The Flowering Tree

By Argent Starborn

Published on Dec 22, 2007


Okay, the second bit! As you may notice, it is slightly longer than the first. Now I tell you true, dear readers; I intended this part to go a little differently than it did. sigh Apparantly the story and it's characters had other plans. So, fair reader gird yourself and come along for the ride, or steer thee clear and save thy hide!

Crispan's mother mopped his brow with a cool, damp cloth.

"What is happening to you?" She finally asked, "I'm not entirely certain."

Crispan forces himself to lie still upon his pallet bed, the scent of his mother so close was making his flower spasm and his stalk twitch with that new life. he found his eyes fixed on her breasts when she inhaled deeply and sighed.

"Don't think I can't tell what's going on down there," She says sharply, causeing a blush to burn Crispan's cheeks and ears.

"Obviously you take after your other parent more than I thought," She continues, "Your gender is fluid, much like that of a spirit. Perhaps you'll learn to control it later, but as young as you are it seems to be ruled by the pheremones of those around you. Your father's phremones are very strong, so you have a very um--" she paused, blushing a bit herself "Very emphatic response to that parent's forms and scents."

She glares at the tent forming in the blanket covering her child.

"But Momma, why did it happen so suddenly? Didn't you say that maturation was a slower process for larger mammals?" he asks, his voice dropping from androgyn tenor to masculine barritone.

"Some of them, yes but you aren't all human Crispan," She responds, watching the tent grow higher and higher. Her skin became dewey and flushed, heat rising to her skin and flooding betwixt her thighs. "Obviously being fathered by a spirit of fertile land throws a few kinks into the mix. Crispan honey, I need you to meditate. Right now!"

Her voice sharpens even as her nipples harden and scrape against the fabric of her blouse. Crispan could see a dark moist blotch growing and spreading in the crotch of the trousers she wore when she worked in the field and forest.

"Why Momma?" He asks in a basso voice, the smell wafting from her made his stalk grow still faster, his testicles

swelling and churning, forcing thick clear fluid from the swollen lips of his flower and the crown of his root.

"be..Because you are flooding the room with pheremones," Her voice takes on a dreamy quality, her eyes are

dialating pupils huge and dark.

"Shouldn't you be immune, since you're my mother?" His voice is ammused, almost the glee of a child finding fault in someone who is right so often.

"That only--- holds true ---for--- some spiecies," Her words are broken by gasps for air, each breath seeming to make her warmer, causing the dribbling stain between her legs to surge.

"Fuck," She mutters, placing both hands on her belly, her face contorts in concentration.

Crispan laughs, not his usual happy trill, but a dark burble.

"I know what your doing," his now rumbling basso voice sing-songs, "You are making sure you won't get pregnant!"

"Yes, but how did you know that?" Her brow is furrowed, her speach slurred.

"I've seen you do it when some of the Uncles share your bed."

"Well aren't you the little vouyour?"

"Mmm-hmmm, a little."

Crispan sits up, the blanket pooling around his narrower waist. Hard muscle ripples along his naked frame

as he shifts positions. His bulging arms ripple as he beckons his mother to him.

"I hurt so much Mama, Daddy left me aching for something," Crispan murmurs, his voice full of pleading, "Can't you make it better?"

He shifts his narrow tightly muscled buttocks against the pallet,causing his swollen, dripping root to wag

obscenely. Her eyes rake along his form, following the movement of his prong.

"Yeah," she says thickly, her hands fret with the ties of her blouse as he slowly drags the blanket aside.

More and more dark redbrown, tightly muscled flesh is revealed as he pulls upon the blanket. Pale skin is revealed in response, almost retaliation as she strips her clothes, fever causing her skin to flush pale pink. The blanket snags stubornly on his root, clinging to the sticky, plum-sized crown. Crispan flings the blanket aside, revealing his proud, banana-sized cock and swollen low-hanging balls. the lips of his slit make a swollen, black-cherry colored double line between his visibly pulsating nuts.

He strokes his swollen member with one hand as two fingers of the other tentatively press into his wet slit. She draws closer as he groans with the sensations. His head is thrown back, as the thick secretion coats his exploring fingers and stroking hand. Up and down the hand goes making the thick cock and dark crown slick and shiny. In and out the two fingers go, tight in the clenching flower briefly exposing the brighter red inside.

She draws nearer, hypnotized. Her nipples graze his cheast, bringing his head up with a gasp from them both. They press together, nuzzling into each others embrace. Her larger slit bumps against his and slides along

his staff. She murmurs nonsense, as her clit swells and her juice mixes with his. Just as his hips shift to try and slip his member into her flower she jerks her own to dodge it. Lithely she slips from his grasp,

pulling away while pressing a hand against his chest to forestall his pursuit.

"Wanna try something," She mutters, almost to softly to hear. Dipping her head into his lap she licks along his shaft, slurping at the dripping crown.

"You taste of pollen and honey," she murmurs.

He groans in response.

She licks down the shaft again, down to his pulsing eggs, licks inside his tight small slit.

He shudders and lets out small breathless yips.

"Sweeter honey here though,"

"Enough!" He bellows, swooping and bending, he hauls her so that his oozing crown nestles at her mound. Hardly aware that he is standing, holding her in the air by her hips and bottom.

"Please," he wails, "let me in!"

She smiles and wraps her legs around his narrow waist, pressing her heels into his jutting buttocks and pulling herself down on his root. As he sinks to the hilt into her wet hot grip he feels his root and crown swell to fill and slightly stetch her tunnel only a little longer than he was but nearly twice as thick, the nob of his glans growing nearly as large as a peach. His slit clenches down to almost vanishing between the harder and faster throbbing nuts. His hips buck and he clenches his huge-grown hands around her waist, sliding his thick, vein-strewn shaft in ever growing strokes. Her breast bounce as his pace quickens.

Faster and faster they go, she braces her hands on his bulging arms, moaning as she thrusts her achingly full pussy downward to meet his thrusts.

They both pant and moan as sweat drips off their bodies. The slick sound of their rutting punctuated by his heavy balls slapping into her bottom, Her nails whiten his skin as she spasms in climax, the frenetic clenching of her tunnel undoing him. He bells like a stag as his swollen balls draw up and fire, creamy white leaking from his tight hole and launching in hard, thick blasts into her. Four, five, six hard shots fire through her cevix and deep into her womb. then several more gentler shuddering waves pulse both from his slowly softening cock and his pulsing hole.

Later, after collapsing on the bed, he looks up from absently nuzzling his mother.

"I wonder if it feels as good to do that like you do." He says.

A troubled look and an amused one fight for dominance in his mother's features.

"I don't know, but the way you seem wired, you'll probably find out!"

Next: Chapter 3

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