The Fallout of Jack Hamilton

By River Acheron

Published on Dec 15, 2021


This story is a continuation of Matt Smith's ( fantastic story, 'Jack Hamilton Is Not A Nice Person'. I had often wondered what transpired directly after Jack storms away in the park. This was initially going to be a one-off, but while writing, I have decided to continue the tale that was left untold between Chapter 19, and the '6 Months Later' epilogue we see in Chapter 20. So, for those of you who have wondered what happened in the 6 months after Jack cut his puppet it is!

I would like to thank Matt Smith for creating the characters in the first place; and for his invaluable advice, input and suggestions which made this sequel possible. Especially discussing his characters' motivations and psychology with me. Please read his story first if you haven't already!

An additional special thanks goes out to Jasper Cooper ( for his input, especially having to do with the kinkier stuff. (It'll come, I promise!) You can read his amazing story 'The Downfall of Nate Ramsey', the inspiration for Jack Hamilton!, here:

Please consider donating to Nifty!


"In our secret society, we find freedom through slavery Absolute power and hierarchy, in our secret...

Amusement is scary, doing things totally unnecessary Stocks and bonds are for restraining not trading Procedures, protocols, programming sentient sex dolls Prolific übermensch downfalls.

In our secret society, we find freedom through slavery Absolute power and hierarchy, in our secret... " (NOFX 'Secret Society')


"...and what if that's not enough?" Bryce asked Ben.

"I thought about that! What about THESE?" Ben proudly exclaimed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of earplugs. "We'll make Jack fuck me while we put these on him and record him. I can scream for him to stop, but he won't because he won't hear a thing! Then, we show him the recording."

"Ah, I get it!" Aaron said. Seeing where Ben was going with this. "Extra insurance. If Jack tries to back out, we can tell him that it looks like he sexually assulted you, and that we'll go to the police or something if he doesn't cooperate?"


"Brilliant, Ben! I'm impressed!"

Ben was ecstatic. Everything was coming together perfectly. As he, Elliott, Bryce, Lincoln, Aaron and Danny sat in the park after school for the final meeting to go over their plans, Ben thought about all the times Jack Hamilton made him feel less than human. He recalled each gay slur, and every bit of abuse he was forced to endure at the hands of the older jock. At first, Ben was hesitant that his idea could bear fruit. Elliott quickly agreed to help him teach Jack a lesson he would never forget, but the two boys were worried that they wouldn't have much of a leg to stand on. Once Bryce agreed and was brought in though, Jack's sixteen year old teammate convinced Aaron, Lincoln and Danny to join them as well. They were six strong. Aside from Elliott, these were all guys that Jack had hurt in some way, and together, Ben was sure that they could teach Jack that the destructive path he was on was not the answer. His reign of terror throughout the halls of Holmepoint High School was hurting people, and this form of "tough love" was just what the doctor ordered to open Jack's eyes once and for all. There HAD to be a decent guy underneath all that homophobia and hate.

At their previous meeting yesterday, they were all tossing around the basketball, and throwing ideas out on how to start things off. It started off simply enough: "We change Jack Hamilton" Ben had said to them. That was the template they were working with. Together, they would find some way to help Jack see the error of his ways. Lincoln wanted to be forceful and have them all bum-rush Jack in the parking lot after school and give him a beating he would always remember. Danny wanted to spread slanderous rumors and lies about him and his family throughout the school. Bryce wanted them all to have a heartfelt intervention and tell Jack exactly how he hurt each one of them, with Elliott as a mediator of sorts. This idea held sway for a while, and was initially Ben's favorite. Ben even wondered if he could get the coach to intervene as well, and force Jack to be nicer to people. (The football players quickly shot that down, saying there was no chance in Hell.) These, and other ideas were hotly debated, until Elliott noticed Ben's basketball skills and pointed out, "Hey, you're pretty good, Ben!" From there, it was like a light bulb suddenly flashed on within Ben's head. He had a brainstorm. They would use the game to trick Jack into a position where he gets totally naked! It would be secretly recorded and they could have leverage against him to make him do anything they wanted! As much as Ben wanted to help Jack, there was also a guilty part of him that took glee in the thought of punishing and humiliating Jack into subservience. Ben was human, after all. Did he not deserve to enjoy the fruits of his labor? The boys all agreed they would discuss this idea further the next day. Now today, as he showed them all the earplugs, his heart began to race. He would not only be teaching Jack a lesson, and getting a bit of revenge...he would also be tricking him into fucking him! Something that made Ben's heart race, despite being treated like shit by the jock. After all, he still found the guy really hot!

