The Fallout of Jack Hamilton

By River Acheron

Published on Aug 29, 2021


This story is a continuation of Matt Smith's ( fantastic story, 'Jack Hamilton Is Not A Nice Person'. I had often wondered what transpired directly after Jack storms away in the park. This was initially going to be a one-off, but while writing, I have decided to continue the tale that was left untold between Chapter 19, and the '6 Months Later' epilogue we see in Chapter 20. So, for those of you who have wondered what happened in the 6 months after Jack cut his puppet it is!

I would like to thank Matt Smith for creating the characters in the first place; and for his invaluable advice, input and suggestions which made this sequel possible. Especially discussing his characters' motivations and psychology with me. Please read his story first if you haven't already!

An additional special thanks goes out to Jasper Cooper ( for his input, especially having to do with the kinkier stuff. You can read his amazing story 'The Downfall of Nate Ramsey', the inspiration for Jack Hamilton!, here:

Please consider donating to Nifty!

Chapter 6 (With guest contributor and writer, Jasper Cooper.)


"Why not use Grindr. Jared? Isn't that the best way?" The young guy said to his friend as they sat in the Holmepoint cafe. "One of those little evil shits is BOUND to pop up on there."

As his blond friend sipped his coffee, he thought about this. Heh. Grindr. He deleted it months ago, but he supposed he could download it again. After hearing everything his friend had to say, he was shaking and traumatized by just HEARING about it. Jared was not a violent person. He never once considered doing anything like this in his twenty three years on this planet. He was no pushover, however. All his life, especially in the club scene, he was always told how bottoms should act, and how they should behave around tops. He HATED that. The idea that someone was FORCED to bottom, though!? That took things to an entirely new level that left him sitting at the table literally shaking. It was almost unbelievable that something like this could even occur in this day and age, but occur it did, apparently. He knew his friend was telling the truth and he agreed that something needed to be done.

"I don't understand. Why not just go to the police about it all? Forget mere evidence, you guys have PROOF and witnesses and text messages...all that. Why the games?" Jared asked.

"Don't you think that was my first idea? He won't do it though. I begged him. Shit, we spent an entire night arguing about it. He said, regardless of what they did to him, he doesn't feel their lives should be destroyed over it, and that they didn't know what they were doing and they regret it. He won't even let me beat the piss out of them which was my FIRST reaction. If I did anything like that behind his back and against his will, he would hate me and never speak to me again. God knows, the guy had enough people doing things he didn't wanna do. But....I can't just sit by and do NOTHING though! This is all I can think of. So how about it, Jared? Are you in or are you out?

Jared thought about this for a few minutes as he watched the early morning traffic on Spotswood Avenue. Sipping his coffee, he considered the potential consequences. In truth, there WERE none. These monsters couldn't really TELL anyone without telling on themselves. Just hearing the story, he hated these guys.

Jared sighed. "I guess I'm in. And sure....Grindr would be the best way, IF one of them shows up on there."

"They will at some point. Turns out they are all closet cases, or so he told me." Jared's friend said as he checked his phone. He had to be home soon and he was nervous that someone involved would walk in and see him talking to this guy. He had to cut this short. If there were any future meetings with him, he decided, it should be in Cliffwood Beach instead.

"Okay, perfect then!" Jared said. "I'll re-download it tonight and keep watch. But wait...what about the others? I mean I only wanna do this ONCE, man! Plus, what are the chances more of them show up on there?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm handling all of them, one at a time. I got the 'ringleader' blackmailed right now by someone in his own school, and he's going through absolute HELL on Earth!"

"Perfect then! Consider it done. I can also get my boyfriend to help."

"That's fine, but Jared....this can NEVER get back to me, okay? I don't want Jack to hate me when all I am doing is genuinely trying to avenge him. He just....wouldn't understand. The last thing I wanna do is put him through any more pain, ya know?"

"That makes sense. I'm sorry he had to go through all that. It makes my fucking blood boil. I'll help if I can."

"Thank you! You've always been a great friend. But listen.....on Grindr, or when you meet one of them in person, don't use your real name, okay?"


