The Flight Attendant, F/F, Heavy Bnd by JYM

By moc.loa@bnallaekiM

Published on Dec 22, 2009



I caught a late flight out of Los Angeles that would get me home early the next morning. I was at the end of a long business trip that had taken me to Houston, Seattle, San Francisco, and finally Los Angeles. I couldn't wait to get home. The group waiting to board the flight was small, probably as a result of the recent crash that had taken almost 300 lives. Flying scares me, always has and always will but I have to fly or give up my business. I'm a management consultant with my own firm and clients all over the country.

When the flight was announced, I was first through the gate onto the Jetway, anxious to get rid of the guy that had been hitting on me for the past thirty minutes. No matter what I said he persisted. I prayed he wouldn't be in first-class. As luck would have it, I was the only passenger in first-class when the plane taxied away from the gate. Two of the flight attendants stood in the aisle and conferred for a moment before one of them turned and disappeared through the curtain into the rear compartment. The other, a young, pretty blonde with short hair gave me a quick smile and then started the required saftey demonstration as one of her colleagues began to speak on the intercom.

When the demonstration was over, I leaned back and opened the book I'd bought earlier in the day, Robert Parker's latest 'Spenser' mystery. I suppose I should introduce myself before I get any deeper into the story. My name is Kate Dennis and I'm thirty years old. I'm a tall, slender brunette with hazel eyes, olive skin, and long nice legs. I'm no beauty but I am attractive and some would even say pretty, but everyone agrees that my legs are my best feature. I'm single again after a short disastrous marriage to a man who mistook me for a punching bag. I was dressed for comfort that night, wearing a t-shirt, nylon jogging shorts, and my favorite Reeboks.

I was just getting into the book when the blonde flight attendant appeared and asked if I wanted something to drink. I nodded and asked for Harvey's Bristol Cream. She smiled and hurried away to get it. When she returned, she poured my drink and told me that her name was Gwen and that she'd be taking care of me but might be absent for short stretches to help out in back. I smiled. "I'm Kate Shaw and you don't have to fuss over me. I'll probably sleep most of the way."

I returned my attention to 'Spenser' and sipped my sherry as I read. Gwen was back a few minutes later with some snacks, peanuts and pretzels, apologizing for forgetting them earlier. She hovered, as if she wanted to talk, so I put my book aside and took a good look at her. She was young and friendly and very beautiful. Normally I don't care for young beautiful blondes but Gwen was like a puppy, eager and adorable. Her hair was cut very short and it gave her a boyish look that was enhanced by her slender figure. Her uniform skirt was very short, showing off her long beautiful legs.

I gestured at the empty seat and asked her if she could sit and talk for a few minutes. She glanced toward the back. "I'd like to, but not right now. Can I come back later?" I nodded and said later would be fine. She grinned and disappeared again.

When she came back, she brought me another Harvey's and asked if I was hungry. "We've got steak and grilled chicken tonight."

Until she spoke, I hadn't realized that I was indeed hungry. I decided upon the steak and she hurried off to get it. Airline food usually defies description but the steak turned out to be suprisingly good. The salad was crisp and the baked potato was firm but not hard. I enjoyed it. Something I can't say very often. I travel a lot, my clients are all over the United States and Canada and I'm an expert on airline food.

Later, after taking the tray away, Gwen brought me a third Harvey's and settled down in the empty aisle seat. She sighed and I glanced at her. "Long flight today?"

She chuckled. "No not today, but we flew from Japan yesterday and that was a long one. My feet still hurt! But it was great! My first trip out of the country!"

I grinned, she seemed so young and enthusiastic. "How old are you?"

She glanced at me with a mischevious grin. "How old do you think I am?"

I took a guess. "Twenty-one? Twenty-two?"

She shook her head. "Nope, I just turned nineteen, three days ago. Celebrated in Tokyo with the crew."

I raised my glass in a toast, "Happy birthday. How did you like Japan?"

"Oh, it was fantastic! But the men! They seem to have this thing about blondes! Next trip I'll wear a wig." She sighed and leaned back in the seat for a second. Then she noticed that my drink was almost empty and she hopped up to get me another before I could stop her.

When she returned I asked her if she was trying to get me drunk. She looked startled for a moment and then grinned. "Would I have to?"

