The Favor

By Conquered Manhood

Published on May 29, 2024



The Favor (Part 1) By Conquered Manhood

Disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction depicting males of consenting age. Any reference to a male as a "boy" is meant in a figurative sense. Consent for sexual acts / chastity cage is ultimately implied. Story is intended to highlight characters who are involved in self-discovery regarding domination/submission roles.

His freshman year felt like a lifetime ago. A cute young virgin, excited to join the frat. Very much looking forward to becoming a man alongside his fellow brothers.

But his frat, just like all the others, had a couple initiation traditions to contend with before the fun could begin.

The one everyone feared the most was the "Cage".

Clearly a newer tradition on campus but ever since they become so easy to find online, many frats on campus had started locking cocks for one purpose or another.

His frat might've been the worst though, a fact he had not researched well enough.

It was the Fraternity Rule that one brother had to wear the cage at all times. Like an olympic torch it had to be passed on.

Typically it was a new freshman every year who bore the burden.

They were the easiest to pressure into it after all. The terror of that first week was palpable, knowing it could be any of them they just had to wait it out.

He remembered the day they came to his room. Both he and his roommate stood at attention, submitting to their upperclassmen betters with all due respect. They knew the vote had taken place earlier that day and the fact that leadership was at their door was terrible news - for one of them.

Out of sheer diabolical sadism they ordered both freshman to strip naked before the news was delivered.

He remembered the feeling in his gut as he slipped his underwear off and tossed them on the floor. Sheepishly covering his junk. Then they announced it.

It wasn't him! He was so utterly relieved to learn that it was his roommate they picked and not him. Fucking thank god he thought to himself. How fucking humiliating and frustrating would that have been?

It's already hard enough to get any respect as a freshman without the addition of some boner-stifling hunk of metal dangling between your legs. Forcing you to prolong your virginity yet another year.

And worse, to go without any release at all. Just a throbbing bent bulge where your cock used to be.

He grinned uncontrollably when he heard the news - so fucking happy.

Meanwhile his roommate looked like he'd just been kicked in the balls. No one can truly know the sense of dread that wells up in a frat boy's mind when he's informed of such a fate. That his own brothers were going to lock his dick in a cage and keep the key. Wholly denying him all sexual gratification for a full year. No cumming, no hard-ons, no secrecy. Everyone knowing it's you. Knowing you couldn't get laid even if you tried, and that you sure as fuck waking up with the gift of morning wood to start your day off right with a nice long wank. The looks they'd give you, knowing how horny you must be. How pathetic your dick must feel inside that thing - small and useless.

But that wasn't the worst of it. Each brother reserved the right to force you to reveal your locked junk anytime they wanted to humiliate you. The ritual was well known. "Show me yer shame, bitchboy" was all they had to say. Then you had to drop whatever you were doing. Pull your pants down to your ankles, then pull your underwear down to your ankles, (never both at the same time) then lift your shirt up over your face, put your hands behind your head and jut your hips outward. Exposing your tiny caged genitalia while blind to the torment that was to come. For the next couple minutes you were expected to maintain this position, hands up no matter what, never protecting your most vulnerable bits and pieces while they tickled you or twisted your nipples or slapped you in the balls. Whatever came to their mind, anything to get you to falter.

If you managed to endure the torture you'd be allowed to get dressed and go about your day provided you didn't forget to Thank them for their abuse afterwards.

If you failed at any of these steps, or forgot any part along the way, you officially owed them a "tribute" which was of course code for "blowjob".

That meant the caged brother was essentially the frat cumrag. If anyone Truly wanted to make him break, it would've been easy to do. And to their credit, some of them legitimately just liked humiliating a bitchboy, happy enough with the brief moment of utter control, before letting the poor guy get dressed and get on with his day.

But let's face it, in most cases failure was expected. It was an ultimatum: endure the unendurable or suck my dick. They knew, all he had to do to get them to stop was to pull away and fail. And so for the price of further indignity on his knees - he could always be free of their torment. The taste of fresh frat boy cum was often more appealing than getting your nuts smacked with a wooden ruler.

