The Fight

By Edward Hardin

Published on Feb 4, 2010


If you are not of age and this is illegal where you live, then you had better exit now. If you are looking for a lot of raw sex then this story probably is not to your liking. This story if fiction and the characters are also fiction. So with all of that said and you are still here, enjoy. My e-mail address is

Chapter 3

The plan was working perfectly. I had a good feeling. Finally, I was really making a difference in lives of several dear people. We all knew that our lives would be changed forever. I just knew many more good things were to follow.

On the way to my house, we had plenty of time to talk. I asked Aunt Mary if we should notify someone. She told me that she had already called her only niece who lives in California and told her that she would be out of town visiting with some old friends and would call when she got back home.

The police chief had temporary changed Aunt Mary's name to Mary Jones, mother of Nancy Sloan and grandmother of Tom Sloan. The chief had though of everything.

"Hey, guess what. Tom, you are my son and Mary you are my mother-in-law. Would you believe that my name is John Sloan. The Chief wanted to know if this was ok. I agreed and I sorta like the idea. I now have the family, I never had. I am going to enjoy it even if is only for a short time. No Aunt Mary you can't act like a typical mother-in-law and give me a bunch of lip. Just kidding." By now we were all laughing so hard that we had tears in our eyes.

We had to stop for lunch and after a long drive, we arrived at my house. Tom and Aunt Mary could not believe their eyes. "Ok, everyone out! We are home. One thing for sure, I won't have a lot of luggage to carry in. You two really travel light."

They had only the clothes they had on and I know that they have been in the clothes for at least two days. I told the Chief not to worry that we would go shopping and get a new wardrobe for each of them. We wanted to rest for awhile and then go the hospital and check on Tom's Mother.

The cook, Sarah, and the maid , Judy, met us at the door. "John we have all the rooms made up. We have some refreshments in the kitchen if you would like to have some before we take you to your rooms."

"Thanks gals. Now I know why I keep you around."

"John, you know you keep us around because you couldn't survive on your own." Laughed the cook.

"You got me but I will get you next time. Lead the way. We will be right behind you." Responded John.

After the introductions, we had our little snack and some cool drinks. I suggested that we lie down for a bit a rest.

"I think we will nap for about ½ hour and then we should go to the hospital. Why don't you check in us and wake us if we are asleep. Thanks girls."

We arrive at the hospital, checked in and went directly Nancy's room. She was very tired but in very good spirits. Soon we were are laughing and enjoying the moment.

"Mom, I would like to know which man is my biological dad?"

"Tom, what in the world are you talking about?"

"You are Nancy Sloan and Nancy Sloan is married to John Sloan, my Dad. Aunt Mary is your Mother and my Grandmother. Need I go on?" Roared Tom.

"John, would you put our son over your knee and tan his hide but good. We need to teach him some manners. Mom, you might want to help hold him down because I will not be able to do it myself."

We were all laughing and the nurse stuck her head in the room. "Just checking. It sounded like a party in here and I didn't want to be left out. I wish I could stay but I have work to do! As the old saying goes laughter is the best medicine." said Nancy's Nurse.

Now came the serious time. We started talking about what the future held for all of us.

"I may be able to leave the hospital tomorrow but I will have very limited and restricted exercises." Nancy said.

"Hurray!" we all shouted..

"Not a problem. I have a cook and a maid at the house full time. If need be, we can have someone come in and help care for you." I stated.

"Don't forget that I will be there. Don't count on Tom doing anything. He is going to be quite helpless for awhile. Maybe you should get someone just to take care of him." Laughed Aunt Mary.

"Aunt Mary, you know that I am to old for a baby sitter! I think that I might be able to take care of myself however, if you can find a real cute sitter about 20, maybe then I would agree to it!" Tom joined Aunt Mary and they both had a good laugh.