Twin Oaks Park was old. Dating back to the late 19th century, it was located in the Waterfront region of Cliffwood Beach. While the park was somewhat smaller and more modest than it's neighboring counterpart, Rosewater Park, in Holmepoint Heights, it's location just off a major interstate solidified it's popularity and ensured it's place on the map. During the 1950's, the then-mayor of Cliffwood Beach, Jon Culpa, saw to it that a tennis court was added, an exercise area, as well as a designated picnic spot, complete with BBQ pits, water spigots, tables and benches...the works. All in all, Twin Oaks Park kept up with the times fairly well. The 'S&H Parks and Recreation Zoning Commission' - some mysterious and close knit conglomerate of cronies originally from New England - oversaw the maintenance, upkeep, and progress of Twin Oaks for decades. At some point in the late 1980's, the township added marble fountains of the Greek goddesses.

The goddess Poena, near the parking lot, was exactly where Bryce was headed. As he stepped out of his car and walked around a bit to stretch his legs, he opened up the Grindr app. 'Use My Hole' showed up only 50 feet away. Instinctively, he looked around the quiet, lonely park and didn't see another soul. Suddenly, a pang of trepidation sprang up in Bryce. Something seemed wrong here, and he admonished himself for not coming armed with something he could fit in his pocket to protect himself, should the need arise. After all, there are news stories all the time about a sexual tryst leading to assault, mugging, or worse. Bryce was torn. As he held his phone in his shaking hand, he wondered if he should type out a message to 'Use My Hole' that he arrived, or if he should beat feet back to his car and drive the Hell out of here. 'Why couldn't I have just waited until morning, and found someone on Grindr to meet at the coffee shop!', he thought to himself. 'Stupid! Stupid!' His mind now made up, he only made it a few steps back to his car when a voice sprang out from the woods.

"Hey! Bryce? That you?" a deep, yet somewhat feminine voice rang out just north of him.

Bryce's heart leapt in his chest. It looked like he would be going through with this after all. From the woods, appeared the handsome guy that messaged Bryce on Grindr. He had spikey sandy blond hair, was lean, with (what Bryce suspected under his tight clothes) a swimmers build. He looked almost masculine, aside from a very feminine "gay" walk.

"Use My Hole?" Bryce called out.

"Haha. You can call me Wesley. Nice to meet you." he said as he walked over to Bryce, shaking his hand as he looked him up and down with obviously hungry 'bedroom eyes'. "It's not too common that I find a younger top on Grindr, by the way."

"Nice to meet you too. It's not too common that I find ANYone on there. You're my first."

Wesley's eyes went wide, seemingly surprised by this blatant statement. "No shit!" he exclaimed. " you mean, like, the first time using Grindr to meet guys? Or.....not your first time EVER, right? You've been with a guy before."

Byrce rubbed his neck - an involuntary nervous reaction. Something in the way Wesley said that made Bryce extremely uneasy. Some kind of self-preservation instinctual bell went off in his brain. Suddenly he wanted to run. He wanted to forget he ever did this and be in his kitchen again feeling sorry for himself. At least there he was safe. Out here, it was just......there was SOMETHING. All Bryce knew was he didn't like it one bit. "No, no...I mean....first time on Grindr. I've, well....see, I've been seeing someone and long story short, he broke up with me know."

Wesley chuckled at this. "Oh, I know all too well! Don't be embarrassed about a little bit of rebound, Bryce. It soothes the soul! Eventually you'll find someone again. Shit, doing what you're doing is exactly how I met my boyfriend." he said as they leaned on Bryce's car.

"You're in a relationship!?" Bryce exclaimed. It was now his turn to be surprised.

"Going on two years now. No worries, it's kinda an open thing. He don't ask. I don't tell. Same goes for him too. Right now....all I want is that teenage cock in my hole."

Bryce popped a boner. Uneasiness aside, Wesley ('Use My Hole') was gorgeous, and as evidenced by the Grindr photo he sent him, had an amazingly tight, shaved ass. Bryce wanted inside this hunk in the worst way possible, and fuck his depression right out of himself. "And....I wanna be inside you." Bryce replied clumsily. Still, Wesley smiled bashfully.

"You have condoms, by any chance?" he asked.

"Uh....sorry, I forgot. I kinda had to sneak out of my house quickly. Do you have any?" Bryce asked.

"I don't. Shit. long as you're clean, we won't need any. I know I'm clean.

"Same here." Bryce replied. "I've actually never fucked without one, so you can trust me."

