The Flowering Tree

By Argent Starborn

Published on Jan 5, 2008


The Flowering Tree Segment Three "How the Other Half Lives"

Crispan and his mother lie in repose, the former lazily content and snuggling into the bosom of the latter. She however, looks more dazed than content. A knock at the door shatters their mismatched reverie.

"Allia! Crispan! Are you there?" a cheer full, if wearied basso voice calls.

The sound of the voice brings a flush to Crispan's mother's skin which in turn causes Crispan's stem begin to swell again. Pushing Crispan away, she jumps

out of the pallet bed and snatches up her blouse and rushes to her clothes press, snatching a simple wrap-skirt from it. The scent of her embarrassment and

agitation brings upright and causes his stem to rise more swiftly and his flower and fruit to churn.

"A cloud of sprites take it," Crispan's mother mutters as she dresses and hurries up to the entry level of their home

"For goodness sake 'Pan get dressed!" she says as she passes the entrance to his room.

Crispan stretches languorously his erection making a tent of his blanket.

"I don't see why you're worried Mother," he calls after her,"It's not like Lissir hasn't seen us both sky-clad before."

He cocks his head to listen for a response, but all he hears are his mother's footsteps and then the lesser main entrance door open. He rubs the lump

his stem makes through the blanket, noting that though it stays erect and if anything, gets harder, it begins to become a little smaller and slimmer

as the scent of his mother dissipates. He hears the murmur of conversation Between Lissir and Allia as the move from one room to another above him.

His brows draw together as he runs through the recent events, still rubbing his hard, slender stem through the blanket. Reaching with his unoccupied hand,

Crispan draws his mother's trousers to his face. Burying his nose in the still damp crotch of the trousers, Crispan takes a tentative sniff. Under his

other hand, his stem swells longer and thicker. Pulling the trousers away from his face, Crispan takes a few breaths of the room's air, feeling his

stem slowly drift back down to its' shorter and slighter configuration.

"hmmm," he murmurs to himself, "I wonder..."

His hand leaves his stem and casts the blanket aside as he spreads is legs and explores the gently dripping lips of his flower. One, then two fingers

enter easily enough, stopping only where they join his hand, a third finger stretches his flower tightly enough for discomfort.

Switching back to two fingers, he works them in and out of his slickenning flower. Crispan brings the trousers to his face again, inhaling

deeply of the remnants of Allia's excitement. His stem quickly doubles in length and trebles in size, throbbing insistently between the heel of

his hand and his suddenly rippled belly. His flower tightens until two fingers are far too much shallowing until the single permitted digit

bottoms out midway past his first knuckle. Absently swirling his middle finger in the shrunken flower, Crispan draws the trousers away from his face

again. As the his head clears of the scent of his mother, his flower opens further, once again allowing two fingers the span of their length to work

in and out.

"Crispan, Allia said you were ill and not to disturb you," Lissir's calls as he approaches Crispan's room," but you know how I hate to sleep by myself,

and Allia said she needed to go speak to your father about something. So would you mind if I crawled in with---"

Crispan smiled as the older man stuttered to a stop a few steps into his room. Lissir looked much as Crispan remembered him, heavily muscled arms

bracketing a chest that once seemed as big as the sky, had not seemed to get much smaller as the years passed and Crispan had grown taller. Though

the green-haired child had a few moons ago reached and passed Lissir's modest height. Pale gray eyes seemed round as saucers under Lissir's bushy black

brows. His full, dark beard was still cropped short, the jaw it ran along was slack with shock.

Crispan dropped his mother's trousers and withdrew his playing fingers from his flower, they glistened with it's juices. He met Lissir's pale gray gaze

with his amber eyes, the smile upon his own lips twisting with amusement.

"Well 'Uncle Lissir', you are certainly welcome in my bed!" Crispan says as he stands up, moving from pallet bed to floor and stepping toward

Lissir. Crispan scents the other man, the layers of pungent sweat on clothing mixed with the dust of his travel, the muffled scent of sweat from Lissir's

nethers causes a pang to sing through Crispan's flesh. As Crispan closes the distance betwixt them, his hips begin to broaden and breasts swell upon his

chest, bouncing slightly with his steps, his own scent alters as he becomes more feminine gaining a slightly floral tang rather than musk.

Lissir's mouth opens and closes as he watches Crispan come toward him, the crotch of his travel-stained trousers becoming tight as his manhood swells.

Swallowing hard, Lissir tries to shake his head to clear it. Crispan laughs softly, his tenor shifting to an alto as the lips of her flower darken and

swell. Her stalk becomes even more modestly-sized, above the thickened shroud it seems barely longer or thicker than her thumb, though still crowned with a

dripping, cherry head.

