The Fight

By Edward Hardin

Published on Feb 8, 2010


If you are not of age and this is illegal where you live, then you had better exit now. If you are looking for a lot of raw sex then this story probably is not to your liking. This story if fiction and the characters are also fiction. So with all of that said and you are still here, enjoy. My e-mail is

Chapter 4

That stupid alarm clock starting going off long before I was ready to get up. Both Tom and I were awake now and decided to hit the shower, while I was still here to help.

"Thanks John for taking such good care of me. I guess you know, If I had to have Sarah or Judy help bath me, I would be one stinky person before I could do it by myself."

"No, I don't think so. Both of them would gang up on you, drag you out in the yard and use the hose on you and you would have to wear wet clothes until they dried or I came home which ever came first. So you had just better be nice to me or I will turn them loose on you. Aunt Mary would probably help them." I said laughing. Tom was beet red.

"John you wouldn't would you?"

"No, I would never do anything like that. I would do worse. I would go downtown and hire a couple of the lady wrestlers and have them come in to shower you.....Three times a day!" By now, we were roaring with laughter.

We went to the kitchen still laughing. "Just what is so funny. You might as well tell us so we can get our jollies also." Said Aunt Mary.

"I really don't think you want to know. Tom would leave and never come back or maybe he would just shoot me." John laughed ever harder.

"You know, I could tell you stories about Tom. I have known him ever since he was a baby and I even have some pictures that I am saving to show his girl friend. He was always so cute when he was running around nude." Teased Aunt Mary.

"I might just trade you stories after all. This sound really interesting." I replied. Tom was so red he looking like he had 3rd degree sunburn.

"Aunt Mary what would you do if I decided to run around nude now. If fact I think I will! John would you help me get undressed?"

"Tom, wait just one minute. Sarah and Judy run and get your cameras. We need some more pictures to show his girl friend." Aunt Mary said trying to stifle her laughter.

"I think I had better finish eating and get to office before we get a riot started here." I said.

"It looks like this old house won't be stuffy anymore. Life has come back to it." Commented Sarah.

I left for the office. Sarah and Judy had agreed to take Tom and Aunt Mary to the hospital.

I had barely reached the office when I received a phone call from the Police Chief. Mr. Hunter still had not been found. The Chief had obtained a search warrant so they could go into the house. From all appearances, he had left town. His clothes and personal items were gone and it looked as if no one had been staying in the house. He advised us not to let out guard down. Mr. Hunter could be any where.

I called the house and no one was home. I tried calling Judy on her cell phone and she answered.

"Judy, let me talk with Tom, please."

"Tom, the Chief just called and told me your dad apparently skipped town. Would you have any idea where he might have gone? You don't , Ok. Would you ask you Mother when you see her? Do you know if your dad has any credit cards? Good would you check with your mother and get the numbers for them since she has the same ones only in her name. The numbers would be the same if not the Chief can use hers to get your Dad's number. Thanks, Tom. Keep your eyes open because your dad could be any where. Give me a call back when you find out anything. Use Judy's phone she has me programed into it. Yea, I will. Later, Tom. Bye."

I brought Doris up to date on what was happening and then we started going over what had happened since I had been gone. She had a list of people that I had to call back. I told her that Tom would be calling and if I was on the phone, to take a message and to give it to me between calls and I could call him back.

I had just finished my first call, and Tom was on the line. "Tom, my that was quick. Just a moment and I will put you on speaker phone, I can't hold the phone and write at the same time. I am so glad she had her purse with her. I remember now you said it was the last thing you grabbed when you took your mother outside. Ok, go ahead. Thanks Tom. I will let the Chief know. You mother is getting out of the hospital. Man that is great!"

"Have Sarah and Judy put her in Aunt Mary's room and move Aunt Mary to the other downstairs bedroom. I still have a couple of hours of work and then I will come home. Later."

I immediately called the Chief and gave him the numbers. He told me that if Mr. Hunter had used them, they could trace his movements. I crossed my fingers!

I completed my calling and did a little more work and then I left and put Doris in charge of running the office, again. I don't know what I would do without her. For one thing, It would take me a year to find everything. I don't even want to think about it.

I walked into a bee hive at the house. Sarah and Judy were packing their things and getting ready to leave. "Hey, what is happening?"

"Sarah's sister has to go into a nursing home unless someone can move in with her. Sarah is the only relative left. So, Sarah and I are leaving for Ohio. We have been waiting for you to come home. John, we are sorry to leave in such a short notice and you with house guests that requires attention. You have been so good to us. We really feel terrible" cried Judy.

"Hey, you two! Dry those tears and come here and let me give you a big hug. I want you to leave with my blessing and prayers. If and when the time arises, your job will always be here for you. Now what can I do to help you get ready?"

"We are already to leave. We have made reservations for departure time of 6:00. We will need a ride to the train depot." said Sarah between sobs.

"Not a problem! I need an address and I will ship all your things to you. Right now I would just suggest one suitcase each. You don't need to be burden down with a lot of luggage. Will there be someone to meet you?"

"Yes, we have already called a friend and he will be there at the depot. My sister has a car which we will use after we get settled." said Sarah.