"I do. In fact, It'll be hot feeling you shoot up inside me, if we're going to be really honest here." Wesley said seductively. "I bet you fucking shoot ropes!"

Bryce grinned. He was in better spirits now. He chalked up his initial nervousness to several factors. First, he never did anything like this before, so there would naturally be fears and doubts. Secondly, the whole scene - being in a park especially - reminded him of his ordeal with Jack, and that alone was enough to doubt both himself, and his commitment to this entire hookup. Finally, he was extremely worried about Elliott, and it was hard to even feign happiness when he was concerned about someone who he now considered something of a friend. Coming to temporary terms with all this, he told himself that the trick was diving into it with both feet, and to put any uncomfortable or shameful thoughts about the past out of his head. Just because his life and his friend's lives were - for all intents and purposes - destroyed, didn't mean he had to constantly remain in the pit of destruction. He was allowed to poke his head out every now and then, and at least sample the fruits of happiness. After all, wouldn't Jack want that for him? Bryce didn't know that for SURE, but he had a strong notion that Jack would at least like to see him thriving. "Sooo.....where do you wanna do this?" he added. "I'm thinking the car, but it might be kinda tight. I mean, haha, no pun intended!"

Strangely, Wesley looked over his shoulder as if he was impatiently expecting someone or something. "Nah! Car sex is SO lame! There's a clearing in the woods over there. I've brought guys there before. It's secluded and we don't have to be constantly looking over our shoulders." he said, ironically.

"Alright, I guess that works. Uh....lead the way then." Bryce said. If his dick wasn't speaking for him right now, he may have shot this idea down. He may have covertly texted Ben to call him, pretending there was some emergency to give Bryce an excuse to leave quickly. He may have realized how careless he was being. Most of all, he may have noticed the obvious warning signs that were smaking him upside his head. By the time the sun would rise the next day, Bryce would wonder how he could have been so stupid! For now though, he banished it all and followed his new paramour into the woods, directly to the North. He glanced back to his car, and to the statue of Poena, who seemed to be scrutinizing him in stone cold silence.

The clearing was only a few hundred feet into the thick underbrush. It was obviously man-made, and judging from the empty beer bottles and used condoms, was used quite often as a party spot for Cliffwood Beach teens and twentysomethings. There was also an old, rusted exercise bench that had seen better days. Better DECADES, really!

"Pretty sweet spot, huh?" Wesley asked as he began to get undressed. "My friends and I used to come here as teenagers."

Wesley's words barely registered as Bryce began to follow suit, and slowly took his clothes off. As he suspected, Wesley did indeed have what could be described as a swimmer's build. The guy obviously worked out, and Bryce - as buff as he was - felt a bit jealous. He was especially envious of the other boy's cock which was nothing short of pornstar perfection. It must have been about eight and a half inches long, circumsized, with a bulbous mushroom head that stood atop a thick stalk. While Bryce was proud of his own dick, and was by no means ashamed of his size or girth...Wesley's almost put it to shame.

"I'll tell you what's sweet, man. That fucking python between your legs!" Bryce exclaimed. "God, it's a shame and a total waste that you're purely a bottom. I mean....I guess it's just as well. I'm a total top anyway."

At this, Wesley stared at Bryce, looking incredulously and actually somewhat offended. "Excuse me?" he said, crossing his arms. "What's that supposed to mean? I'm a total waste?"

Bryce was taken aback. "Woah, wait Wesley! I didn't mean it like that at ALL! I just...."

"You just WHAT?"

"Look, let me start over, okay!? I didn't mean that to come across the way it sounded. I a situation once where I bottomed. A 'Truth or Dare' game. And...I hated it. It's just not my thing. I was actually TRYING to compliment you! You have a nice dick man, and if I DID enjoy bottoming, I'd be on it by now. That's literally all I meant."

"It sounds to me like you think that bottoms are inferior to tops or something. Do you think that we're just your bitches?" he asked, obviously upset and offended.

'Wesley' - of course that wasn't his real name - couldn't believe how uppity this guy was! At first, he had reservations for what he was asked to do tonight, despite knowing all that he did about Bryce. In fact, he was seriously considering just letting Bryce fuck him, and call it a night. The fact that Bryce was really sixteen WAS a bit of a turn off, after all, but, well....he DID look a few years older, and the guy DOES have a decent cock, and he wasn't bad looking either. Now, however? No chance in Hell was he going to back down.

