The Four Rules of College

By Michael Matts

Published on Jan 18, 2015


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Ch. 2 - Rule #2

The evening forecast didn't offer any hope that the heat and humidity would be abating. After their showers the guys felt cooler, but only momentarily. Ben, Ralph, Caleb, and Jeremiah stood naked at each of their closets, air drying their bodies, deciding what to wear.

"I think board shorts while free-balling is the look tonight guys," Ralph said. He slipped on a pair of white ones from 2xist. They had a pouch for his cock and balls, cupping his package and giving him an even greater gratuitous bulge. The shorts also curved over his bubble butt; sometimes sheer when the light struck them at certain angles.

"Good idea. It's been a long, hot day," Ben huffed. He opted for a bright green pair from Hurley, hoping he would be easily noticed at the bar -- if they got in. He rarely had to try to be noticed though. His height and the muscle he packed on made him easy eye candy. His board shorts were loose fitting, just how he liked it, so he could spread out and let the air flow through.

"And if we're lucky, it will be a long, hot night of tasty pussy," Caleb chimed in. He needed to get off soon. He refrained from masturbating in the shower, even though he wanted nothing more than to unload his tight balls. They were full and heavy, from not being drained in three days. As a result he was always semi-hard, with precum leaking out frequently. He loved edging though and would go for days without bringing himself to a full orgasm. He had a purpose for this Irish load he was building up, saving it for his first fuck as a college student. Caleb selected a pair of all-black Oakley shorts to try and hide his cock's insistence to get stroked, or sucked, or stuffed into a juicy cunt. After pulling up the shorts he noticed a silky drop of precum dangling from the bottom of his shorts. He wiped it away, hoping his dick would last the night.

Jeremiah was distracted. His mind kept reliving the feeling of Ben's hand on his cock. Ben's hands were huge, but so was Jeremiah's cock, and he wondered how his dick would feel in the full grip of his blonde roommate. Other hand jobs he's received never hit all of the sensitive spots on his shaft, but he suspected Ben could find them all with just one fist.

Surveying the room Jeremiah announced, "I'm breaking ranks guys. Free-balling is a hard thing for me to pull off. These jean shorts with no underwear should do the trick though." It was his favorite pair of shorts, worn so much that a nice indent had formed in the fabric over his right thigh for his cock. He had cut out the pockets after purchasing them, allowing his dick to either snake up or down his leg if he got hard, which happened often when wearing them.

"Damn we're some sexy fuckers," Ben whooped. "What are we waiting for, let's go get shit faced." The guys threw on tank tops and sandals and headed out.

Google steered them in the direction of a place called Dirty Mugs, a college bar that specialized in "craft beers at cheap prices" according to one reviewer. Their destination was within walking distance, on a strip of road commonly found near most colleges -- lined with several bars and restaurants. The guys arrived at Dirty Mugs and were greeted by a bouncer who asked for IDs.

After a minute of examining each one, he asked "Did you guys just print these off an hour ago?"

"What are you talking about? They're our IDs," Ralph replied smoothly.

"And they're fake. Try Applebees down the road," he said standing up and handing them back to each of the guys.

Ralph took stock of the bouncer who was derailing his evening plans. The man looked ex-military, no older than 30, the same height as Ralph; dressed in shorts and a tank top as well. Ralph had always liked exploring the boundaries he could push with people, especially men who presented a strong machismo like the one in front of him. A strategy was forming in his mind, one he's used countless times as a persuasive tactic. His plan relied on his roommates starting to walk away though, which thankfully happened once their IDs were in hand.

When their backs were turned, Ralph moved into the bouncer's personal space. He leaned in so their chests were touching and made a very enticing offer to the bouncer under his breath. Then Ralph turned around and started walking away, counting to himself, "5, 4, 3 ..."

"Fellas!" the bouncer yelled. The four roommates turned around. "Hurry up and get inside before I change my mind." The four of them filed into the bar. Ralph hung back to have a quick word with the bouncer. The two spoke briefly and then Ralph entered the bar as well.

With a beer in each of their hands Ben, Caleb, Ralph, and Jeremiah maneuvered to a high-top in the corner of the bar. The guys took a swig of their beers and sighed. Nothing fought scorching heat better than cold beer.

"Try something new every day," Caleb said. This thought lingered. "In fact, that's my rule... Cheers mates! To rule #2."

"Cheers!" the guys echoed, clinking each others glasses.

"So, Caleb. How far do you want to push our new rule?" Ralph asked while surveying the bar's patrons.