It was my turn to be startled. This little girl, barely out of her training bra, was hitting on me! I took a long sip of my drink to give me time to think. My mind drifted back over the years to my second year in college. My roommate, Allison, had gotten me drunk one night and taken me to bed with her. What followed was so exciting, so fantastic, so scary, that I moved out the next day and tried not to think about it ever again.

I took a deep breath and looked her right in the eye. Her's were green and big. "No," I whispered, "You don't have to get me drunk."

She grinned, "Good. I'll be back in a moment." When she returned, she had a blanket and a pillow. She handed them to me and suggested that I cover myself so I'd stay warm while I was naked. Then she disappeared again. I put my seat back as far as it would go and put the pillow behind my head. Then I covered myself with the blanket and removed my shorts, t-shirt, bra, and panties. I left my socks and shoes on. I folded my things neatly and tucked them behind my back.

When Gwen returned she slipped into the aisle seat and leaned close. I closed my eyes and turned my face up for her kiss. It was a long, sweet kiss with lots of tongue. Very arousing and very erotic. She drove her tongue into my mouth and quickly established who was in control. Then she pulled back and we stared at each other in silence for a long moment. I saw her grip the edge of the blanket and I let her pull it away, exposing my nude body to her gaze. She took a long long look before whispering, "You're very beautiful!"

I blushed and whispered, "Thank you." I made no attempt to cover myself, leaving my hands resting on my thighs. She reached out and put her hand on my left knee, tugging it until I was spread for her inspection. I closed my eyes and sighed as she ran her hand up the inside of my left thigh.

At the same time, she asked what I'd done with my clothes. I opened my eyes and leaned forward so she could see them folded behind my back. She took them and got up. I watched her walk to the front of the cabin and tuck them into a drawer. That left me completely at her mercy. I was surprised at how much that excited me. When she returned and saw that I was still uncovered she told me to pull the blanket up in case someone came forward to use the restroom. Then she kissed me again and slipped her hand under the blanket. I sighed and shifted position so that I was completely open to her. She smiled and whispered, "After we land, pretend to be asleep. I'll 'wake' you after the plane is empty."

I nodded. "What about the other attendants?"

She wrinkled her nose, an adorable gesture. "Don't worry about them. I'll tell them you're a friend and I'm taking you into the city in my car."

I nodded again, content to let her arrange things. She masturbated me to orgasm and I moaned with pleasure as it hit. Then I yawned. She grinned and told me to get some sleep. She tucked the blanket around me tightly and then got another which she tossed over me loosely. I drifted off to sleep and slept the rest of the way. The jolt of the landing gear coming down woke me. I was startled to realize that I was nude, but then I remembered. I glanced around. Gwen was just coming up the aisle from the back. She smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "Remember, pretend you're asleep." I nodded and closed my eyes.

It was strange to lay there nude under the blankets and listen to everyone as they filed off the plane. Finally, when the plane was empty, Gwen came and handed me a raincoat. "Everyone's gone but us. Put this on and we'll get going."

I tossed the blankets off and stood up. Gwen smiled as she gazed at my nude body. I slipped the raincoat on. It was a perfect fit. I gathered my things and followed her up the jetway into the terminal. She took me with her to the office where she signed out and then we went down to get my luggage. Finally, we arrived at her car and put our bags in the trunk. It was 5 a.m. on Saturday. Gwen drove us into the city to her apartment. I asked her why she didn't live out on the island, near the airport, and she said that the excitement of living in the city made up for the hassle of driving back and forth.

As we were getting our bags out of the trunk, she asked how long I could stay. I shrugged. Until Sunday night, maybe Monday morning. I explained about being the boss and not having to answer to anyone but my clients. Then I told her about my house in Greenwich and she seemed fascinated. I yawned as we crossed the garage to the elevator. Once inside, she pushed 22 and then turned to me. "Take the raincoat off."

I hesitated and she slapped me. Not hard, but not a soft slap. It stung. I hastily removed the raincoat and folded it neatly. She smiled and ran the back of her hand over my nipples. I moaned as they sprang erect. She chuckled and her hand darted between my legs. She held it up to show me what I already knew - I was sopping wet. "Lick it." I leaned forward obediently and licked my juices from her fingers. It was fantastic! I'd tasted myself before, of course, but never in a public place and never at someone else's command.

