The Fallout of Jack Hamilton

By River Acheron

Published on Jul 14, 2021


This story is a continuation of Matt Smith's ( fantastic story, 'Jack Hamilton Is Not A Nice Person'. I had often wondered what transpired directly after Jack storms away in the park. This was initially going to be a one-off, but while writing, I have decided to continue the tale that was left untold between Chapter 19, and the '6 Months Later' epiloge we see in Chapter 20. So, for those of you who have wondered what happened in the 6 months after Jack cut his puppet it is!

I would like to thank Matt Smith for creating the characters in the first place; and for his invaluable advice, input and suggestions which made this sequel possible. Espeically discussing his characters' motivations and psychology with me. Please read his story first if you haven't already!

An additional special thanks goes out to Jasper Cooper ( for his input, especially having to do with the kinkier stuff. (It'll come, I promise!) You can read his amazing story 'The Downfall of Nate Ramsey', the inspirtation for Jack Hamilton!, here:


The early evening marched on into the wee hours as Jack, Devin, Theo, Andrew and Mike binged the first four 'Hellraiser' movies. Pizza was eaten, and wine was imbibed in copious amounts. Andrew was - on more than one occasion - the recipient of some good natured ribbing from his friends and brother for covering his eyes during some of the more grisly scenes.

"For someone who's nickname is a play on 'Lucifer', it's pretty ironic that a movie called 'Hellraiser' makes you squeamish!" Devin pointed out.

"Hey Dev...maybe we should call him Lucy?" joked Theo.

Andrew gave the middle finger to both of them. "You two can be real dicks sometimes, ya know that?" He said. Andrew knew his friends were just messing around with him, and took it all in stride. As much as he loved the gothic lifestyle and fashion, the truth was, he didn't care for horror movies that much...not that he would ever admit that to his friends. Oh, some of the more psychological ones were okay, but he had a low tolerance for blood and gore...and these movies had those things spades.

By the time the boys were halfway through 'Hellraiser 2', Jack and Devin had their arms around eachother, as they sat next to eachother on the sofa - Devin's head rested contently on Jack's broad shoulder. By the time they got to the beginning of 'Hellraiser 3', Jack realized with no uncertainty that he felt a sense of belonging that he never experienced before - a deep seated warm feeling that was only growing with each passing day with his new friends. His only regret was that he did not understand these sorts of things years ago. During the past couple weeks, when his world was flipped completely on it's head, the former jock realized that he really NEVER had what could be called 'peace of mind.' The struggle to always come out on top, to be the best, the greatest; it cost him more than the potential friendships he COULD have developed during his formative years, but it also cost him his soul as well. It was lonely at the top, and those costs were just too damn high. Realizing it was a bitter pill to swallow, and it sucked that he only just came into his own when he was set to graduate a mere nine months from now. 'I wasted so much of high school', he thought to himself. 'Still....better late than never, and I'll make sure college will be an experience that I'm proud of!' He gave Devin's shoulder a gentle squeeze and rested his head back against him, and got lost in the movie and the moment.

