The Fallout of Jack Hamilton

By River Acheron

Published on Sep 21, 2021


This story is a continuation of Matt Smith's ( fantastic story, 'Jack Hamilton Is Not A Nice Person'. I had often wondered what transpired directly after Jack storms away in the park. This was initially going to be a one-off, but while writing, I have decided to continue the tale that was left untold between Chapter 19, and the '6 Months Later' epilogue we see in Chapter 20. So, for those of you who have wondered what happened in the 6 months after Jack cut his puppet it is!

I would like to thank Matt Smith for creating the characters in the first place; and for his invaluable advice, input and suggestions which made this sequel possible. Especially discussing his characters' motivations and psychology with me. Please read his story first if you haven't already!

An additional special thanks goes out to Jasper Cooper ( for his input, especially having to do with the kinkier stuff. You can read his amazing story 'The Downfall of Nate Ramsey', the inspiration for Jack Hamilton!, here:

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Chapter 7 (With guest contributor and writer, Jasper Cooper.)

" Every single person on this planet thinks that they are right. Because if you thought that you were wrong, you'd change your mind-fuck from black to white." (NOFX 'The Big Drag')


"I can't believe it actually worked!" Lincoln said excitedly, as he sat on the bench in the locker room next to Bryce. "I mean, everything went according to plan PERFECTLY! We defanged AND declawed that jerk-ass....and now he's our BITCH! I never thought I'd live to see the day."

"So FAR", Bryce reminded Lincoln. "I mean....I hope what we're doing to him actually helps him, though. And um...between you and me, don't you think Ben went a little too far? A lot of that wasn't what we agreed on." Bryce was really disturbed by Ben, in fact. Some of the things the youngest of them said and did to Jack really rubbed him the wrong way. He had to ask himself how it could possibly help the jock change his ways, rather than just making him more angry and more violent. Both in the short term, and the long term.

"Oh, who cares honestly." Lincoln replied, sounding annoyed. "We fuck with him for few weeks or how about until the piece of shit drops out of school? Haha! Fuck, that would be an unforseen bonus, huh? A Jack-less Holmepoint High! You get to be captain, I don't have to worry about him stealing my girls. May the peasants rejoice!"

"I'm not exactly disagreeing with you in theory, it just all seemed a bit mean-spirited. I get that emotions were really high and Ben needs to work out his anger against him. I hope this doesn't make things worse. For Jack, or for us."

Lincoln looked concerned. When they planned this, they talked about one of the risks being that one of them may back out and advise Jack not to play along anymore and that they were just bluffing him - or worse, betray the others and tell on them all! This was exactly why they made a vow that should any of them decide they didn't have the stomach for it anymore, and were done with Jack, they would keep their mouth shut and let the others continue. In truth, Lincoln was worried about Bryce ever since they got Jack where they wanted him in the park the other night. The boy was obviously conflicted and Lincoln wondered if he should talk with the others about him. Bryce could be a serious threat to what they were doing and could get them all kicked out of school. Hazing someone to this extent would surely lead to one or all of them being suspended and quite possibly expelled! "Look Bryce," he said, "Jack's an asshole. Don't go feeling sorry for him. Now, I personally don't care if we help him or not, if you want me to be real honest with you. He DESERVES this! A taste of his own medicine. For me, that's what last night was about. We knock the dick down some pegs for a few weeks and BOOM....he'll think twice about messing with us! And be honest....isn't it kinda fun?"

"...And you ever think what will happen if the shit we're doing to him makes him even WORSE? Hey man, I'm not saying I regret this! I agree with Elliott that something needed to be done. He swore to us that Jack is a good guy. I can kinda see that even underneath all his bullshit. All I'm trying to say here is that we need to be aware that this could backfire on us."

"Yeah, and if it does, Ben said he would bite the bullet and tell the principal about Jack's bullying, shoving him into the locker, and the gay slurs. He looked up the school disciplinary code back when Jack first started harassing him, and that kinda shit could get Jack kicked out of school! It's 2016 and that crap doesn't fly anymore, ya know? Even here in the Bible Belt. See how what we're doing is win-win? I mean, personally I think Ben should have told someone from the start and buh-bye Jackie Boy! Good luck in Cliffwood Beach Regional High! From what I know about that shit-school, Jack would be the one stuffed into lockers until the cows came home. But the little guy has a big heart and didn't wanna get Jack in trouble. Me, as I said, I'm just happy as a pig in shit fucking with him, but Ben really wants to HELP him. I thought YOU did too."

"I do!" Bryce exclaimed as he got up and began pacing. "I just....I dunno, I mean there had to have been a better way than this!"