"I NEVER ONCE said that! I don't look at you bottoms any differently than I look at me or my fellow tops!" Bryce winced at himself. 'You bottoms', he said! That also came out all wrong, and he knew it the moment he said it. He WAS coming across as superior. It wasn't even true! He didn't look at Jack or Ben as sexually subservient to himself or to ANYONE. Despite everything he put Jack through, he never saw the former jock as "beneath" him as a fellow human being. All the "orders" he and the others gave him, as much as he hated himself for it now and regretted every moment of it, was - after all - just play-acting. There were actually things about Jack that Bryce not only admired him for, but was downright envious. In fact, had Jack forgiven him for his sins, and if their relationship continued after Jack refused to cooperate with the phony blackmail threats, Bryce was going to suggest that they have a sexually MUTUAL and versatile relationship where both boys could top eachother at times. Bryce would have hated getting fucked of course. He learned all too well from his experience when Elliott banged the shit out of him during their 'Truth or Dare' game that he was in no way, and could never be a bottom. He felt he owed Jack the opportunity to fuck him, though, whenever he wanted to. However, Jack would have been the only guy who he allowed to do such a thing to him. "Maybe this was a bad idea." he added, finally. "Why don't we just...."

"You know, you speak as if bottoms are to be pitied or something." Wesley interrupted. He reached into his pants, which were laying on the grass and grabbed his phone from the pocket. After a quick text message, he continued: "Bottoms can sometimes be in control, you know."

"Who....did you text?" Bryce asked. Feeling a bit concerned again.

"My boyfriend, Joey. I was telling him I'd be home in about an hour." lied Wesley. "Anyway, all I meant was I think you have a lot to learn about gay sexual dynamics. If you didn't mean any offence, then fine. None taken. Just don't believe all the porn you watch, where bottoms are these mewling little subservient creatures who will bend over for anything phallic."

"I don't, I swear! This is's new to me, okay? I get that. In fact, I'm the one who feels a bit intimidated. You're older than me, you obviously have a LOT more experience. I don't even know why I did this tonight." Bryce said sadly as he sat on the rusted exercise bench, drooping his head.

"It sounds to me like you've come to fuck whatever regrets you have out of your system." Wesley noted as he sat next to the younger boy.

"I guess. I loved him. The thing is, I ruined it by treating him like shit. You can't turn the clock back on that kind of stuff."

"No. No you can't. I wish I could tell you it will get better over time. Oh, eventually it will. The fact is though, it'll get worse before it gets better." Wesley prattled on, continuing to talk to mask the sounds coming out of the woods that would otherwise be heard.

"I deserve that." Bryce admitted, wiping a few tears from his eyes. "I know it'll get worse, and I deserve it all, it's just..."

"NO....YOU DESERVE THIS!" came a voice from the woods. Before Bryce had a chance to react, Wesley grabbed Bryce and slammed him down on the exercise bench. Bryce howled in protest, and tried like Hell to get up, but Wesley was far too powerful for him. Meanwhile, another slightly younger, skinnier guy (Bryce guessed was eighteen or so) with brown hair ran into the clearing and swiftly slapped Bryce in the face as Wesley held him down.

"What the FUCK IS THIS! STOP!" Bryce screamed. "PLEASE DON'T!" He was terrified, and yet - in the back of his mind, didn't he expect something like this? All the red flags, all the hints of danger....stupidly put aside because his own dick betrayed him. He continued to struggle, but it was in vain. As Wesley held him down, the younger guy pulled out a pair of police-grade handcuffs and cuffed Bryce's arms to the legs of the metal bench.

"Get his legs, Joey! This arrogant fucker is a fighter!" Wesley said, using his entire body now to pin Bryce down. As he did, he grabbed the restrained boy's balls with his free hand and squeezed. Hard. "If you fucking kick my boyfriend, I will pop these fuckers like two raw eggs....GOT IT!?" he snarled to Bryce.

"GOT IT! Just....don't hurt me!" Bryce pleaded, crying hard now as Joey took out a roll of duct tape and wrapped both of Bryce's legs to the other two legs of the bench. He was fully bound now, with zero hope of escape. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?"

