The Four Rules of College

By Michael Matts

Published on Jan 9, 2015


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Dissatisfied was initially how each of the four guys felt, after learning they would have to share a dorm room with three other guys. How were they going to get a girl alone to bang or even be alone with themselves when the urge to jack-off hit them? These young men's expectations of sex in college would be nothing like they imagined though. They were four of the sexiest and horniest 18-year-olds that ever shared a room and this is their story.

Ch. 1 - Rule #1

With temperatures in the 90's on move-in day, the residents that called the all-male resident floor home collectively adopted locker room attire: boxers and tank tops, along with loose fitting gym shorts and no shirts, and even some cocky guys in just their jock-straps. The chosen move-in uniforms for one room in particular were hotter than the temperature that day: Ben decided he was most comfortable in just loose fitting boxers, Caleb wore only a bright yellow speedo, Ralph was one of the proud jock-strap supporters, and Jeremiah opted for tight, white briefs and a simple tank top.

"So, where are you guys from?" Jeremiah asked. "Let's get some facts about each other out in the open while we unpack." He had just finished unpacking his 72-inch 4K Smart TV and needed a break and getting to know his sexy roommates better was on his agenda.

"Home schooled, from Vermont. I just finished hiking the whole Appalachian trail last week," Ben said, setting down a box and standing to his full 6' 4" of height. He rubbed his fingers through a nice looking blonde beard that was coming in, a parting gift from his recent trip. "Don't let my morning wood scare you guys like it scared the black bears in Maine. It's a fierce 8 inches." He bolstered his claim by bunching up his boxers a little, with one hand lingering around a considerable bulge. Ben crouched down next to the TV to setup the PS4 he brought, which gave Jeremiah a nice view of a hefty pair of balls hanging out of the left leg of the boxers he wore, his nuts swinging back and forth as Ben fumbled with the cords to the game system.

"A real American lumberjack," Caleb said with a charming Irish accent. "I'm a swimmer from Dublin, here on scholarship, studying your exceptionally loose women with big tits. Expect a lot of research hours. I apologize in advance if my fat, 7-inch Irish cock steals too many of the ladies from you fellas most nights." Caleb was busy hanging a poster above his desk, which let Jeremiah take in the strain Caleb's speedo was under, adding credibility to his claim. The outline of his package was easy to observe under the sheer fabric of the speedo.

"Military brat here, and I can tell you exactly where the loose women come from," Ralph said from behind dark rimmed eyeglasses. He had small black studs in both his ears, a slim muscular build, and a crew cut of jet black hair. For the last 30 minutes he had been twisting LED rope light around his bed. It gave anyone who wanted a chance to see his balls move around in his speedo and the muscular legs and bubble butt on full display. "It's where ever I used to live, because once a chick sits on my veiny 8-inch soldier she is never the same again." Ralph nonchalantly stepped back from his lighting project and pulled the front of his jock-strap down and flashed everyone proof of existence of his endowment, smiling and nodding.

"Yeah, yeah," Jeremiah interjected. "Holster that... thing... Captain America, and keep the safety on while you're at it. I'm from Oregon. I drive cars."

"Like a valet or like a race car driver?" Ralph asked, returning to his lights.

"Well, both, if I'm being honest. I started as a valet. One day I got behind the wheel of a classic Corvette and made it my mission to drive fast cars for a living. I'm training to be a Formula One driver, maybe pro in two years with a little luck. And, one more thing. There's something I should tell you guys about since we're living together. I don't want you to be surprised like some friends have, but my 9-inches puts all of your dicks to shame."

All the guys laughed and called bullshit on Jeremiah's story. Not to be underestimated, Jeremiah pulls down his briefs and stands with this legs apart, hands on his hips, gently rocking back and forth on the heels of his feet. His cock is 5 inches soft and moves with the pendulum motion of his low hanging balls, with a natural patch of light brown hair handsomely framing his dick and balls.

"Cover up before I get Pouty Dick Lips," Ben cracks. The guys finish unpacking, with each one silently appreciating the group's sense of humor and cockiness.