As the hours ticked by, laughter and the occasional gasp echoed off the walls of the living room. Popcorn was unceremoniously thrown by the boys at the TV during the goofier scenes, and the wine was eventually finished to the last drop. Between the five of them, they polished off four bottles, and ate three boxes of pizza. Occasionally, Theo, Andrew and Mike would glance at Jack and Devin - at this point cuddled up and intertwined like a two-human pretzel - and would smile, extremely happy for them. Theo was especially proud of Jack. They shared a couple classes together, and while at first Theo didn't quite like the way Jack would treat people when he was at his worst, he WAS concerned about his extremely odd behavior last week. At the time, he had a feeling that something devious and underhanded was going on, and while he didn't much care for jocks in general, he was actually worried about the guy. A few times, he even thought about intervening and finding out just what the Hell was happening to him since it was clear that Jack wasn't enjoying what he was doing to himself in the least. When he began dressing normally again all of the sudden, Jack seemed depressed and alone. He heard that he quit football, and switched around a couple of his classes. It was then that Theo finally decided to formally introduce himself to Jack, and see if the lonely boy wanted to be his friend. In his mind, he never meant to push the gothic lifestyle on Jack or even bring him within the inner least not at first. Things just sort of happened that way. He, Devin, Andrew, Taryn and Ethan brought Jack shopping for clothes and accessories, dyed his hair, and even gave him some of their old hand-me-downs to wear. As a result, Jack seemed happier day by day, Theo he was proud of himself for making the right decision. 'And now we be six.' he thought to himself proudly, the day that they showed Jack the proper way to comb down his hair over one eye. Now, however, as he stared at a gothified Jack on the couch....the pride he just felt for Jack switched to something almost akin to guilt, and wondered if he was doing this more for Jack, or to selfishly increase their numbers. 'We are the Borg.' You will be assimilated.' 'Resistance is futile' went through his head. He sighed and shook his head. 'Gotta be the wine talking' he thought. 'After all, Jack never once complained, and it wasn't like we were FORCING him to dress like.....' a disturbing thought suddenly entered his mind. The slutty tight clothes Jack was wearing! Could it be that Jack may have been....? All of the sudden, his pondering was interrupted by Mike.

"Well, that's enough for now." Mike declared as he turned off 'Hellraiser 4: Bloodline', once the credits began to roll. "We can do this again and watch the rest next time. It's almost eleven and I GOTTA get my ass to sleep. Don't stay up too late, guys. The wife'll be back from Chicago tomorrow afternoon. I'm STILL in hot water from LAST week when your little friend Ethan pissed the bed." he said to his kid brother who scowled back at him. Clearly this was a week-long bone of contention between the two of them.

"Hey, thanks for having us over, Mike!" Jack said as he and Devin finally unclasped themselves from eachother..something that both of them were very reluctant to do.

"Hey, any time! It was really nice to meet you, Jack!" Mike responded warmly. "YOU don't piss the bed, do you?" he raised one eyebrow at him, jokingly. Andrew was not amused.

"Haha! Not since I was nine. Feel free to invite me over to any future party you want, and I can GUARANTEE you it'll be urine-free. At least on my end!"

"Goodnight, bro!" Andrew called out as Mike walked down the hallway to take a piss before going to sleep. (An irony not lost on Jack.) Andrew stood up from his chair, stretched, and belted out a loud yawn. "That last one was dumb!" he declared to his friends. "Pinhead in space!?"

"Angelique was sexy as fuck though." Theo pointed out. "I mean, come ON...who WOULDN'T let a hot demon chick tie them up and use them like that!?"

"Um....hello! Me?" Andrew said as he raised his hand up and waved it. "Now find me a hot demon BOY, and then come talk to me! Got any of those by any chance?"

Theo chuckled. "Sorry. All out. I used up all my invocation credits for summoning Pumpkinhead to take revenge on all the school jocks!" he joked before realizing he put his foot in his mouth. "Uh....sorry Jack. You know, I didn't mean the way it..."

"Oh please!" Jack said, laughing it off. "Jocks suck. You think I don't know that now? In fact, I think you should turn ALL of them into goths, and the school would be MUCH more peaceful. Work your dark magic on that prick of a football coach while you're at it."

Theo felt bad by Jack's comment, hitting a spot that was already sore from earlier. "Hey, I didn't, like...TURN you or anything like that. Is THAT what you think!? I'm not a vampire!" he said, with a bit of a bite to his voice.

"You know, I never played tie-up games with either boy OR girl." Devin admitted, trying to steer the subject back to where it was, and FAR away from what he felt could turn into an argument. "It seemed like it would be fun though!" He turned to Jack with a look of unmistakable lust in his eyes. "Would you ever let a guy tie you up and have his way with you, Jack-O-Lantern?" he asked, seductively.

