The Fountain of Lust and More

By Andrew Jeffs

Published on Jun 9, 2019


Baron, Finn, Albie, Grey , Jermaine and Zac were having a fun time on their first ever spring break. All were able to hire the boat due to the fact of their wealthy parents. They were so busy enjoying themselves that they were unaware they had run ashore.

They decided to get off the boat in the plans of exploring the island. Little did they know they had landed upon the island of Gaylord and their lives would soon never be the same again. They felt as though it was a deserted island and as these straight guys say their motto is lads will be lads and feeling quite adventurous they decided to all go skinny dipping. After a while of rough housing and other fun things they decided all to get out of the water.

They were all agreed it would be a shame to let all the alcohol and food on the boat go to waste so they decided to the would have a party after they had al gathered some wood for the campfire.

As night fell upon the island all 6 friends were very merry and thinking that there was no one else around on the island none of them bothered putting any clothes back on.

As the night wore on 1 by 1 they all decided to try and get their heads down. Finn was the last one to try but being so restless due to the combination of the excitement of being on spring break with his mates and the amount of alcohol he had consumed he decided to take it upon himself to go exploring alone so he headed off into the forest.

After walking for what seemed like a while he came across a cave and being the inquisitive one he decided to go into the cave. It was there he came across a fountain. He was quite bemused at how it was shaped like a penis. All of a sudden he had the urge to take a drink from the fountain. The moment he took a drink from it he felt a wave of lust wash over him.

He looked down at his body to see how muscular and hairy his body was becoming. He also noticed his cock was harder than it had ever been in his entire life and it had grown to at least 12' a thought which was turning him on even more. A mixture of fear and excitement was washing over him along with pure arousal.

This arousal caused him to orgasm harder than he ever had. Once the lust subsided he decided to go back to his friends and try to get some sleep. After what he thought was a long walk he arrived back at the beach. He tried to get some sleep but looking at all his friends just aroused him more and more. All the moaning and groaning disturbed Albie from his sleep.

He walked over to Finn who had is back to Albie. When Albie got closer he was horrified at the Sight of Finn orgasming. This commotion disturbed Zac. He witnessed Albie running away being the curious 1 he approached Finn and asked him what had happened. Finn then proceeded to tell Zac how he had come across a cave with a fountain shaped like a penis and when he drank from it this happened and he was now gay.

Zac asked Finn to show him this cave. So Finn took him to the cave and the said penis shaped fountain. Albie who had carried on running had also managed to come across the cave and saw Zac by the fountain. Zac suddenly felt really thirsty and decided to take a drink from the fountain. Albie saw this and run over to try and pull him away but he was to late as Zac succumbed to the same fate as Finn. Albie stood there dumbfounded as Zac orgasmed all over Albie. Albie was in shock when all of a sudden a huge wave of lust washed over him. It was then he realised that he was going to be the same as Finn and Albie. Albie and Zac were both now sporting the same 12' rock hard boners as Finn had. All of a sudden they were all that overcome with lust that an orgy ensued.

Whilst this was going on Baron, Grey And Jermaine had stumbled across the cave. All 3 were disgusted that this display. It was there and then that the 3 straight guys decided they were going to try and escape the Island. They headed back to the beach and tried to get the boat working but to no avail. They had to come up with a plan to escape the island unaware that this was the Island of Gaylord and once you arrive you never leave because regardless of whether or not you drink from the fountain after 24hrs one way or another you will fall to the curse of the Island but it will be a gradual change rather than Instant.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 7

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