The Final

By Joe Smith

Published on Feb 1, 2005



I was in my first quarter at the University and as luck would have it got sick the week of finals. I managed to make it to my first two but by the time the third one came around I could barely walk. I made it back to my dorm and collapsed on the bed. I figured that the professor would let me take the final the next day as I was sick. I guess I should have realized that I was no longer in high school.

I walked into is office the next morning hoping to be able to set up a time during which I could retake the exam and was shocked when he told me that he wouldn't let me make it up. If I failed this class I couldn't progress with the curriculum I needed for my major. My courses had already been set up and I couldn't miss any classes. I begged him to let me take it over again pleading that I had been to sick. He just told me that I could retake the next quarter. He didn't seem to understand that if I didn't pass this class I would have to transfer out of the engineering school. Finally I convinced him to consider the deal and give me an answer later in the afternoon.

When I returned he seemed to have made up his mind and told me what the deal would be:

"I have decided to let you take the test over again, but since I am being so generous to you, you will have to do something for me. You will come here tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. to fulfill your part of the deal. If you do not show up or do not fulfill your end you will fail the class."

At 10:00 sharp I showed up thinking that he was going to let me take the exam during the scheduled 10:30 exam time. I was very wrong.

"Strip off your clothes and get over here on your knees and suck my cock. If you don't want to I will not only fail you in this class but I will also report you to the administration for cheating. You don't need to talk from now on, and if you do the deal is off. You can just strip to show that you agree."

I couldn't believe it. If I was reported for cheating then I would be kicked out of the university. My parents would be shocked and more than likely disown me. In a daze I started to take off my clothes until I was standing in front of my 40 year old professor.

"Good slut. Now get your ass over here and get my cock between those lips. Maybe you'll think twice before you decide to skip class to get some extra studying in."

When I failed to come over to him he walked up to me and landed a solid punch in my gut doubling me over and dropping me to my knees. When I recovered enough to look up I saw him standing above me massaging a giant cock. It had to be at least 9" long and as thick as my wrist. Grabbing a handful of hair he jerked my head back causing my mouth to open.

"I thought I told you to suck my cock you worthless piece of shit."

With that he shoved the head of his cock into my mouth. It was enormous and I felt like my jaw was going to break off. I couldn't see how any more of it could fit in, and the pain was keeping me from thinking about the fact that I had a cock in my mouth. Grabbing tighter holds on my hair he started pushing his cock into my mouth. My eyes started to water from the pain but he just kept pushing in. It hit the back of my throat and I thought he was going to stop and for a second it seemed like he would. He pulled out about an inch and then, smiling down at me, he rammed it back in. He continued to do this pulling out more and more each time before ramming back in as hard as he could. My eyes were watering so much I was crying now and I kept gagging every time he pushed in. He started to pick up speed fucking mouth harder and harder with each thrust. I looked up and saw him close his eyes and start to moan. I tried to pull back but he had to good a hold on my head. With a final thrust he jammed his cock in as far as he could and started spraying down my throat. I tried to swallow as fast as I could so I could just get a breath of air, but I couldn't keep up with the flow and soon it was spilling out the corners of my mouth. Finally my professor pulled out, and, using his cock to clean the cum off my face, fed me the cum I had missed. Letting go of my hair at last he slapped my face and walked over to his chair and sat down behind his desk.

"Well get over here cocksucker. I was going to let you go after that, but since you didn't like the idea of sucking my cock, you're going to get some more practice at it. my class will be here in ten minutes. They will come down and grab their tests and then sit down and work on them. They will do the entire test without knowing that you are under my desk sucking my balls. You will kneel there and alternate between sucking my cock and licking my balls. I want you to make love to my cock gently. If I cum before I want to or if you stop doing your job the entire class will know that you are sucking my cock. Now get your ass over here and kneel in front of me."

Too stunned to speak or do anything else I slowly crawled over to him on my knees and stopped in front of him. Grabbing my hair he pulled me under the desk and then spun his chair around so that he was positioned in front of me with a leg on either side. Laughing slightly and saying something about forgetting something he pulled something out of a drawer and backed away. Pushing my head down to the floor he pulled my ass cheeks apart and positioned something at my asshole. I tried to move out of the way, but before I could get very far he shoved a dildo into my ass. I screamed out in pain at having my ass ripped open. Slapping me he told me to shut my throat pussy and pushed my head back to the ground. My ass was throbbing so much I didn't notice at first as he pulled my hands behind my back. It wasn't until I heard him ratchet the cuffs closed that I realized he had hand cuffed me. He then pushed me back under the desk. I tried to pull my hands to the side, but realized they had been attached to a footrest bar under the desk as well as being cuffed together. He then pushed back in with his legs straddling my face.