His roommate would be subject to all of this. And they both knew it. He planned on being a good friend however, forgoing his right to humiliate his own roommate. It was a week in when he finally asked how he was doing, all things considered.

His roommate rolled his eyes.

"It fucking sucks bro, Every time I start to get hard in this thing it hurts like a bitch. I can't control it.

I'm so fucking horny now."

He did his best to offer sympathy with a nod, yet desperately avoiding eye contact.

"Have you had to tribute yet?" he was dying to know.

That's when his roommate changed tact a bit. "Yeah, it's not too bad. Everyone's pretty cool about it you know."

This wasn't the expected response. The thought of being humiliated, then forced to suck off another dude wasn't something he thought would be described as "not too bad".

Maybe it was all just being built up to keep the freshmen in line?

"No, the worst part is definitely that I need to nut, you know? It's not natural to deny your dick like this. If I could just have a day or two, ya know?

Take care of business a bit."

Was he suggesting something?

"Like so the rule is someone has to wear it at all times, but if I could get someone to spot me for a couple days, then it'd be way more bearable I think"

And there it was. Do yer bud a favor, wear the cage for him for a day or two, then we'll swap back. THAT's what this was about. Of course no one but an insecure freshman desperate to please his new found best friend would fall for something like that.

"Like just a day or two?" He asked already feeling like a fucking rube.


Wait, you don't think YOU would do that for me would you?"

"I mean, I guess if it's just a day or two, I dunno."

"Dude I would OWE you big time!"

"Ok, I guess." He finally agreed.

And for the first time in a week his roommate smiled, knowing he was going to finally cum again - much sooner than promised too.

Later that night they went to leadership and explained the situation. The burden of the cage was to be transferred to a willing alternate. (This of course had never happened before in the history of the tradition - because well...duh) The Frat president hid his admiration for what he assumed was a clever trick.

"Sure, as long as one brother is locked - that's the only rule."

Both boys stripped then and there and the key was brought out of its combination lock box.

The Frat president read allowed from the transfer script. "You agree to submit your cock to the frat and remain under lock and key. Unfulfilled and submissive to your brothers?"

He nodded meekly uttering a simple "Yeah". It seemed way more official than he'd expected. And it was then he felt the same gut wrenching pang of terror his roommate must have felt as the cage (still warm from its previous owner) was placed on his own dick.

He suddenly wished he'd jerked off earlier that day. Two days would be a bit of an eternity for him frankly, but this would technically be three. The lock was snapped shut and instantly it was all very real.

He got a pat on the back from his now free roommate who was rubbing his junk with his other hand. So relieved to have his dick back.

"Thanks man," he grinned as they got dressed and headed out.

The next two days went by very slowly for the new "temporary" bitchboy.

Both each morning he woke up to an unbearable broken boner throbbing in its tiny little prison.

Meanwhile he could hear his roommate jerking off at least twice a day.

Doing very little to hide his moaning. For some reason that made it all the more painful knowing he couldn't please himself the same way.

Fortunately word hadn't gotten out about his new role as temporary alternate.

So no one had come to him to demand the dreaded Shame ritual.

Saturday was the end of the 2nd day and he couldn't find his roommate anywhere. He texted multiple times, checked all over the frat house, campus, etc.

No where to be found.

It wasn't until Sunday night that he finally returned.

After an extra unanticipated day in the cage, the secret bitchboy was dying to be freed.

"Dude where have you been?

We were supposed to switch back yesterday?" He asked.

"Oh yeah sorry - had some shit to do." His roommate replied, doing his best to feign innocent ignorance.

"I guess it's time huh?"

Then his head dropped a bit.

"I didn't really wanna admit this to anyone, but they actually told me in private why they picked me. It's kind of embarrassing...You remember when they made us all stand in a row and get our dicks measured?

Then they didn't even tell us who had the biggest or anything?

Well, turns out I had the smallest in the frat. That's what they were really measuring for."

"Ohh...that sucks man.

Well at least they didn't tell everyone right?"

"True, but all the upperclassmen know. Plus all the shit I read online makes it sound like after a year in chastity...It'll be even smaller. Probably permanently. But that's not yer fault man. You definitely did me a solid by wearing it for me this weekend."

