Published on Aug 25, 1999



Chris had returned home after a year of learning what it was like to be on his own. Grades were ok and he felt good about himself for other reasons too.

He was the kind of kid was called names in highschool. He was a geek to be sure with interests and abilities in computers. Chris was a member of the AV Squad too. And yes, he liked science fiction. But he liked other things too..although he couldn't do anything about it. Chris liked men.

He would sit in the stands watching track and field and football teams work out stretch, yell, play, fight and then go home to masturbate as many times as he could.

Chris attended all of the school games often having to beg friends to go with him. It wasnt the school spirit or the sports of course it was the sight of his male classmates.

Practically having to bribe his way onto the staff by fixing their computers, Chris became a sports writer. The staff laughed about a geek sportswriter, but he got the job. His knowledge of sports wasn't seen as exemplarary so other kids wrote too. "But nobody writes about the athletes like Chris" the editor said.

It was true. And as a reward, Chris got to hang out in the lockerrooms, interviewing the players of all the school sports, swimming, football, track and field, baseball, soccer. As he questioned, listened and wrote notes, he saw the naked bodies he craved.

But he was seen as a joke. Called geek and a fag, he braved the experiences until he graduated.

By the end of the year after High School graduation, Chris had changed. His gangly body seemed to fill out. He became more confident. And he engaged in sex with other men. The basement of the theater building was well known as a nest of horny students and that's where Chris ventured.

He tricked often. Chris had a couple of affairs too. He went to a nearby town to dance with local gays..and discovered many classmates there as well. Chris was "out" as far as he was concerned.

"Hey!" the yell came from Clint. "Don't I know you?"

Chris smiled and nodded. "You used to call me jockgeek" They were standing in a line at the grocery store in Chris hometown.

"You?" Clint wasn't ever known as being bright so it took awhile. "school paper, locker room, AV squad, right?"

"Yep" Chris said.

"What happened to you?" Clint looked Chris over head to toe. Chris knew his tank top and shorts displayed his tan nicely. The swimming he did at college seemed to be time right to help his body go through a transition from gangkly to broader shouldered male.

"Been away at college, you?" Chris looked Clint in the eye. He never could do that in High School for fear his erection would be noticed. Clint was tall, blond, jock, football player who scoring achievement got him a scholarship to the State University.

"Did State this year.. didn't work out though. Going to City next year" Clint said.

Chris nodded.

"you know I had a hell of a crush on you in high school" he said.

Clint stared and then looked around to see who else had heard the brash admission.

"uh yea....."

"oh you didn't know? I guessed when you and the others callied me a faggot all the time you knew..hell I wasn't too sure myself" He said.

Clint just stared.

"Let's get a coke or something"

Chris and Clint sat at a table where the High School jocks used to sit not too long ago drinking cokes and eating french fries. Chris asked Clint questions about school, sports, neighbors, if they had been buddies for years.

Then suddenly, three other former classmates desceneded on the two of them. Marsh, Alex and Conner were jocks then too. They greeted Clint and punched shoulders like jocks too.

"Hey guys you know Chris...from the high school paper" Clint said realizing they had been ignoring him. And from the look on his face, Clint revealed a nervousness about what Chris would say.

Chris shook hands all around.

"Man what happened to aren't a...."

"geek?" Chris asked and laughed.

"yea well, I guess we all change at different times" Marsh said. His stare seemed to reveal more then a little interest in Chris.

"Hey let's get together in my basement later tonight, beer, some smoke, old times " it was agreed.

Chris knew he wasn't part of that group.

"Hey geek. you come too." Alex said

"Hey thanks for not saying stuff" Clint said to him.

"yea..didn't think it a good time. So I'll see ya tonight?" Chris stood and punched Clint on the shoulder gently.

The basement wasn't anything special...except it was where the jocks used to hang out. Instead of ten or twenty that night there were only four plus Chris.

They applaueded when Chris arrived carrying a case of beer. And all were soon laughing, drinking and telling dirty jokes. Smoke filled the room and made eveyone talkative, hungry and relaxed.

Clothing seemed to be discarded until all were in underwear or shorts watching some ESPN sports show. Chris or anyone couldn't hear it...since everyone was yelling their own versions.

Then the porn tape played and the men grew they watched two men and a girl have sex. Why they selected a bisexual tape, they didn't know. But Chris had secretly brought it and left it hear the vcr as if someone in the house had left it.

"Shit man this is making me fucking horny" Alex kept saying.

"OK guys, an announcement" Chris said. After repeating himself, Chris got their attention..expecially since he stood in front of the tv screen.

"You guys called me a fag in highschool and you were right. I fantasized about all of you when i jacked off."

Nobody said anything.Clint seemed nervous.

"I'm going back home this weekend and moving mystuff back to OHALLEN to an apartment. I'm leaving this town so I dont' care what you think or say."

"you leaving?" Clint asked suddenly interested.

"yea. So I'm going to do tongiht what I've always wanted to do." Chris peeled off his shirt and shorts standing totally naked and erect in front of them.

"hey we're not into fags" one of the guys muttered.

"But this fag is into you for some fucking reason. I will suck you, give you my ass and whatever else you fuckers want tonight. One time only..nobody will know and I'll be gone tommorrow"

Nobody responded.

Chris moved towards Clint but he looked as if he was going to panic so Chris moved to Alex and knelt.

"You said you were so horny...."Chris opened the jocks fly and pulled the erect cock out and began to suck. The group watched in silence then glanced back at the tv screen where the two men were having sex too. One was fucking the other while the woman watched.

"Ok guys my ass is available" Chris announced and returned to sucking Alex.

"One of you guys fuck him will you?" Alex moaned.

the finger was first then the big hands slapped his butocks and the pain of a cock being jammed into him made Chris yelp. "Christ use some lube man" he instructed.

"sorry man" Marsh got a jar of something from the nearby bathroom and returned to slip easily into Chris ass.

Clint's cock was next as Chris sucked Conner. Then Chris turned quickly to swallow Clint's cock just as it expelled his sperm. Alex lost no time and lifted Chris butt up and fucked it.

"Who's next? " Chris asked. And the sucking and fucking continued. Clint was sucking on Chris' cock before he realized it. Alex was holding Conner ankles as he rammed his hips in and out.

And the night ended with Chris totally drained..covered in dried jock sperm and satisfied.

"Hey man, let's go" Clint handed him his clothes.

They didnt' talk at all as they drove to Clint's house. The bedroom was upstairs and the jock locked the door. The sex was passionate, tiring and draining.

Waking up naked next to the jock was a victory to Chris. He kissed the boy's nipples who seemed uneasy about having sex in the light of the morning. But Chris mouth enveloped the jock and then he squatted down onto the boys cock rocking so he could fuck himself on it.

Clint's hand found Chris' nipple and the other surrounded the former geek's cock...and sperm flew.

Chris thanked Clint for the ride back to his car.

"Hey" Clint stopped Chris' departure "gonna see you again?" he asked.

"I'm leaving this weekend for good" Chris repeated his declaration.

"Can I come visit you " Clint asked.

Chris' gut seemed twisted with mixed emotions and feelings. Quick memories of the abuse he got in high school flashed through his mind. The name calling the curses and the "fuck you" responses that Clint and others had given him were among them.

"sure, why not?" he said and smiled at the obviously uncomfortable , unsure but suddenly sensative face of the former high school jock.

"Cool" clint said and waved.

Chris did what he said he had decided to do....his revenge was full of pleasure and satisfaction. And his move away helped him close that chapter on his life.

And Clint did what he promised was a big decision but he made it.

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