The Fallout of Jack Hamilton

By River Acheron

Published on Oct 7, 2022


This story is a continuation of Matt Smith's ( fantastic story, 'Jack Hamilton Is Not A Nice Person'. I had often wondered what transpired directly after Jack storms away in the park. This was initially going to be a one-off, but while writing, I have decided to continue the tale that was left untold between Chapter 19, and the '6 Months Later' epilogue we see in Chapter 20. So, for those of you who have wondered what happened in the 6 months after Jack cut his puppet it is!

I would like to thank Matt Smith for creating the characters in the first place; and for his invaluable advice, input and suggestions which made this sequel possible. Especially discussing his characters' motivations and psychology with me. Please read his story first if you haven't already!

An additional special thanks goes out to Jasper Cooper ( for his input, especially having to do with the kinkier stuff. (It'll come, I promise!) You can read his amazing story 'The Downfall of Nate Ramsey', the inspiration for Jack Hamilton!, here:

Please consider donating to Nifty!


"I once had a girlfriend but then one day she dumped me and everywhere I go people would ask me where she was I don't want to talk about her someone always asks about her so I tell them all my girlfriend's dead" (The Vandals 'My Girlfriend's Dead')


August 16th, 2014 (Over two years ago)

"No, Davis. We're DONE!" Tracy insisted as she gathered up her things.

"Hon, please! Don't do this to me!! We.....we can work it out! You want to cheat on ME? Then cheat on me! Humiliate me and send me videos of it! NOT this!" Nineteen year old Davis Hamilton pleaded as he literally stood up out of his seat in the outdoor area of Cool Beans - Holmepoint Heights' little coffee shop on Ramsey Ave.

He knew something was wrong the moment he got a text from Tracy while he was in his English Lit class at Toluca County College. One sentence: Meet me at Cool Beans at 3:30pm.. He had arrived on time and listened to his girlfriend scream at him for a solid twenty minutes. She knew about Judi. The day earlier, she was getting her hair done at Ulta, and as fate would have it, Judi was sitting right next to her and as the two began talking and getting friendly, it was revealed that they were both seeing the same guy...him! His only solace was Tracy didn't know everything, including where they met. Two months prior, Davis, who was secretly bisexual, began working at a gay club downtown. One of the employees that just started working there - a favorite and already moving up the ranks - Felix Shepherd, introduced him to his "fag hag" as he called her. The two hit it off and began an affair.

Tracy may not know all of THOSE details, but what she knew was bad enough.

"You made a fool of me, Davis. And you made a mockery of our relationship. I don't know who you think you are, but it's over." she declared as stood up. "Lose my number. Forget I exist. I am dead to you, do you hear me? DEAD TO YOU." With that, she walked away. Not even looking back, as Davis stood there in shocked silence.


As the weeks went by, Davis plodded along the best he could. By week two, the questions were flying from his parents, his friends from college, and especially from his fifteen year old brother Jack. He and Tracy got along so well in the few years she and Davis were an item. Tracy spent countless days and nights at the house, went on vacations with the entire family, and quite literally watched Jack grow up from a little kid to a teenager. The two of them had something of a little brother/big sister thing going on. Davis could see that Jack was beginning to get concerned. He was just about to start his sophomore year at Holmepoint High School. Jack was no genius but he had the grades to eek by.

One month after Tracy dumped him, something snapped within Davis.

As he was studying, there was a gentle knock on his door. It was Jack.

"What do you want, snot-nose? I'm busy!" Davis said rudely as he let his little brother in. "And where's Elliott? You just left him alone?"

"He had to go home. His mom just picked him up."

"Good. Something about him is off. I don't like the way he looks at you sometimes lately." Davis declared. "You think he's all there? the head? He's growing up to be an odd little guy."

"He's fine. He just gets SOOO down sometimes."

"Is that why you slapped him the other day?" Davis asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking a little.

"Haha, no. He....I dunno. He can be such a whiny little bitch sometimes. He made some gay-ass comment about wanting to always be there for me. In front of Clyde! I...had to put him in his place."