That certainly made Jack forget all about Theo's odd remark. Talk about out of the frying pan, and into the fire! Jack's face instantly flushed, as a deluge of humiliating, yet erotic memories - most of which confusingly still turned him on - came flooding back to the forefront. Should he tell them all? Right here? Right now? God, how he wanted to! For the past couple days he even thought about it, but was unsure how to bring it up in the middle of a conversation. Now here it opening that seemed to have been MADE for him. With multiple glasses of wine consumed, and his tongue a bit looser, he realized it was now or never.

"Well, actually..." he started to say.

"You DIDN'T!" Theo interrupted, sitting up at attention, also forgetting about their almost-argument. "You JUST came out of the closet and ALREADY you let a guy tie you up!?"

With all eyes on him now, rapt with attention and curiosity, ready to hear every juicy detail, Jack suddenly felt very weird. Just a few moments ago, he was ready and willing to admit to his new friends everything Elliott, Ben, and the others subjected him to. Now, however, doubt crept in. Would they even believe it all? Most likely, especially since he still had many of Elliott's demanding text messages screenshotted, which he took back in the first few days of his "slavery", when he was still angry and at one point even considered return-blackmailing his former best friend if things got TOO crazy and he needed an 'escape hatch' of sorts. (Ultimately, he realized he didn't have the nerve to retaliate, although he came close a few times. It was around that point that he began to feel that he deserved the so-called punishments he received anyway). However, even if his new friends believed every single word...what would they think of him? Would they see him as some sort of bitch and look at him as their inferior? He couldn't risk that. Not after he was gaining so much back than he ever lost in the first place.

"No uh...haha. I was only going to say that it's......well, I would definitely be into it!" He figured he saved himself quite nicely.

"Mmmm!" moaned Devin, satisfactorily. "Duly noted and remembered." he said as he tapped his head with his pointer finger while winking at Jack, who's cock twitched at the suggestive remark. Thank God he was wearing baggy pants.

"Jeeze! Get a room, guys!" said Theo. "Look, it's bad enough "Hellraiser 4" had a character in it named 'Rimmer'. I swear, I thought all three of your gay buttholes would begin panting in unision at any moment. Me? I liked 'Hellraiser 3" the best. Hell on Earth! Pinhead on the rampage! FUCK YEA! And let's talk about that church scene? Oh my GOD! Plus...come on....Pinhead vs. Jadzia Dax!?"

"Her name was 'Joey' in the movie, Theo." Devin pointed out.

"Ah yes, but to ME, she will always and forever be Jadzia Dax from Deep Space 9. Be still, my longing heart!" Theo said, purposely exaggerating.

"Deep Space 9 is laaaammmeee." Devin said.

"And so is 'Cradle of Filth!', but we already had THAT little discussion!"

"Oh, speaking of them", Jack interjected. "I listened to a few songs on my way here, and I gotta admit that I really liked them. That's some hard shit!"

"There, ya see?" Devin nodded proudly, feeling justified as he gestured to Jack. "A man with charm, looks, and a FANTASTIC sense of taste and sophistication."

Jack beamed at the complement, and a flutter of love-butterflies rose up in his belly. Theo and Andrew just smiled and smirked at eachother. "LAAAAMMMEEE", they both called out in unison and erupted in a fit of laughter.

"Woah, LOVE 'Cradle of Filth'! Didn't you and that kid from middle school, River, always talk about seeing them live!?"

"Yep! Just being an ass!" Andrew said. Ohh...that reminds MUST check out an awesome YouTube video to one of my favorite songs!"

"Sure. I'd love to." Jack replied. While he admittedly did not love every song or band that he was exposed to over the past week, he dug a good 80% of what they had shown him. It was different. At this point in his life, anything different was GOOD. When it came to the gothic way of life, almost everything was different and new for Jack. In a way, it was like starting over with a clean slate. A massive reset button for his entire being.

"My best friend River actually MADE the video back in the day! He edited it and everything." Andrew continued. "I went to middle school with him. Check it out! It's called Apoptygma Berzerk - Eclipse. Make sure you check out the one posted by River Acheron. I even helped him with some of it. God, I can't believe that was two years ago now. I miss him."

