The Frat

By Les Sanderson

Published on May 21, 2003



Copyright 2003, Les Sanderson, This story is a work of fiction. Readers may download and print one copy for personal use only. This story may not be reposted or copied, but anyone can feel free to link to it.

Greg wondered around the campus of his new college in a bit of a daze. Classes start in a week. Pledge week stating tomorrow. It was all happening a bit too fast, it seemed like only last week he was still in high school with all the normal teenager problems and delights. Now he was an adult, or at least expected to behave like one, but then with that came the privileges of being an adult. He could go to the bars, be out as late as he wanted. Have sex with who he wanted. That last thought made him smile.

At least he had made his decision about which frat to apply to. His cousin Rick who had attended this same University had insisted Greg try for his old Frat. He didn't explain why really, just that Greg had to go for that one. It had been Rick's frat, and he had written Greg a letter of introduction. Greg wasn't really sure why he had listen to Rick; he hadn't really said anything about the frat, what they did, what the guys were like, or even what kind of guys they looked for. Only that Greg join it. Greg decided what the heck. He sent his own letter of introduction to the frat in the spring along with Rick's and was quite surprised when he received a registered letter back only 2 weeks later from the President of the Frat. It said they were very happy to receive his application and had added him to their "pre-chosen" applicants. Greg had never heard of this but his cousin Rick said it was something a few frats did. Greg had been pre-accepted. Which meant all he had to do was get through a mild hazing when he got to school in the fall. He didn't have to apply with all the other pledges. It was a very good sign. Rick assured him that the hazing could hardly be called that, it was almost a pleasure and that Greg would probably enjoy, rather than have to endure it.

The next morning Greg lay in bed for a while wondering what the day would bring. At 11:00 he had to go to the Frat House for a new applicants meeting. He was both apprehensive and excited, being in the right frat could make your University experience great or mearly four or five years of education. As he lay in bed, the morning sun shining in the window onto him he felt his dick begin to stir. His usual morning hard-on was making its appearance. As he lay on his back he concentrated on the feeling of his dick slowly filling with blood. Slowly growing longer and thicker. He had always enjoyed this feeling, he spread his legs slightly as his penis slowly lifted from between his legs, where it was hanging over his nuts, moved up his thigh and then slid across his abdomen to point up to his belly button. As he got harder, it started to stand away from his stomach and lift the sheet away from him. He had been sleeping nude since he was seventeen. He loved the feeling of freedom, laying in bed with just the covers over him. No constricting boxers or briefs to bunch up and impede his cock and balls. He stretched, his cock now fully erect and kicked the covers off. He lay for a moment, naked and hard, enjoying being a guy with a morning woody. He rolled out of bed and headed to the washroom, his hard cock leading the way, swaying and bouncing as he walked along, another feeling he had discovered he loved as he entered puberty. His parents had a large house and he had long had his own small suite and washroom. He was able to wander around naked as he wished. His parents had also been big believers in privacy and had given him all he needed or wanted starting with his 13th birthday, just as he started to grow pubic and underarm hair and his dick started to grow he was free to indulge his nudity as he wished. He had little other hair on his body. It seemed at 19 he would be fairly smooth. He had no chest hair at all, none around his nipples as many of his friend did. Only a light trail of blond hair starting at his bellybutton and running down to join his pubic bush. He had started to trim his bush last year. Not taking a lot, just shortening it and neetening it, like a monthly hair cut, keeping it trim he had decided, looked very sexy.