Davis couldn't help but notice that Jack blushed a little, but decided to let it pass. He had his own suspicions about his little brother and Elliott. "Gotcha." He simply replied.

"I'm not here to talk about him though." Jack added, quickly changing the subject. No. He wasn't. Davis knew quite well who Jack wanted to talk about. "Davis, I......look. Tell me the truth." Jack said as he sat on Davis' bed. "I know something's wrong. Tracy hasn't been around all month and every time I ask about her you change the subject. Tell me what happened to her. Now."

Sort of like the way Jack quickly changed the subject away from Elliott, Davis mentally noted. Then, however, a flood - no, a deluge - of memories and emotions crashed into Davis' mind. Felix, the club, being fucked in the ass by guys three times his age, pounding Judi on the stage after-hours as the hot lights flooded them with thier harsh glow, the questions from his friends at college, and.....Tracy. Her words especially. "I'm dead to you!"

"She's dead, Jack!" Davis bellowed as he broke down. "She's dead, okay!?"

Jack stood there for a few seconds. Stunned. Finally he spoke.

"No. NO! Oh my God! What.......oh please tell me it's not true!!! PLEASE!" He felt as if he would faint.

"It's true", Davis said. Almost believing it himself at that moment. "She.....KILLED herself. I guess she wanted to.....I'm sorry Jack. She's dead. She's not coming back." They embraced and cried. Little did Jack know that they were crying for very different reasons. The brothers spent an hour talking about it, Davis having to fill in fake details, and with each lie, he was digging himself deeper and deeper.

It wasn't until the next morning that Davis realized he fucked up BIG TIME. Jack had told their parents the "news", as well as Elliott before Davis woke up. When he did wake, he was greeted to eleven missed calls from various friends and family members, as well as texts offering condolences for his "loss". He couldn't go back on what he told Jack. Not without being seen as some freak who lied about another's death. He must live with this lie and hope that one day it didn't bite him in the ass. As such, he was forced to repeat the lie to his friends and his parents, and filling in details so that the truth could never come out. Luckily, Tracy lived eight towns over and the chances of anyone within his circle running into her was minimal at best. A few months later, in a druken fit of depression, Davis DID tell Jack about Judi and the cheating, (omitting anything about homosexual acts) but he could never bring himself to confess that in a moment of anger at Tracy, he lied about her being dead. As the months went by, Jack dropped everything to help Davis cope with something that never actually occurred. Eventually Jack's grades slipped, and he was forced to realize he had fallen too far behind to truly succeed. He would focus solely on football, as a distraction.

The rest was history. A history that Davis unknowingly set in motion.


"Little Jackie Hamilton!" Tracy repeated as she grinned, staring down at a shocked Jack. "What's wrong? Don't you recognize me!? You look like you seen a ghost!"

Jack couldn't process what he was seeing before him now. Was his fragile mind this far gone? It COULDN'T be real! Tracy died over two years ago. Yet here she was, as large as life. It JUST wasn't possible! "I....I......but you........Tray.....?" he stammered. Unable to get her name out.

"Of course it's me, Jackie!" Tracy exclaimed. I know it's been a couple years, but I don't think I changed THAT much! How's Davis doing? I.....I'm not sure how much he told you, but I never....look, I wish I could have said goodbye to you and your parents. All of you were SO nice to me and treated me like a part of the family. If things turned out differently, I probably WOULD have been Tracy Hamilton by now, but....anyway, when I dumped Davis.....listen to me still talking to you like a little kid! You're practically a man now! I guess some habits are hard to break, huh?" she added sheepishly.

"Yeah.....I....I...." Jack tried to say. This was all so overwhelming for him. At this very moment, he didn't know which way was up. Was her suicide a big mistake? Did she fake it? Or....did Davis lie to him? Hell, not just to HIM, but their parents, Davis' friends....EVERYONE! "Tracy...." Jack continued. FInally choking out her name, and realizing it was infinitely harder than anything he endured in September. "I thought you were...I meant to's really good to see you! I missed you!"