The roommates finished setting up the room in less than an hour. Ben added the last DVD to the room's movie collection by the TV and walked toward his bed and spotted a medium sized box stuffed in the corner of the room, which had "XXX" marked on all sides.

"Whose box is that?" Ben asked with a smile.

Up until now everyone was trying to escape the heat by spreading out on their beds. They didn't even bother putting their sheets on because the cool mattresses felt great on their skin. His question caused the group to prop up on their elbows.

"That's mine guys," Jeremiah explained. He made a quick leap off his bottom bunk to retrieve it, but Ben was closer to it and sat down on the box, which now had everyone's attention.

Ben gently tapped the side of the box. "Okay, well that answers one question. How about I give you a hand unpacking it roomie?" he asked.

"Nah, it's cool. You aren't ready for what's in there anyway."

"Hmmm, well, how about you give me a hand unpacking it?" he quipped.

"Nah dude, how about I just put it somewhere out of the way?"

"Well," Ben said much louder, "I suppose now is as good a time as any to start laying out some rules, to make sure we get along this year, since we're four guys in a small space," Ben noted.

"What kind of rules?" Ralph asked, pushing himself up into a squat on the bunk above Jeremiah's bed, giving anyone who looked his way a direct view of the area his jock strap did not conceal ... the hairy spot between his balls and his hole along with a plump ass.

"Let's keep the house rules simple and democratic. We can each make one rule that the rest of us must follow," Ben replied. "I'll go first," pausing a bit too long between sentences to make sure they were paying attention. "Rule #1 -- if your balls were the last to touch it, then it belongs to you."

"Uuuuh, I don't get it," Caleb said.

"Okay, let me explain Caleb. See these boxers I'm wearing. They're touching my balls right now, making them mine. Will your balls will ever touch these boxers? Probably not. Therefore, you and I won't have an issue when it comes to who has to wash my cum and sweat off these boxers once a week."

"Once a week. You need more underwear," Caleb joked.

"Fine Ben. Great rule," Jeremiah sarcastically answered. "Now, let's have the box?"

"Oh, for sure. Here you go." He started to stand up and his hand grazed over his boxers and then he sat down again.

"Anytime Ben."

"Oh, sorry J. Rule #1. This box is mine now."

"What..." Jeremiah looked down to the box which was squarely between Ben's wide open legs, and from them hung a set of perfectly shaved, perfectly shaped balls.

This made Caleb and Ralph chuckle.

Ben leaned back and closed his eyes, putting his hands behind his head, opening his legs up wider as if to silently declare victory. That's when Jeremiah saw his opening and strode forward, grabbing both of Ben's large, egg-sized nuts in one hand and squeezing.

"Dude!!" he yelped.

"Dude. Now that I have your attention, I think you were about to stand up so I can move my box," he said with a smirk. Then he started squeezing and pulling Ben's balls up from their base, which quickly made him rise up onto both of his feet. He twisted Ben's sack to maneuver him to one side. With one sweeping movement of Jeremiah's foot he slide the box far under his bed across the room.

Jeremiah let go of Ben's warm, pulsing nuts and scanned him from head to toe. "Like I said, you're not ready. Maybe another time."

"Seems like I underestimated you Jer... Well played," and then Ben clapped him on the back and started laughing. "In case you were wondering, the rumors are true. J. has very soft hands fellas."

"Whatever. Fucker," Jeremiah said. This broke the mood and sent all of them into fits of laughter.

The heat in the dorm room made it difficult to do anything but lay around. The guys passed out one by one, but Jeremiah didn't sleep for long. He tossed in bed for a bit, then stood up to survey his sleeping roommates in more detail.

Ben claimed the top bunk across the room. He was laying face down in bed and Jeremiah could see he was a large guy, in every way possible. His big feet stretched out and over the length of the bed. His hiking evidently kept his ass toned and round. The heat had caused him to roll around in bed, sliding his loose boxers down and leaving his ass exposed, revealing two well-muscled, smooth ass cheeks. Jeremiah walked to Ben's bunk and cupped his roommate's ass while he slept. It was warm and very smooth. In fact, except for Ben's medium length, sandy bonde hair, new beard, and some hair on his legs, Jeremiah noticed Ben was smooth all over. The feeling of his balls in Jeremiah's hand earlier that day didn't even offer a small amount of stubble.