"That's cool.

Maybe if you need another break later in a couple months, I could wear it for you again for a day or something" He offered, immediately wishing he hadn't.

"That'd be awesome man, if they'll let us do it again. But I was thinking though - if I gotta go a whole year like this. Maybe ummm you could do me a favor first? I've never had a blowjob before. I was kinda hoping this would be my year. And since you're in the cage and all - maybe?

You could give me one?" His tone was a perfect mixture of genuine hopefulness and horny frat boy sleaze.

"Woah what?"

A barely perceptible smile curled up on his roommate's right cheek. "I mean, technically, I could make you do it - with the Shame ritual.

But I thought maybe we could just do it without all that. Just one friend doing another friend a favor, ya know?"

"Well but - me wearing the cage WAS the favor!" He immediately shot back.

Then suddenly from behind them a brother from the next room over popped in, "Oh So YOU'RE the one who agreed to wear the cage??

I shoulda guessed!!"

The caged boy spun around with terror in his eyes.

He'd gone a whole extra day without being figured out only to fuck it all up now.

Their neighbor looked him up and down, reveling in his control.

He laughed then cut himself off with a very serious read of "Show us yer shame, bitchboy".


He paused, wondering if there was a way out of it. But remembered he agreed to it all during the transfer ceremony. There was no way out. Facing their neighbor with his back now to his roommate, he unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants and dropped them to the floor raising back up to make eye contact with his tormentor. Then, thumbing the elastic of his underwear he paused again before finally sliding his tight white boxer briefs down to his ankles. Bending fully at the hips as was the tradition. From behind, his roommate got a completely different view of the situation. He couldn't see the cage (the one by all rights HE should be wearing right now) or the humiliation on his friend's face but he definitely saw something else that interested him. The caged boy then lifted his shirt up and over his face exposing his boyish yet lightly muscled college freshman swimmer's build. Lastly his hands went behind his head as he assumed the final position with his caged dicklet jutting outwards - Open and Vulnerable. Now blinded by his own shirt, he depending on his hearing to feel out the room. He could sense the neighbor advancing toward him which he expected, but his roommate from behind had also stood up from a seated position on the edge of the bed. That, he had not expected.

"You wanna just give up now and get on your knees bitchboy?" Their neighbor offered.

"No sir" he replied. Just as every bitchboy before him. No real man would give in that easy. But then no real man would be in this situation, fighting against his own body to hide his trembling fear.

"Good, More fun that way" he shot back advancing even closer.

There was an uneasy gap of time.

Then with sudden deftness and precision their neighbor thwacked him in his bulging ball sack. A blow made all the more potent by the chastity cock ring holding everything in a tight bundle of nerves.

"UUUUUGGGGNNH!!!" He groaned trying his best to keep his hands on his head. Which he did actually accomplish as he doubled over in pain. The side effect of this bending motion however exposed his virgin hole to the other frat boy behind him. (The one he thought he could trust above all others) And at that moment a spit-lubed index finger found its target and was crammed deep inside him wriggling around as his dual torture team laughed like maniacs. He would've never guessed this treachery. His ritualized obedience faded instantly and he dropped his pose to push his roommate away.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" He squealed, nearly tripping over himself due to the clothes around his ankles.

"AWWWW...You fail boy!" their neighbor announced. "Looks like you get him this time bro.

But I'm gonna remember that little trick for later" he grinned then licked his middle finger before flipping them off with it. "Have fun boys", he chuckled before trotting out of their room.

The reality of the predicament hit his stomach. There was no getting out of this. By frat law he now owed his roommate a blowjob. He turned back around to face him.

His cage hanging tightly against his crotch. His roommate looked down it then smiled as they made eye contact again. "Looks good on you, like it belongs there."

The defeated boy glared back at his roommate, dialing back his true feelings of betrayal, looking more annoyed than anything.

"Well, I guess you might as well pay me tribute now." He smirked. "Lose the clothes and get on yer knees"

As commanded he pulled off his shirt and wriggled his pants off his feet.