The dam broke. Jack ran to Tracy, tears falling freely down his face as he embraced her. He was a kid again, running to his big "sister", the way he always did back then. No different than in 2010, when an eleven year old Jack cried in her arms after being bullied by a bigger boy in elementary school, had his shoes stolen from him and stuffed in a locker. No different than being on the opposite end of things, when he befriended a bullied ten-year old Elliott that same year. At this moment, Jack didn't care WHY she was alive. All he cared about was that she WAS. He ached to tell her about everything that happened to him in recent months, and about the dark malicious thoughts he has been having that he couldn't even tell Felix about earlier. He almost did, in fact. Right there on the street next to his car.

"Hey.....Jackie. I missed you too! Are you okay though?" Tracy asked. Concerned.

Jack reluctantly pulled back and wiped his eyes on his sleeves. "No, just caught me at a bad time. I'm fine. Really." He said unconvincingly. " know, the shock of seeing you after all this time. It's....well, you know."

"I get it. No worries! Listen, I do have to run though. I actually am starting a new job today! Three Sheets to the Wind....the laundromat a few blocks down. I'm late enough as it is, but it was GREAT running into you! Please tell Davis that I'm sorry about what happened between us. I said some awful things to him when we parted ways, and looking back, I was too harsh."

Jack wanted to tell her. SHOULD have told her! There wouldn't be enough time to explain everything though. Plus, there must have been a reason Davis told everyone she killed herself. It was becoming clearer to Jack, as the initial shock wore off. Davis wanted to save face. The more he thought about it though,the angrier he got. the things he sacrificed helping Davis though her "death" suddenly hit hard. He was lied to and betrayed by his own brother!

Jack had it. He got into his car and sped off at twenty miles over the speed limit. His tears blurring his visibility so much he ultimately had to pull over on the side of the road. He took out his cell phone. He needed help. Not only didn't he know who he was, he didn't even know who he could trust. He unblocked Elliott's number. Not having him in his contacts anymore, he had to physically dial the number. Elliott would still be in school, but that didn't matter. He'd leave a voicemail, and knew his former best friend would call him back the first chance he got. Little did he know that Elliott was currently sitting in a holding cell, in the Holmepoint Police Department for his attack on Tyler, and his phone was being held in a plastic bag, along with Elliott's other personal belongings. That ultimately didn't matter, though. Jack couldn't bring himself to hit 'send'. He re-blocked Elliott's number. After briefly considering unblocking and leaving Bryce a voicemail, he finally decided to call and make an appointment with that shrink Felix mentioned. Doctor Stanton.


"Hey pussy-loser!" Frankie called out to Ben, as the younger boy ran out of the cafeteria after just being punched in the face by Drewcifer.

"LEAVE ME ALONE, FRANKIE!" Ben cried as he tried to run. To no avail, however. Frankie put his leg out and tripped Ben, causing him to crash on the floor.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do, loner! Who the HELL do you think you are!? Freshman have no rights here! You should know that by now!" He declared, as he physically picked the boy up and slammed him against a locker. "You have some nerve, you know that? Apologize to me!"