Jeremiah then looked down at Caleb, who slept on his back in the bunk below Ben's. He certainly embodied the quintessential swimmer. Long and lean, probably 6 feet tall, a crop of wild, strawberry red hair. His chest and shoulders were broad, with a dusting of matching red chest hair that hadn't been shaved. Caleb's hand had made its way into his speedos while he slept, allowing a nice bush of red pubic hair to peek out. He was apparently enjoying his nap because his cock was half hard in the swimsuit, curving nicely over his right leg. An outline of his large dick head was on display and at the tip there was a quarter sized wet spot. Jeremiah reached down and barely rubbed the spot with his finger, making Caleb leak out a little more and moan in his sleep. Jeremiah made note of the sensitivity.

Jeremiah turned around and walked to Ralph, who fell asleep on his stomach in the top bunk. At some point Ralph must have pushed his pillow down to comfort his crotch, which he kept grinding into while he slept. His ass was in the air, with his legs spread apart. The position highlighted his hairy ass and legs. Jeremiah could tell this military guy worked out. He wasn't as muscular as Ben, but tone and sporting a great bubble butt on his slim frame. It's probably the reason Ralph wears jock-straps so much, knowing how good they look on him. Jeremiah wonders if he'll see him in any other kind of underwear, if so that would be a shame. Before stepping away Jeremiah puts his nose right up against Ralph's exposed hole and inhaled deeply. The scent was intoxicating. A mixture of sweat and teenage musk.

Jeremiah moved to the mirror hanging on the door of their room. He took off his shirt and stepped out of his underwear to examine his body. Even though he has one of the biggest dicks he's ever seen, he likes his chest the best. His pecs were well defined thanks to a strict diet and workout routine. He had a natural amount of chest hair that tapered off to a thin brown treasure trail, which flowed the entire length of his well defined six pack. He liked not shaving his body because it left his hair soft. His cock and heavy balls were envied by most guys. When he was fully erect he was 9 inches, thick from base to tip, and circumcised with a mushroom head. He loved watching his cock grow to it's full potential. In front of the mirror he watched himself put his index finger in his mouth, making it nice and wet, and then reached back between his ass, searching for his sweet spot. He rubbed his finger along the surface of his hole for a few seconds and then filled himself up to the first knuckle. That always did the trick. He probed his ass more and reveled in the sight of his dick, getting fatter and taller while he fingered himself.

Noises behind Jeremiah signaled that his roommates were waking. He released his finger from the grip his ass had on it, took one last look at himself and then put this shirt and underwear back on.

Once awake, the guys were hungry. They learned that in addition to twin sheets, bath towels, and shaving cream, each of them had the foresight to get a fake ID before heading to college. "Want to grab a pint and a burger?" Caleb suggested. In the spirit of continuing their bonding, they agreed to head out for a drink, escape the heat, and scope out the campus eye candy.

"I need to shower first though," Ralph admitted. "My ass is sweaty. A chick is not going to want to eat it out in its current state."

"Do what?!" Caleb said. "American girls do that?"

"Only the best ones my friend," Ralph joked.

They grabbed their gear and a towel and headed toward the communal bathroom. Caleb and Ralph were ahead of Ben and Jeremiah, discussing more differences between Irish and American women. When the two guys in front disappeared around the corner toward the bathroom, Ben stops walking and turns around toward his roommate. He's taller than all of the other guys, which makes him have to look down at Jeremiah. Grinning, he says, "Rule #1."

"Okay... and?" Jeremiah asks, looking up into a set of mischievous green eyes.

Ben closes the distance between them and says, "That means your hand belongs to me for now roomie." Then with one hand Ben hooks a finger over the elastic band of Jeremiah's briefs and pulls it back, sliding his large hand down Jeremiah's exposed skin, and with an open palm slowly rubs the generous cock and oversized balls several times. This completely takes Jeremiah by surprise, making him inhale to catch his breath as Ben gently squeezes his roommate's whole package.

"Yeah, Rule #1." Then he lets the underwear band snap back in place, turns back around and continues walking around the corner.

Next: Chapter 2

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