"Look, Bryce," Lincoln said as he got up, ready to leave. "Maybe there is, but ya know what....It is what it is. I don't care if you are in or you are out. Just remember that YOU did all that stuff to Jack the other night, same as we all did! Mark my words here...if you do something stupid like tell on us and get us in trouble, I promise you that when we get called to the principals office, this is what'll happen: I'll make triple sure to say that you were a part of it as well. Even Jack would admit that once they questioned him, and you KNOW THAT. Then Ben would say WHY we did it, and tell on Jack's bullying, and hey....end result? We can ALL be expelled and get our asses kicked in Cliffwood Beach Regional together. They have GANGS there! Think about it!" Lincoln turned his back on Bryce and stormed out of the gym's locker room.

'Fucking asshole' Bryce thought to himself as he sat back down and shook his head. He was pretty sure he wasn't going to back out - at least not yet - and he certainly wasn't going to tell on them all. He was in. It was just that....he had fucked Jack! Literally fucked the jock into submission. There were two very conflicting thoughts about it. The first was that he didn't expect to like it! It turned him on and woke up a spark in him that he never felt before. He couldn't explain it, but he knew he wanted more. The second thing was....he felt guilty. There was something about what he did to Jack that seemed extremely wrong. Something that went beyond merely teaching someone a lesson. He couldn't put his finger on it, yet his mind was telling him that he should KNOW the answer. Why was this? It not only confused him, but it made him feel slightly ashamed about what he did. Could he REALLY keep this up?

It was at this moment that Bryce decided that he needed to see Jack alone tonight. He wanted to fuck him again, but for some reason, it was important to see if Jack wanted it WILLINGLY - with no coercion. He suspected he did, but if this crap was going to continue, he had to absolutely convince himself that it was all in good fun for everyone. He decided that he would go to Jack's house tonight and offer his cock to Jack, and if Jack wanted gave him the green light to continue. If Jack ends up refusing....then it's over. Bryce would tell Jack that the blackmail was just a bluff, and he would actually help the jock. 'I can befriend him, and TALK to him. Maybe take him out for coffee and get him to change his ways by actually having a CONVERSATION with him.'

Unbeknownst to Bryce, Lincoln rushed down the halls to find Elliott and the others....he thought it best that they follow Bryce's movements tonight.


Bryce grunted in pain, his wrists bleeding as he slammed them against the cuffs in some kind of hopeless effort to get free as Joey pounded his cock into Bryce's asshole. The eighteen year old was relentless, and it seemed to go on forever! How this guy didn't just cum yet was a mystery to Bryce. His thrusts were hard and deep, poking far into his guts. Bryce also realized that the boy was purposely giving a hard upward thrust with each pass to make sure the stimulation on his prostate was minimal. The boy literally was trying to make sure Bryce derived zero pleasure from his anal assult! It worked, too. All Bryce felt was pain, and his limp, over-used cock wouldn't so much as twitch. 'That's why Wesley forced me to cum three times,' Bryce realized. 'To make sure I got no pleasure from this.' Worse than all that though, each slam into him reminded him of EVERY act he forced Jack to endure. It was almost too much to bear, and it made his physical trauma almost pale by comparison.

As Joey continued to fuck him, Bryce's mind tried to sort of these turn of events. Jack must be behind this. What other explanation was there, after all? 'He fucking played all of us...' Bryce thought. With each painful thrust, Bryce was getting increasingly devastated. Why couldn't Jack just have turned them all in to the police during his ordeal? Surely he had enough evidence against them all, despite the blackmail. Text messages from Elliot maybe? Or shit...Jack could have easily secretly audio-recorded them from his cell phone while they were threatening him and telling him exactly what they were doing to him and why....something they did quite often in that ten day period. Could it be that Jack WANTED them to continue? That he was the one screwing with THEM? The possibility of such a turnabout made Bryce briefly pissed off at Jack....after all, if he was just playing them, then on top of all the shame, guilt, and heartache that Bryce would be forced to live with, it turned out that the entire thing was in vain. As misguided as it all was, the one tiny aspect Bryce could at least fall back on was, he genuinely wanted to help Jack. Now, it seemed that he must be forced to live with the knowledge that he sacrificed himself for someone who was truly beyond the ability to change or become a better person.

