The Flowering Tree

By Argent Starborn

Published on Jan 26, 2008


I fear my gentle readers, that this segment took me longer to finish than the last. The muses seem to keep their own schedule which is sadly, not always convenient to mine. If you have a suggestion, or just want to stroke my ego, don't hesitate to drop me a note! Fair warning though, I may or may not use suggestions and I sometimes suck at correspondence. Forewarned is forearmed though hope you all enjoy this next installment as much as I did! -Argent

The Flowering tree 4 "collateral effects"

Crispan woke to hear disgruntled voices outside his sleeping alcove. Rising from his pallet bed he moved quietly closer until the words as well as the tones could be heard.

"Allia, that still doesn't explain why we're both dribbling milk out of our chests! I mean, you may be set up for that, but I'm a man! Men don't give milk!"

"Don't be so narrow-minded. Males of any mamalian species can produce milk, it's just that they seldom do."

The image of the two standing before him, leaking milk caused Crispan's flower and stalk to spasm and saliva to flood his mouth. An impish thought crossing his mind, Crispan closed his eyes and imagined the way the air currents felt throughout the house. openning his eyes, he made his way through

the house figuring the places that would put him upwind of his mother's alcove, where she and Lisiir continued to compare notes.

"For goddess' sake don't touch them Allia! They're too sore!"

"Of course they're sore you big baby, they look even more swollen than your penis does."

"Your one to talk, Miss bustin'-right-out-of-her-clothes! I'm sure they must have shrunk on the clothesline!"

"No need to be mean Lissir, besides, it's too warm in here to bother with them anyway.

"And come to think of it, it looks like you aren't at all put off with me anyway. Or at least not here!

Crispan padded softly closer to his mother's alcove, his stalk grew hard and his flower slick as he heard the familiar sounds of their lovemaking.

"Oh, it really is bigger Lisiir!" Allia cried softly.

"I don't know about that, you are much tighter than you were last time. No consorting with your forest god?" he reponded archely.

"un- Goddess! Of course I have."

The words dissolved into incoherancies as the rhythms of their passions rose, Lisiir's deep rumble and Allia's alto murmurs becoming sharper as the beat of their joining became more and more rapid. Suddenly, Lisiir gave a low moan and Allia sobbed as orgasm snatched them both. Meanwhile, Crispan idly played with his stalk and flower. Both Lisiir and Allia's bodies changed? What did they have in common? They'd both shared pleasure in his arms. So he could make people more desirous and somehow he changed their bodies as well as his own? A sly smile curved his lips. This would require more research.

Listening near the alcove enterance, Crispan heard the two join again and again.

As they subsided from yet another climax, Lisiir regained his language.

"I can't remember ever being this horny," He said, amusement and desire lilting his words.

"Nor can I, and you barely relax before you are up again and dribbling from that swollen thing of yours. It's odd, normally you barely come after the third time. Today you came more each time than you usually do and a LOT more often."

"Allia, sweet, did you remember your sterrility charm?"

"Godess, NO! Tell me you rememberred!"

"No Allia, all I could think about was how much I wanted you and how good it felt to pour my seed into you."

Crispan heard his mother sigh.

"Well, then I suppose this means... I don't know what it means, I finally stopped feeling empty. Stop it Lisiir! If you put that thing in me any more today we would both be raw!"

"But Allia I'm still so horny.."

The plaintive note in the deep voice almost undid Crispan, smothering his giggles, he pulled away from the doorway. Straining to listen.

"Then go wake Crispan and get away from the house for a bit," She snapped, " 'Pan.."

He heard his mother inhale sharply through her nose

"Gods BeDAMN that little brat! His scent is clouded through this room! Why the blazes didn't I notice it 'till now."

A moment of silence followed her words.

"Because you got me pregnant."

"Allia, lovely, you're not making sense. What does getting pregnant have to do with any of this-?"

"It has everything to do with it! We both had sex with the offspring of a bloody FERTILITY GOD! Today both of us have more exagerated signs of our sexes and spend an hour talking fine before suddenly leaping at each other and fucking like MINKS! And now that I'm pregnant I notice his scent in the room he hasn't been in or near since before he hit this change of his! Which means he's probably right outside the fucking doorway."

The last sentance is deliverred in a cold snarl, quite a departure from the previous, near-hysterical tirade. A large, familiar had closed around Crispan's arm just as he gatherred himself to bolt up the hall.

"We need to let your mother have some time to yourself. You young one, have some serious explaining to do." Lisiir's calm voice did nothing to quiet the confusing and contradictory feelings and thoughts swirling through Crispan's heart and mind. The scent of The other man's arousal, more powerful even now, and laced with the scent of Allia's lust nearly drowned Crispan in their intensity. His body fluctuated even as his pheramones spiked, filling the air of the hall with a stronger scent of flowers and musk.

Crispan twisted away as Lisiir began to reel, his eyes glassy and his penis pushing more than a handspan and a half longer than it had been the previous night, clear fluid pouring thickly from it's head, which was half again as large around as it had been. Unable to resist, crispan briefly clasped his hand around the painful looking erection, feeling his body shift, flower gaping open and breasts swelling on a cheast that narrows beneath them. It was much

larger than it had been. Before, Crispan's fingers could easily overlap when graping Lisiir's stalk, now a gap the sise of Crispan's thumb stood out pale

between her dark fingers.

"I Said GET OUT! NOW!!" Allia screamed.

Crispan started, and released Lisiir, bolting from the house. Lisiir snorted like a bull and charged after the fleeing youth.

After a she heard their progress fade, Allia slid from her wrathfull stance in her doorway to the floor.

"They'll probably get to the first meadow before they start fucking again," she mutterred to herself, sounding tired and resigned.

"Gods, Goddesses, what am I going to do with that child?" she asked, eyes rolling toward the ceiling.

One hand stroked the seed and sweat-sticky skin of her belly.

"What am I going to do with this one?"

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