girls, the city's attractions and girls. Again for girls, substitute sex. When there was a lull in the conversations and it looked like Jon was going to say something, Brian said, ""Jon, don'' say a word!" "Jon of course smiled and said nothing. Tex said, "Brian, Pete and I want to talk to you about what you mentioned at lunch about investigating various businesses, lets go to our room."

"Brian, Pete and I have something to tell you." "Pete when did you have your first blowjob" asked Tex. "When I was 13" replied Pete. "How was it?" It was great, the bets thing every" said Pete. "Who gave it to you, a girl?" " No it was a boy my age." Then it was Pete's turn, "Tex, when did you have your first blowjob?" Tex replied, "I was13, it was the best thing until I got laid and if was also from a boy," "In fact, Pete, it was you." "And Jim, it was you who gave me my first blowjob," added Pete. Tex then went on to say that if and when Brian was ready for a blowjob both of them were ready and willing to accommodate Brian. "Let me tell you something," Brian, said. "Making live to a woman is by far the best thing that any one can do. However, a hand job given by a woman, a guy or even yourself, and a blowjob just for a blowjob, given by a woman, a guy or yourself (I understand that there are some men that can do that) is just sex and nothing more. It is nothing to get concerned about. When the opportunity presents itself, I will get blown, and if the occasion should occur and either of you are handy, be it known that I will ask."

Tex said that was okay and asked about the business that Brian was investigating. Brian said that his dad was running a family business that was started by his great grandfather and that while it was successful, his dad wanted to diversify and not be dependant on one industry. "Well" said Tex, you should look at my dad's and Pete's dad's business. We are in cattle, farming, gas and oil. Brian indicated that he was interested and they talked about if for a while.

"I have an idea," said Tex, "why don't you come out to the ranch this summer?' You could also check out Pete's ranch at the same time. That sounded to be a good idea and Brian said he would talk to his father. Tex said that he would talk to his dad also.

On a break the next day, Brian called his dad and explained what had been discussed about the ranch visit, not the blowjobs. Tex had also done the same thing. When they got back to the hotel, the three of them went to Tex's room and made final plans. Pete said, "Lets not stay here to long s they might get the idea we are doing something like blowjobs."

The next day the air conditioning was working properly, but upon returning from the convention, they all stripped to their underwear, drank beer and talked.

The fifth and last day of the convention was short. There was a meeting where it was announced that in two years Upsilon Chapter in San Francisco, California would host the next national convention. The closing banquet was scheduled to be start at 6:30PM. The meal was typical for a convention, fried chicken, pashed potatoes, vegetables, coffee or juice and apple pie. Afterwards, farewells were said and we headed back to our hotel. Jerry, Wayne, Tex and Pete joined us in our room. We finished the remaining beer and snacks. Pete and Tex actually spent that last night in their room.

The next morning as we left, Tex and Brian shook hands, gave each other a hug and said they you see each other in a few weeks. Jon asked Brian what that was all about and he explained that a week after school was over, Tex would fly in and pick up Brian and he would spend part of the summer on the ranch learning the cattle business.

We got into the car and headed home. That night in the motel, Dave said that we should be in our underwear as we had been the previous nights. But Jon said on that first night we had been naked and that was how we should finish. So we were and of course the question of Brian's blowjob came up, but there was nothing new to add.

The remainder of the trip home was uneventful except that in Illinois, Jon was stopped and given a ticket for speeding. Since we were all from out of state, we had to follow the police officer to the local justice of the peace and pay $50.00 for speeding.

Next: Chapter 4

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