"FINE! I'm SORRY! Okay!? Sorry for everything!" Ben screamed. He wanted to die. It got to the point where he not only cried himself to sleep every night, but also cried himself awake every morning, for fear of what the day would bring. He couldn't even look forward to the weekend. Every Saturday, he was haunted by the looming thought of Sunday inching ever-closer.....a school night. Frankie was malicious. Evil. It was a KNOWING evil, however. The things he did to Ben, the things he said....there was calculation behind every act of violence, every slur. Ben was being punished by Jack - or so he thought. Never suspecting Jack's older brother Davis. How much more could he take? How much more suffering must he endure? Ben hated himself for what he did to Jack. Wasn't that regret and sorrow enough? Ben didn't know. Despite what Jack was causing to happen now, and despite what Jack did to him at the beginning of the school year, Ben knew the suffering he inflicted on the former jock could never be undone. The night that Jack stormed away in the park after assaulting Elliott, Bryce tried to explain that to him. Ben didn't fully understand it then. (or rather, he didn't WANT to). Now, however, he understood everything much too painfully clear. The sheer GRAVITY of it all. The fact that he will always be a rapist, and no matter how many years go by, or how much he atones for it, it still HAPPENED for ten days in September. THAT can never be undone. That part of Ben's story was written and archived. Set in stone. He, and the others, took Jack, a fellow human being, and literally dehumanized him for their revenge AND pleasure. It didn't matter how they justified it, or even what intentions they had going in, or what they told themselves in the wee hours of the night as they tossed and turned in bed trying to quell the guilt that was creeping ever stronger day-by-day. It was what it was. They hurt Jack. Severely. Not to mention that due to their actions, Aaron may be paralyzed for life, Elliott was raped and humilated for over a month and now may be facing prison, Bryce was also assulted....and it was ALL Ben's fault. It was his idea. He gathered all of Jack's tormentees together, and unknowingly fed Jack to them on a silver platter. He took what Jack started, and destroyed them.....ruining their lives. He had no doubt that Danny and Lincoln were next, and he was powerless to do anything about that.

Bryce was in shock as he walked out of Coach Sanders' office. Ben was waiting for him, hiding behind a column. He was sure Frankie had gone home already, but he didn't want to risk running into any of the jocks. Ben was now a target for ALL of them, and he couldn't bear to be hit again today. When Drewcifer socked him in the face at lunch, he did a bit of damage to the bone above his eye, and he didn't want it getting any worse before he could get to the doctor later. Ben risked coming to this part of the school for Bryce's sake. All the two boys had were eachother now, and that wasn't saying much, as each one of them felt barely human.

Sanders wanted to speak with him in his office after school. He wasn't prepared for what was said though. The coach offered Bryce the position of Captain...again! Bryce's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions. As the coach spoke with him, his selfish side took over and he felt as if all his dreams came true. He had wanted - NEEDED - this for so long! He DID feel guilty for replacing Jack, but it looked as if the guy would never be back on the team anymore. He had given up his jock persona, and it didn't look as if he would ever be coming back. Jack was a senior, and there was only seven months left of the school year anyway. Still, he had to know for SURE and he asked the coach what would happen if Jack had a sudden last minute change of heart and wanted back in. He even went so far as to explain to the coach that Jack's behavior was part of a hazing ritual and lost bet. He owed Jack that much. If the coach agreed, he would speak with Jack, beg his forgiveness, and tell him that if he WANTED, he was able to get back Jack's old position. He didn't much care for the coach's response, though:

"Look, Corsetti, I'm going to level with you. I thought about it. We're in a dog-shit heap of trouble if we don't find a permanent Captain and NOW! You've seen Hamilton though, I take it. Hanging out with the Suicide-Squad? Yeah, okay sure....I might have demoted him in haste. I admit it! We all make mistakes, on and off the field. But because of THAT he fucking abandoned me and quit!? Shit, Corsetti, it's not as if I kicked him off the team or anything! You know why he's a freak now? I'll tell ya! It's a FUCKING middle finger to ME! Me AND the team! So fuck him. Nobody treats me like that. Not Hamilton, not my ex-wife, not even the principal of this poor excuse of a hick school! Hamilton can fuck right off, so are you in or out? This is the second time I am offering you this! There will NOT be a third."

As he considered it, though, he realized something horrific. Ben had mentioned to him just over a month ago that the coach basically turned Jack against the entire school. He made him bully the gays, minorities, and anyone else that the coach deemed "sub human". He would no doubt attempt to do the same to Bryce, which was of course out of the question, especially after what happened back in September. The price was just too damn high.

"What....did he say? Are you kicked off the team?" Ben asked a shell-shocked Bryce.

