The Fight

By Edward Hardin

Published on Mar 1, 2010


If you are not of age and this is illegal where you live, then you had better exit now. If you are looking for a lot of raw sex then this story probably is not to your liking. This story if fiction and the characters are also fiction. So with all of that said and you are still here, enjoy. My e-mail is

Chapter 9

We spent most of the day, packing Aunt Mary and Nancy's things that they wanted to keep. Tom was kept busy running back and forth to the salvation army. Of course he had 3 passengers who weren't going to let him out of their sight.

I wrote a check to Human services for remodeling and cleaning the houses. There was enough for them to completely furnish each house with new furniture and appliances.

We took Mary and Nancy's things and the two chests down to the depot and shipped them home. Now we would not have to rent a U-haul and have someone drive it home( probably would have been me).

We had a late lunch and were ready to get on the way. We soon found out that the SUV wasn't big enough for us all to sit comfortably and have a seat belt also. "Tom, I have been aiming to get you a car. Which would you rather have a car or pick-up?" Asked John.

"Not a choice! A pick-up truck with a big boat behind and a self-contained camper on the back." Laughed Tom.

"You got it man, let's go pick it out!"

"Hey, John, I was only kidding about the camper and boat."

"I wasn't so lets be on our way! Nancy where is the nearest RV dealership?"

"We only have one in town. Tom you are in the front, direct him to Earl's"

When we pulled into the RV lot, guess what was parked right near the entrance......Just what Tom had described.

We piled out of the SUV and were met by a saleslady. "How may I help you today?"

" I would like to purchase the Ford Pickup with the Arctic Fox camper and Bayline water ski boat behind it." Responded John.

"You mean you would like to look at it don't you?" Questioned the saleslady.

"You heard me correctly. If you insist, maybe we can twist this kid's arm enough to take a peek inside." Laughed John.

After spending almost an hour looking a various pick-up and campers ,we ended back at the original one parked by the entry gate. Tom tried to talk John out of buying the boat but lost the argument in the long run.

John was able to get a big discount because of his business and they were able to complete a good deal by taking the whole package. John called his insurance agent got the necessary coverage and they were ready to be on their way.

The boys wanted to go with big brother and were able to since the truck had a bench seat and enough seat belts . Connie wanted to go in the SUV with us. We purchased some portable cb radios so that we could talk with each other on the way home. The kids almost drove us crazy with their new found toys.

When we started up the drive way, we found both sides lined with cars. Something was going on and I was almost scared to guess what. When we finally made it to the house, we got a big surprise. Doris had call friends, and they called friends and etc. She had arrange for a "baby shower" for me and the kids.

There were stuffed animals everywhere, games, and toys and things young children would like. There was even a new computer for the big kid, Tom. Doris ushered us up stairs and showed us the kids rooms. The first one was the pink room and had been decorated for a 12 year old girl. Then we went to the blue room and it was fixed up for the boys including fire-engine bunk beds.

Connie was over come with emotion and started crying. Aunt Mary came to her rescue. Took her in her arms and started singing softly to her. Soon Connie calmed down.

We found out that she had never had a bed much less a room to herself. The kids usually sleep on the floor with just a blanket thrown over them. Many a time, they went to bed hungry and did not attend school on a regular basis. They were `home taught'. Their new life was going to be one of extreme opposite of the one they had before.

The boys went the other direction with their emotions. They were jumping on their beds and screaming at the top of their lungs. These were happy screams and soon half the adults joined in their fun, jumping around the room and screaming. Larry and Sue's boys joined Sam and Eric on the beds. The people in the next county probably thought that a murder was been committed.

Tom cornered Larry and Sue and drug them out to see his new set of wheels. He was almost as high as the kids. All I could do was beam with pride. This was my family and I wanted the whole world to know. I was going to spoil them rotten!

I finally cornered Doris. "Doris, I know you are Wonder Woman, but how in the world did you pull of this off?"

"The same way, you did the adoption. Pulling strings and recalling favors owed to me by friends. Kinda neat, huh Boss?"

"You bet! Did you see the faces of those kids when they found out they had their own rooms and beds. I got tears in my eyes."

"Your's weren't the only one. I had them in my eyes as well. I think everyone in the whole house shed a few. Do you realize how many lives you have changed in the last few weeks?" Asked Doris.

"I know, including my own."