"I'll check it out tomorrow as soon as I go home! So, you mentioned River a couple of times. I've been meaning to ask, what happened to him?" Jack said, remembering River was also the boy who was a lucky recipient of an Andrew Patented Footjob. He wondered why this oft-mentioned boy was not part of their group. He didn't remember anyone named River going to Holmepoint High School.

"His family decided to move to New Jersey this past summer. I really miss him" Andrew said, his voice becoming a bit melancholy.

"Heh." Theo said. "The cesspool of America. I've been there once, and all I'll say is....never go to the Keansburg Amusement Park. You'd think you died and ended up in....well, New Jersey. Come to think of it."

As the boys began to gather up their stuff, they went into the kitchen to put their wine glasses in the sink. 'Dungeons and Dragons' was a no-go tonight, but Jack didn't mind. He didn't know how to play anyway, and would have felt like an idiot at having to be taught on the spot. He made a mental note to study the game online this week, seeing how they would inevitably play soon. As an added bonus, he could then impress Devin with his knowledge and - hopefully - skills.

"So, speaking before...of Jack-O-Lantern and Devin 'getting a room'....they can have mine tonight" offered Andrew. "I'll just take the floor in the living room. I can sleep anywhere! And...couch okay, Theo?"

"Shit, that works for me," said Theo.

"Something tells me you'll be crashing on a lot of friends' couches when you grow up, Theo." Devin added.

"Are you really okay with us taking your bed?" Asked Jack. His heart leapt at the prospect of sharing a bed with Devin.

"Absolutely! Just seriously don't stay up too late. Candice will flip shit if she sees that Mike and I had a party. And do me a favor, will ya? Keep the bodily fluids to a minimum if you can possibly help it." Both Jack and Devin blushed a deep red at this.

As Andrew went to the hallway closet to grab some blankets and pillows, and Devin made his way upstairs to Andrew's room, Theo pulled Jack aside really quick and whispered in his ear. "You SO have been tied up by a dude, you kinky fuck! How was it??"

Theo grinned and slapped Jack on the back. Jack stood there and was about to say something, but changed his mind. Instead, he thought for a few moments, and winked at Theo. "Laaammeee" He replied.

Outwardly, Theo laughed at this and pointed upstairs. "He's waiting for you. Go get 'em, Tiger!"

Needing no further encouragement, Jack said goodnight and quickly raced upstairs.

Inwardly, Theo wondered just what sort of awful Hell the poor boy was exposed to, and if he should try and get to the bottom of it all. Perhaps it was none of his business, yet...something really bothered him. He frowned as he made up the couch.


By the time Jack entered Andrew's room, Devin was already down to his boxers. Jack's cock swelled to a full erection as he took in the beauty that graced him. Devin was very pale, but not in a sickly way or anything like that. He was very thin, yet toned with small nipples and a cute 'innie' belly button. His legs were slender with well defined calf muscles. Judging by the bulge that protruded from his boxers, the boy also looked like he packed quite a weapon between his legs.

"Finally! Some alone time!" Devin said to Jack as he slinked over him and ran his soft fingers against Jack's face. "Aren't you a bit overdressed?"

"Oh. Haha! Yeah, I guess I am!" Jack said. His breath quickened at Devin's touch, and he slowly removed his clothes and tossed them into a corner of the room, until he was also down to his boxers. His old hangups about his own nudity resurfaced for a few moments. Despite everything that he was exposed to last week, this strangely felt like it was his first time with a boy. "I...i think...." Jack stuttered as he ran his hand up and down Devin's naked chest, " you're so hot!"

Devin smiled at his soon-to-be lover. "You're not so bad yourself, ya know." he said as he leaned in to kiss him.

For what felt like an eternity in Jack's racing mind, the two boys locked lips and kissed passionately. There was no build-up. Two wet probing tongues glided and slid against one another and wine-tinged saliva flowed freely between the two of them. Devin moaned into Jack's mouth, and Jack felt the boy's warm breath getting sucked into his lungs. As his confidence slowly grew, Jack got more inventive and began to suck on Devin's tongue, effectively giving it a blowjob...a prelude to what he ached to do to his cock before the night was over. Devin loved it and sighed into his mouth. Once Jack released his tongue, Devin ran his own over Jack's pallet, and then began to lick out his entire mouth, only pausing to teasingly bite on Jack's upper lip, which sent the former Jock into a sexual frenzy.