"Now wait a minute! I didn't sign on for THIS!" Bryce said as they sat under a big maple tree. "Fooling him into being under our control for a few days is one thing. Make no mistake though....if he backs out, it's over! All of it. I'm NOT going to help turn him into the police for something we forced him to do! That's...TOO real!"

"Same here." said Elliott, as he shook his head. "I see where you're going with this, Ben, and I feel for you, but I'm not going to send Jack to fucking JAIL! That's way WAY too far! I.....I can't back you up on that. I'm sorry." Lincoln and Danny nodded their heads in agreement.

"I'm not willing to go through with that threat either! For shoving you into a fucking locker!? I wanna fuck with him, but come ON!" Lincoln insisted. "Plus, If we do that, Jack is OBVIOUSLY going to deny it and tell his side of the story. There would be an investigation! Shit like that would end up on the news! They would look into all of our backgrounds. My football career would be OVER if it comes out that I 'juice' now and then. And I may hate Jack, but I hate the police even more."

"Heh. Me too." Danny nodded. "Plus, it's too big a risk. If it ever comes out that we set him up with false criminal charges, it's all of US that would be sent to prison. For a LONG time!"

"No, no, no. Of course we wouldn't do that!" Ben explained. "Jeeze, if you guys would just let me finish, okay? We make Jack THINK we would! It's a trick! Get it? Naked videos of him might not be enough, so this is just an added scare to make sure he listens to us. We tell him he could get jail time and it'll scare him into cooperating. That's all I wanna do!"

"And what if he DOESN'T cooperate?" Bryce asked. Concerned. "What if he doesn't believe us? I mean, this is the best plan so far, but...have you ever heard the expression, 'The best laid plans of mice and men?' You need to realize that a lot can go wrong here. Think of this, Ben...what if it's even worse than THAT...what if Jack goes beyond just refusing....if he decided to TELL on us, we could end up suspended from school! Or expelled. Hazing him to that level!? Let's all ask ourselves here....are we really willing to risk that over helping this asshole? Is he worth that?"

"So?" Ben answered. "What if he does tell!? We deny it! Six against one! We say that Jack is crazy and we have no idea what he's talking about. Who is anyone going to believe? Us or him?"

"What if he secretly records us back or something?" Bryce said quickly, getting nervous. The boys were hyper now and speaking at once:

"Plus I don't wanna HURT him!"

"I'm not doing any GAY HOMO SHIT! No offense Ben!"

"What if he becomes a WORSE bully!? What THEN!?"

"What if one of YOU lets something slip?"

"YOU'RE the one that's not exactly trustworthy!"

"Hey, fuck you!"

Bryce's head was spinning. This plan was going a bit too far, and Bryce wasn't sure if Ben's plan initially WAS to go to the police if Jack ends up refusing or tries to get back at them. 'Maybe he only pulled back from that because he sees he won't have our support.' Bryce thought. Ben had more reasons to hate Jack than anyone else, and it was impossible to tell what originally was going through the fifteen year old's head. Bryce didn't know Ben that well, but after two days of hanging with him, the younger boy made Bryce a bit nervous. He was an incredibly loving boy, if a bit lonely, but there seemed to be a streak of darkness and manipulation that ran through his veins. Where did that come from?

As the boys all argued amongst eachother, Ben thought about Bryce's warning. That was a really good question, actually. He was fairly sure Jack wasn't smart enough to record them back or use ANYthing against them. He was just a dumb jock. There WAS a chance though and Ben didn't want to be expelled. His high school career would be over before it hardly began. What could they do about it, though, if the worst of their fears were realized? Of COURSE he wasn't willing to use a fake rape video against Jack. He never even considered that. In fact, it not only hurt him, but briefly made him angry at these guys for thinking he was some sort of monster. If Jack decided to tattle with proof though, they had to fight back in SOME way.

"Okay, look....EVERYONE STOP! PLEASE!" Ben said, standing up and getting agitated. He now had a headache."If this doesn't work and he flat out refuses and it's clear we cannot convince him to play along despite any threat we throw at him, we act like we will slowly accept it with extreme hesitation. We make a show of it, okay? Like it's OUR idea to back off. BUT...." Ben continued, raising his finger up; "We ALSO tell him the truth... that if he messes with us or anyone else ever again or if he tells on us, I'll go to the principal on him and tell back about the bullying and gay slurs, and that he'll absolutely get kicked out of school. Which he would! Which is what I almost fucking did after that locker crap! Would you guys at least back me up on that? Only IF it gets to that point! But I don't think it will!"

All of the boys looked around at eachother. Only Aaron looked as if he was in. The rest of them were on the fence, and it was clear that they were not sure if this was the best way to handle Jack.

