The Fight

By Edward Hardin

Published on Feb 27, 2010


If you are not of age and this is illegal where you live, then you had better exit now. If you are looking for a lot of raw sex then this story probably is not to your liking. This story if fiction and the characters are also fiction. So with all of that said and you are still here, enjoy. My e-mail is

Chapter 8

As we were driving back to see the Chief, I was thinking how all of our lives had changed. We would never be the same again. All of this happened because I stopped to help a fellow in need. I shudder to think what would have happened if I had not come along when I did. What would have happened it I had stopped for coffee back up the road a ways and was even 15 minutes later than I was. Things happen for a reason. I looked over at Tom and he was looking at me with a glazed over expression on his face. It was apparent that he was thinking along the same lines as me. Aunt Mary and Nancy were very Tranquil in back seat. What were they thinking? Only time will tell.

We pulled into the police station. No one made an effort to get out of the car. Aunt Mary spoke up. "We might as well get out. We have to face what lies ahead of sometime or another." The ice was broken and we all started talking again and we got out of the car and headed into the station.

We were met inside by a very professional looking desk Sargent. I introduce myself and told her that we were there to see the Chief. "Oh, yes, he is expecting you. Please come this way."

"Come in please! Aunt Mary, you are looking absolutely radiant today. I think John must be treating you right. Nancy, look at you! I haven't seen you looking this good for a long, long time. Who are those ugly two guys that came in with you. You had better be a little more careful on who you pick up!" Said the Chief smiling from ear to ear. "Thanks, John, for taking these people into you home and giving them a new life. They deserve a good break from the horrible past. Come in and sit down, we have a lot of catching up to do."

"Jeff Hunter is no longer a problem for any of you! He pleaded guilty to armed robbery and shooting an innocent person. The judge sent him to prison for a long, long time. He will be an extremely old man if and when he get out. Nancy the judge has signed your divorce and has given you everything the house and contents and anything in your banking account, which probably is not much but it is yours. . In other words any thing that you and Jeff owned is now yours. If you want to get rid of the name Hunter, you can change it to anything you want. The same goes for you, Tom."

"Chief, I know I am too old to be adopted but can I change my name to Sloan and make John my legal guardian. I want to become his son."

"Tom, the judge will have to handle this but I don't know of any reason to prevent it."

"Aunt Mary, the man who broke into your house, has confessed. He is also going to be tried as an co-conspirator of Jeff Hunter. You can bring a civil suit against him if you wish."

"I think I just want to drop this whole matter. I want to forget that this horrible nightmare ever existed. I want to start a new life." Aunt Mary exclaimed.

"You don't have to make a decision right now. If you should change your mind, the possibility will still be there." The Chief replied.

"John, the only thing I can give you is my sincere thanks and a handshake. You get nothing." The chief stood and extended his hand.

"Chief, you are wrong about me getting nothing. I get something that Money can't by. I get a family and friends for life. I am the lucky one and all around winner." Said John with tears in his eyes. There was a big group hug with the Chief include in it. Now everyone had tears of joy and happiness.

"Chief, if you ever find any little children that needs a home, would you keep me in mind. I think that Tom needs some brothers and sisters."

"John, it is strange that you should mention this. Last week, Children Services had to take in 3 children. There is a 12 year old girl, a 10 year old boy and a 7 year old boy. Their parents are into drugs, dealing, robbery, theft, and a lot of other things. They have been sent to jail. The parents have agreed to give the children up for adoption. No one in the family wants the children. CSD wants to keep the children together if possible. This is going to be very hard to considering their ages. So if you are serious, I can call Loretta at CSD and set up a interview with her."

"What do you guys think? You need to be part of this decision also since you are living in the house where the children would be placed." John asked.

"John, once you said you were a Good Samaritan. You are not a Good Samaritan at all. You are an Angel in disguise. I would say that you can give these children a good home and put some meaning in their lives. You have enough love in your heart for many, many people I say go for it!" Nancy said. Everyone else shook their head in agreement.

"Chief, I would say make your call."

The chief made his call and set up an appointment for 3:00 that afternoon. This would give John and family some time to complete some of the other business that they needed to do. John called Doris and told her it was looking like they would need another day or two. He said that they would get a motel and try to finish up tomorrow. Hopefully, they could conclude all the tasks that lay ahead of them in one day, if not he would call and extend it a day if need be.

The next order of business was to transfer Aunt Mary's and Nancy's property to John and then he would in turn transfer it to Human Services. I thought the fastest way to do this was to hire a lawyer and let him do it. Nancy suggested the one who had handled her divorce case. Aunt Mary agreed and said that he was also her lawyer. We called and made an appointment with him for 10: the next day. So much for trying to get every thing done in one day.

On the way to lunch, we stopped by the bank and Nancy and Aunt Mary got their deeds to their houses out of the safety deposit boxes. After lunch, we went over to Aunt Mary's. We stopped by u-haul and got a large supply of boxes. We started putting her things into boxes. Most of it, she wanted to give to the Salvation Army. We would load the SUV and Tom would delivery it to the Salvation Army store. We ended up with a large pile of `keepables'. We would need a U-haul truck and decided to wait until tomorrow to rent one.