The anger faded fast though. Bryce couldn't exactly blame Jack for these games against him (and presumably against Elliott as well. Tyler must be helping Jack) As far as Jack knew, they owned him back then. The jock thought with all his heart that the blackmail they pretended to hold over his head was a real threat, and that he had to do everything he was ordered to. For ten days, they allowed Jack to believe just that as they serial-raped and humiliated him. Bryce's heart was shattered, but he understood Jack's need to pretend to change his ways, go behind their backs, and exact revenge. Perhaps he felt this was more deserving than turning them all in. 'We thought we had him where we wanted him,' Bryce thought. It seemed now that the joke was always on them, and that Jack had them by the balls. 'God help me, why didn't I stop it! The night I went to his house, I should have said "Don't cooperate, Jack! They're just bluffing you. They wouldn't actually go to the police for a fake rape video, but if you continue to be an asshole, Ben WILL tell the principal about your bullying. No one wants to see you expelled, so just...try and leave Ben and everyone else alone from now on, okay?"' THAT'S what he should have fucking done! Bryce knew from the first night that this entire plan was wrong, and he hated himself for not doing what was right and speaking up when it mattered. He tried to tell Lincoln the next day in the locker room. Now it was too late. To make matters worse, as bad as HE felt, he couldn't begin to imagine Ben's guilt for actually planning this. Bryce knew that, despite what the younger boy did, he wasn't a bad kid. He was hurt, afraid, and desperate. He made a mistake...but it was a mistake that Ben would have to live with forever. Bryce squeezed his eyes shut and began to cry tears of regret. And for the love he STILL felt for Jack despite the brief, shameful anger towards him for planning revenge against them all. These contrasting emotions were too much to bear.

"OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES, DIPSHIT!" Wesley ordered as he grabbed Bryce hard by the hair. With his fingers on his other hand, he pried the bound boy's wet slippery eyelids open. "You are going to watch my boyfriend fuck your brains out, got it!? Don't you even THINK about looking away!"

"I...sorry, sorry! I'll do it!" Bryce blubbered as he watched the teenager pound the Hell out of his ass, seeing his thick hard cock repeatedly disappear between his cheeks.

"Yeah, that's right! You had this coming. Ya know ya did!" Joey growled as he slammed into Bryce even harder.

"Oh he KNOWS he had this coming, Joey!" Wesley said, answering for Bryce. Still holding his head up painfully by his hair, and forcing his eyes open. "The baby is crying. Trust me...he knows. Now listen, Bryce...I'm going to let go, but keep fucking looking or I'm going to make what I'm about to do ten times worse. Got it?"

"Wh...what are you gonna do now? Chist, isn't this enough!? WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME GODDAMIT!?" Bryce wailed.

Wesley let go of Bryce's hair without answering and positioned himself between his legs. He masturbated himself for a minute, as Bryce watched, eyes as big as ping-pong balls. 'He wouldn't do it!' Bryce thought in shock. 'There's just NO WAY!'

"Normally, I'm a strict bottom, but I'll make a special exception in your case. Room for one more, Brycie?" taunted Wesley as he pushed his spongy mushroom head alongside Joey's thrusting shaft.

"FUCK NO! Don't! Please! Look Wesley, I'll do anything else for REAL! I don't think I'd be able to....AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" he screamed as Wesley's cock slipped inside. Bryce was now being double-dicked. Both large, hard cocks simultaneously slid in and out of the prone boy's gaping, ruined asshole in perfect synchronicity. Grunting, animalistic sounds reverberated off the trees in the park, muffled a bit only by Bryce's screams of agony. After about ten minutes of this - which, to Bryce, felt closer to ten hours - Joey finally blasted a huge load of teenage spunk inside of Bryce. Only about thirty seconds later, Wesley followed suit and dumped HIS load inside the boy as well. Bryce could only lay there, sobbing in both physical and mental anguish as the two cocks vacated Bryce's hole with an audible pop. His only thought being, 'This must be how I made Jack feel for ten full days....'

At that moment, everything clicked. The metaphorical light bulb went on above his head, as he was shocked into a 'eureka' moment. He understood exactly why Jack would plan this (and he WAS now completely convinced that it was indeed Jack that was behind this, and it must have started during their games against him). True, Jack could have gone to the police, but he wanted them to KNOW what it was like for him. Not just the physical pain, but the shameful, embarrassing, humiliating aspect of being raped. As Wesley slowly - and purposefully painfully - peeled the duct tape off of Bryce's hairy legs, the true REALITY of what he had helped inflict upon Jack was made as clear as crystal...and it made Bryce despise himself even more than he did before tonight. The only question left unanswered was, did Jack HATE him and the others? Or was this merely a lesson in humility and to show them how they made him feel?

Maybe that distinction didn't matter anymore. All of their lives were destroyed now. Every last one of them. Except Jack's. How's that for poetic justice?