"I sounds like you thought of everything, Ben." Bryce said. "I...dunno. I mean, I...guess...we can TRY it. And just.....see."

"Let's do THIS." Ben suggested. "We'll have a vote. Right here. Right now. It must be unanimous. If it isn't...we drop it. I just wanna say this." Tears began to fill his eyes. "I cannot put up with one more day of Jack's bullshit. don't know what it's like for me! And the school year just started! The thought of having to deal with this for nine more months!? I can't do it. If this isn't agreed on right here, right now, then I'm just going to go to the principal myself and I'll tattle on him. If THAT doesn't work...if he doesn't get kicked out and continues his bullshit, I'll...tell my parents and get a restraining order against him if I have to. I DON'T wanna do that! I don't wanna see Jack get in trouble! I don't wanna see ANYONE get in trouble! I wanna give him a chance! That's what this is about! I know it seems like a mean thing to do to him, and you know what? Maybe it is. I HATE having to do this, okay!? What else CAN I do, though!? me!"

After a few moments of hesitation, acceptance flowed through the group and each boy slowly raised their hand in support. One at a time. Except Elliott. The rest of the boys looked at him.

Elliott sighed. He didn't want to see Jack get in trouble either and get transferred out of Holmepoint High. He would most likely be sent to Cliffwood Beach Regional School, which, if rumors were to be beleived, was pretty fucking awful. Still, wouldn't Jack deserve it? He brought it upon himself for treating Ben and others like shit. Maybe this was fruitless, with far too much risk involved. Fuck Jack anyway! Let Ben just go to the principal and get him kicked out. It would serve him right. He was about to give the big 'thumbs down' when suddenly, an old memory resurfaced of a dirty Halloween prank Jack and his brother played on him four years ago at Raven Hill Cemetery. He was just a little kid back then, but he remembered how Jack literally made him piss himself. The following morning, though, Jack took Elliott aside, hugged him and was actually crying! He felt terrible about what he did. Suddenly, it all clicked for Elliott. There absolutely was a nice person underneath all the anger and destruction. Even now. This plan would no doubt cost them their friendship, but Elliott could live with that, if it meant bringing his best friend back down to Earth. Suddenly, a flood of memories came rushing into Elliott's head. All the times Jack helped HIM out, when he needed him. All of their heartfelt talks, inside jokes, personal sacrifices, and laughs over the years. It almost got to be too much for Elliott. He knew what he had to do, though.

Elliott stood up and wiped the little bits of grass and dirt off the ass of his jeans. "Alright guys....he's my friend....he's been my friend for ages. I care about him, but the way he's been treating you, Ben, the way he's been treating EVERYONE....this isn't like him. I swear it's not! He's actually a really nice person underneath it all. Something's happened to him and I wanna help him if I can. He needs a little jolt to bring him back to reality, and....I know he'll hate my guts for this whether it works or it doesn't, and that's my sacrifice to make. I hate this, but I'll live with it. We GOTTA do it...not TO him, but FOR him. Yes, even if it ends up getting us kicked out of school if we're caught. I'm in. All or nothing!"

Ben smiled and hugged Elliott. "Th....thank you. Thank you so much! We'll help him. I promise."


"GET UP, FAGGOT! TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Tyler said as he kicked Elliott's cage, causing the naked, quivering boy to stir. Tyler Noleff was all set to end things with Elliott and move on to Ben a couple weeks ago. He was told by his contact, Davis, to keep it up at least until the new year, though. "I want his fucking Chistmas ruined, Tyler!" he was told. "Besides...I have other plans for Ben. That 'junior rapist' is going to know what it's like to be REALLY bullied!"

It was six weeks ago since Elliott confronted Tyler in the parking lot. "I'll owe you whatever. I'll pay anything." Elliott had told him. That's when he realized what he had to do. Tyler used to be friends with Jack when they were younger, and by proxy, he knew his older brother. Davis knew that Tyler was something of a drama lover, and messaged him on Facebook to tell him everything that these kids did to Jack. Initially, the plan was for Tyler to spread it around the entire school. When Elliott approached him in his car, however, he practically asked for his own punishment. Treat Elliott exactly how Elliott treated Jack. Davis loved this when Tyler told him, and from there, Davis decided he would get revenge on ALL of them.