"Remember slut, you stop sucking and everyone in the class gets to see what a cocksucker you really are. Now get to it."

With that he reached down and forced my head down to his balls and ordered me to lick them. I started to and soon they were coated with my spit. He pushed me harder and I knew he wanted me to suck his balls. Taking them in my mouth one at a time and sucking him I was suddenly struck by my situation. Here I was on my knees, under my professor's desk naked with his cock in my mouth. I considered leaving but just as thought came into my head I heard the first students come in and knew that I was stuck. Over the next ten minutes I knelt there sucking and licking his cock and balls while the students came in and were greeted by the prof. Soon everything was quiet again and I heard my professor tell the class that he was going to put on some music, and soon I could hear classical music being played. Throughout the class I was constantly terrified that someone would hear me sucking or somehow see me under the desk, but all remained quiet. I thought I was going to get off until after what seemed like about 45 minutes.

It was then that the professor grabbed hold of my hair again and positioned my head over the tip of his cock. Pulling steadily his cock head entered my mouth and soon hit the back of my throat. He didn't stop there though. He kept pulling and I felt his cock trying to enter my throat. I started gagging, but tried to fight it off so I wouldn't be heard. He increased pressure until I felt him slide into my throat. It felt like my throat was going to tear open and I had to stifle a moan of pain from escaping around his cock. He kept pulling and steadily forced his cock deeper into my throat. After what seemed like an hour I had bottomed out with my nose nestled in his pubes. He started pulling my head off before pulling back down again. He soon had a rhythm going and was steadily fucking my mouth and throat. He kept up a steady pace until he pulled cock completely out and, aiming his cock at my nose, shot his load all over my face. A few seconds later I heard him tell the class that time was up and they slowly filed from the room.

When the last student had finally left he rolled his chair away from the desk and looked down at me. I must've been a sight; on my knees, naked, hands cuffed behind my back, and my face covered in cum. Seeing me he started laughing,

"You really look like a little cocksucking slut now, don't you. You have one more thing before I let you take that final. If you'd like to be done after that I want to hear you beg for my cock though."

"Please Professor let me have your cock. I want your cock so badly. Please let me have more of your cum. I want as much of your cock as I can get."

"Well, since you want it so badly I guess I'd better let you have it."

I thought he was going to shove it back down my throat again, but instead he pushed my head back down and released my hands from whatever was holding them to the desk. Grabbing the cuffs he stood me up and then bent me over the desk. He then uncuffed my hands and recuffed them in front of me. He pulled them up above my head and then anchored them once again to the desk. I was now face down on his desk with my hands above my head and my ass on display. I felt my cheeks spread apart and then he ripped the dildo out of my ass bringing another scream from my lips. I then felt his cock head putting pressure on my sphincter. I thought for sure that there was no way he could fit in me. I was wrong. I felt the pressure ease off as he pulled away but then felt pain like never before as I felt slam back forward and rip open my ass with his monster cock. He soon bottomed out and I felt his balls slap against my thighs. He started fucking my ass hard with my ass throbbing the whole time. I yelled until I couldn't anymore and then just laid there moaning in pain as pummeled my ass. I could feel him pick up pace as my ass started hurting even more. Finally he thrust all the way in and I could feel his cum coating the insides of intestines. As he pulled out I could feel my sphincter try to close without success. He finally untied my hands and let me collapse to the floor. After a few seconds he pulled me to my knees my hair shoved his cock back down my throat ordering me to clean it off with my tongue. After he was satisfied he threw my clothes at me and told me to leave before his next class came in. He told me to come back the next day at 10:30 to make up my final, and then turned and sat down his desk and went through his papers.

I got dressed and headed back to my room with cum leaking from my sore ass a belly full of cum and a sore throat. I tried to wipe all the cum from my face, and was able to get enough off to make it back to my room where I could clean off. I took the final and passed with a B+, but I never got over the humiliation of the Final.

I hope you enjoyed the story. If you'd like to comment please send me an e-mail. I would also love to have you tell me how you would use, abuse, and fuck me if I were your slut. Please e-mail me at

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