"And mine also. Way to go." Responded Doris

"Feels good doesn't it. I think when I get back from Disneyland, I am going to use some of my money to change a few more. Just think, all the people especially children just waiting for some good to come their way. Shall we get back to the party?"

"By the way, Doris where did all that food come from?"

"You really don't want to know. You will have a heart attack when you receive all the bills from the caterers."

"Not a problem, I will just deduct if from your salary." Laughed John. "I must say every penny spent was worth it. Thanks! Thanks! And more Thanks." Replied John hugging Doris and kissing her on the check.

After most of the food was eaten, and it was getting late, the guest started departing. Soon John and his family were left all alone.

"Larry and Sue don't try to clean up tonight. I will call Merry-Maids and have them come in."

"Sorry, John you are way too late. Doris has already called and they will be here before you get out of bed."

"Is there anything that she hasn't taken care of."

"I doubt it. She is an organizer. Good night, John we are going to round-up the boys and head off to bed. They really hit it off with our kids. I think between the 5 of them, they will run all the adults in this household ragged." Chuckled Sue.

We went upstairs to get the children. We found all five them all asleep in my king sized bed. "Don't wake them up. We will put some blankets over then and leave them till morning. Tom and I can sleep in his room. Good night! Thanks a million." Whispered John as not to waken the children.

Larry and Sue left. Tom and I headed for his room, which usually went unused.

"John, you know that is just a regular bed don't you?"

"We'll be nice and cozy, right. I think we had better sleep in pjs tonight. I have a feeling we will have visitors early in the morning. Those kids won't sleep till noon, you know."

"I was hoping to have a naked body to cuddle with but I guess I am out of luck." Said Tom, faking a pout.

"Tom, It will be just for one night. I promise I'll make it up to you in the very near future. I had Doris book us for a week in Disneyland. We leave in two days."

"You didn't! I can't believe it. I have never been there and I have always wanted to go. Oh, thank you! I guess I will like wearing pj's after all! Said Tom, smiling from ear to ear.

"We will tell the kids tomorrow. We have to go into the mall and get them some clothes. They only have one change and they are getting a little thread bare and not in the best of shape. Tom, do you think that we can take care of 5 kids. I was thinking about taking Larry's boys also. On second, thought maybe I will ask Larry and Sue to go with us. I think they need a vacation also. They probably haven't had one since they have been married!"

"That is an excellent idea. I just wish that Mom and Aunt Mary could go also. I know they have to go to the shop while Linda is still here to help them get started."

"I though about that also but I think we should all go on a cruise during Christmas break. They could go then." I am entirely bushed. What do you say we try to get some sleep?"

"Good idea, I will even leave your ass alone tonight. As you said, we will have plenty of time to fool around later." Blushed Tom.

I was right about 6 am we had 5 little bodies jumping all over us. We piled out of bed and went to the kitchen. Larry wasn't there yet. I made pancakes, bacon and eggs.

"I didn't know you knew how to cook? Why do you need Larry?" Tom asked.

"I love to cook but I also like to be lazy. Besides Larry feeds us like kings."

"Who made the big mess in my kitchen? Larry asked standing in the door. "I bet it was Connie."

"No, not me. If I did the cooking, there would be burnt food all over the place. I don't know who did the cooking. It was already cooked and all we had to do was sit down and eat." Said Connie grinning from ear to ear.

"I bet I know who, It was John. He is always messing around in my kitchen." smirked Larry.

"Yes, shouted all 4 boys at once.

Sue had arrive and was laughing .

"I don't know how to make it up to you. I guess that I will have to send both of you and the two boys to Disneyland for a week. Maybe that will put me back in your good graces." declared John. "Only one thing, Tom, the three kids and I will be joining you."

All of sudden the kitchen became alive with all the shouting and screaming that erupted. Aunt Mary and Nancy came running in still putting on their robes. "What in the world is going on." Aunt Mary demanded an answer. "You almost scared me into a early grave."

"I am sorry Aunt Mary, We didn't mean to scare you. I just told the kids, Larry and Sue that I was taking them all to Disneyland for a week. I wish you and Nancy could go with us but I know that you want to get to the shop while Linda is still here. I promise you that we will go on a cruise during Christmas break!" Apologized John.

Again pandemonium broke loose this time Aunt Many and Nancy joined in.

(Don't we all wish that we had John to look after us. Ed)

Next: Chapter 10

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