'You fucking won, man.' Bryce thought to himself. 'Well played. You beat us. I hope you're happy.'

Wesley and Joey high-fived eachother, and wiped their dicks clean. After they got dressed, Wesley gathered up all of Bryce's clothes, and pocketed his cell phone AND his car keys! "Done and DONE!" He said to himself. "That takes care of that."

"WHAT THE HELL!" Bryce exclaimed. With his arms still handcuffed to the bench, and two loads of slimy cum leaking out of his still-open hole, he began to yet again slam his wrists against the insides of the cuffs in a hopeless attempt to free himself. Were these assholes really going to leave him here in the park naked, with no phone and no car keys!? Bryce panicked and wondered if they were even going to uncuff him. "Guys, you can't do this! It'll take me an hour and a half to walk home! I'll get arrested!" he whined.

"Maybe you should have worried about getting arrested a month ago, Mr. Pot-Calling-The-Kettle-Black! Maybe that's what you deserve, did you ever stop to think about that?" Wesley explained. "Be stealthy. That's the best and only advice I can give you."

"Now wait, Wesley! I never did ANYTHING like THIS to him! You wouldn't! PLEASE!"

"Hey, you should TOTALLY call our contact in Holmepoint Heights from BRYCE'S own phone!" Joey said to Wesley. "Wouldn't that be funny as fuck?"

"Great idea!" Wesley exclaimed as he pulled it back out his pocket and began dialing. After a few seconds, the contact - the Mastermind - answered. Wesley said:

~ "Hey!"

~ "No, no, no....haha. It's ME! 'Wesley'. Didn't mean to almost give you a heart attack. It's done!"

~ "Funny you should ask that! He's a little 'tied up' at the moment. But yeah, he's still here with me!"

~ "Okay, cool. And gimme a second."

Wesley walked over to Bryce, and put the boy's own phone's mouth-piece against his quivering lips. "Apologize." was all Wesley said.

"I'm.....I'm so......sorry for what we.....for what I did! Understand something right now. I never meant to..." Bryce began to say before he was rudely cut off.

"Okay, okay, that's enough! Jeeze! Joey and I don't have all night." Wesley said as he hung up the phone, and re-pocketed it. Next, he took out the handcuff key, bent down and placed them between Bryce's index and pointer fingers. "Grip that tight! Have you ever seen the 'Saw' movies, Bryce? Think of your little predicament in terms of those movies. I have NO doubt you will eventually free yourself, but you better do it by dawn. If not, it'll be the cops who free ya from here! Sooo....I wouldn't drop that key if I were you. Come on, Joey...lets get the fuck out of here."

And with that, Wesley and Joey ran out of the clearing, leaving Bryce alone, with the key to his freedom, precariously placed between his sweaty, slick finger tips. Luckily for Bryce, the keyhole side of the cuff was on the inside of his wrist, so it was just a matter of bending it enough. Again and again he attempted to get the key inside the hole (another irony not lost on Bryce, and wondered if this little game wasn't set up for him on purpose for just that reason), but he just couldn't bend his wrist far down enough. To make matters worse, the key came close to slipping out of his fingertips twice. If that happened, he was screwed.

"FUCK!" he cried as he was able to barely get the tip inside the keyhole and no farther. After fifteen agonizing minutes, he decided it was now or never. There was only one way out of this. He sighed, gritted his teeth, and made sure the key was secure between his fingers, and.....he SLAMMED the back of his hand into the leg of the bench hard, breaking his wrist. Bolts of fire-hot pain shot up through his hand and his arm, but at least now he was able to bend his wrist all the way down and - ignoring the pain - he relatively easily slipped the key in, and gingerly turned it. The cuff popped open. He quickly undid the other one and sat up. His wrist was shattered, and the slightest movement sent nauseating waves of pain throughout the entire limb. He didn't know what to do now or where to go. While he may have been free, he was stark naked with no way to call anyone for help, or get his car unlocked, let alone started. On top of all that, he had only one good hand to work with.

"What am I going to do!?" he cried out to no one in particular.

It seemed that his night had just begun.


'WELCOME TO ADVENTURELAND!' a familiar voice, that oddly sounded like Ben, said. Jack felt the sensation of speed and opened his eyes. Both of his hands were handcuffed to a roller coaster seat! It was speeding out of control through what could only be described as a Carnival From Hell. All around him were characters that looked like they were brought up from the Devil's own Cirque du Soleil. It was all so confusing. Jugglers juggling handcuffs and dildos, demonic looking lion tamers with whips and chains, and a 'Ringmaster' that resembled both Elliott and Devin at the same time, which was weird because both boys couldn't look more different from eachother. Even though he couldn't see HIMSELF, as there were no mirrors, his mind knew he was in a football helmet, a girly tight belly shirt, and baggy black jeans. For some reason, he had an instinctual and impulsive urge to rip all three items off of himself, yet his cuffed arms prevented that.

