The Fight

By Edward Hardin

Published on Jan 29, 2010


If you are not of age and this is illegal where you live, then you had better exit now. If you are looking for a lot of raw sex then this story probably is not to your liking. This story if fiction and the characters are also fiction. So with all of that said and you are still here, enjoy.

The Fight Chapter 1

I was coming back from a long weekend business trip. It was getting late and already dark. The rain was pouring and I was having trouble seeing the road. I have been driving for 5 hours and was having a hard time focusing on my driving. I must stop at the next café and get something to eat and drink a gallon of coffee. I knew I had about 15 minutes of driving time left before I could stop.

All of a sudden, my headlights hit a man laying on the edge of the road. I served, hit my brakes and came to a sudden stop. Quickly I turned around so that my headlights where shining on the man that I almost hit. I pulled to the side and turned on my flashers, jumped out of the car and ran to the man.

I could see that this was a young man around 18 years of age and was very badly hurt. It appeared that he may have been hit by car. He was not wearing a jacket and was soaking wet. His face had taken a terrible beating and from the stains on his shirt, it appeared that his body had also.

I knelt beside him. I placed my hand under his head and he moaned. I knew that least he was still alive.

"Help me up and take me to the hospital, please!" He pleaded.

"I will get my cell phone and call for an ambulance. I will be right back."

"No, please! There is not enough time."

Against my better judgement, I helped him to the car. I stripped his wet clothes off, wrapped him in a blanket, put him in the front seat with me and turned the heater on high and turned around again. We were on our way. With the road conditions, I drove as fast as I could safely.

The warm car and shelter from the rain, brought the young man around. He told me his name was Tom Hunter. I found out that his dad had gotten drunk and was beating his mother. He had stepped in and his dad started in on him. Somehow his mother was able to hit the dad on the head with a lamp and knocked him out for a short time.

Tom had called Aunt Mary to come and get his mother and take her to a hospital. He had helped his mother to the front porch and sat her in a chair. He had grabbed her purse and left it with her. He heard his father in the house and went back in to keep him from his mother. The fight started again.

Aunt Mary arrived and Tom yelled for her to not come in but to take his mother and leave, which she did.

The fight went on with Tom getting the worse part of it. Even though, he was fighting for all he was worth. His dad was a better fighter and had received all of his training from the streets. Tom was no match for him and was getting the worse end of the fight. Finally, Tom couldn't take the beating any longer and passed out.

When he came back to life, his father was laying on the couch passed out from all the beer that he had consumed.

Tom had staggered out of the house and gone about ½ mile to the highway where I found him. He was trying to make it to the hospital to help his mother.

"Tom, I have to call the police, will you or your mother sign a complaint. This can't go un reported. The next time, the two of you might not be so lucky. One or both of you could end up dead."

"Mister, I don't even know you. Why are you trying to help?

"Tom, my name is John. I found you in very bad shape and I just couldn't leave you. We'll talk about this later. Now, will you sign a complaint?"

"Yes, John, I will. This is not the first time that this has happened. The last time, I took Mom to the hospital, Dad swore that he would kill the both of us. I am sure he meant it, too. I am positive that is what he was trying to do tonight. The liquor probably saved us. That is why I told you not to call the ambulance because there wasn't enough time. When Dad sobbers up some, he is going to be one mad and irritated man. He is going to look for us. The hospital will be the first place he is going to look. I think Mom will sign the complaint too, if she is still alive."

I called the police and told them what had happen. The desk Sargent wanted to talk with Tom, so I handed the cell phone to him. He told him what had happen, and gave them his father's name and address. He told the Sargent his mother's name and that she was in the hospital.

He handed the phone back to me and I talked with the policeman for a short time. He told me that they would go to Tom's house and arrest the father and after he was booked, they would come up to the hospital and meet with us there.

I had just hung up the phone, just as the hospital came into sight. I pulled into the emergency room parking lot. I went in and got a wheel chair and took Tom inside.

The admitting nurse started giving me the third degree. I could see that we would be having problems. I told her Tom's name and that I was his mother's brother and would be responsible for their hospital bills. Then I told her what had happened and that his mother had been brought in earlier. I gave her name to the nurse.