Davis told Tyler he had argued with Jack to turn them all in on the night at the club when Jack stopped cooperating, but for whatever reason, Jack chose to forgive them instead. He first tried to respect his brother and move past it. Still, when they showed up at his house the next day, Davis decided to take both Elliott and Ben aside for a stern talking to. First, he forced Elliott to destroy every bit of footage, and even made him smash up his own laptop. (Something that he took a bit of pleasure in.) He also took Ben aside and told him that if he ever so much as laid a finger on Jack, he would go to the police himself. Both boys left his room quivering in fear. Davis was satisfied that they learned their lesson. It seemed as if Jack was making an attempt to be friends with them, and as much as he hated it, Davis tried to accept this - even giving Ben a ride to school when Jack wanted to have a private word with Elliott! Then Jack had some kind of fight with them in the park that night, stormed home, and vented to Davis - calling them rapists, pieces of shit, and that he was going to block them and be done with them forever. Davis once again tried to beg Jack to go to the police, and for a split second, he almost considered it, according to Davis. Ultimately, though, Jack told his older brother to just leave it alone. Davis couldn't. Seeing his younger brother break down like that, got him angry at them all over again. To make matters even worse, those little bastards had the balls to ring their doorbell the following day, with apology notes...after Jack made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with them anymore! A few days later, Tyler got the message on Facebook. 'Tell everyone in your school what they did. Fuck them!' Davis had messaged him.." Tyler was planning on doing just that, but wanted to fuck with thier heads a bit first. Especially Bryce, who ALWAYS rubbed him the wrong way. He wanted them to know that he knows - it would make the revenge that much sweeter. Bryce caught on to Tyler's cryptic 'King Thrushbeard' reference, which pleased Tyler to no end. Once Jack began to dress like a vampire-freak and claimed he was hanging out with some new goth friends, Davis saw it as some kinda post-traumatic depression, and blamed Elliott, Ben and the others for what Jack was becoming. (In fact, at first Davis wasn't entirely sure that these goth kids were not made up by Jack.) He then told Tyler to hurry about it and make at least one of their lives a living Hell. Elliott approached him, and the rest was history.

Yesterday on Halloween, Tyler found out that Elliott's parents would be away for the night. This was the perfect opportunity to force him to spend the night in his basement, in a dog cage that Tyler bought. After waiting for his own parents to fall asleep, he called Elliott and made him walk to his house. Once they were together in the basement; Tyler called his friends Greg, Mark and Carlos over, stripped him, gang-fucked him for hours with his friends, spit and pissed on him, made him suck their toes and lick their sweaty armpits, walked him around the basement with a collar and leash, and made Elliott eat their chewed up pizza out of a dog bowl on all fours while they sat on lawn chairs and watched and laughed at his misary and embarassment. It was a Halloween night that they would never forget. Once it got late and they all headed home, Tyler made Elliott sleep in the cage as he went upstairs to his bedroom. Knowing that he would wake before his parents, he knew Elliott would be safe down in the basement alone until morning.

"What....cough time is it Master?" Elliott asked. His asshole was puffy and leaking cum from lastnight. He felt greasy as well, being covered in their dried saliva that caked his naked body with a thin film.

"It's after six am. Put this the fuck on." Tyler responded as he unlocked the cage. As Elliott crawled out, Tyler tossed him tight pink jeans and a lavender belly shirt that said, in big purple letters "GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN.'

"I....can' want me to wear this!? To school!?" Elliott whined. "Everyone will...." Elliott swallowed his words. This was yet another thing that he was guilty of doing to a fellow human being. Tyler being Tyler, of course, took it to an entirely different level.

"Oh, you can, Fagsworth. And you WILL. It occurred to me that you and your rape-squad put Jack in embarrassing clothes. Shit, I should have thought of this sooner, but better late than never!"