Then glanced back at the door which had been left open. "Should I...?"

"Word's out now, bro. Nothing left to hide." He was right of course. "Cmon man, it's not as bad as you think. Just get on yer knees." His tone was oddly assuring and gentle, and yet all trust had vanished along with that finger up his ass hole. His roommate slipped out of his shirt and sat back in his desk chair.

He undid the button on his shorts and leaned back hands behind his head. Relaxed and ready to be serviced.

The caged boy shuffled over and took a breath before finally unzipping his roommate's pants for him and revealing a pair of tighty-whities underneath. He wasn't sure how to proceed.

"Get in there and smell it" his roommate suddenly ordered. He looked up at him confused, hoping it was a joke.

"Trust me, it'll get me hard."

He rolled his eyes but obeyed all the same. He leaned in slowly still unsure of things until at last the only thing separating his face and his roommate's dick was 1 centimeter of open air and a thin layer of cotton.

"Like this?" He asked sheepishly.

"Yup, now breath in"

He inhaled the musky scent of frat boy crotch. It was strong and heady. Then he felt his friend's hand on the back of his head. And in a blink his face was buried in a mound of cock and balls.

"That's it, bro. Worship that shit!" He moaned a little as he guided his friend's face deeper inside his pants. "Lick it."

The caged boy again did as he was ordered. He just wanted to get it all over with, get the cage transferred back, get on with his life.

And fuck if he was gonna offer to wear that cage for him ever again. His desire to move on with things gave him a new found bravery. So he went for it. Diving in. Sniffing and licking and debasing himself. He covered his face in boy-reek. And it was working, the smallest dick in the frat was growing inside his undies. Moans of satisfaction from above let him know when he was doing a good job.


Alright man. Get to work." He stood up quickly, dropped his shorts and underwear to the floor, then sunk back into his chair.

Hands behind his head again. Relaxed and ready for his reward.

His cock snapping back against his stomach. Tight and rigid.

The boy on his knees slowly reached for it, gently grabbing it with one hand and instinctively stroked it. It was so smooth. He both afraid and curious. It pulsed in response to his fingers.

"Nah. Use yer mouth, bithcboy." He grinned downward.

With that he leaned in and slowly placed the cockhead into his mouth, gagging on the taste at first. There was already pre-cum on the tip. But he knew better than to withdraw. No sense in blueballing him. This was a college freshman fratboy after all.

He shouldn't last longer than a minute at most. He went down deeper careful to avoid the teeth until he felt his nose buried in pubes. Then he found his motion letting his roommate's hips pump into his mouth. Seeping more and more pre-cum onto his tongue. It was humiliating, but he swallowed it down. He instinctively tightened his lips late in the game, realizing he already knew what would make a good blowjob. Or a quick one at least. With a free hand he held his roommate's balls gently massaging them. That's all it should take, he thought. A light squeeze and he'd be done for.

"HOOOOOLY FUCK, BRO!!!!" He was suddenly in ecstasy. "Dude I'm gonna cum!!!


He paused for a moment and reached down to hold his friend's head in place. Mouth full of dick, face red and ready for it to be done.

"I want you to swallow it all, got it."

He did his best to nod with dick in mouth.

"UUUUUGGGGHH...Ohhhhh....FUUUUCK!!!" Then it happened a torrent of spunk erupted out of the freshman's dick and flooded his mouth. He pumped harder and harder.

Facefucking the locked boy. Dropping all pretenses, of favors or friendship. This was a service call. He deserved this - his first ever blowjob - and he was gonna take it the way he'd always imagined getting it. Jet after jet of hot nut shot out of that dick.

And giving in, the locked boy swallowed it all. Submitting fully to his roommate. As commanded, he'd worshipped that dick. There was no denying the feeling in the room. Power had shifted. Things had changed.

He pulled away and wiped his lips. Unable to make eye contact anymore. Breathing escalated, but glad it was over. "So can we?

Can we get this cage transferred dude?"

The only response was an exhausted breathy laugh. There were now two classes of human boy in that room. It was already pretty well delineated before, what with one of them being locked in chastity.

But now it was really obvious.

