The Fountain of Lust and More

By Andrew Jeffs

Published on Jun 14, 2019


Baron, Grey & Jermaine were completely adamant that they were going to do their best to avoid Finn, Zac & Albie for the rest of their time on the island. They couldn't believe that their friends were now gay, hairy, muscular freaks. They resigned themselves to the fact that they would probably never see their friends again.

They were in for a shock when Andrew and his best friend Ian appeared on the beach looking much like their friends did.

Baron was the first to pipe up he said "Don't come any closer, who are you and what the hell is this island". Andrew Replied "This Is Ian and I am Andrew. We were once like you, until we ended up on this island. I drank from the fountain first and then eventually Ian, My brother Thomas, David, Blaine & Sam all wound up in the same situation. If you drink from the fountain you change instantly, also if you get our cum on your body you change automatically. You have a permanent boner and will turn gay. If someone ejaculates in your mouth with 24hrs you will give birth to a teenage male version of yourself and if you are thinking of trying to escape the Island then I am afraid that is not possible. This is the Island of Gaylord and once you arrive you never leave"

Grey retorted "What a load of crap. You spout this rubbish because you want us so badly that you don't want us to leave. We ain't into dudes and never will be so we will leave this island"

Ian spoke up "One other thing that didn't apply to us because we all changed within 24rs is that after 24hrs on this island whether you have drunk for the fountain or fallen foul of one of the other ways of transformation on this island you will slowly over the next 7 days become one of us"

Jermaine decided he had had enough of this island and wanted to get off it a.s.a.p. so said "I am not listening to this rubbish. I am just going to swim to the next island and get away from here"

Andrew hated to burst Jermaine's bubble but the nearest Island was some 20 or more miles away from the Island of Gaylord so swimming out he would most likely end up running out of steam and eventually drowning.

Ian offered them to come to their village to get some food as they knew all were probably hungry. Resigned to the fact that they were doomed to spend the rest of their lives on this island the reluctantly agreed.

When they got to the village they were introduced to Thomas, David, Blaine , Sam, Keanu, Tyler, Taylor, Kai, Brooklyn, Damien, Christian, Alex, Xavier and Kayden. The were surprised that Finn, Zac and Albie were also in the village now as well. What scared them all the most was how all of the villagers looked more or less identical in their physical appearance.

Once Baron, Grey & Jermaine were introduced to everybody they were informed that they were just in time for the afternoon feast. Everybody tucked in to all the wonderful food.

Baron, Grey & Jermaine were feeling really awkward around all the guys. Grey asked the guys how long does it take for these gradual changes to take place to which Keanu replied sometimes it can happen overnight sometimes it take a few days it all depends on the individual person.

Keanu declared that tonight would be a party night with drink s galore flowing. Baron, Grey & Jermaine were a little hesitant of accepting drink from the natives of this island but they weren't the type of guys to turn down booze.

The party was really good and one by one some of the natives got horny ad stared to couple off and head to their huts. The guys decided they we very drunk and all agreed they would retire to one of the huts and try to get some sleep. Baron & Jermaine went off to sleep really quickly due to all the booze they had consumed. However Grey couldn't seem to relax. He all of a sudden had started to feel really horny. He put it down to not having had any action for so long at first but then he realised all the moaning and groaning from all the other huts was the cause of his arousal. His mind was suddenly being filled with all these gay thoughts. He was horrified but excited that he would be the next one to be converted. He saw that his boner was slowly growing and he was harder than he had ever been in his entire life.

He was also aware that he was becoming more muscular and hairier than he had ever been in his entire life. Grey had finally accepted that he was now one of the natives and his life would never be the same again. This excited him so much that he ended up having the biggest orgasm of his life. The moaning and groaning awoke Baron and he was shocked at what he saw but also he himself felt a little bit aroused. He didn't know what came over him but he felt a sudden urge to just go over and passionately kiss Grey and that was exactly what he did

All of a sudden they were so lost in the lust. Baron was just at the moment experimenting as he called it but knew that it wouldn't be long before he was one of the natives too. They decided rather than wake Jermaine that they would move to another empty hut to have their sex session.

Both were so uncontrollably horny that after only a few minutes they both came bucket loads. So lost in their own lust they were unaware that Jermaine was standing in the entrance to the hut sporting a raging dripping boner. All 3 had the same Idea and succumbed to their horniness, the 3 had the best sex of their entire lives and were all now part of the tribe. They eventually got tired and all drifted off to sleep.

During the night a cruise ship sank and 8 young male survivors washed up on the shore they were Liam 15, Will 12, Josh, 16, Nick 13, Niall 14, Craig 17, Trey 18 & the youngest was Blaze at 11 all had been separated from their parents and were unaware of the pleasures they would eventually come to enjoy on the island of Gaylord

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 8

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