Wesley got up, confident now that their handiwork completely immobilised Bryce. "I'll fucking tell you why. Not all of it, but most. I can't stand arrogant fucks like you. Closeted, thinking your shit doesn't stink while you use bottoms as some kinda cum reseptical."

"But that's NOT what...."

"LET ME FINISH! You look like a fucking jock, and I've known asshats like you in High School. I bet you go around bullying the "fags"...all because you are too insecure to look in the FUCKING MIRROR to realize you're JUST LIKE US! A "fag" through and through!" He turned to Joey and said, "Get him hard, Joe. Mr. Superior over here wanted to fuck me...well, he's going to get his wish and then some" Joey smiled, and slide his wet mouth around Bryce's flacid cock. It wouldn't remain in the state for long, however, as Joey's talented mouth - then throat - pumped Bryce to hardness.

" got me ALL wrong! I never bullied ANYONE! Even if I DID, doing what you're doing now is NOT THE ANSWER. Trust me, I...." Bryce suddenly clamed up.

"You.....what?" Wesley asked, as Joey keping sucking Bryce's cock and simultaneously kneading his balls in his palm.

Bryce's heart almost stopped. This was all too much of a coincidence. 'He knows', he thought to himself. But how COULD he? A sudden thought occured to Bryce that Tyler may have been telling people about what Bryce and the others did to Jack, even going so far as to plant someone on Grindr. It wasn't so far-fetched, because if this was a set-up, they were not necessarily looking for Bryce, but ANY of Jack's tormentors who may happen to log in. There was something wrong with that picture as well, though, Bryce realized. This wasn't exactly Tyler's style. While he liked his little cloak and dagger games, he needed to be hands on. His ego demanded it. He had no doubt that Tyler might be part of a bigger picture, but there was definitely a mastermind at work. For the first time, Bryce wondered: COULD it be Jack!?

"Just forget it." Bryce finally answered. "Nothing I can say or tell you is going to change ANY of this, is it?"

"Absolutely not. Now listen...we're not going to seriously hurt you or leave any permanent marks, okay? You need to be taught a lesson, though. Joey...that's enough."

Wesley's boyfriend popped his mouth off Bryce's rock-hard cock. Only a few short seconds later, Wesley straddled the bound boy and slid his ass down over his saliva-lubed cock, inch by inch, until the entire length was buried inside his rectum.

"Damn! it's been ages since you took ME like that" Exclaimed Joey, who, while not removing his clothes, took out his seven inch cock and began jerking off, watching his boyfriend violate the arrogant high schooler's dick.

"FUCK!" moaned Bryce, as Wesley began to ride him. Slowly at first, but extremely methodically. Making sure to squeeze his anal muscles with each pass upwards. Bryce began to grunt as Wesley started picking up the pace. Even though Bryce's arms were cuffed to the bench, the power-bottom still held Bryce's forearms, either instinctively or to give Bryce an added feeling of total helplessness. Bryce was in total sensory confusion. He was simultaneously brought to the throes of pleasure, yet humiliated by being used in this way. Suddenly, the younger of the two, Joey, got behind Bryce and while holding his throat in his hand, began to face fuck him with hard cock. After about two minutes, Wesley's asshole was able to milk quite a sizable load from Bryce's dick. He didn't stop there, though. If anything, he rode the boy faster and harder, while sporadically tickling his nuts with his index finger in order to coax another orgasm from him. Being sensitive now, Bryce could feel every ripple and groove of Wesley's rectal cavity as it slid up and down. He could also feel Joey's cock slam hard repeatedly against his uvula.

"FUCK JOE! I can't get enough of this asshole's cock! Nothing could ever beat yours, but DAMN.....this fucker hits the right spots!"

"Haha...I'll try not to take offence. His throat is pretty sweet too!" Joey responded, and to emphasize his point, he slid his dick deeper into Bryce's sore gullet. "Fuck....I'm gunna blast my load down his throat!"

"Do it! He filled me up once, but I need more!" And with that, Wesley bounced fast on Bryce's cock, making sure to rapidly squeeze his ass mucles in time with his fucking, effectively masturbaing Bryce with his anus.