"Well, it depends. How satisfied will I be afterwards?" Caleb replied scanning the women in the bar. "That red head who isn't wearing a bra looks new to me. My red bush would have fun meeting her red bush." He felt fresh pre-cum running down his leg.

Ralph checked his watch and smirked. "Well, there's the matter of a debt that needs to be settled... something I offered in exchange for getting us in the bar. I could use a helping hand so I can get back to my drink faster."

"Lead the way."

"Cool." Ralph chugged his beer. "You might want to do the same," he instructed Caleb.

The two guys headed toward the opposite end of the bar, down an L-shaped corridor. Ralph turned a corner and continued walking, in search of a red door. Quickly spotting it he stopped a foot from the archway, turned the handle and walked in with Caleb.

The room was 10' x 10'. On the wall to his left and the wall to his right were shelves that served as storage for cups, napkins and other supplies. The space was dimly lit, with a single halogen bulb flickering in the center of the ceiling. Across from Ralph and Caleb, leaning with his back to the wall was the man who had checked their IDs earlier. His arms were crossed, the light accenting distinct features: a sharp nose, square face, dimpled chin; the hair on his muscular forearms, and well defined thighs and calves.

"Well, where's this slut who is giving me head tonight like you promised?" the bouncer asked. "My break is only for 15 minutes, and you're two minutes late."

"That would be me," Ralph answered. "Slightly tardy and at your service."

"What the fuck?! That wasn't our deal."

"Maybe lay your terms out better in the future then. We agreed to one slut and a blow job. I'm here to deliver." Ralph turned to Caleb and asked, "How's this for something new?"

"I still don't know why I'm here," Caleb answered, though his curiosity and his cock wanted to know more.

"You're here to give our skeptical bouncer a credible testimonial." Ralph grabbed Caleb's bicep and guided him around so each of their profiles were facing the bouncer. Ever since Ralph noticed the bulge in the Irish swimmer's speedo he kept imagining pulling Caleb's cock out and taking a closer look. Ralph kneeled down and looked up, waiting for an approving nod. Caleb wasted no time delivering it.

Ralph unfastened the black board shorts in front of him and pulled out his roommate's cock. It was uncut and already more than half-hard, pointing straight out toward Ralph's mouth. It was as fat as Caleb boasted, and thickening. A thread of pre-cum oozed from the tip, dripping onto the floor.

Ralph took Caleb's cock in one hand and squeezed, evoking a very satisfying moan. Then he licked the slit of the cock head that was sending a flow of pre-cum onto the floor, rubbing it all over his lips. Caleb moaned and Ralph tasted a delicious nutty mixture. He marveled at how much pre-cum was forming. It drizzled down his lower lip and onto his chin.

Ralph really enjoyed getting a fat cock primed for deep-throating. Opening his mouth, he slid the dick halfway in, bobbing his head in long and slow motions, sucking Caleb's shaft from the middle to the tip, over and over.

Caleb's cock throbbed in Ralph's mouth. The Irish jock wanted to shove it completely in, but he knew he wouldn't last long if he did. His edging skills were prolific, so he slowly pulled his dick out of Ralph's mouth and turned toward the bouncer.

"He knows what he's doing," Caleb attested.

Ralph smiled and sat back on his heels, waiting for the bouncer to make a move. Quietly stepping forward the bouncer stopped on the other side of Ralph's face, dropping his cargo shorts and cupping his balls. Permission granted. The bouncer slapped his dick on the side of Ralph's face. "That's for misleading me. Now, make me cum cocksucker." Ralph went to work. He started by tonguing the heavy, unshaved balls in front of him. He sucked on each one separately, then took the whole sack in his mouth and massaged the underside of both balls with his tongue.

The rhythm of the bouncer's breath increased. He placed one of his hands on the back of Ralph's head and pushed Ralph's face into his crotch. The scent that met Ralph's nose was perfect. The bouncer smelled like dried cum. All of the sweat from the day lingered in the hair around his shaft, which turned Ralph on. The attention Ralph had given to the bouncer's balls had caused the man to grow to his full 7 inches.

Ralph pulled himself off the dick and said, "Fuck my mouth as hard as you want. Don't hold back." Then he placed a hand on each of the bouncer's hips, opened his mouth, and fed himself the whole length of the cock in front of him.

"F-f-f-f-f-uck-yeah," the bouncer gasped. He looked at Caleb and smiled. "Your buddy's mouth... oh fuck... he's doing something to my cock... it's amazing." Both guys looked down at Ralph and saw in his eyes how much he was begging to be used.