"Oh fuck, Devin!!" Jack moaned into the boy's mouth. He literally pulled Devin's body until they were both squeezed against one another, their aching cock's bumping and then pressing together. At this point, both boy's fell onto Andrew's bed, with Devin draped on top of Jack, almost pinning him down. They resumed making out for a few more minutes, until Devin began to lap at Jack's neck and sucked on his ears. "Oh my God. Holy SHIT" Jack gasped erotically as Devin used his tongue as a sexual instrument all over Jack's neck, and even his face!

"I wanted to do this with you for so long!" Devin admitted. "God, you have no idea!" He started deeply in Jack's eyes and began to grind himself against the supine body that lay underneath him. "I'd see you in the halls and FUCK...I could have raped you right then and there!"


Jack shuddered and cringed at that word. A word he forced himself not to think about this past week. A word that - while not haunting him in the way one might think it would - made him angry at himself and even guilty that his hateful bullying actions drove people to commit such things against him in the first place. In a way, he felt more sorry for THEM then for himself. He knew what they did to him destroyed their lives, probably forever, to a greater or lesser degree, and...well....Jack just thought it was sad. Ultimately, it was an avoidable tragic waste of six lives, that he, himself, caused by lighting the fuse to a bomb that ultimately spread it's destruction to a very wide radius. Still, he wasn't going to let his issues and regerts ruin his night. He waited for something like this with Devin all week, and he damn sure was going to see it through. He banished all of his disturbing thoughts, which actually was easier than he thought it would be. His animal brain was thankfully in the pilot's seat and calling the shots.

Eventually, after some more body worship, both boys slipped off their boxers. Devin's cock was more beautiful than Jack could have possibly imagined. It was circumcised, and what it lacked in girth, it made up for in length at about seven inches long. It stood pin straight and was topped with a beautiful mushroom cap. Jack reached up and clasped it in his palm and wrapped his fingers around the shaft. Slowly, he began to masturbate Devin with slow methodical strokes. Devin sighed with pleasure and allowed this to go on for about a minute while continuing to tongue any part of Jack's skin he could reach. Finally, he gently clasped Jack's masturbating hand with his own very sweaty palm, and smiled up at him.

"That's enough." he said sternly, yet also playfully. "I have a surprise for you. DON'T MOVE" he ordered. Devin climbed up off of Jack, and went to Andrew's closet, pulling out two t-shirts. "These should work nicely."

"For what?" Jack asked. Horny and intrigued.

"Well, you said you would be down to get tied up by a guy. Last time I checked, I'm a guy." he said as he pointed to his package. "A guy who is in fact going to take these two shirts, and use them to tie your wrists to the bedposts."

If Jack was not fully stiff before, his cock now swelled beyond mere hardness. It was like a pillar of steel. He never thought he would be in a position like this again, and more than that, he never thought he would WANT to be. This was different, however. Devin was not trying to teach him lessons of any kind, he was not trying to humiliate him, nor cause him even the slightest bit of agony - except for the SWEET agony of prolonged pleasure, of course...which Jack was more than a little okay with! He found himself wanting, even needing, to be controlled by this beautiful specimen of boyhood. More than all of that, though....Jack TRUSTED Devin, and he would let his lover do whatever he wanted to him. No safe words were desired or even needed.

"After THAT, then what are you going to do to me, all bound and helpless?" Jack said, teasing him. He was seriously getting into it now.

The boy didn't answer at first. He just smiled at Jack, and tied both of his arms to the posts of the bed, double checking to make sure that he was properly bound and couldn't move. Finally, he grabbed Jack's hard cock in his fist and squeezed...not to hurt Jack, but to express his playful ownership over it.