"I understand, Master." Elliott conceded. Throughout October, Tyler - who finally brought his friends; Carlos, Greg, and Mark into these games, made Elliott's life a daily Hell. Aside from being fucked by them almost every day for weeks, he was whored out at a local gay bar, as well as seedy diners and truck stops along the Interstate (Elliott was not permitted to keep a dime of what he 'earned'), forced to break multiple dates with Ben, and made to open his own cam-whore site called 'Fag's Corner' in which he had to masturbate - without actually cumming - for his audience every other day (the ONLY time he was allowed to have his cage removed. When the show was over, he had exactly twenty minutes to re-lock himself and walk to Tyler's house, dropping the key in the mailbox. He was five minutes late once, and Tyler punished him severely by whipping his balls with a spatula....hard.). Last week, Tyler and Carlos even made Elliott purposely fail a major exam in third period English Class - the class, in fact, where Elliott and Danny texted Jack and made him jerk off. Elliott knew this was not a coincidence. It was revenge for what he did to Jack in that very class. It disturbed Elliott just how much Tyler knew about the things he inflicted on Jack. Bryce had originally told them all he didn't believe Jack was behind it, but it was at this moment that Elliott knew Bryce had to be wrong. From the beginning, it seemed odd that Tyler knew things that seemed impossible to know, unless someone directly 'in the know' was feeding him information. Elliott couldn't believe that any of his friends would be working against him, so that left Jack. In a twisted way, Elliott understood and accepted it as payback. Still, he was extremely hurt that Jack seemingly did NOT change his ways. It was very likely that Jack was just an awful human being and all they ended up doing to him was to make him secretive and manipulative, on top of everything else. Elliott WANTED to be punished for what he did to Jack. It was just that....aside from things being taken way too far, the thought that his former best friend not only disliked him, but HATED him enough to do all these things to him was a punishment that he couldn't begin to endure. A few times, he caught a glimpse of Jack in the halls or the cafeteria....laughing with his new friends, and - worse - being affectionate with that Devin kid. Jack was happier than a pig in shit, while he and Ben were miserable. In fact, Ben was being bullied again, this time by an older senior boy. Tyler knew something about this as well, and ordered Elliott not to interfere or stop it in any way, otherwise he would turn him, Ben, Bryce, Danny, Lincoln and Aaron in for what they did to Jack.

And Bryce. Elliott was panic stricken about him. The boy hadn't been in school in four weeks. Rumors were flying all over the place. He was in a coma. He got assaulted by some guys in Cliffwood Beach. He ran away from home. He was sent to prison for something he did. Of course Elliott begged Tyler to tell him what happened, since Tyler knew everything about everyone. Tyler merely told him to shut the fuck up and worry about his own ordeal. One thing was for sure, however. Bryce's absence had something to do with Jack. Had to be. If he WAS in prison, was it a matter of time before the police came for the rest of them? Or if was assaulted, was Bryce going through his own punishment? Something so horrible that he got hospitalized for it!? The mental torture was horrible and several times he wanted to hunt down Jack in the halls, get on his knees (if the dildo in his ass would allow it), hug Jack's legs and cry hysterially. "JACK! MASTER! GOD! Pleaseeeee! Do anything you fucking want to me. But do it YOURSELF! Don't sic Tyler on me anymore! Don't hurt my friends! YOU OWN ME! I'll do anything for you!" he almost said to Jack once, when he saw him and Devin leaned up against the water fountain. He would have, too, had Tyler not grabbed Elliott by the hair at that moment and dragged him into the boy's room for a quick blowjob. Also, Tyler saw that Elliott was about to approach Jack and told him in the bathroom that if he ever so much as looks at him again, it's over and the police would be called instantly and without question.

As Elliott put on his new clothes that Tyler picked out for him, Tyler handed him two rubber bands and sparkly lip gloss. "Put your hair in two little pigtails, Fag-Face. And put this on." Elliott was mentally beaten and simply nodded his head as he complied. "Good girl!" Tyler exclaimed once Elliott was finished. He fished out his cock and rubbed Elliotts lips with his precum-slicked mushroom tip. "You know what to do."

"Yes Master." Elliott said as he nodded again. He wrapped his newly sparkling lips over Tylers shaft. Tyler hadn't showered yet, and the smell of crotch was enough to make Elliott gag as he began to deepthroat him with gusto, making sure to take his owner balls-deep, just as he liked it. If he could make sure Tyler stayed in a good mood today, maybe he would take it easy on least for a while, anyway. Plus, he wanted to make him cum quickly and get this over with as soon as possible. Holding back the urge to vomit, he sucked Tyler deep into his throat while using one hand to caress his nuts.

"Oh FUCK, Helliott! You're on your A-Game today! I should dress you up like a whore more often, because it obviously makes you ACT like one!" Tyler moaned as he felt the back of Elliott's throat slide back and forth over his tip. As Elliott used his lips, tongue and throat to masturbate Tyler, he repeatedly gulped - a technique that drove Tyler crazy, sending wet vibrations throughout his loins. For about three more minutes, Elliott sucked on Tyler's cock, now using every throat muscle to stimulate him, and using his tongue to lap at the underside of Tyler's dick where the head and shaft meet. "Mmmmm....fuck! I'm getting close!" Tyler moaned. Elliott sped up, sucking and slurping at top speed. Precum and spit dripped down Tyler's balls and began to form a little puddle on the basement floor. "HERE IT COMES, YOU FUCK!" Tyler grunted. Elliott felt the cock in his throat pulsate. He felt Tyler's urethra tighten and throb before a torrent of cum began to blast down his throat. Elliott swallowed every drop. To do otherwise would earn a beating or worse from his Master. Once Tyler's cock was finally deflated, he slipped it slowly out of Elliott's now-sore throat. Sparkles from the lip gloss coated Tyler's spent member.