Bryce could hardly make gurgling sounds around Joey's cock, let alone speak. His dick felt like it was melting inside Wesley's warm and moist insides. He grunted and couldn't help but shoot a second, smaller load inside the guy. Feeling him orgasm once again, Wesley squeezed his ass as hard as he could, making sure he milked out the last bit of Bryce's spunk. Only a few seconds later, Joey blasted a huge load directly down Bryce's open throat. As Joey pulled his spent cock out of Bryce's throat, Wesley - not yet satisfied - kept riding a very sore and milked Bryce....forcing him to stay hard inside him by keeping his ass muscles clamped tight around his cock.

"Wes....pleaseeee.....stop!" Bryce begged, pitifully. His over-used cock was extremely sore and sensitive. There was no more pleasure. Only pain and discomfort existed as Wesley kept riding him violently, with Bryce's own cum leaking out and lubing his dick.

"WE STOP WHEN I SAY WE STOP!" Wesley growled as his pelvis slammed up and down, even faster. He was rabbit-fucking Bryce's dick now and began jerking off his own cock. "Fuck, you're cock is amazing!"

After about 5 more minutes, Wesley's ass muscles began spasming, sending pain-shudders all through Bryce's body. A third, dull and dry orgasm shot through his testicles. At almost the exact moment, Wesley moaned and shot a huge load of thick cum all over Bryce's chest. Bryce just laid there...crying and shaking as Wesley slowly slid his asshole up Bryce's cock, which finally popped out. Before he could say anything though, Wesley walked over to Bryce's supine, immobilized head which was dangling off the bench, and squatted directly over his mouth.

"Put your fucking tongue in my hole!" he ordered, as he wrapped his large hand around Bryce's throat, giving the bound boy a wordless threat. And with that, Wesley lowered his gaping hole until it touched Bryce's quivering, fearful lips.

The younger teen, afraid of what Wesley would do to him if he outright refused, slowly slipped his tongue directly up his chute. At that exact moment, Wesley pushed out the cum loads he raped from Bryce, forcing him to taste his own liquid humiliation. Joey merely stood to the side during all of this, jerking off. Obviously trying to get hard again, which was slowly working.

"Are.....we done here!? Please!" Bryce begged as Wesley finally lifted his ass off his face. Shameful memories of what Bryce did to Jack began to come flooding in like a deluge now, causing him to hate himself even more than before this night of horror began.

"Show him, Joey." Wesley giggled as he simultaneously shook his head.

Joey reached into his back pocket and pulled out a string of blue anal beads...each one larger than the one before it. The eighteen year old wiggled them in Bryce's face as Wesley painfully ripped off the duct tape from Bryce's legs, yet leaving his arms cuffed to the legs of the bench.

"Oh, I'm afraid not." Wesley explained. "So....your one experience bottoming kinda sucked, huh? Well...I gotta tell ya, Bryce. It's going to be paradise compared to what you have coming to you."

Wesley lifted Bryce's legs up while Joey got underneath him and slammed his index finger inside Bryce's hole. Howls of pain filled the clearly as the boy's dry digit banged into his anal cavity repeatadly. Bryce's hole literally felt like it was on fire. Awful burning pain stung his insides which caused him to involuntarily clench up. That just made it even worse for him, however. Joey was relentless. The teen ran his finger in circles around Bryce's inner walls, with pressure, trying to stretch him open the best he could. Once he was satisfied with this, Joey then added a second finger into the frightened boy's hole, which earned more cries of pain and fear.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Joey removed his fingers from Bryce who was reduced to whimpers at this point. This respite was short-lived, however, because Joey began to insert the anal beads inside Bryce's gaping hole, one at a time. With each bead being a bit larger than the one before it, there was no time for Bryce to get used to the unwanted invasion of his most private spot on his body.

"You have this coming, you know." Wesley said as Joey continued to violate him. "Maybe I don't know EVERYTHING that you have done," he lied, "but THIS is for people you no doubt have hurted. Probably as recently as this past month. But you know...the thing about arrogance is that it CAN easily be transformed to humility. That's what humiliation is for, after all. To teach pricks like you a lesson you will never forget for as long as you live."