"He....wants me to be Captain again." Bryce exclaimed as they made their way to the exit. "After Aaron was...hurt...on the field, and then Jack quit the team and then when....I got...after I went away...the team really suffered. No acting-Captains worked out, and...the coach said he wants ME!"

"You didn't!?" Ben asked. "Please tell me you didn't!"

"I considered it. It's not as if I'm taking the position away from Jack. But then I remember what you warned me about! How Jack told you that the coach makes the Captains in charge of the whole school. I would never do that! I told him I'd think about it though. I WON'T do it, but....I have to find a way to tell him. Sanders can have a violent temper sometimes and I don't wanna be kicked off the team. Or....maybe I do? I don't know anymore! How can I play for that monster!? He corrupted Jack, and Craig before him, I COULD I!?"

Ben nodded but then suddenly had an idea. True, his ideas up to this point had gotten a lot of people hurt, and he didn't trust his own sanity anymore. This one, could actually work!

"I think you need to march back in there tomorrow morning and accept his offer!"

Bryce was taken aback. "Come again?"

"Ever wear a wire?" Ben asked, smiling.

It suddenly dawned on Bryce. Ben wanted to BUG HIM!

"You actual...."

"No, no....we don't have time to set all that up. I'm being dramatic! I mean take your phone and use it to record the audio of the conversation. I would bet anything he gives you the same conditions he gave Jack! He's going to tell you to bully gays and who knows who else! We can take the dick down!"

"And then what? Blackmail him? Ben, listen to me. Blackmail is a crime. We didn't realize that when we blackmailed Jack. Now we do. We are NOT doing that again! I learned my lesson. The hard way. FUCK, Ben! I shouldn't have to tell you this! Elliott is in JAIL! Our lives are ruined! Probably our futures! And you're standing here, for REAL, telling me you want to go back to your old..."

"Bryce.....shut up." Ben said harshly. "Do you think I'm a monster?"

"That's not the point here! What I was saying was...."

"No! Answer my question. Do you think I'm a monster?"

That was a good question. To be honest, Bryce wasn't sure anymore. He always had his doubts about Ben's mental state, even during their games with Jack. He felt awful that Ben ultimately destroyed himself and those he cared about. Still....he had no idea if Ben was psychologically stable. To do what he did to a fellow human being, regardless of WHY, or how hard he was pushed to commit acts that - under normal circumstances - were unthinkable, there had to be some level of undiagnosed psychosis at work. Bryce thought he had learned his lesson, though. Was he wrong? 'Yes. I think you are a danger to others and you need to be watched.' was what a part of him wanted to say. The rational side wanted to say, 'To be honest, I don't know Ben.'

"Of course not." Bryce simply settled on. Not sure if that was true or not, but he didn't want to make an awkward situation any worse than it already was. "It's just that you can't use blackmail everytime you feel that the world needs changing. You either suck it up, tell an adult, or use reason."

"No one ever lets me finish!" Ben yelled as he punched the wall. "No SHIT! I was GOING to say we take the audio from your phone to the principal tomorrow and get the dick fired. That's ALL. No slavery, no threats, NO BLACKMAIL. And what do you mean 'suck it up'? So when Jack LITERALLY TORTURED ME and made my life a living Hell, you are telling me I should have just 'sucked it up'? Is that how you really fucking feel!?"

Bryce's heart sank. He assumed the worst from the only real friend he had left. The events of September still weighed so heavy on him and haunted his dreams and waking hours. And yes...there was some deep-seated anger and resentment for Ben and the others. As much as he accepted his role in what happened, it angered him that he was even brought into it, in the first place. He liked Ben. He felt awful for him. And yet....there WERE thoughts. Guilty thoughts that he had to hopefully one day come to terms with.

"Ben, listen, I'm sorry. Really sorry. I....fuck...." Bryce hissed as punched his fist into his open hand. "Of COURSE you wouldn't do that again! I JUST got back today after being literally bed-bound at my aunt's house for twenty three days! You KNOW that! I was raped for what I did to Jack! I'm....angry, okay!? At EVERYTHING! I don't TRUST anything or......anyONE. mind is kinda all twisted up right now. I assumed the worst. And no....I didn't mean that. I'm not saying you should have just sucked it up. I said that was ONE option. I also said you use reason or tell an adult. What YOU did instead was..."