'Like a perverted disco-ball' Elliott thought as he looked at Tyler's dickhead.

Tyler quickly zipped up. "Stay put. I'm going to shower. We leave in fifteen minutes."

Elliott nodded. "Do I.....Um...can I have my phone back now, please? Uh...Master?" Elliott asked.

Tyler reached into his pocket and tosses Elliott his cell phone. "Don't say I never did anything nice for ya! Just one thing. Here." Tyler said as he handed Elliott the key to his cock cage. "When I'm in the shower, I want you to get yourself hard and take a picture of your cock. You're going to go on your Facebook page and post it!"

"Are you kidding me!? I have family on there! An old teacher from Middle School!, NO!"

Tyler slapped Elliott hard. "WHAT did you just fucking say to me, Boy!?"

Elliott stopped himself just in time. He was about to say something to Tyler that, had he did, he would most likely have the cops called on him and his friends. He thought about Tyler sitting down with a detective, and possibly Jack himself, going over every detail of what he, Ben and the rest of them did. He thought about poor Ben and visualized him being read his rights and told to put his hands behind his back as cuffs get slapped on him. He thought of Ben's mother and father in hysterics on hearing the news that their only son was arrested for sexual assult and blackmail. He had come too far already to throw his friend's lives away.

"I....I'm sorry Master. It won't happen again. But please...isn't there ANYthing else I can do? This kinda humiliation is...."

"Any worse than making Hamilton get fucked in a club by strangers?" Tyler taunted.


"No you wouldn't." Tyler laughed. "You're a little pussy. From what I understand and know about you, you ALWAYS were. I'm going to make something very clear to you. I'm going in the shower. If I don't see your FUCKING COCK on your Facebook timeline by the time I get out, well...I'm not even coming down here. I will call the police from upstairs."

"And you'll get in trouble too! What happens when they see this cage!? What happens when they question me!?" Elliott made a vain attempt at a threat. He knew if the police got involved, however, he couldn't tell them what Tyler was doing to him. Especially if Jack was behind all of it. That would absolutely come out at some point. Tyler himself may rat out Jack to save his own skin, after all. Hell, he most likely WOULD. Could Jack get in trouble for getting his rapist raped? Elliott didn't know. And while a jury would no doubt take sympathy with Jack, he just couldn't risk Jack getting in trouble or even merely publicly embarrassed. Oh, he wanted to see Tyler being taken down and taken down HARD, but the fallout could potentially take Jack down as well, and that was a risk that Elliott simply could not and would not risk. Elliott felt that he deserved some revenge from his former best friend. How could he possibly get Jack in trouble for something that Elliott and his friends STARTED? Despite what he was going through, the shame and guilt of what he did to Jack continued to grow every day. The one thing his ordeal was teaching him, was he was getting hands-on experience on how he made Jack feel. He fucking loathed it, and would never ever do anything even REMOTELY negative to Jack, ever again....dispite what Jack was doing back to him.

"Don't fucking threaten me. I guess you forgot about that video." Tyler snarled. Elliott's heart sank. That's right. He couldn't get Tyler in trouble anyway, even if he wanted to. He was drunk at the time, so it slipped his mind. A few weeks ago, Tyler set up a camera and made Elliott play-act as he was getting fucked by Greg. The goal was to make it look like he was having a blast, in mutual kinky CONSENSUAL games. Tyler even made Elliott throat fuck him, to show that sometimes HE was in charge. Tyler did this just in case the shit hit the fan. The domination was made to look consensual as far as anyone else knew, so that if Elliott spilled the beans, it would merely look as if he changed his mind and backed out. Tyler could claim that everything done to Elliott was BDSM fun. "And don't forget", Tyler lectured, "go down this route, and regardless of what happens to me, you're little boy-toy Ben-Dover would be spending his holidays behind bars. By New Years, poor Bensies's asshole will be bleeding from all the ass fucking he'll get in prison. can just post your cock on Facebook. It's your choice."

Elliott thought of a way out for about thirty more seconds. "You're not leaving me with one." he said, dejectedly.

"Exactly. There really IS none. And aside from that little tape, I have Greg, Carlos and Mark who will back me up, saying you came here willingly lastnight for some more kinky games. Not to mention those text messages you sent me from your phone. You know....the ones saying you couldn't wait to come over to be used like a little bitch?" Elliott checked his phone. When Tyler took his phone lastnight, he did indeed use it to send text messages to himself. It appeared that Elliott BEGGED Tyler and his friends to use him. "Now we're going to be late. I'm going to shower now. Get to it!" Tyler ordered.

