The Fight

By Edward Hardin

Published on Feb 3, 2010


If you are not of age and this is illegal where you live, then you had better exit now. If you are looking for a lot of raw sex then this story probably is not to your liking. This story if fiction and the characters are also fiction. So with all of that said and you are still here, enjoy.

Chapter 2

I went to the emergency room and found Tom waiting for me. He had been cleaned up and had several places that needed stitches. He was wearing hospital issued clothing. Fortunately, they had given him pants and top and not the open-down-the- back gown. All things considered, he was in fair shape. There were a lot of bruises but fortunately no broken bones except for his right hand which was in a cast. His left had a large bandage. It the had been cut in several places. It appeared that the dad had taken a knife to him. It would take awhile but he should be as good as new.

"Tom, your mother is bad shape. She has some broken ribs and a lot of internal bleeding. Things are not looking good for her. Your father has not been arrested. He wasn't home when the police went to your house. The police are here and that they will see that Aunt Mary is protected. I am going to take you to your mother's room. If we see your dad let me do all the talking. Do not get into a fight. I can and will protect you."

We arrived in Mrs. Hunter's room and the policeman was waiting for us.

"Aunt Mary has already been taken to a place of safety. Mrs. Hunter had been moved to another room and had been officially taken off the hospital records." The policeman explained. "I suggest John , that Tom and you should leave and go to a motel for the night. I have a disguise for Tom to wear. Mrs. Hunter would be put in seclusion and is heavily sedated. She will have a guard in her room at all times."

We got Tom in his costume which consisted of a large sweatshirt with a hood for him to pull over his head and a pair of sweat pants . He had a blonde curly wig. No one would recognize him now. Tom got into a wheelchair and we were on our way. We were going to have a police escort in an unmarked car. The policeman was to stay in the unit next door and we were given a walkie-talkie to use if we need someone immediately.

Tom and I went to our room. I knew that neither of us would get much sleep. There was just too much happening and our emotions were running wild. I tried put on a calm front but I had knots tied up inside of me. I must have been doing something correctly because Tom was starting to relax a little. He looked very tired.

"Tom, would you like for me to help you get ready for bed? You look like you are just about ready to collapse!"

"I think you will have to help me undress. Dad must have stomped my right hand and my left had is all bandaged. He cut me with a knife on my hand, arms, head and chest. I must warm you. I don't have any underclothes on."

"Not a problem. I rather like seeing young boys in the raw. Just kidding. I won't feel bad about sleeping in the nude."

"John, do you think I could sleep with you. I know I am 18 but I am scared to death. I feel like crying and I need someone to hold me and chase away all demons. You don't think I am just a big baby do you?"

"Tom, there is no reason to be feel ashamed. I don't know where we got the idea that men don't cry. Sometimes, a tear or two is the best medicine. You have to let all those emotions out because you can't keep them locked up inside of you. If you do, they will eventually consume you. If I had gone through what you just did, I would be doing a lot more than crying."

"Here let me get you out of those clothes. Do you want a real hot shower or maybe a good soak in the tub?"

"John, I know that would make me feel better but right now, all I want to do is go to bed. I am so tired. I hurt all over and all I want to do is go to sleep."

"Tom, did the doctor give you any pain killers?"

"Yes, and I am to take one when I go to bed."

I helped Tom undress. I knew that his face and arms were a mess but the rest of his body was even in worse shape. He was covered with cuts and bruises. "Tom, may I take pictures of your body? We may need some evidence when we go to trial. You can slip a pair of my shorts on. They may be a little large but a least you will be covered a little."

"Oh, bikini briefs. Man these are sexy. I hope you have some on now. I bet you are a knock-out in them. I can't do anything now but I can definitely look!"

I dug my digital camera out of the suitcase and took several shots from all different angles. When I finished, I helped Tom into bed.

"Ok, John time to give me a show!"

"Do you want me to put on some music and do a strip show?"

"No, I just want you to hurry up and get in bed."

Tom had wanted to leave his bikini briefs on and so I did also. I crawled into bed , took him in my arms and cuddled with Tom. Soon he was sound asleep. Those pills really knocked him out. I lay there what seemed like hours. I had a lots of strange thoughts running through my mind but sleep finally came in the wee hours of the morning.