"I KNOW WHAT I FUCKING DID! Drew said it! I'm a piece of shit freak! You don't think I know that!? Yeah....I do! I regret EVERY FUCKING SECOND of what I did to Jack! And the IDEA that you think I'd do it again to someone else!? After knowing what I did!? I may be a piece of shit! I may be a freak! I'm DEFINITELY a stupid idiot! BUT I AM NOT A MONSTER! I'M A GOOD FUCKING PERSON! I NEVER WANTED TO HURT ANYONE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! NOT EVEN JACK!" Ben was bawling now.


"Save it, Bryce!" Ben cried, which irritated his busted eye. "I....just want to be alone for the rest of the day. We can talk about this tomorrow morning and we can get the coach fired if you want."

"That's fine, but wait, Ben!" Bryce called as Ben power-walked to the exit. "Just chill, okay! Please!? I'm sorry! I'm your ride home!"

"I'll walk!" Ben shouted behind him. Leaving a hurt Bryce to stand there in shocked silence.


Ben's walk home was a sad, long one. He lived on the opposite side of town, and the only companion he had was his own shameful thoughts to keep him company. His own ordeal, Jack cutting school today, but most of all Elliott's predicament for beating up Tyler. He had faith that once Elliott had some kind of access to a phone, he would get a message to him. From Ben's own position though, he and Bryce could do nothing but wait to see what kind of trouble Elliott was facing.

Poor Bryce.

Ben was far too harsh to him. He knew that the moment he stormed away near the coaches office. The tragedy of Bryce is, out of all of them, he TRULY saw it all as just kinky games and that Jack loved it. To a degree, they all told themselves that of course, but it was stronger with Bryce. He was looking out for Jack even more than Elliott was! He even went to Jack's house right after it started to make sure the games were consensual for Jack. He also knew that if Jack ever put his foot down and flat out refused regardless of their threats, Bryce would have been the first one to cave and admit that the threats were phony from the beginning. Sure, there were moments after what happened to Aaron that Bryce got raging angry at Jack, and even cut him off at one point, but that didn't change anything. While no one never came out and said it, Ben was acutely aware of what Bryce and Elliott secretly thought of him.....and they had every right to! Ben had those same thoughts about himself, after-all. At least Lincoln said what he felt about them, and he was correct. They WERE monsters. All of them. Ben knew that Lincoln even felt that about himself. He could see in the halls, even with Lincoln hanging around his old group of friends, that there was a deep sadness in him now. He was as wracked with guilt and as broken as the rest of them. The sad part is, he was too weak to actually face it. Ben also knew that one day it would explode and he hoped that he wasn't around when it did.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take." Ben said out loud.

"Take what, Ben?" asked an eight year old neighbor boy, behind him. Startling him.

Ben whipped around. "Oh fuc..fudge! You scared the heck out of me, Elijah!"

"Heh! Sorry!" the kid said, lapping away at his ice cream cone.

"No worries little guy. And I was just talking to myself!"

"Mommy says crazy people do that!" The boy exclaimed. Under normal circumstances, Ben would have thought this funny and giggled. Those days were over though, and Ben wondered the same thing about himself. Daily. "I didn't know you made rap music, Ben! You gotta rap for meee one day pleaseee!" Elijah continued as Ben walked up to his house, with the boy in tow.

Ben cock his eyebow. "Rap music? Who says?"

"It's on your mommy's car, silly!" Elijah explained as he pointed. "See!? Ben is a rappist! Rap something for meee! Maybe cream!?"

Ben's stomach just dropped. His heart skipped several beats. He didn't want to look. A 'rappist?' It couldn't be! On his own mothers CAR?

"No...." he said out loud as he mustered enough courage to look.