As Tyler went upstairs, Elliott paced for a few minutes while crying. Finally, he gritted his teeth. He used the key to remove his cock cage. After getting himself as hard as he was able, he snapped a picture of his cock and - after a bit of hesitation - posted it on his Facebook timeline. While Tyler was getting dressed after his shower, Elliott, dressed like a slut, was huddled in the corner of the basement crying his eyes out.

As far as he was concerned, his life was over.


"! Look at Farnsworth!"

"Hey Elliott! Nice belly shirt! You GO girl!"

"Aw, isn't he so sweet, Percy? He looks almost good enough to kiss!"

As Elliott walked through the halls to his locker to get his stuff for his next class, he kept his head down. The taunts and jibes- and the occasional eraser or pencil thrown at him - made him feel more humiliated than he had ever felt before in his entire life. 'This is how we made him feel' was his constant thought as he embarrassingly made his walk of shame....each step felt like an eternity.

"First Jack, and now YOU?" a boy, Liam, asked. Shaking his head.

"I.....had a crush on Jack. He made a bet with me and lost, so I had him dress like that. THIS is no bet though. Seeing him like that made me finally realize that I wanted to bring out my inner girl. I hid it for over a month. But now I just want to have fun." Elliott responded, exactly how it was scripted. Tyler ordered Elliott that should link the way he was dressed to the way they made Jack dress for that week, Tyler would downplay it as a mere simple bet, thus undoing whatever residual damage was still lingering for Jack's reputation.

"I KNEW there was a reason! And you WERE sticking to him pretty close back then. Heh! Jack's okay! So YOU'RE the fag!?"

"Ye....yes." Elliott said, hanging his head.

"Hey this!" he heard a freshman girl mutter to her friends. The girl walked next to Elliott, smiled, and brought up YouTube on her phone, and blasted Cyndi Lauper's 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun', which matched what it said on his belly shirt. This short freckled ginger and her snotty friends followed Elliott the entire way to his locker, like some surreal Pied blasting, as they giggled and cackled to eachother. Every so often poking Elliott in his ribs and pinching his cheeks. He just took it, not daring to say anything to them. The last thing he needed now was a confrontation with a group of freshman girls. Such a thing would heighten his humiliation ten-fold. As it was, to the left and right of him, students of all ages and grades cat-called, snickered, insulted, and flatout guffawed at Elliott. He didn't know how his life could get any worse than it was right now.

Through shaking fingers Elliott finally managed to open up his locker and quickly grabbed his books. For a split second, he was afraid Tyler and his friends booby trapped it again, like they had done last week. Elliott didn't know where they got it from, but they somehow managed to dump horse manure inside of it. In truth, he should have suspected something was inside. They had also plastered pictures of the "shit emoji" all over the outside of it.

"El...Elliott!" Byrce called, as he raced down the halls. " God! What did he make you do!?" he exclaimed as he saw Elliott's slutty clothes. "He's STILL fucking with you?"

"Fucking with me? FUCKING with me!? He OWNS me! And where the Hell have you been!? Ben and I...we.....we thought...."

"He owns me too. He owns all of us." Bryce said as he looked around. He knew Jack would be on the opposite side of the school this time of the morning, but he couldn't risk it. He told Elliott his entire story. How he was tricked on Grindr by someone 'in the know', and set him up to be brutually raped in Twin Oaks Park in Cliffwood Beach, and left naked. He told Elliott the entire horrific tale of how he had to break his own wrist to get free - Elliott winced at this, thinking of the book, 'Gerald's Game' - and how he was arrested trying to make his way home naked on foot. He told Elliott how the police mocked him, and gave him a cavity search with their bare fingers, how one officer took him to an empty cell and used his baton to probe him. He told Elliott about the taunts, being called a little pervert and a faggot by the cops. He told Elliott how he told them that he was going to kill himself, which wound him in the hospitial's 'suicide watch' unit all night. And finally about being bailed out and sent to live with his aunt for twenty three days.

Once Bryce was done, Elliott hugged his friend tightly. "I'm so FUCKING sorry we dragged you into this. I'm sorry about everything that happened to you! But Bryce...when you said 'he owns all of us', mean Jack, don't you?"

"I....yeah. I'm almost sure of it. I think he's getting help from Devin, Theo, and the rest of those goths, but.....yeah. Gotta be. Fuck! I'm so sorry, El. I know I said Jack would never do this. I was wrong. It seems he played us. I think this started during know....our games against him." Bryce whispered that last part.