I was jarred awake by someone calling on the walkie-talkie. It was from the policeman from next door. He wanted to know if we wanted something to eat. He was going to go to a nearby café and get some take-out and would bring it back to the motel. I gave him the go ahead.

"Tom, time to get up. Breakfast will soon be here. You need to get in the shower and get ready to face the day."

"I must be in the hospital. They wake you to give you a sleeping pill and then get you up before the break of dawn. Just kidding. I really appreciate all that you are doing for me. You are right I think I do need a shower. Is that water going to sting and burn? I have had cuts before and Mom always washed them. They burned like fire and hurt a lot."

"Tom, I won't lie to you. It will hurt a lot. You are a big boy now and can take a lot of punishment. I will be there for you to hug and you can scream all you want. Actually, the hot water will help take some of the swelling away. You will feel so much better when it is all over."

I got Tom into the shower. I gently washed and dried him. I put him into the clothes we had gotten from the hospital. Soon we were both ready and waiting for breakfast.

After breakfast, the policeman called the hospital and talked with his fellow officer. He told them that we were leaving and would be there in about 10 minutes. He was told to use the emergency entrance. Mr. Hunter still had not been found.

We were taken directly to Mrs. Hunter's room. The doctors had managed to stop her bleeding and she being heavily sedated had a very restful night. When we entered the room Mrs. Hunter was asleep but woke when Tom spoke to her. Tom gave his mother a big hug. Tom could not control his emotions and started crying. I just put my arm around him and told him to let it all out.

We told Mrs. Hunter that happened and how I had found Tom and that we had spent the night in a motel.

"Mister, I want to thank you for all that you have done. I don't know how we are going to repay you because we don't have any money."

"Just call me John and forget all that Mister bit. Money is not problem with me. Right now all I want is for you two to get well."

"We haven't located Mr. Hunter yet." The policeman announced. "We will keep Mrs. Hunter, Tom and Aunt Mary all in protected custody until he is caught.

"Sir, I have a very large estate which is about 200 miles from here. Do you think it would be possible to take all three of them there. Mr. Hunter would have no way of finding them there. We could arrange to have air-life transport Mrs. Hunter to the hospital there. I would take Tom and Aunt Mary with me in my car. The back has very dark windows and no one would be able to see into the back seat."

"That sound like a very good plan. I will have contact the Chief and have him come over here and discuss the details with you. Please excuse me and I will get him on the phone." He went to the hallway and closed the door after him.

"John, are you sure that you would have room for all of us?" Asked Mrs. Hunter.

"I have a house with 6 bedrooms and a separate 3 bedroom guest house. I have a full time cook and maid, that have their own 2 bedroom apartment above the garage. So all of you can just pretend that you are at a plush resort. There is an Olympic size swimming pool, a sauna and hot tub. Of course I have a tennis court and a riding stable and 1500 acres to explore which have several streams and a beautiful little lake to fish, swim boat or whatever. I have a lovely flower garden and outdoor entertainment center with a gazebo that can't be described. There are abundant hiking trails from which you will see many species of wildlife, wild flowers and many more wonders. I think you would love my place. I have room for all of you and several more if need be. You would be safe from your husband."

"I still don't know why you are going through with all of this." Commented Tom.

"Do you know the story of the good Samaritan?" Both Mrs. Hunter and Tom shook their heads, "Yes. I guess I am just a Good Samaritan. I just happened to come along at the right time. Maybe it was just our destiny. It is not ours to question!"

The police chief arrived and agreed with the plan. "I have already contacted the hospital and they are warming up the helicopter. You will be leaving in just a few minutes. Aunt Mary is on her way over and her car has already been taken to police impound lot. The hospital has already been called and a bed is waiting for Mrs. Hunter under the name of Nancy Sloan.. All records here have been sealed. There is no way for Mr. Hunter to find any information now. John, you need to go to the office and leave billing information. I need to have the same information for my records. I had the judge sign a power of attorney for you. Now you can legally act on everyone's behalf."

"Chief, you have been one busy man. Here is my business card with my name, address and phone number, both home and office. I had better scoot so we can get this little show under way." He gave me a card with his own private line at the police station and his home number.

Life had already started to change for Tom, his mother, Aunt Mary and me. If we only had a crystal ball and could look into the future! Ed

Next: Chapter 3

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