We had to stop and head for the CSD office to meet with Loretta. I was told to go into the office and everyone would wait in the car. I went to the office but Loretta sent me out to bring them in since they would be involved, she wanted to meet them. Loretta rushed to Aunt Mary and gave her a big hug. They were old friends and as the chief said everyone in town knew Aunt Mary. I knew this was going to help my case a lot.

We had tons of paper work to complete. Loretta told me that the Chief had already run the background check and I had passed with flying colors. The same went for the rest of them. With the Chief's recommendation and my background check and other factors considered, she would recommend to the judge that I be approved for the adoption. I wanted to know if we could meet the children. Loretta told us they were waiting for us at the judges office. We would go over there and go before the judge who was waiting for us.

"Does that mean that I get the children sight unseen?" I asked.

"I can't say yes or no. The judge has the final say and we have to abide by his decision." responded Loretta.

We walked into the court room and there sat the three children sitting on the front bench with a foster parent. The little girl was sitting between the two little boys holding their hands.. The boys were clutching teddy bears and the girl had one in her lap. The children appeared to be frighten to death. All three were crying softly. The foster parent was trying to calm them but to no avail.

The judge came in and asked us to be seated at the large table in front. He then asked the children to join us.

The bailiff said "The court is now in session."

"I normally would not consider approving the adoption of children by a single man. However, this is a special case and since there are three women in the household, I am going to give it my consideration. Connie, Samuel and Eric do understand what is going on here today?"

"Yes, your honor. Our parents are in jail and will be for a long time. This man wants to take us home with him and be our dad." Connie said crying. Now the boys started crying again.

"Nancy, I am aware of the circumstances leading up to your involvement with John. I would like your honest opinion and evaluation of him."

"Your honor, We have known John for only a short time. He took us off the street and gave us a home. He took in a young man, his wife and two little boys and gave them employment. I have heard nothing but praise about John. He is well off financially. He does not let his money go to his head and he treats everyone as his equals. He is saint and has a heart of purest gold. We love him very much and I think he would make a perfect father to these children. I know that he would give him the best home. I would not hesitate to say that these children would be the luckiest children in the world." Nancy said.

"Aunt Mary, now it is your turn. I already know you as does every one in town. Now I would like to hear what you have to say." proclaimed the judge.

"Judge Nelson, I am already considered a member of John's family. I love that man dearly and I would love to have these children as my grandchildren. If I were in your shoes, I would not hesitate for even one second. I don't think you can go wrong." said Aunt Mary proudly.

"May I speak, your honor?" Questioned Tom.

"Yes , you may. I was just getting ready to call upon you."

"I have already legally taken his last name. I know because of my age, John couldn't legally adopt me. I became his son and would dearly love to have these kids as my sister and brothers. I was an only child and always wanted some siblings. John, I want to say this publically. John, I love you very much and I am proud to be your son and to call you Dad. So your honor, please make all our dreams come true!" Tom said sobbing.

"Loretta, may I see in my chambers?

"Yes, Judge Nelson."

Inside the judge's chamber we hear the Judge say "Loretta, how in the world did you find this jewel?"

"Judge Nelson, I didn't find him. He found us when he found Tom lying by side of the road after his dad beat him and his mother almost to death."

"Loretta, let me get my composure and then we can go back in and I can make my decision. Of course you already know how I am going to rule."

Back in the courtroom

"Connie, Samuel, Eric, Tom, and John would all of you come and stand before me please. Thank you! I am going to approve this adoption. John, I am going to appoint you Tom's permanent guardian until he turns 21. Kids, you can all hug your new father! This court is adjourned."

The judge said rapping his gavel.

There was a loud scream from all present. John and the three kids were all standing there in a group hug. The judge joined them. Soon every one in the court room were hugging, kissing and crying. Now the easy part began, the formal signing of all the papers. When we were outside the courtroom, I called Doris and told her that we would not be coming home tonight which really didn't surprise her.

"Doris, you will never guess what I did today. I am now a real Dad. I just adopted 3 kids and was appointed Tom's legal guardian. Yes, I am serious. I wouldn't kid about something like this. I will tell you all about it when I get home.. A girl 12, a boy 10 and a boy 7. I am so proud that I think I will have trouble getting my head through the door tonight. I think that I will bring the kids home and then I will take the kids and go to Disneyland for a week. Would you be a dear and make the reservations for me and book a room for Tom. I will need a room with two queens and a roll-a-way. Two Adjoining room would be fine. Yes, I am crying now. I am so happy. Later and thanks again." I hung up and went to the car where everyone was waiting.

The next day I called the Chief and asked if I could bring the kids for a visit with their parents. He told me that it would have to be before noon because they would transported to the state facilities at 1:00. This did not leave much time , so I told him that we were on out way. The chief had agreed to let let us use a private room with just an officer on the outside of the door to stand guard.