Finally, Devin answered Jack's question in a way that sounded like a teacher giving his student instructions. "I'm gonna suck your cock until you see stars, Jack". Without missing a beat, Devin began licking away at Jack's dick, making sure every inch was wet with his spit. Finally, while cupping Jack's hefty nuts in his palm, he began to lower his wet lips around the crown, ever so slowly wrapping them around it and then sinking down until Jack's head was in his mouth.

"Just....just so you know, if.....I don't cum a lot, it's....well, remember how I was already here tonight when you guys got here?" Jack began to explain.

Devin quickly popped his mouth off Jack's tip. "Oh shit! Haha! Drewcifer got you with his feet, didn't he!?"

"Yes! He said he does that a lot." Jack replied.

"Yeah, he's a bit....he's got some issues, but don't we all? Don't feel bad. He got me and Taryn as well. Now shut up," Devin said as he switched to an authoritative tone in order to recapture the mood. "One more word out of you, and I gag your mouth with one of Drucifer's dirty socks, got it? And I assume you had enough of his feet for one night!"

"Yes sir!" Jack answered, as his body twitched in his make-shift t-shirt bindings.

Devin wrapped his mouth back around Jack's tip, and flicked it with his tongue, swirling it round and round. Moans of passion filled the room as Devin finally slid even further down Jack's manhood, taking it into his mouth, then his throat, inch by inch. Once his dick was firmly lodged in his throat, he let out a flow of saliva and began to slide his mouth up and down the entire length. Jack lay there, and watched with rapt attention as Devin's beautiful lips slid up to his cock head, and down to his balls. On top of everything else, the guy can deepthroat...something Jack never experienced before. It almost felt like his dick was melting in Devin's warm, wet throat. Wet slurping sounds filled the room as the boy picked up the pace, always taking Jack down to his crotch and then back up, in perfect rhythm. Devin cupped Jack's balls in his hand once again, and added some tongue work to his head at each upward pass. That did it! The bound boy knew that it was almost over. He tried to hold back the best he could, but his body simply would not allow that. Devin was not only throating him, but using his entire oral cavity to bring him to heights he didn't know existed.

"Ohhhhhhh fuck, Dev! If you keep that up......I'm......FUCK!" he cried out as his orgasm hit him like a sledgehammer.

Devin didn't get off Jack's cock, however. He actually buried his head even farther down, allowing Jack to shoot waves of his hot cum directly into the back of his throat. Not missing a beat, Jack felt Devin's throat muscles constrict and release, over and over...the boy was gulping him! Sucking the cum right out of his balls, and milking him for everything he had. Jack began to get a bit sensitive, but it didn't look as if Devin was going to stop any time soon. He kept deepthroating Jack's spent dick, not allowing it to get fully soft in his tight throat. "I shot already....." Jack tried to explain, weakly, as if Devin was not acutely aware of that fact. "I said, I....oh FUCK!" he cried out, as the boy collected some of his own slobber from the base of Jack's dick, slicked up his finger and slid it gently and lovingly into Jack's hole. Jack knew the mindblowing feeling of prostate stimulation all too well, and his cock immediately got rock hard the second that the invading digit bumped against it. As Devin continued sucking Jack, he looked up at the tied-up boy and winked at him. He started SLAMMING his throat down on Jack, pistoning his finger in and out of Jack's rear as if it was some kind of fuck-machine. It took a bit longer this time, already having shot off twice today - both extremely powerful orgasms - but after about ten minutes, Devin made Jack cum again inside his throat, albeit a much smaller load. He finally pulled out his finger, and slid his now-soaking wet mouth off of Jack's cock.

He coughed a few times and said, "You tasted so good, I wanted seconds!" There wasn't a drop of cum on the boy's face. He managed to swallow every single drop. Twice!

"That.....that was.....holy SHIT!" Jack stammered. He was spent. Beautifully and wonderfully spent. It felt like his very soul was sucked out of his penis. The afterglow, while exhausting, was out of this world. He almost felt high.