"I scream! Ice cream! It's in my dreams! Don't you know? Strawberry and rocky-road! I'm gonna eat it all until I explode!" Elijah attempted to rap as he skipped away.

Ben almost fainted right then and there as he saw his mothers black Nissan Altima, every window except for the windshield completely busted out. Elijah thankfully misinterpreted what it said. Someone - who Ben was sure was Jack - wrote a large message in bright gold spray paint along the entire driver's side.



May 6th, 2031 (fifteen years later)

"She ordered her coffee ten minutes ago, you useless numbnuts!" Sixteen year old Cody told Benjamin. The Thirty one year old man sighed. His life sucked. After dropping out of college at twenty one years old, he settled for a job as a barista at Starbucks in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Ten years later, he was still there....being humiliated and degraded by managers who only hit puberty a few years ago. Cody was the worst. Benjamin suspected he got bullied in school, and he used his position at work to take out his anger on others.

After all, Benjamin was himself bullied back in high school. He knew a tortured mind when he saw it.The difference is, he could never stop being subserviant to those that took advantage of his weaknesses. Was it a self-imposed punishment for a crime he commited a long time ago? Was it feeling that he was worthless and deserving of it? He didn't know. He asked himself that question for fifteen years now, and the answers never came.

"Sorry, sir!" he said. "Coming right up!"

As Benjamin scrambled to make this uppity woman her over-priced Tall coffee, the door opened and he gasped. The man that walked in was older, more sure of himself with his cocky swagger and expensive suit. There was no mistake though. The lips, the was HIM!

Jack Hamilton.

Benjamin absent mindedly handed the woman her coffee. His mind was back in the halls of Holmepoint High School. The things he had done. They haunted him every night for the past fifteen years. Over 5,470 nights of absolute Hell and self-loathing. There were a million things that he always wanted to say to Jack. Things he rehearsed to himself countless times...sometimes sober, but more often drunk or stoned off his ass. Right now, though, it was all a blank to him. He didn't know what to say. Jack walked right up to the counter, apparently clueless to who he was approaching.

"One grande caramel macchiato." He ordered.

"Uh......sure. To stay or...or....or....erm..." Benjamin stammered.

"Nah. I'll take it to go." Jack said, with zero recognition in his eyes. Not surprising, considering how much Benjamin had aged, and how much weight he put on. "I'm late for a meeting with a new client. You know, I envy you guys, sometimes? There are days I wish I could do nothing but be a coffee-slinger. Less pressure in here, that out there, I can tell you that!"

"I....guess, yeah. Uh.....Jack? Jack Hamilton?" Benjamin asked, as he leaned against the counter, completely forgetting Jack's drink order.

The older man cocked his head. "Do I know you?"

"Yeah!'s been a LONG time! There was so much I wanted....uh...."

"Look, I'm sorry for breaking up this pow-wow but I DO need that macchiato. I told you that I'm already late."

"It's me! Come on, Jack! Remember when...."

Jack sighed. "Look, 'Benjamin'" he said pointedly as he read the barista's name tag on his uniform. "Let me tell you what I remember. I remember ordering a grande caramel macchiato. I don't have time to play 'memory lane' with whoever the Hell you are. Okay? May I be served that drink or am I expected to take a trip to Columbia myself to grind up the beans? I'm beginning to think that would save time."

Benjamin got upset. Jack had no idea who he was! All these years of mental torture, all the failed relationships because he hated himself, his childhood dream of studying acting. It all came down to the person who stood at his counter....and he didn't even remember him! "It's ME, Jack! It's Ben! Remember from High School? Ben, Bryce? Elliott!?"

Jack looked pensive for a moment. "Yeah, of COURSE I remember Elliott. He was my childhood friend but we lost touch after highschool. He tricked me with a bunch of guys to do some stupid embarrising stuff or SOMETHING like that, but....that was AGES ago! I don't remember many details or anything." Jack laughed. "I forgot how he even did it, but he convinced me to strut my stuff at some club. That was kinda fun from what I remember! No big loss with Elliott, though. We were kinda dickish to eachother anyway. I wonder what he's up to these days, though. I REALLY need my drink, as it is, I'm gonna..."