On the way over, I prepared the children as to what to expect and this would be their last chance to visit with their parents for awhile. They were extremely glad for the opportunity to see their parents again. However, they were exceedingly apprehensive . Connie started crying and the two boys followed.

I pulled the car over to the side of the road which had a very large pull of place and had the kids get out so that I could hug them.

"I am sorry, John, I mean Daddy. I am so scarred and I don't know how to act. What am I going to do?" cried Connie.

"First of all don't be afraid to show your emotions. I never want you three to be ashamed of your parents. I am going to be your new dad but you will always have your mom and dad. There is no way that I am going to take them away from you. I don't intend on trying to take their place. We are going to be a family and I will raise you as my own. Your lives will certainly be different. Just remember that your parents love you and will always love. I love you and will never quite loving you. We will go to see your parents as often as we can. Does this make sense to you?" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Yes, but I am still scared." exclaimed Connie.

"Honey, I am just as scared as you are. I bet that your Mom and Dad are feeling the same way. Do you think, you are up to going on?" I asked. "We don't have much time, because your folks are scheduled to leave at 1;00. I would like to give you as much time as possible with them."

"Daddy, if you are going to stay with us, then I am ready to go. Will you hold my hand? Then I won't be scared." Little Samuel said trying to hold back the tears.

"Samuel, I will always be there for you and of course you can hold my hand. Eric, you can have my other hand. With you two holding my hands, I bet I won't be half as scared. Connie, you can help me hold Eric's hand. OK! One last hug and we will be on our way."

When we arrived, the chief took us to our room. The children's parents were already there waiting for us. When the kids saw them, they took off running and screaming and left me standing by myself. They were hugging and everyone was crying. So much for being scared.

"You can leave us. We will be ok now." I whispered to the chief. He turned and left, locking the door behind him.

Soon after a long time, the man and woman came over to where I was standing. They were both hugging their children close to them Connie took over and introduced us.

"John, May I give you a big hug. I am so glad that the state found you to raise our children for us." Cried Betty.

"John, I would like to hug you also. You don't know how relieving it is to know that the children will be will be taken care of and given a good home. I know that we have not been the best parents, but we love our children more than anything else in the world." Said Bill through his tears.

"Of course you can! Let me assure you that your children will never want for anything and I will lay my life down to protect them from any harm or hurt. I have known them for only a short time but already they have a big spot in my heart. I have never had a family of my own and now I these 3 of the sweetest children to fill that big gap in my life."

"We may not have been the best parents and have been in trouble with society for a long time. We love our children very much! We have know for several weeks that it was only a matter of time until our past caught up with us. We tried to find a good home for the children but to no avail. Today, both of us had a strange feeling. We felt that it concerned the children but we had no idea what. When the chief told us that you and the children were coming to see us, we knew that our prayers had been answered. Bill said just letting his tear flow.

"Bill, this is very bizarre. I had not even considered adopting any children. I had business with the chief today. After we had completed the business. I had a very funny feeling. I told the chief out of the clear blue that I would like to adopt a couple of children and if any became available to let me know. Much to my surprise, he told about these three. He called children services, who called the judge. Things happened very quickly and before I knew what happened , I was the father of these lovely children. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Those kids had a guardian angle looking out for them and touched my heart and opened it up."

"Thank you, John, for listening to you heart. I am so glad that you came when you did. I know now that I can sleep nights knowing that our children are being given a second chance at life. John, would you call the chief in, I have something that I need to tell him." said Betty.

I did but for the life of me I couldn't think why she wanted to see him.

"Chief, when I was arrested I had a purse which you took. Do you still have it? Inquired Betty.

"Yes, it is still in my office."

"Inside the purse is a key ring with one key on it. I would like to have you give it to John. It is to a storage unit at the E-Z Storage. There is nothing illegal in the unit." Declared Betty.

"John, inside this unit you will find two large chests. They are full of pictures, family heirlooms and family histories and such for both of families. Everything is labeled. I would like for you to get them and kept them for the children. I want them to know about their family. You will also find picutures of the kids as they were growing up. You can have them if you would like. The large brown chest has a box of money in it. This is money we got from our parents when they died. We would like for you to have it to help raise the kids. It isn't much but we made a promise to each other that we would never touch the money regardless of how poor we were. There were times when we wanted to but this was money for the kids to use at college." Betty told us with a new bunch of tears.

"Betty that is just great that you were thinking of the kids. Their family will always be a very important part of their lives. I will see to it that you will receives pictures and letters from them. We will come to visit when we can. Betty and Bill, I will open an account and put the money in it. I thnk that it will be saved for you to use when you are released. You can use it to start a new beginning and not have to go back to your old ways. Now before you start to argue with me, let me assure you that money is not a problem for me. I have a very large ranch, paid for, my own business and more money than I know what do with. In others words, I am very well off financially."

"I will go and get the key and make sure it is the right one. I will be right back. In the meantime, I hate to say this but you time is up and time to say your good-byes." Said the chief.

(This was a very unexpected turn of events. In real life, I know that things like this don't happen this fast and usually takes months. In order keep the story moving, all of this happened in one day. Ed)

Next: Chapter 9

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