Mary and Tom were both trying to tell Nancy about the house. Finally, I spoke up. "Hey, don't spoil all the surprises. Let's leave something for Nancy to discover on her own. Right now, I think we need to make a trip to the mall. I know two people who need some clean clothes or at least some smelly cheap body lotion! "

Mary and Tom were trying to be modest and just buy a few clothes. "I want at least 7 changes for each of them." I told the clerk. " I would like to have someone to assist Tom. As you can see, he can't do his own shopping. If they do not want to pick out their own clothes, then we will take over and do the shopping for them and I am sure they won't want to be seen in our selections." Needless to say they went back to the racks and got a good supply.

"John, I don't know when I had a new dress and to have so many all at once just about blows my mind. I am glad I am not paying the bill. This will be my best Christmas ever and it is not even Christmas!" exclaimed Aunt Mary.

"You both need to get several more leisure time outfits, a bathing suit, a robe for the pool and one for the inside. You need some new shoes, walking shoes, some good old knock-around shoes and a pair of house slippers. Don't forget to get a good supply of underclothes. So it is back to the racks with both of you. If you don't want to do laundry every day, then you had better get enough to last. When we finished here we will need to stop and get some things for your personal hygiene and grooming.."

"Aunt Mary, you look very tired. Why don't you and Tom go over to the mall café and get something cold to drink, or a cup of coffee or something. I will finish up in here and will join you shortly. Tom, take this and pay for it will you?"

I actually did not want them to see the total bill. I had the clerks remove all the tags and give them to me. I had too much to carry by myself, so I had the two clerk help me over to the table where Aunt Mary and Tom were sitting. I gave them a nice tip and one said she would call the mall office and have a shopping cart brought up. I am so glad that she did.

Soon we were on the way home. I called the house and told the Sarah not to fix any thing for the evening meal. I would take everyone out to dinner, including her and Judy I had them turn the hot tub on and told them that we relax until it was time to go to dinner. They could join us if they liked.

All of us went to the hot tub, and just soaked and relaxed for a long time. We showered and headed for the restaurant. After dinner, we drove around town for awhile and took in all the sights. Soon we were headed home.

It was time to head off to bed. Aunt Mary had been placed in a bedroom downstairs so that she would not have to go up and down the stairs all the time.. Tom and I went upstairs. Tom asked if he could sleep in my bed with me. I was taken by surprise and quickly agreed. "Remember Aunt Mary we do have an intercom. So if you need anything, just give a holler and someone will be there shortly to take care of your needs."

"Thanks, John! Once my head hits the pillow, you won'thear anything from me until morning." replied Aunt Mary.

I closed the bedroom door when we entered the room and turned on the light. Tom turned and took me in his arms and kissed me on the mouth. It was awkward with his cast and all of his bandages. Somehow we managed. Soon he was trying to swallow my tongue. I had always been Mr. Straight Arrow. I had never had anything to do with another man. I don't know what happen to me but I had a raging hard-on and my body was trembling all over. I knew one thing I sure didn't want Tom to stop.

"John, I wish I could use my hands, I would have ripped off your clothes by now. You will just have to undress me and yourself. Just you wait sometime in the near future the pleasure will be all mine."

"Tom, I am completely new to all of this. I have never been kissed by a man before. All I know is I want you in the worse way. You will just have to show and tell me what to do. I am all yours."

"John, I don't think we can do much tonight. Probably just a lot of cuddling and kissing. When my body starts to heel, then look out! Not only am I too sore, but I think we need to go shopping. There are a few things, I think we need to pick up."

"Just tell me when and I will be ready to go."

"I won't tell you anything, but I guarantee you'll know when."

"I can't wait. I have to go into the office in the morning. I should be back by noon. If you want to go to the hospital tomorrow morning, have Sarah and Judy take you in."

After a lot more of hugging and kissing, We were both completely exhausted. Tom and I fell into a deep sleep.

(It looks like John's life has taken a little turn away from his normal routine. More to come shortly. Ed)

Next: Chapter 4

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