"Crispan, what happened to you while I was away?" Lissir finally manages to ask, his pupils expand as Crispan gets closer,

"I seem to be growing up Lissir," she responds, running her hands over his shoulders, "Aren't you proud of me?"

Confusion, and lust chase each other across Lissir's features at Crispan's touch. His fire-scarred hands clasp her arms.

"I thought you were going to grow into a man Crispan," Lissir says thickly, hands absently caressing the arms he had meant to push away. His man-root aches

as it fights against the constraints of his trousers.

"Oh, I am, sometimes."

Crispan pushes further in, burying her face in the spot where Lissir's neck meets his shoulder, he inhales deeply. Crispan moans as her flower deepens

and her stalk, instead of receding like it had for her Father, surged a little taller, becoming as long as her middle finger and still slightly

thicker than her thumb.

"Well," she murmurs, "I wasn't quite expecting that,"

Crispan rubs her nude body against Lissir's clothed one, wrapping her arms around his neck and running her fingers through the short black fuzz on his

scalp. Her small breasts rub along his cloth enclosed chest and her stem and flower soak the bulge in the rougher fabric of his trousers. Both of them are

trembling now. She brings her lips to his ear.

"Won't you come to bed dear Lissir and show me how you make Mother feel?"

With a nibble on his ear she releases him, her scent swirling in the air of the room.

"What are you talking about?" Lissir asks thickly, as Crispan opens the closures of his over and undershirt, then drops to her knees to unlace Lissir's


"Oh, didn't you know I could hear you both then?" she chuckles as she looks down at his unbooted feet, clad in socks that Crispan's mother had knitted.

Woodenly, Lissir shrugs out of his layers of clothing, eventually freeing his thick, aching cock, which bobs in the air with his heartbeat, drooling like it

hadn't in years. His skin was flushed beneath the patchy darkening forge-work gave him, the skin from his waist down much paler than from the wait up. His cock

waved in the air before Crispan's eyes, as long as a banana but and thick enough that Crispan's fingers barely touched base of Lissir's shaft

when she reached out to grasp it. Lissir groans as Crispan slowly milks more clear fluid from his root. Bending close Crispan suckles at Lissir's cock,

savoring the tangy fluid as her mother not so long ago savored his own.

Lapping down Lissir's shaft, she nuzzled the hanging sick beneath it, wondering at how similar and different it was from he own, wild black hair covered the

sack and surrounded the base of Lissir's shaft.

Putting her free hand upon her belly Crispan concentrated for a moment, she cast the charm against becoming pregnant. She briefly suckled at the head of

his root, tasting again the salty drizzle that poured from it before rising to her feet, pressing her body against his all the way up. Her stem

jousting for a moment with his longer, much thicker root. pressing against Lissir she grinds her stem against the upper part of his shaft and her mound

against the lower.

"Won't you come to bed and till my flower dear Lissir?" Crispan pants into his ear.

"Gladly you little tease!" Lissir growls as he lifts Crispan as if she weighed nothing at all, lowering her to the pallet as he kneels in it himself.

"To begin with, hardly lapping a fellow's cock is bound to rile him up badly, this is how you do it," Lissir snarls.

Crispan gasps as the older man engulfs her stem in his hot, wet mouth, sucking and slurping at it while bobbing is down. Lissir made a strange snort-like

sound each time the head of Crispan's stem grazed the back of his tongue.

Crispan bucked and withed as the sensation flared through her. Her flower began to quiver and as his ministrations continued, one thick finger worth two

of hers rubbed and danced on the twitching hole betwixt her cheeks, one huge thumb digging into hr spasming flower.

Suddenly Crispan arched as orgasm gushed from both her flower and surged along and out her stem, quickly swallowed by the working mouth.

"Well that was much sweeter than I'm used to tasting," Lissir smirked as he rubbed the traces of Crispan's orgasms from his mouth and beard

Shifting position, Lissir lifted Crispan's legs a bit, grasped her soft waist and pulled her flower onto his thick root.

Crispan wept as the needing emptiness was finally filled.

"Please, yes! More!" She cried tugging at what parts she could reach.

"Eager to oblige a friend in need" Lissir responded and started slowly bucking his hips, working his manhood in and out of Crispan's grasping flower.

"Oh gods! Oh Gods! So good" Crispan moaned, bucking her hips to meet his thrusts.

Lissir moved one hand from her hips to kneed her breast.

"Oh, it's happening again!" She cried as her orgasm made her flower clench and gush d her wildly bobbing stem spurt between the two.

Lissir groaned as his own orgasm came blasting into her flower in heavy bursts. Leaning down he caught Crispan's mouth with his own, pressing

their lips together before licking hers open with his tongue. He bats her tongue with his and licks the insides of her teeth before breaking the kiss.

"So now will you let me get some rest?"

Sticky and exhausted Crispan laughed, feeling the softening cock still lodged in her flower.


Next: Chapter 4

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