The Fraternity Convention

By Brian Johnson

Published on Jul 14, 2023


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The Fraternity Convention

This story is based on actual events, but the names and locations have been changed.

My name is Brian Peterson and I am just your typical Midwestern American young man. I had great parents. My mom, a former teacher made sure that my sister and I got a good education. My dad made sure that I knew how to do minor repairs around the house and evenly more important to know when the job required a professional. He also saw to it that I had the opportunity to play sports.

And I did play sports, Everything from baseball to basketball, football, track, swimming, wrestling and golf. But I liked swimming the best. However, when I graduated from high school and moved on to the university, I decided that I should give up team sports and concentrate on my college education.

I did join a fraternity my freshman year. Which ones, doesn't matter as they all are pretty much the same. Some attract jocks, some attract engineers and so forth. The one I joined had a mix of everything, jocks and engineers and even wannabe teachers.

At the start of my sophomore year, it was announced that there would be a national fraternity convention during the spring break. Fortunately, that Spring break turned out to be 10 days long. Nothing more was said about that until just before Christmas when we were told that we could send 4 of us to the convention and that the chapter would pay for all the expenses at the convention, except for the travel expenses.

At the first meeting in January, the president asked if any one was interested in going to the convention. Ron raised his hand and said that he was. He also said that his dad, who was an alumnus of the fraternity, said that he would provide a can and a credit card to cover the travel expense.

The chapter president asked if anyone else was interested in joining Ron? After some mumbling, Jon and Dave raised their hands. I know that some of you will be heading home or to Mexico for the break, but we need a fourth person. Ron said "How about it Brian, will you come?"

Somewhat reluctantly I agreed as I had been thinking of going home and visiting my girlfriend. "Good, we have our representatives. I will meet with you right after this meeting."

In that meeting we were told that the chapter would pay all the expenses for the hotel room and give us $20.00 for each of the 5 days of the convention." That just left the cost of motels and food on the way to the convention and then back home. At least the transportation would be covered.

As it got close to the time to leave, Ron told us that the 3 of us could stay at his home and we could leave from there early in the morning, which we did. The drive was somewhat uneventful, which was good. We were making good time, so at Dave's request we stopped in Springfield, Illinois and visited the Lincoln Home and tomb.

We were making good time as there was very little traffic and we got to Hannibal, Missouri in the late afternoon. We were able to visit many of the Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn spots before we checked in to the Mark twain Hotel.

We had reserved a basic two-bed room for 4 adults and that is what we got on the second floor. The room consisted of two double beds, a nightstand between them with a lamp and telephone, a desk and a very uncomfortable chair.

We had had dinner in the hotel coffee shop where the hostess, waitress, cook were the same person. Leave it to Jon to start a conversation by asking, "What do people do here at night?" Betty, that was her name, thought for a moment and then said, "Well, we seem to have large families." This made us all laugh.

Once we got into our room, we sat two to a bed, facing each other. Ron was across from me with Jon next to him and Dave was nest to me. Our conversation went something like this: the trip, girls, school, girls, the fraternity, girls, the convention, and girls. For the word "girls" you can substitute sex.

About 8:30 Ron mentioned that we had a long drive tomorrow and that we should get an early start and he suggested that we shower and shave tonight so all e had to do was get up and leave. We thought that was a good idea. Ron said that he would start. He got undressed and went into the bathroom. About 12 or 15 minutes later he came out, naked as the day he was born and sat back down on the bed. Jon then got up and said he would go next. In about 15 minutes he can out and sat back in his old spot. With out saying a word, Dave got up and after removing his clothes, went in to the bathroom. When he cam out, I got up and followed their example and got undressed and went into the bathroom. While shaving I decided that if they had put on some clothing, so would I, but if not, I would stay naked like they were. When I walked in to the room, all three were still with out clothing.

Ron, said, "good, you are just in time to settle a dispute."

"We are trying to decide which is better, regular sexual intercourse with a girl or getting a blow-job from your girl. The vote is two to one, but I won't say which is which." Well, I thought for a moment and then said, " I can't answer that." "What do you mean?" said Ron. " I can't give you an answer" I replied. "And why can't you give an answer," asked Jon. "Because I have never had a blow-job" I said.

"That is hard to believe," said Ron and Jon and Dave agreed. I tried to tell them that was the truth. And finally, they accepted that I had never had one. Ron then said, "Brothers our task is clear, we have to make sure that Brian gets a blow-job as soon as possible." "It could be difficult at a fraternity convention" Dave said. "Yes, but there will be waitresses and hotel employees, surely we will be able to make that happen" said Jon. Ron then said, it was getting late and we should go to sleep.

We were up and on the road by 6:15AM. There was very little conversation as we headed towards our destination. With the 4 of us driving and little traffic again, we made good time and arrived at the hotel a 4:30.

Next: Chapter 2

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