'Fuck, he knows EVERYTHING', Bryce realized silently to himself. How could it possibly be Jack pulling the strings, though? It didn't make much sense to Bryce. The former Jock put it all behind him, and was happier than a pig in shit with his new friends. Unless they were ALL behind this? The truth was, Bryce didn't know much about the gothic students that populated Holmepoint Highschool. Also, and this was painful to think about - almost as painful as the anal beads that were being forcefully inserted into his asshole - how well DID he know Jack? Was he, at heart, a hateful person? Was his 'change' all bullshit to lull them into a false sense of security after he stopped cooperating with them? To make them think that Jack wasn't a threat to them? In fact, could Jack have been working against them, behind their backs, planning with the goths in secret, even DURING their "games" last month? And if that all was true, could Bryce ultimately blame him? Revenge is never the answer, but did Jack not have the RIGHT to pay them back? They had raped him. They blackmailed him. They humiliated him and tricked him into doing unspeakable things. While Bryce couldn't morally support what Jack was doing, if he was indeed behind this, he would accept it as a just punishment. After all, they took revenge on him FIRST for his bullying, in a way that was far worse than anything Jack had done initially to anyone. Bryce only wished that Jack could have confronted them directly, because he knew that he, Elliott, and Ben would have gladly submitted to anything Jack demanded of them. (Lincoln and Danny, he wasn't too sure about). To do it this way was a coward's way out to Bryce's thinking. All of this was confusing to Bryce, and conflicting emotions were at odds with eachother. Why couldn't Jack have stood up for himself and refused to cooperate right off the bat!? None of this would have happened. Sure, Jack would have gone back to bullying Ben and being an asshole, but right now that seemed like a life worth living compared to THIS. Bryce, of course, didn't blame Jack for caputulating for as long as he did. He knew now that the morally right thing to do would have been to pull Jack aside and tell him that the boys were tricking him, the blackmail was a bluff, and to refuse anything they "demanded." In fact, Bryce should have destroyed Elliott's videos in front of Jack to prove it. Elliott and the others would have hated Bryce for that, but big deal. Hindsight is useless though. And Bryce's sins lead him to this moment. This is how he and the others made Jack feel, no doubt. As each day passed since that ordeal, Bryce didn't think he could feel any worse about what he did to Jack, and every day he was proven wrong. Tonight, it was all driven home in a way that gave Bryce a literally hands-on taste of what he did. That realization hurt worse than anything these two punks were doing to him.

As the last anal bead was inserted into his hole, he heard Joey and Wesley giggle to eachother. "FUCK, Wesley! I betcha that's all the way up to his large intestine!" Joey explained. Examining his handiwork, and vastly proud of it.

"Can......can you PLEASE take it out now? It doesn't just fucking burns!" Bryce pleaded, attempting to slam his arms up as if he could 'Houdini' himself out of police handcuffs. It did indeed feel that the beads were as far up as his intestines, and it was more pain than he could bear.

"Sure!" Wesley said. "Your wish is my command, sir!" he said mockingly, with a bow. Wesley pretended to humble himself, as he reached down and RIPPED the anal beads out of Bryce's ruined hole. Bryce's ass juices followed suit and flowed out.

"AHHHHHHH!!!! FUCK!" Bryce howled! In that moment, he experienced the worst pain he ever felt. It felt like someone too a soddering iron to his hole. He was afraid that his rectum prolapsed. Luckily that didn't happen. Surely there were ruptures though, and it would be a week - if not longer - before they would heal and Bryce could comfortably sit down.

"We're going to let you go soon." Wesley said, much to Bryce's relief. " final thing."

"What's that?" Bryce asked, almost afraid of the answer. It seemed his respite was extremely short-lived.

"Joey here is going to fuck the last big of smugness out of you, Jock-Boy."

Bryce gasped as he stared at Joey's thick eighteen year old horse-cock and knew that the worst of his ordeal hadn't even begun yet.

[Author's Note: I'm going to try and get these out a bit faster, at least for the next few chapters. Chapters 6 through 8 are closely linked up, and in truth I could have made it one very long chapter, but it's just easier this way for me, and probably better for you guys as well, to read in smaller chunks. I would like to thank Jasper once again for laying out the plot for this section of the story. (namely chapters 6 through 8). This could not have come together at all without him. I also would like to thank Matt Smith for his input, advice and ideas that also contributed greatly to the development of Bryce's ordeal that will be the focus for a couple more chapters yet to come. Finally, I would like to thank you readers for your patience in dealing with my delays, as well as your wonderful emails and support of this story. Honestly, your support makes this more than worth it. This story is one I wanted to tell for a very long time.]

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or opinions, please email me at

Next: Chapter 8

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