The Fountain of Lust and More

By Andrew Jeffs

Published on Jun 18, 2019


The Island Of Gaylord was now home to 8 young boys ranging from the ages of 11 right up to 18 all h=of whom had been on a cruise ship when it ran into trouble and sank without a trace. All 8 boys appeared to be the last known survivors and on first glances they appeared to be the only people on this island.

One by one they all started to come round. None of them really knew one another but they al decided that with Trey being the oldest of them all at 18 he would be the one that would be in charge of the group. They all decided there was going to be no use for their clothes so they all made the agreement to venture around the island nude. With all of them being straight as well no one could feel uncomfortable that one of the others was eyeing them up sexually.

All of the guys were in varying stages of puberty and all seemed to be comfortable in their own skin. Trey decided that they all needed to stick together and explore the island for wood to make a fire, food and for a supply of water. He also suggested that they need a buddy system. So Trey being the oldest paired himself up with the youngest Blaze. He then paired Craig 17 with Will 12, Josh 16 With Nick 13 & Liam 15 with Niall 14 this was just in case anybody got separated from the rest of the group at least they would be paired up.

So the first thing they did is they ventured into the forest to gather wood. Whilst they were gathering wood they came across a cave. Not knowing why awaited them in the cave they were curious to find out was in the cave but for the time being they all agreed that gathered wood to start a fire was the more important option and carried on with that

After they had gathered enough wood they then all agreed that they had to go and explore the cave that they had come across earlier. They decided that they would have a little bit of fun first to relax after collecting all the wood for the fire and so all went for a swim in the sea. After a while they all agreed they had had enough of a break and all needed to go in search of some water that was drinkable and maybe the cave might be the answer to all of their problems.

So Trey, Blaze, Craig, Will, Josh, Nick, Liam & Niall all went back into the forest in search of the cave that they had stumbled across earlier in the day. After walking for what seemed like forever they arrived at the entrance to said cave. All of them agreed they would venture in together.

When they got into the cave they couldn't believe what awaited them. There was a fountain spouting water but that wasn't the strangest part what shocked them all was how this fountain was suspiciously shaped like a penis. Trey suggested that Blaze being the youngest should try the water out first because he would most likely be the most parched.

All the others including Blaze himself were in agreement. So Blaze went up to the fountain and took a drink. What happened next shocked all of them. Blaze suddenly felt himself growing uncontrollably as if he was going through puberty at an unbelievably quick rate. Also he looked down and could see hair sprouting all over his body at an abnormally fast rate and he had a raging boner which seemed to be growing to what he considered gigantic proportions. He also found he was lusting really badly over all the guys around him. This both scared and excited him. He was so overcome with lust that he ejaculated the biggest ever and as far as he was aware the first ever load of his life all over Trey.

Trey was disgusted by this but not for long as he all of a sudden felt a wave of lust wash all over his body. With Blaze being the nearest to him he started to passionately make out with his new island buddy. Never before in his life had he wanted to be with a guy like this so badly but his body was submitting to the curse of the island and he was to see similar features on himself that Blaze had acquired for drinking the water from the fountain. Will was thinking to himself how much he secretly wanted to be a hairy muscle god and said to the rest of the group "Fuck it, if this shit turns me gay I don't really care because ever since I entered puberty I have always wanted to be a hairy muscle god". Having said that he then proceeds to drink from the fountain. Craig his new Island buddy was shocked at what had just occurred. Will was now starting to sport the same physical features as both Trey and Blaze each was so turned on by the other that they started to part take in a threesome. All were so horny the were furiously jacking off their new 12' dicks when one by one they ejaculated. Will all over Craig, Blaze came all over Niall and Trey came all over Josh. All 3 were in shock and at the same time they all knew what the outcome of that would be. One by one they felt it. Craig was first. He really didn't want to be gay and tried his hardest to fight what was going on but the wave of lust washing over him was too powerful for him and eventually his body gave in

He looked over at Niall and Josh and they were snogging each other faces off. Craig felt he should've have been disgusted by that but he was so incredibly horny he just started jacking off there and then. It wasn't long before he shot his load. He was so unbelievably horny that his load ended up going all over Nick and Liam. Finally Nick and Liam were the last two to succumb to the curse of the Island of Gaylord. They we now all looking almost exactly identical in physical appearance and all had 12' raging boners. They all decided to have one big circle jerk. So they were all jacking off and turning each other on immensely. After not very long it was likely they were all connected Psychically and all at once they shot their loads all over one another.

Now they we all starting to come down from the euphoric highs of what they had just experienced. They all decided they now needed to find some food. They went foraging for food. One they thought they had enough they went back to camp to get the fire all set up and to have some food. They were all excited about what the future held and it was clear now that they were going to be one big eternal family and knew that if they were horny at any time they could turn to their now brothers and they would all happily oblige.

Life on the Island of Gaylord was going to be a blast and they hadn't yet met the other inhabitants yet but that's another story for another day.

The End for now

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