As he walked into the washroom of his apartment he stopped and looked at himself in the full size mirror. He wasn't a muscle boy, but trim and in shape from running daily. He thought he looked pretty good. He looked down at his erection, standing out in front of him, his foreskin pulled back slightly to reveal a bit of pink head. He looked at how his dick curved slightly to the left. Wondered again if it was from too much masturbation. Everything he had read said this was not the case, but still he wondered. He looked himself in the eye and smiled at that thought. Surely he jacked off enough to have given his cock a bend. He looked back to his cock in the mirror, his balls hanging low, still warm from bed. He had shaved them yesterday, would not need to again today nor his shaft, it would still be smooth and hairless as his ball sack. His right hand seemed to move of it's own accord as it moved forward and wrap his fingers around his dick. He groaned quietly as his left hand came up to cup his balls gently. His hand started to slowly and gently move up and down his shaft. He squeezed just hard enough that his hand didn't slide up and down the skin of cock, but moved the skin of his shaft up and down the interior structure. He grasped near the middle of his dick. This allowed his foreskin to move over the head of dick, stimulating him with the movement of soft foreskin over the sensitive flesh of his cock head. At the same time he gently pulled his nuts up with his left hand, so as he stoked down with his right hand it would gently bump into his balls and then press down into his sack. God how he loved this feeling he thought to himself. He loved standing in front of this mirror, stroking his cock. It was a new experience, for some unknown reason there were no full size mirrors in his parent's home. He had only discovered looking at himself naked in a mirror last week when he moved into this apartment, and then almost immediately discovered the voyeurism of jacking off in front of it. He moved in closer to the mirror, so his penis almost touched the glass. This way he could look closely at his balls, and cock. See his precum slowly ooze from his piss hole. Closely examine his nipples and smooth stomach. All this visual delight in the mirror almost like he was watching another guy rather than himself. He found this fantasy one of his favorites. Watching another guy stroke his hard cock, playing with his balls. He leaned forward, his cock head touching the mirror, he stopped stroking for a moment and rubbed his dick head against the glass, smearing his precum on the surface. He enjoyed the cool harness of the mirror against him. It would not take much this morning he knew. Already he was beginning to have that feeling. The feeling he was sure that every guy felt as his orgasm was starting to build. Greg started to stroke faster, using his own slippery juice to lube his dick and hand he looked up into his eyes again. Wishing there was another person there, watching him. As his orgasm built and grew closer he looked down in the mirror and watched himself stoke. Stoking faster up and down his whole shaft, his balls cradled in his other hand. He began to breathe heavier and deeper. He felt is heart beating faster, felt and could smell the sweat in his armpits. His orgasm built. Greg bent his knees slightly, increasing the tension in his thighs and up his butt into his abdomen, he groaned again. He could tell this would be a good one. He maintained his pace now, groaning and swaying slightly in front of the mirror. His eyes glued to the reflection of his hand jacking his cock. "Yes" he said out loud. "Come on, shoot that cum out of my hard cock". "Gonna shoot my cum into your ass, deep inside you man". This last phrase was new, never before had he said anything like that. He was too close to think about it now, and it left his thoughts as quickly as it had entered for just then, his orgasm came. He felt his cum rush up his shaft from his balls, and shoot across the small gap to the mirror. He shouted loudly "Yes"! As the release and pleasure of his orgasm rushed through his body and around the base of his cock, his dick head tingled. Another spurt of semen leapt from his cum hole and splattered the mirror glass, then another and yet again another. Greg groaned, it felt so good to shoot like this, hard and powerfully. As his orgasm fell away he slowed his stroking, lighter and shorter strokes, and he inhaled a great gulp of air. Greg leaned forward and rubbed his dick in his own cum now splattered on the mirror, he leaned closer, trapping his still hard cock between the glass and his abdomen, the heat and softness of his abdomen on one side, the cool and hard of the mirror. He moved his hips, in and out, fucking, grinding his cock against himself, his cum slippery in the mirror. "Oh God" he groaned as he pressed his whole body against the cool glass. He stood for a moment, pressing into the mirror, savoring the coolness against his skin. He wished he could melt into himself with this afterglow from his orgasm.

As he stood in the shower, the hot water running down his body, running off his semi hard cock and balls, Greg remembered his shouted expletive. "Gonna shoot my cum into your ass, deep inside you man". He had no idea where that had come from. He had never had that kind of thought before. Greg didn't feel odd or guilty about such things. Odd thoughts often came to his mind as he shot his load. He accepted that his mind often released wayward thoughts from deep inside. He had experienced them before, and had no doubt he would again. This one warranted some extra thought, but no real concern. All questions would be answered eventually this young man thought to himself confidently. His hands dropped again to his crotch, now soapy and wet. He felt himself start to grow hard again. "Hum, no time for that now, too bad" he thought to himself. "Later, after the meeting" he promised his dick with a smile. He jumped out of the shower and started to towel off, standing again in front of the mirror, he looked at the now drying smear of his cum on the glass, a faint outline of his body where he had leaned against the glass. Laughing he though, "have to remember to clean that up when I get home". Just in case company drops by. As he walked back into the front room, he realized he was hard again. He looked down and chuckled. "I said later"!

Greg dressed quickly and was out the door into the day without another thought.

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