Caleb was instantly addicted to Ralph's cocksucking. He envied the bouncer's opportunity. "You heard him, fuck his face. It looks like he wants you to."

The bouncer put both hands on the back of Ralph's head and slowly started pumping his dick in and out. Ralph kneeled and let the bouncer take control. Suddenly the bouncer changed the tempo of this thrusts and began skull fucking Ralph, then returned to an even pace, then switched back to his brutal assault. Balls were slapping his chin, Ralph gagged, his eyes watered, and he wanted more. The only thing that could make this moment better was sitting on someone's face while they tongued his hole, just like his buddy used to do when he blew new recruits on base. He wanted to feel a tongue sliding in and out of his ass again while his mouth was stuffed with cock.

Ralph squared off with the bouncer, gripping the guy's ass, giving himself over to animalistic hip thrusts. It had been a while since his mouth had been fucked this hard, but Ralph needed it. Soon the telltale sign of a guy, who is face-fucking you, is about to cum arrived. Ralph's face was pushed as close as possible to the bouncer's body, his throat taking in all 7 inches, his lips buried into the light brown pubic hair. The bouncer pushed into Ralph's throat as much as possible, his balls contracted, his shaft pulsed, and he sent ropes of cum down Ralph's throat.

The bouncer kept Ralph's open mouth, dick inside, pressed up against him until his dick softened. His hands rubbed Ralph's head all over while he came, and he kept massaging his scalp afterward. Then he pulled out of Ralph's mouth and stepped back. Without saying a word he bent over, pulled up his shorts and headed for the door. Once it closed behind him, Caleb turned to Ralph and gave a long, approving whistle.

"Thanks," Ralph said. He got up, walked over to the wall and sat down. Caleb joined him, sitting right next to his roommate, shoulder to shoulder. A few minutes passed before either spoke again. "Hey, why did you pull out earlier? I could tell you enjoyed it."

"I didn't want to cum yet," Caleb admitted. "I was surprised by how good you are."

Ralph leaned forward and turned on his back to rest, staring up at the ceiling. He needed to catch his breath, but he was also still really horny. "I could show you something else that might be new if you're interested."

"Oh, what's that?"

"First, take your shorts all the way off."

Caleb stood up and complied, kicking his shorts off across the storage room.

Ralph gazed up at Caleb, appreciating his defined legs, long and lean, meeting at his full erection. "Come over here and squat over my face. Lower your ass all the way down. I'm going to show you that thing we talked about."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

Caleb walked over to Ralph and positioned his bare ass right above his roommate's face. Caleb faced Ralph's feet, which gave him a complete view of this military stud's entire body, including the ample erection screaming to be freed from the white board shorts. He was down for whatever his roommate had planned. He pulled his shirt off and threw it to the side. Completely naked, crouched down, and straddling Ralph's face, he waited.

Ralph's eyes roamed over the close-up of Caleb's ass and puckered hole. The view was exquisite. He drew his mouth close to the sensitive opening and kissed it, then flicked it several times with his tongue. The flavor was arousing. He buried himself in Caleb's ass, gently tongue fucking the tasty hole.

Caleb was enthralled with this new feeling. The most private part of his body had never been explored this way. His cock responded by leaking more than it ever has, creating a pool of his cum on Ralph's chest. He sat down even more and felt Ralph's tongue enter his hole.

"Where the fuck did you learn this ... Don't stop mate... Keep going. I'm so close to cumming." In the heat of the moment Caleb had the urge to try something he's only fantasized about. He bent down even more, toward Ralph's package and tore open the white shorts. The cock sprang out, and slapped against Ralph's abs. Caleb rubbed his right hand over the pool of precum that had been building under him and then placed it on Ralph's dick and started jacking him off.

`Mother-fucking-yeeeeees,' Ralph thought. He loved eating his hot roommate's ass and the added feeling of getting jacked off sent him over the edge. He pushed his hips up and down to fist fuck Caleb's hand. He moaned into Caleb's ass. Ralph came. The warm cum flew with enough force to hit Caleb's cock.

The surprise contact crumbled the last of Caleb's resilience. He ground his ass into Ralph's face while his orgasm pulsed through him. Rope after rope of creamy cum landed onto Ralph's body. Once his climax had ended Caleb rolled onto his back and closed his eyes.

"Mother fucking Rule #2," Caleb wheezed.

"Fucking-aye," Ralph replied.

Next: Chapter 3

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