The Fight

By Edward Hardin

Published on Mar 5, 2010


If you are not of age and this is illegal where you live, then you had better exit now. If you are looking for a lot of raw sex then this story probably is not to your liking. This story if fiction and the characters are also fiction. So with all of that said and you are still here, enjoy. My e-mail is

Chapter 10

The trip to Disneyland was just unbelievable. We all didn't want to come home. Tom and the children had to get ready to go to school.

Tom had chosen a school about 200 miles away and was going to major in social services. He had a week before classes started. We decided to go down early and get him registered and all his fees paid. He decided to live in the dorm and eat in the cafeteria. This way he would not have to eat his own cooking.

When we returned, I took the children to the elementary school and pre-registered them, including Larry's oldest boy. While there I was given a list of the kid's classroom teachers and a list of needed supplies for each of them. I could see a trip to the mall for school clothes and supplies. School would start in a week. The kids by now were walking on the ceiling. This was the first time in their lives to have new clothes and all the supplies they needed.

Aunt Mary and Nancy were very busy. The classes that they offered were always filed up and they had a waiting list. They would run a class in the morning and one in the afternoon each day for two weeks. They bought ten new sewing machines so people could come in and use them. Of course this was helping the store because the people had to purchase their supplies somewhere. They had 3 big quilting machines and the patrons paid to use them. They were always busy. The business was going better than they ever dreamed it would.

I went into the office one morning and told Doris that I would like to see her in my office and to put the answering machine on so we would not be disturbed. Doris was beside herself, this is something that I never did.

"John what in the world are you up to now?"

"Doris, Let's get a cup of coffee. I stopped and picked up some of our favorite bear-claws. Then we can talk business."

"John, I wonder about you sometimes." Laughed Doris.

"Doris, If something should happen to me, Do you think you could run this company by yourself? We have good people running the operations in the plant. All you would have to do is be the general manager."

"John, I don't like the sounds of this. You are not sick are you?"

"No, I am in very good heath. I think you are in a very good position to take over for me? Well, what do you think? Could you do it?" Asked John again.

"I suppose I could if I really had to. This is really scary, and I have never given it a thought?"

"Would you like to give it a try?

"Maybe but only if I had to."

"Good, now here is the real reason I ask you how you felt about running this company. You have been with me for a very long time. I feel that you are very capable for being general manager. I want to give you the job if you want it."

"Thank you, John. Just what are you going to do?"

"Would you believe, I want to retire. I have a family now and I want to become a soccer dad, volunteer at school and in the community. I want to be home when the children get out of school, no after school programs for them unless I am there helping out. Does all of this sound crazy to you?"

"Not at all. Are you sure I am the one you want."

"Absolutely, Doris If you don't want the job, then I will continue as I have been. I will still be available if you need me. I could come in a couple of days a week if need be. Of course, you will get a great big pay raise! We can hammer all the details out later. Why don't you take the rest of the day off. Talk with Larry and Sue and anyone else if you want. You can give me your decision, tomorrow. You can do it. I know you can!"

The rest of the day was hum-dum. Nothing really exciting happened. I went down to the plant and called a meeting of all the different plant division foremen. I told them that I had planned to retire and had offered Doris the position of General manager. I assure them that no jobs would be lost. I wanted to negotiate a new contract which would include pay raises and increased medical benefits. I receive absolutely not disagreements and were told that they would show Doris the same support that they had given me. Everyone seemed pleased with my decision.

I got into the car and started my drive home. My mind was going miles per minute and it sure wasn't on my driving. I did not see the driver ahead of me put his brakes on. I swerved to miss him and ended up wrong side up in the ditch. The EMT's arrived and said I should be taken to the hospital to be checked out.

I thought this was a good idea. I had my car towed to the local garage where I did my trading. Now all I had to do was call home. I knew this would be a panic button and the place were be alive with pandemonium. I had a hard time convincing Tom to stay there and keep the family from falling apart and that I would call after I had seen the doctor. The doctor could not find anything seriously wrong with me. However, he wanted to keep me over night for observation. I had several superficial cuts on my arms and face. I had to have 8 stitches on my left arm but other that, I was in good condition.

The doctor said I could have all the company I wanted. I called Tom on his cell phone and told him the good news.

"What room are you in? We will see you in about 2 minutes. We are in the waiting room just waiting for your call. Just a few!"

I had barely hung up the phone, when my room filled with people. All of a sudden, I had a bed full of kids. Eric had a choke hold on me and was not going to let go. I filled with pride. Never before did I have anyone who really cared for me and showed me as much affection as I was getting now.

I told them that the doctor wanted to keep me overnight. "Daddy, I am not going home. I am going to stay here with you" said Eric very firmly.

"The doctor should be in shortly and you will have to ask him. Where are you going to sleep?"

"I can sleep on the floor like I did at my old home."

"If Eric is staying so am I" said Samuel.