The roller coaster was speeding faster, and Jack felt increasingly like everything...his entire world...was speeding out of control. The horrors were below him as well! What he saw when he looked down was a cross between a Hieronymus Bosch painting, the labyrinth from 'Hellraiser 2', and something out of 1950's P.T. Barnum exhibit - yet twisted.

"What is this!?" he asked as he struggled against his bindings...which were now two green snakes tied around his wrists! Suddenly in the roller coaster car with him was Drewcifer dressed like an Indian Snake Charmer. He grinned at Jack.


"LAST RIDE OF THE DAY!" Echoed the demonic voices below him.

"I don't understand!" Jack pleaded. "What IS this!? Where am I!!??"

"Don't you know!?" said a Lion Tamer who now occupied the Snake Charmer's spot. It was Bryce. "This is the RIDE OF YOUR LIFE! No refunds! Ahhhahahahahaha!"

"LAST RIDE OF THE DAY!" said the demonic voices below him.

"Bryce! Get me out of this! It's out of control and it's gonna crash if I don't find a way out!" Jack pleaded. His former teammate just kept laughing hysterically.

In Jack's minds-eye he saw two big blue gates open up to 'Adventureland Amusements'. For a split second, it said 'Lakeside Amusements' and he was spirited to a foggy arcade that was dilapidated. The front counter was in shambles, and the metal cash register was rusted. Tainted and stained coins were littered all over what was left of the counter and onto the torn-up floor (which was also covered with skee-balls, dirt, debris, and numerous unidentifiable stains). The walls were all rotted out, with the only light source coming from holes and cracks in the foundation, and the caved-in roof. Jack could also swear he heard the faint lamenting sound of an air-raid siren somewhere in the distance.

"Help me! Who are YOU!? This arcade, it's's impossible! Have you seen him!?" asked a boy with brown hair standing next to a Whack-a-Mole Machine, looking distraught.

Then he was back in the roller coaster car. Things were getting more and more disjointed. He was losing control of his entire life, and he was at the mercy of everything and everyone else.

"HELP ME!" Jack screamed! "Someone....ANYONE! I'm NOT in control of this!" As the car sped up, faster and faster. Fireworks and eerie carnival lights flashed, blinding him. Calliope music filled the surreal hellscape. Again he was spirited away, this time to a House of Mirrors, yet each mirror showed Jack differently. Some in his football uniform, some in tight slutty clothes, some in gothic clothes, and even some in the preppy shit his rich parents forced him to wear throughout his childhood. Then suddenly Jack saw himself in the mirrors at all different AGES. He was a toddler, he was a middle schooler, he was even an old man...yet all in clothes and personas that not once had he picked out for himself. All of his life, he played characters for other people. And it was almost like those Other-Jacks were mocking him now.

"Find your way back, Jack!" said Theo, suddenly. He was on the rollercoaster again, which was speeding faster than ever. The binds on his wrists were now black silk cords. "BE YOURSELF!" He pleaded as he literally shook Jack by the shoulders. "WAKE UP!"

And with that, Jack jolted out of his bed. He was in a cold sweat. The clock next to him read 3:04am. Jack stood up and used his cell phone's selfie camera to stare at himself for a good two minutes.

"Who AM I?" He asked himself for the first time in his entire life.

[I got a bit experimental with things towards the end there, and I really hope it paid off. Do not think for a moment that this story is not ultimately about Jack, because it is. The thing about the 'fallout' is how what happened after...well, it affected everyone. In fact, dare I say Jack will have more "screen time" then the boys, and trust me we are getting there! It's a process, though! a teaser...expect a very special Halloween chapter coming on October 31st! If I time this correctly, it will be posted ON October 31st and take place on October 31st as well. Hey...The Simpsons did it! Why can't I? :) ]

~~"Wake up, Dead Boy! Enter Adventureland Tricksters, magicians will show you all that's real! Careless jugglers, snakecharmers by your trail.... Magic of a moment...Abracadabra! Riding the day, every day into sunset Finding the way back home, Once Upon a Night we'll wake to the carnival of life The beauty of this ride ahead! Such an incredible high!! It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead This moment the dawn of humanity THE LAST RIDE OF THE DAY!" - (Nightwish 'Last Ride of the Day') ~~

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or opinions, please email me at

Next: Chapter 9

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