The Fight

By Edward Hardin

Published on Feb 17, 2010


If you are not of age and this is illegal where you live, then you had better exit now. If you are looking for a lot of raw sex then this story probably is not to your liking. This story if fiction and the characters are also fiction. So with all of that said and you are still here, enjoy. My e-mail is

Chapter 7

Doris and I were able to accomplish a lot of neglected work. It was almost noon and I went by Doris's desk. "Hey, lets put the answering machine on and go to lunch. I have about 5 minutes left then I will be through."

"John, that sounds like a great idea. That sounds better than the old leftovers, I was going to have, Thanks!"

"Anytime Doris." I went back in and starting closing the file I was working on. I had just finished when Doris rapped on my door.

"Hey, John. We have guests for lunch. I have already invited them and they all accepted." Aunt Mary, Nancy, Tom, Sue and boys walked into my office.

"Hi, everyone. So you are going to have lunch with us. That is absolutely great. Shall we go. I don't even have to ask where. I know a place that serves great cabbage soup but I know the boys have already decided pizza. Right boys." I gave a little laugh and the boys heads including Tom's looked like bobble-head dolls. "I know Ci-Ci's. Do you think you can show Tom how to get there. I don't want him getting you lost."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" shouted three boys at the same time. "Aunt Doris, are you coming, too?"

"You bet! I am not going to let you guys have all the fun!" Laughed Doris.

We put the three boys at one table. Now Tom had to take care of them and we could enjoys our lunch. It didn't bother him one bit. In fact he was really enjoying himself.

"John, Aunt Mary and I are going to take you up on the offer to become permanent house guest. Tom has already told us that he had accepted." Informed Nancy.

"That is absolutely great. I can't wait to get started being a family." Replied John.

"We were talking this morning at the breakfast table and Sue mentioned that she wanted to come in a see a friend of hers who own a little quilt shop not far from you office. She said the friend had just put her shop on the market. Her husband is getting transferred out of town and she is going to sell out and go with him just as soon as her shop is sold."

"I know the place and it is not so little." Remarked John.

"Aunt Mary and I love to do quilts. We have always wanted to have our own shop. We wanted to look it over and if it is what we want and we can make a deal, we will both sell our houses and buy Sue's friend out. We may have to take out a loan to cover some of it."

"Nancy and Aunt Mary, would it be ok if John and I tagged along. Linda is my friend also. I didn't know that she was leaving."

"Yes. Doris you can certainly come. Tom and John will just have to get use of having a bunch of women around doing girl things and bossing them. They will just have to suffer and keep track of the boys." Laughed Nancy.

"That is ok, you girls will get stuck doing boys things as well." Retorted Tom. "No bunch of women is going to boss us around! Right boys?" Laughed Tom. The two boys and I were acting like bobble-heads again.

"Are you all ready? If we stay here any longer, I think the three boys will pop if they eat any more pizza." Sue said with a big grin.

We arrive at the quilt shop and it was bigger than what Aunt Mary and Nancy expected. It was like a dream come true for the both of them.

Linda showed us around the shop. We were all impressed with the size and the large class room that was attached. We were all surprised when Linda said she would take $780,000 and could carry a contract. This would include the building and all the inventory. We all felt this was an outstanding offer and a chance of the life time for two lovely women, who deserved a chance to live their dreams.

"How much would you have to have down to hold this shop for us until we could sell our houses?" Aunt Mary asked.

" I would need $100,000." replied Linda.

"Nancy and Aunt Mary would you sell me your houses for $400,000 each? I know I haven't even seen them but I plan on donating them to Human Resources to be use for centers for abused women and children, homeless families, or displaced families. I can use a big write off." John said with a smile.

Both Nancy and Aunt Mary had tears in eyes and shook their heads yes.

"Linda, I assume that you have a real estate agent to handle your sale. How much commission will you pay if you sell the place yourself.?"

"John, I haven't gone as far as getting a agent. Right now, I am on my own and can make any deal I want."

"Then consider a deal has been made. I will write you a check for the entire amount . You will have to wait a couple of days so I can transfer some money into my checking account."

"John, why don't we just use the company checking account. I can write Linda a check and she can cash it today. We can always use another write off." Responded Doris.

"Good thinking! Gal, now I know why I keep you around." said John.

"You keep me around because you couldn't survive one day with me." Laughed Doris.

"You got me there" John uttered .

"We will have to go and get the check- book and return." said John.

"Wrong, Sue had called me earlier and I brought it with me. I knew what you would be doing. Why do you think I suggested using the company money. I have also called the bank and cleared it with them." Responded Doris.

"Ladies, It looks like you have just bought my shop lock stock and barrel. I know that you will be gone tomorrow but we can start training you the next day. I will stay two weeks and then I am out of here. I have two ladies working form me. They can be a great help to you. I hope that you can keep them on but we can talk about it later." Informed Linda.

A bill of sale was signed and Doris was given a receipt for her records. Now all that was left was the legal paper work to be completed. Doris notarized all the paper work. She and Linda would work together completing the paper work for the sale.

" Sue I think you had better take us home. I am so excited and filled with butterflies I think I need to lay down for awhile." Commented Aunt Mary.

"This is my first business dealing and I am with Aunt Mary. I feel all faint but it is a good feeling. Tom can you help us out to the car?"

"Sure thing, Mom!"

Doris and I went back to the office. It seemed like everyone in the world had called while we were gone. So we spent the rest of the afternoon returning calls. I made a mistake and turned on my cell phone. It too, had a lot of calls for me to return. I swear sometimes, I feel like I have a phone growing out of my ear.

It was almost time to go home and I decided to call the Chief and let him know what our schedule looked like for the day after tomorrow. He had a light load and said that he could work us in almost anytime. However, this subject to change with out notice.

Larry had fixed a light dinner for us. He figured that after a large lunch, we would not want very much. He got that right.

After dinner we all headed to the pool and hot tub. Larry, Sue and the boys decided to join us. We had a blast in the pool playing with the boys.

Aunt Mary and Nancy were still wired and spent a lot of time in the hot tub just relaxing. All they could talk about was the quilt shop. I was thrilled to being a part of their happiness. Soon the women and the kids decided to call it quits and went to the house.

Larry decided to stay a little longer. So it was just us guys. It was rather nice and we could guy talk all we wanted.

Tom kept eyeing Larry's bulge. I think with a little encouragement, Tom would have jumped him right then and there. After quite some time had passed we decided to call it quits and went into the house.

Tom and I went to our room and Tom was like a bitch dog in heat. I though he was going to rape me before we had a chance to get into bed. I don't know how many time

Tom banged my ass that night. I finally had to stop him because I was getting quite sore and needed some sleep. We would be having a busy day tomorrow.

"Hey, John, I want to get as much of your ass as possible. You have already told me that one of these day you are going to shut me off. I don't want to waste any time. You are one tight piece. I think I could go for a 24-7 schedule. I never tire of you."

"Until I do shut you off, you can have me any time you want. I just want to be able to walk and not have major pain. You will just have to pace yourself and spread all this good loving out a bit."

"Spoiled Sport. You are no fun at all. Just kidding! What am I going to do without your ass to abuse?"

"I think I need to buy a chastity belt for Larry and lock his ass up. I saw how you were eyeballing him. I have to admit he fills out that swim suit nicely. I wouldn't mind having a turn at that cute little ass of his. Too bad he is already taken!"

"That I have agree with you there, John. He is a mighty fine looking man. I bet he is a wild one in bed but we will never know! "

Next: Chapter 8

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