The Fight

By Edward Hardin

Published on Mar 7, 2010


If you are not of age and this is illegal where you live, then you had better exit now. If you are looking for a lot of raw sex then this story probably is not to your liking. This story if fiction and the characters are also fiction. So with all of that said and you are still here, enjoy. My e-mail is

Chapter 11(final chapter)

I had quite a time adjusting to "retirement'. Things were going a lot better than I had anticipated. I spent 5 mornings a week as a volunteer at school. I spent a morning a week in each of the kids class room. This included my 3 kids plus Jeff, Larry's son. The 5th day was spent as a volunteer in the SMART(Start Making A Reader Today). I dearly loved my new life style. I have even given thought to going to school and becoming a teacher. Rewards abound. For the time being, I would just continue as a volunteer. If I wanted to work, I could always go back to the office.

The time went speeding by and Christmas time was drawing near. It dawned on me I didn't have reservations for the cruise made yet. I called the travel agent and got the week between Christmas and New Years.

I knew that this would be a short time but if we wanted to take another one, we could do it during the summer break. However, I wanted to travel in Europe for a while. Maybe we would just have to do both.

Tom called and wanted to know if he could take a friend on the cruise with us. I told him yes and Nancy was over-joyed. I called the travel agent and was able to make reservations. Tom gave me the friends name, Gail Winkle. I surmised that this was a male friend and could room with Tom.

When Tom arrived, we were blown away. Gail was a beautiful young woman. What to do about the arrangements. We could settle this matter when we got to the ship. Doris had agreed to go with us and had a single room which had a pair of twin beds. We could put Gail and Doris in Tom's double room and him in Doris's room. What really blew our minds was Tom and Gail were not just friends but had a thing going between them. Nancy and I could not believe our boy was a grown young man now and making googly eyes at a girl.

Nancy and I had been secretly dating and I had asked her to marry me. She had accepted. We wanted to wait and tell everyone the first night of the cruise when I would give her the engagement ring. We had even talked about getting married on the cruise and may do so yet.

We were all on the ship and the first night at dinner, I rose and got the family attention. "Nancy and I would like to inform all of you that we are engaged and will get married while we are on this cruise. Everyone started clapping.

Connie spoke up and said, "I am getting a new mother. I am so happy!" and she started crying. This started a chain reaction soon we were all hugging and crying.

Now we were all seated once again and Larry and Sue stood, "The surprises are not over yet! Sue, you want to tell them our secret?'

"I am pregnant with twin girls." This was just too much. I had to sit down and take some deep breaths.

"Congratulations to the both of you! This is the best news yet.! Can I be Grandma instead of Aunt Mary? I hope there are not more surprises, I don't know how much more of this I can take!" Grinned Aunt Mary

"Absolutely Grandma Mary." Said Larry.

Tom and Gail stood, "Show and tell in not over yet. No we're are not engaged and No Gail is not pregnant! I would like to introduce my wife of 3 Days, Say hello to Gail Sloan." Tom said as he kissed Gail.

Nancy and I both let out a scream that could be heard all over the ship. Again I had to sit down. I thought that I was going to pass out. Nancy was sitting beside me and just as pale. I looked at her and smiled then we both made a made dash to Tom and Gail. We were hugging and kissing them both. The kids were just sitting there with bewildered looks on their faces. Nancy and I called them to us and took them in our arms and had a big group hug.

The captain came over to our table and wanted to know why we were having so much fun.

Connie is not afraid of speaking and gave him a blow-by-blow of everything that had happened. He congratulated every one and started to leave.

"Captain, you can marry couples here on the ship, can't you?" I asked.

"I sure can, what do you have in mind?" acknowledged the Captain. "There is no waiting period. In fact I can do it now."

"I looked into Nancy's eyes and she was shaking her head yes."

"I have go to my quarters and get all my material. I will be back in just a few."

"Tom, Will you give me away?" Asked his mother.

"Mom, I will be honored!" declared Tom.

"Larry, would you be my best man.

"Yes, John, I would love too. Thanks for asking me."

"Aunt Mary, you will be my maid of honor, won't you?"

"You bet I will!"

"Samuel, you know where the rings are don't you?"

"Yes, Dad you showed it to me earlier." Samuel said beaming from ear to ear.

"Here take the room key and run and get them for me. Please. Thanks son!"

"Daddy, I have to pee very bad! I can't wait." Cried Eric

Tom grabbed him by the hand and started toward the restroom. "Come on you other two, You had better come with us. I don't want any mess ups during the ceremony." All of the boys took off on a run. They arrived with not time to spare.

"Thanks, Tom, I did not think I would make it but I did."

"Not a problem, that is what big brothers are good for coming to the rescue!"

"Tom are you our big brother, too?" Asked Jeff.

"You bet! Just think for 19 years, I was an only child and in the space of a few months, I have a sister and four brothers. What more could I ask for?" responded Tom.

After the first night, the rest of the trip went as planned. My big expanded family enjoyed every minute of our vacation. The kids would have lots for show and tell when they went back to school after New Years.

( The story now comes to an end. Well, this certainly is not the end, just the very beginning! Good Luck, John to you and your family. Ed)

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