" We have lots of time. Why don't we all pile into the SUV and go to our favorite Chinese buffet for lunch. I know you haven't eaten yet and I have a big hole to fill. I will get the rest of the family and we can head out. I need to stop by the bank on the way back out here, so I can give you your salary or would you just rather have checks. Did you think to rent a wheelchair for Nancy?"

"We sure did. You will have to put it in the luggage rack on top of the car. It folds up into a small neat little package. John, checks would be just fine. I wouldn't want to travel with that much cash." Sarah replied.

I had Judy drive. I had a couple of calls I needed to make and I am not one to drive and talk on the cell phone. I climbed into the jump seat in back so I would not disturb everyone while I called.

"Hi, Doris. Have you eaten yet? Good, why don't you lock the office up and meet us at the China Sun. I need your nephew's number. But that is your number. Oh, he did. I didn't know that he moved in with you. When did this all happen? I just need to talk to him. No, It has nothing to do with you. I will tell you at lunch. Thanks, Doris. See you in a few minutes. Bye."

"Hello, Larry! This is John Sloan. Are you busy right now. I would like to buy you lunch at the China Sun and talk to you about a business deal. We are about 10 minutes away. So just as soon as you can get there. Be sure to bring that lovely wife of yours and those cute little boys. This deal involves her, also. Good see you there!"

I had just gotten the wheelchair down and Nancy was just getting into it when Doris arrived. After all the introductions, we went inside and the hostess pushed three tables together and we were all seated. I saved a place for Larry and Sue directly across from me.

We were all seated and just visiting when they arrive and after the introductions, we all got up and went to the tables lined with food. Aunt Mary took Nancy and was filling her plate. The hostess came over and said she would be pleased to take over for Aunt Mary. She readily accepted. I was doing the same thing for Tom, and hostess called a waiter over to fill Tom's plate. Aunt Mary and I were very pleased. Now we could over-load our plates and not worry about dropping one.

The waiter said he would assist Tom and leave me to my own eating. Tom quickly accepted his offer. I placed my hand on Tom's leg under the table and I leaned over and spoke so only Tom could hear me, "Play your cards right and I bet you can even get him in bed with you. He is really cute!"

Tom turned all shades of red. "There you two go again. I bet you are talking about something nasty." laughed Aunt Mary.

"Now, Aunt Mary, would we do something like that. On second thought maybe you had better not answer. " I quickly replied. Poor Tom was fit to be tied. The waiter, heard what I had said and placed his hand on the other leg. Our hands finally meet in the middle. Poor Tom was just about ready to come unglued. The waiter and I looked at each other and winked. We went on like nothing was happening. Tom was just about to choke on his food.

When we had finished eating. I ordered a cup of coffee and everyone else did like wise. "Larry and Sue, I invited you here for a special reason. Sarah and Judy will be leaving and moving to Ohio to care for a sick relative today. So their positions are available now. I know that you have a chef's degree and that you are unemployed. I would like to offer the job of cook and maid to the two of you. I have a three bedroom guest cottage that you can use. That way you can bring your two little ones with you and not worry about finding day care. If you would like a couple of days to think this over, you may have all the time you want . If you decide to accept, we will work out all the details later."

Before they respond, Doris spoke up. "John is a real slave driver. You do all the work and he takes all the rewards and spends all his time running all over the country playing. Just kidding, John! I would never trade you for another boss. You are the best." "Thanks, Doris. You are very special yourself." John said with pride.

Larry and Sue had been talking quietly to themselves. "John, we would like to accept your offer. When do we start?" Sue asked.

"You went on the payroll about an hour ago, when I talked with Larry on the phone. You can come out, this evening about 7 and we can go over all the details. Doris knows the way to the house and can chauffeur you. Nancy, Tom, and Aunt Mary are living with me. I hope this won't alter your decision?"

Larry and Sue came out and brought their two little boys with them and they spent the evening sitting on Aunt Mary's lap. I am sure that this arrangement will work out to every one's benefit.

Larry and Sue were getting ready to leave but the boys wanted to stay with Aunt Mary, who was beaming with glee. She told them that she had a big queen size bed and the boys could sleep with her.

"Can we Mom? Can we? Please!" Shouted both boys at once.

Larry and Sue thought this would be a good idea. They could spend the morning getting ready to move out and would not have to worry about the boys under-foot.

"Doris, I will be in around noon. I can help Larry and Sue get settled and then I will come into the office and spend the afternoon. That is if you have anything for me to do!" Laughed John.

"Oh, I think there are some new games on the internet that you can play. At lease, you won't be getting in my way!" Retorted Doris laughing.

Sue and Doris helped get Nancy ready for bed. Then everyone decided to call it a evening. Aunt Mary and the boys headed for the bedroom. We helped Nancy into to bed and reminded her that she had an intercom in her room and all she had to do was call out and either Tom or I would hear her.

"Aunt Mary, there is no intercom in your room. So I guess you will just be on your own. If you really need us, just send the boys into Nancy's room and have them give us a yell."

"Why don't you two worry warts just go to bed. I was taking care of little boys long before either one of you were born. Tom, you must remember I brought you and your mother home from the hospital. Good-night now. We'll see you in the morning." declared Aunt Mary.

(I know this was a short chapter but there is more to come. Ed)

Next: Chapter 5

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