"Ok, with me but you have to get the doctor's ok. No, Tom you can't stay, too. Your are the designated driver." Laughed John.

A male nurse walked into the room and was met at the door by Eric. "Are you the doctor?"

"No, I am just a nurse. If I was a doctor, I would send you home. It is past your bedtime." The doctor will be here shortly. He is with another patient and will be here when he finishes. Just kidding about kicking you out. You can stay as long as you want."

"Then I am going to stay all night. I will tell the doctor, you said so." Said Eric with authority.

"You won't have too. I heard what he said." Said the doctor who had entered the room.

"Are you the doctor? I am suppose to ask you if I can stay all night. I will sleep on the floor and I will be real quite. May I please?" begged Eric.

"Since you said the magic word, I will have to say yes. What about your brother?"

"Thank you very much. Samuel will have to ask for himself!" Exclaimed Eric.

"May I stay also, Please?" Asked Samuel.

"Yes, you can stay, also. Neither one of you will have to sleep on the floor. See those two beds over there. They belong to you for the night. If we have some emergencies, we may have to take them back. Ok." responded the Doctor. Both boys ran to the doctor and threw their arms around him and gave him a big hug.

"Thanks, Doctor. You are the bestest" Said Samuel.

"Not bestest, just best." Corrected the doctor.

"Oops! Sorry." Apologized Samuel.

"John, I can see it all now. Those two are going to gang up on you and keep you on your toes." Beamed the doctor. "Stay as long as you like, but just remember those two boys need to get to bed soon. Right Boys!"

"Yes, Sir!" They both said at once.

" I will stop by early in the morning and sign the release papers and then John and the boys could go home. You can pick them up anytime after 8:30 Good-night all." He said as he was leaving the room.

"John, the boys have not had anything to eat tonight. It appears that someone changed the schedule today and now we will have cold left overs when we get home." Larry remarked.

"I will have nurse bring us a snack. What would you boys like, liver or ice cream and cookies?"

"Daddy, you know we don't like liver. We want ice cream and cookies."

"You know what, that is what I want also. Good-bye everyone. Drive carefully because the boys have the last beds in the hospital" Chuckled John.

Tom showed up right on schedule. John and the boys had breakfast and were ready to start the day.

"Tom, I have to stop by the car dealership and see about getting a car while mine is in the shop. Then I was to stop by the office for a bit and then we can go home. Do you have any thing on your agenda that needs attention before we go home.

"I need to get some school clothes but I don't have the faintest clue about what college kids wear."

"Why, don't we skip shopping for the time being. We can stop by the bank and open you a checking account with a debit card. The you can be really independent and go shopping when you want and you won't have to depend on me paying all the bills. When the checking account gets low, then we can replenish it. Ok?"

"Sound good to me. John, I really think that I should get a part time job to help cover my expenses."

"No way! You are my son and it is my role to provide you with an education....comes with the territory of being a parent!"

"Thank you! What can I do to repay you. You already own my body!" Laughed Tom.

"Oh, I'll think of something! Actually, no payment is necessary. Just make me proud that you are my son."

"That I will Dad, that I will!"

"Daddy, what did Tom mean when he said you own his body? Asked Samuel.

"That is just an old saying. I really don't know where it came from and why!" Said John. "That mean something like this. You belong to me now and I can tickle you all I want!" John grabbed Samuel and started tickling him.

"I like being owned by you but you can stop tickling me now. I am about to wet my pants!" groaned Samuel.

"I want you to own me, also!" shouted Eric.

"Come here, and get your tickle!" Exclaimed John as he grabbed Eric and started tickling him.

"Can I get a tickle, too?" implored Tom.

"You sure can, but you will have to wait until later! Shall we be on our way?" asked John.

We stopped by the garage and found out that it would probably cost too much to repair my car. The mechanic told me that I would be better off, just to total it out and get a new one. I decided to go car shopping at a later date.

Our next stop, was the bank. We set up Tom's account and I transferred a substantial amount into it. Now he has own check book and debit card. Tom was amazed at the amount I had put into his account. He would not have to worry about running out for a long, long time. Tom decided that he would not just spend the money to be spending. He would use it wisely.

Our last stop was the office. I put Tom and the boys into the office lounge and gave them the control to the TV. Doris and I went into my office and was ready to discuss business. Much to my surprise Doris reluctantly accepted my offer.

Now all we had to do was come to terms on the final arrangements. I offered her 50% of the company profits and I would come in once a week for consultation. I invited her out to the house for dinner and a business session afterward. She agreed. I called Larry and told him to set another plate that his Aunt would be coming to dinner.

We stopped by the car dealership to pick out a new SUV. We found two like we wanted. The boys made the final choice because they wanted the red one. I mean we got a `red' one. I would have not trouble finding it in a parking lot. The company would detail it out and deliver it, the next day.

(It looks like John will retire. I am sure the community will see a lot of his face and will get to know him very well. Ed)

Next: Chapter 11

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