"What about ME? I was one of the guys who tricked you, and it...."

"What ABOUT you? I don't know what to tell you. Ben?" Jack began thinking. "The name rings a bell. But you're asking me to remember crap about HIGH SCHOOL. I don't go to the reunions, didn't bother getting a yearbook, and I've been to two other high schools. Then community college which was WILD, then university, my job....I'm sorry Ben, but my life is so busy and so much has happened, I just don't remember you, really. You have no idea how much crazy stuff has happened in my life. Most good, and I wouldn't trade it for ANYthing. But you're asking me to remember you from something that, if I recall correctly, lasted only a few days, right?"

"Well, yeah! affected me SO fucking much, Jack! I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am."

"You want forgiveness?"


"Great! Give me my grande caramel macchiato and I uh....guess I'll forgive you!" Jack laughed again. "Look man, there's nothing to forgive.", he added as he checked the time on his iPhone Holo X3. So we all gave eachother shit and did wild hijinx stuff in High School. So? Who doesn't? Get over it, dude!"

"It was MORE than that! I...." Benjamin couldn't say it. Instead he got angry. Jack never gave it a thought! How DARE he! "How could you forget!?" he now yelled. Thankfully Cody was taking yet another weed break outside.(His manager goes through at least a pack of Weed Cigarettes a day!) A few customers looked up from their Holo-Tablets, and Jack turned around and nodded at them while giving the 'crazy finger twirl' gesture near his temple as if to say to the customers, 'yeah, he's nuts'.

"Look, do you need some kinda help, man? I think you are getting a bit worked up over..."

"NO Jack! You listen to me! This has haunted me and YOU are going to listen! If it wasn't for YOU, I could have been an actor! I..."

"Oh really?" Jack asked sarcastically. "No time like the present! You want to act? Allow me to set the scene" he added, putting his hands out in a "camera" gesture. "Let's start with some improv. You work at Starbucks. So start ACTING like a barista and give me my fucking grande caramel macchiato....NOW! Or we can continue this 'scene' with your supervisor. Got it?"

"Jack, I...." Benjamin couldn't finish. What could he say? Jack didn't care. But didn't he always want Jack to get over it all? To move PAST it? He had, but what bothered him was Jack hardly REMEMBERED it! True, it was fifteen years ago, and it was only for ten days. Plus Jack seemed to have a very full and eventful life since then. How COULD he expect Jack to still remember everything? The fallout,'d think that Jack would....but maybe it didn't matter anymore. It was a different time. A different place. Life goes on, and people forget those that once affected them so deeply.

"....well?" Jack asked impatiently as he tapped his foot.

Jack may not have realized it, but he finally got revenge in the worst possible way.

"I'm sorry sir, your order will be coming right up." Benjamin said, dejectedly.

[Author's Note: I hope you all liked it! I have to apologize for the lack of sex in this chapter. Honestly, I just couldn't find an organic place for it and the last thing I want to do it to make the sex feel forced. Uh....well, you know what I mean! :) The reason this chapter took so long is because I am currently hard at work with Jack Hamilton 2 which will be out some time soon. That of course is the full sequel that picks up exactly where Jack Hamilton ended with Chapter 21. Matt Smith is still here as a consultant, so no worries! He just does not have the time anymore to commit to a full Jack Hamilton story. I do have a lot of ideas moving forward. Being that there is such a vocal community who follows this saga, I was thinking of creating a message board - are they a thing anymore? lol - for fans who want to discuss the story. I love each and every email I get, and you guys are amazing. So I thought it would be cool if we could engage together. Just a passing idea! Let me know in email if you guys think that's a good idea! And of course stay turned for Jack Hamilton 2! I am so grateful I get to fill in the missing 6 month gap between 19 and 20 that was never written about, but to be able to CONTINUE the story, post-epilogue is a dream come true! I promise you all that it is in good hands. :)

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or opinions, please email me at

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