Devin undid Jack's bindings and the two of them shared another kiss. Jack could taste himself in Devin's mouth, which would have physically excited him if he wasn't so utterly drained of having his 'udder' drained.

"I never did anything like that before!" Devin exclaimed. "Tied a guy up, I mean! I gotta admit, that was really hot."

"Hot doesn't begin to describe it! Do you know that was the first time I was ever deepthroated!?" Jack exclaimed as they sat naked, next to eachother. All lingering shame of being nude in front of someone else was completely gone, at least as far as Devin was concerned.

"Wanna do me next?" Devin asked.

"Do I!?" Jack replied, as he pushed Devin on the bed, and grabbed the t-shirts. "Just try and stop me.....bitch" he said playfully as he began to take on a role he never had before, and excited to see if it was just as erotic being on the giving end of these games. "Just one thing, Devin..."

"Yes?" Devin said as his cock pulsed in anticipation.

Jack stared at Devin's beautifuly perfect cock and greedily licked his lips.

"We're going three rounds!"


Meanwhile, a few streets down, just fifteen minutes to midnight, Elliott attempted to sit on the bed in his room to no avail. He was utterly dejected. 'What did I get myself into!?' he asked himself, not exactly regretting that he had agreed to this. It HAD to be done, after all. There simply was no other alternative, and he knew that. It's just much was TOO much? To make matters worse, for the first time in a week, he didn't bother buying any beer, which surely left the fifty-three year old obese filthy owner of the store disappointed that he didn't receive his daily blowjob from him, in return for selling alcohol to a minor. Not that he planned on quitting. Not by a long shot! He regretted not getting any, and If anything, being drunk throughout the long Hell he was about to face was probably the only thing stopping him from taking his own life. Not being able to properly sit down, he paced back and forth, wincing in pain.

To make matters worse, he didn't even have his laptop to distract him anymore, since Davis made him smash it up a week ago. He never bothered getting a TV in his room, since he always relied on his computer for all the entertainment he ever needed. Not that he could focus on anything right now. Too many depressing thoughts swirled around his head. Pacing was something, he felt, he would become quite accustomed to in the coming days, weeks, or - God help him - months!? Elliott didn't know how long this would last, and truthfully, he didn't want to even think about it. He DAMN sure was not going to ask HIM, otherewise that fucking sadist might make Elliott's ordeal even longer! No, it was best to just keep quiet and accept it. That was the best way. He only prayed that the others wouldn't find out about it. It was bad enough that Ben got suspicious earlier this evening when Elliott - as ordered - canceled their date tonight.

Suddenly, he received a text notification on his phone. The tune being 'Master and Servent' by Depeche Mode (HIS order, of course). He pulled it out of his pocket gingerly, careful not to cause himself even more pain back there. He checked the new message he just got, sighed, and responded quickly - as he was instructed to do. ALWAYS.

[RECEIVED 11:47pm]: IS IT IN??

[SENT 11:47pm] yes

[RECEIVED 11:48pm] YES!? YES WHAT!!!??

[SENT 11:49pm] yes sir



[SENT 11:50pm] please give me a moment sir. getting my pants off....


Tears flowed from Elliott's eyes as he exposed his naked ass to the mirror on his door, making sure to turn his head so that it could be properly seen. He couldn't stand even seeing HIMSELF like this, let alone this psychopath and whoever else he ends up showing the picture to. Hesitating for only a moment, he told himself that everything was going to be okay if he just cooperates, and hit the shutter button on his camera phone...taking a selfie of himself with the thick flesh colored dildo shoved firmly into his ass.

He sent his master the picture.

[Author's Note: Now things will begin really kicking into gear. Once again, I apologize for taking so long. Real life can be a bitch sometimes. Also, just so there's no confusion, this story will span the entire six months, from the original story's Chapter 19 right to JUST before the '6 months later' epilogue. Everything will come fulll circle. Of course, there will be time-jumps along the way, otherwise this sequel will end up being 200 chapters long! I hope you guys like it so far!]

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or opinions, please email me at

Next: Chapter 5

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