When the elevator stopped, I followed her down the hall, no longer caring about being nude. She unlocked her apartment and ushered me inside. It suddenly occurred to me that she might have a roommate, but she assured me that she lived alone. She left me standing in the middle of the living/diningroom and disappeared into the bedroom. She reappeared within a minute or so. Nude. Carrying a riding crop. She was stunningly beautiful. Long firm thighs, flat stomach, pert full breasts that bounced gently with each step. Big hard nipples, a bright pink in color.

I glanced at the riding crop and licked my lips, suddenly scared. And very excited. I dropped to my knees and rolled onto my belly. I crawled to her and licked her feet in submission. She asked me if I wanted to taste the whip. I glanced up at her and whispered, "Yes, oh yes. I want it!"

She pointed to the coffee table and told me to get up on it on my knees. I scrambled to obey, clasping my hands behind my neck as directed. She positioned herself on my left and told me that noise wasn't a problem because the walls were thick, but she turned her stereo on and put it up a little to cover any sounds I might make. I saw her arm go up out of the corner of my eye and then the riding crop came down across my butt and I yelped. She gave me a dozen very quickly, not hard, but enough to bring tears to my eyes and leave my bottom stinging.

Afterward, on my knees in front of her, I looked up at her through my tears and whispered, "How did you know?"

She grinned. "I looked at you on the plane and knew that you were ripe! You might as well have had 'Slave' written on your forehead with Magic Marker!" She spread her legs and slid down a little. I bent and ran my tongue up her thigh and into her sweet young shaved pussy. She was wet and delicious. It had been twelve years since I had tasted another woman's cunt and I suddenly regretted every moment. I brought her to orgasm and sat back on my heels, immensely happy and very content.

She leaned forward and stroked my cheek. I smiled and rubbed my face against her hand. She smiled and whispered, "You'd make a good slave, too bad you're up in Connecticut."

I took a deep breath. "Come up to Connecticut and live with me. I have a big house with a pool and there's plenty of room."

I stared up at her, afraid to breathe while I waited for her answer. She shook her head, "It's too long a drive to the airport from there."

I grinned. "You can take a limo in. I'll pay for it. I've plenty of money. My grandmother left me a fortune."

She frowned and said, "I'll think about it. Don't push!"

I ducked my head and kissed her knee. "Yes, ma'am."

She got up and went into the bedroom after warning me not to move. When she returned she had a leather briefcase with her. She set it on the coffee table and opened it up. It was filled with bondage toys. She put clips on my nipples and hung little weights on them. I sucked in my breath and whimpered as the pain built. She took out a length of braided leather that I thought was a whip. But it wasn't. She looped it around my neck and twisted it tight, cutting off my breath. I stared into her eyes, gasping for breath, not daring to move. Just before I blacked out she loosened it and I took a deep, ragged breath.

She smiled and hung another weight on each clip. I whimpered as the pain increased. She asked me if I wanted her to stop. I shook my head. She started to tighten the cord again. I grabbed her wrists and she stopped the pressure and we stared at each other in silence for a long moment. I took another deep breath. And dropped my hands to my sides. She smiled. "Am I to assume that I'm free to strangle you if I wish?"

I nodded. "Yes, my life is yours. I am your slave."

She loosened the cord immediately and ordered me up onto the kitchen table, on my knees, my ankles crossed and my knees spread wide. I was in position, watching, when she took a can of Crisco out of the cabinet. She set it down and opened it up. I watched as she scooped out a lump and began to spread it over her right hand. She glanced at me and smiled. "Ever been fisted?"

I shook my head. "No, never." My voice quavered and she laughed.

Then she turned a chair around and straddled it. I stared down at her as she worked her hand into my cunt, one finger at a time. When it was in, a process that took almost 20 minutes, she made a fist and I gasped. She turned her fist and pumped it up and down slowly. I threw my head back and screamed with pleasure as she worked my clit with her other hand!

Gwen laughed. "Soon you'll take my fist in your ass!"

I glanced down at her and shook my head. "Nooooooo. Not in my ass. Please, nooooo."

She brought me to orgasm twice before easing her hand out of me. I knelt there, panting and covered with sweat, while she washed her hand. Then she whipped me with the riding crop until I was sobbing and begging for mercy.


The events I've described took place nearly a year ago. Gwen has continued to live in New York, but she comes up to Greenwich regularly. I am her slave, totally and completely. I've discovered that I'm a pain slut. She uses the strangling cord almost every time and I know that some night she won't loosen it. She'll sit there, smiling sweetly, and watch as I strangle to death. I pray for it.


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