The nurse looked at Tom and he immediately agreed with what I had said. The nurse put the mother's name in the computer and told us that she had been admitted and what room she was in. I told Tom that while he was being checked out and treated that I would go up to his mother's room. He agreed.

"The police will be here shortly and please send them up to the room. Under no circumstance are you tot give out any information to anyone else especially Jeff Hunter." I informed the admitting nurse. She said she would call the room when Tom was finished seeing the doctor.

I arrived at Mrs. Hunter's room and found the door closed. I rapped softly and a elderly gray hair lady came to the door. She came into the hall closing the door behind her.

"Hello, I am John. I just checked Tom into the emergency room. I found him along the highway in very bad shape. He told me about his mother. The police have been called and will pick the father up and will come up here after they take him down town and book him."

"I am Aunt Mary. I am not really an aunt but just a friend who lives a couple of blocks away. I was afraid something like this would happen. I was fearful that it would be worse. Last month, Tom brought his mother to the hospital and the father threatened to kill them both. I am afraid what will happen now. I don't think Mr. Hunter will stop with his wife and son. I think he will come after me also for trying to help. I am so scared."

"The police have been called and they are going to arrest the father. For the time being all of you are safe. I will do my best to see that nothing happens to any of you! How is Tom's Mother? He was very concerned and is not in good shape himself."

"She has some broken ribs, a lot of bruising and a lot of cuts. There is a lot of internal bleeding. Things are not looking good for her. I really don't know if she will pull through. I am so horrified." She starting crying.

I could see that she was about to faint so I took her in my arms and held her. Soon she started to relax some. She looked into my eyes and smiled.

I knew that I would not make it home tonight. Fortunately, I have my own business and would call my secretary in the morning and tell her that I wouldn't be in and would call later in the day and tell her when I would come to the office.. I have more important things to take care of now. These people need all the help they can get and I am going to give it to them.

Aunt Mary said she was going back in and would stay a little longer and then go home.

"Aunt Mary, I think you should stay here at the hospital until Mr. Hunter has been arrested. I am staying as long as I am needed."

"Oh, Thank you and God Bless! You don't know relieved I am hearing you say that. It is about time those two had some luck going their way other than all bad luck that they have been having. They have had a hard time the last couple of years."

Aunt Mary had just shut the door and the policeman showed up. He asked to see some identification from me. I pulled out my wallet and gave him my driver's license. He asked if anyone was in the room and I told him about Aunt Mary.

"Let's go for a little walk. I need to talk with you."

We walked down the hall for a short distance. "John, when we arrive at the Hunter house, no one was inside. So Jeff. Hunter is still on the loose."

I told him about the threats and Mrs. Hunter's condition. "Sir, there is a woman known only as Aunt Mary in the room. She is a friend who brought Mrs. Hunter to the hospital. I fear that she may be in danger along with the rest of the family. Do you have any place you can take her to keep her safe?"

"I know Aunt Mary. She is Aunt Mary to everyone in this part of town. I have some friends who will take her in until we locate Mr. Hunter. Thank you for thinking of her safety."

"We have an all points bulletin out on Mr. Hunter. There are no police cars in the parking lot but I have a person at every entrance. Mr. Hunter is well known in this town and we will have no trouble identifying him. In fact, we have a recent mug shot of him which we will circulate."

"Do you have a copy. I would like to know what he looks like in case I run into him." He handed me a copy. "Thanks! I did not know this family until I found Tom laying beside the road . We had better go downstairs and tell Tom about this latest development."

"You go down, I think I will go into the room and wait there with Aunt Mary. If Mr. Hunter does slip in I will be there to arrest him."

" If you run into Mr. Hunter, you will let us handle the matter, right."

"That is what you are getting paid to do. However, If there is no way out and Tom is danger, I will come to his rescue. I am an ex-Marine and was trained in hand-to-hand combat. I can handle myself but won't do anything unless pushed into a corner. OK?"

"Thanks, John. That is what I wanted to hear! Be careful, Mr. Hunter may be armed. He is one bad apple and we have had lots of problems with him lately."

If you would like to comment on this story, you can reach me at edinhar75@ This is just the beginning with lots more to come. I would like to hear from you. Edward (Ed)

Next: Chapter 2

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