One of them was a complete virgin caged bitchboy and the other, a veteran Blowjob recipient going back a couple minutes now.

One who knew what semen tasted like, and the other who knew the power of nutting down someone's throat. Using their lips and tongue for his own pleasure. Demanding satisfaction, and receiving it without question.

The former could never demand something from the latter. It was a hierarchy set in stone now.

Once he was done laughing he caught his breath, and reached down to stroke his dick a bit. Still hard from his 45 second blowjob, but maybe less rigid than at its prime.

"I was thinkin' man." He looked down at his own dick. Free, glistening, spent from a hard days nut. "Right now with your junk locked in that little cage.

YOU got the smallest dick in the frat. It's easy to compare."

He stroked himself, rejuvenating his erection. Horned back up from the joy of domination alone.

"So if they want the smallest dick caged. Looks like the right bitchboy is wearing the cage." He smirked, with a fake `Sorry Bro' look on his face.

"Cmon man, I did everything you said!"

"Yeah, you did. It's that's a really good trait to have...for a cocksucker." He let that land, then added. "It's only a year, right?

But afterwards, your dick will always be smaller than mine. Makes more sense that way though right?"

He couldn't speak. He was owned.

"I got yer back though man. If anyone goes too far with this shit - I'll call them out on it." His hand landed on the bitchboy's naked shoulder. Some delusional sense of brotherhood swept over them both. Delusional, yet also completely real? They were still best friends. longer...equals.

And so his fate was sealed. The only freshman in the frat to remain a virgin (so to speak) for that whole year. And when Sophomore year loomed and the new pledges were stripped naked, lined up, dicks measured. The information was recorded down, embarrassing as it was for everyone involved. But there would be a change in protocol.

"As you all know we have a tradition at this frat, gentlemen." Began the Frat president. "One boy must stay locked in chastity as a beacon of purity and obedience for the whole fraternity. Last year the boy that was selected was not destined for the job. His roommate took on the burden instead. He offered it willingly. And so in reverence to that selflessness our tradition has changed. From now on, the honor of the cage will be given to the boy who offers himself up for the sacrifice. Bring out the bitchboy."

The door to the closet in the corner opened and out stepped last year's bitchboy. Naked with his hands behind his back, cage exposed.

Tiny and pathetic.

"Will any freshman here offer his dick willingly to the cage for the honor of the Fraternity?" The frat president asked over the din of giggles and snickers.

None responded. It would've been even more humiliating than actually being outed as having the smallest dick. The caged boy's head sunk into his chest as the silence invaded his soul.

"Ok then, The current bitchboy will retain his title for another year. Although he will be a sophomore now, he will remain subservient to even the lowliest freshman. You may get dressed now, dismissed."

The caged boy's dick pulsed inside its prison. He'd been daydreaming of his first nut for weeks now. How good it would feel to hold his own hard-on in his hand again. How tomorrow he'd wake up to a raging erection and instead of doubling over in pain, he'd let it raise upwards and jerk himself off like a real man. Soaking his naked body in a year's worth of pent up liquid horniness.

But it wouldn't work out that way.

Sophomore year came and went and the same thing happened again. He was the first Junior to be dominated by a freshman. And his senior year as well. By then he was a real man in all but his manhood. Muscled and glorious, yet virgin and hopeless.

He'd become one with his cage.

It was part of him now.

And so on the eve of his graduation he looked at his own naked body in the mirror imagining what it would be like without a hunk of steel stifling his tiny boy bits. But he couldn't see it.

Maybe he didn't want to.

"You excited to finally get that thing off man?" His roommate asked catching him in the act of checking himself out.

"Ummm I uhhh..." he couldn't lie anymore. He'd lost that skill a long time ago. "No." He answered.

"Ha! Fuck dude really?" His friend wasn't really surprised to be honest, but was hard to imagine getting used to something like that as a real man. "Well, if you want... I could hold onto that key for you. You'd have to stay my personal bitchboy though.

Only seems fair since I'm doing you that favor."

"Really?" He perked up a bit.

"You'd do that?"

"Sure. I owe you one right?"

"Thanks" he smiled.

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