"How?" Elliott whispered back. "We kept a REALLY fucking close eye on him!"

"Yeah, I was thinking about that. We didn't watch his EVERY move here in school, ya know. All he needed was a split second with Devin, or Theo to pass his phone number. I think....this was done mostly through text. I think a few days in, Jack ratted on us to one of them, and from that point PRETENDED to play along with us. I mean, shit...we know he's at least bisexual, right? He's dating that Devin douchebag I just heard! Plus, we know Jack enjoyed what we it was no issue for him to, well....basically work as a double agent. Once he got enough dirt, he made that big show with you in the car, refusing to go along with us any more. Or maybe one of his goth friends advised him that they needed more in PERSON time with him, you plan further? So, we had to be tossed aside, and then Jack joined their ranks, I mean....I dunno. I had a LOT of time to think these past few weeks. It's my theory, anyway. But I tell ya what, Elliott...I think that Theo is the one to watch out for."

Elliott looked dejected. "So Jack never changed. We did NOTHING. He scammed us?"

"Yeah, El. He did. I' sorry."

"So all we did was put Aaron in the hospital. Turn an unredeemable guy into a bigger jerk who NOW is manipulative. The bitch of it is...Jack really IS a good person. Or...he was. The coach tainted him, and what did we fucking do? We turned him into a manipulator on top of EVERYTHING else that was done to him. Aside from that, we got raped. I'm a slave. And Ben...."

"What about Ben? Where is he actually? I haven't seen him at all today!"

"One look at me in this outfit, and he said to me he can't be seen around me for now. He told me this morning he needs to keep a low profile. I CAN'T blame him! He's been getting it bad here, Bryce. For a few days now. Some senior started bullying him REALLY bad. Worse than Jack did, actually. I could tell he got punched in the face yesterday. He had cover-up over his eye this morning. I can't fucking do ANYTHING! Tyler told me I'm not allowed to interfere."

"ANNNND THIS is why I didn't want any more part in this!" Lincoln said as he walked up to Elliott and Bryce. "Look how the mighty have fallen! Pathetic!" he said as he looked at Elliott, dressed even more embarrassing than they made Jack dress in September. "And welcome back to Hell, Bryce! Dunno what YOU'VE been through....but a month's absence!? deserved this. Both of you."

"You piece of fucking SHIT!" snarled Bryce as he literally lifted Lincoln up by his collared shirt and slammed him into Elliott's locker. "The second Jack stepped away, you abandoned us! You KNEW something like this might happen, didn't you? For all your talk on how we need to stick together when we planned everything! You're nothing but a two-faced little weasel."

"Go ahead...hit me Bryce." Lincoln taunted as he tilted his head up. "Don't forget the cameras."

"Guys.....don't!" pleaded Elliott. Being locked away in Tyler's basement lastnight made it so he couldn't get drunk before school this morning. Because of that, he had a massive headache. "Not NOW! Not HERE!"

"Don't worry, El." Bryce said, still holding Lincoln up. "This bastard isn't worth getting in trouble over. And yeah, Link....we deserved this. Not a FUCKING day goes by where I don't think about that. Had you stayed in the park a little longer after Jack stormed away, you would understand how awful we felt about the things we did to him. Well guess what? Now that I had a taste of it...Hell...more than a taste....I feel one hundred times WORSE about it all. I know Elliott does too. Just as I know YOU DO. But YOU wanna pretend none of it ever happened. Well, let me tell you something, fucker...your day is coming. Jack has it in for us. ALL of us, I'm sure. I'm going to fucking LAUGH when you get yours. It's coming. Don't you worry about that. Do yourself and Holmepoint High a favor and just fucking drop out before it happens." Bryce pushed Lincoln even tighter against the locker.

"Camera!" Lincoln reminded Bryce. The boy finally let Lincoln go. "Fuck you!" Lincoln said. "Fuck the both of you! Especially you, Elliott! You and Ben started it! I didn't even want to do anything to Jack!" he lied. "I was....pressured! Oh....and by the way! I just saw your boyfriend! James was currently slapping him around near the gym! And I saw your cock on Facebook this morning! You should see the comment your aunt, I guess it was, left on it. You shocked that poor woman to her core. Oh, you can't check it...oh well. Your account was banned shortly after for violating terms of service!" he added as he ran away from them down the hall.

"SHIT!" Elliott said. he had hoped Facebook would just delete the post before anyone saw it. Who knows how many people saw it before his entire account was taken down?

"What was he talking about?" Bryce asked. He hadn't checked Facebook all month.

"Forget it. I guess it doesn't matter now. God, I hate Lincoln! How are you going to be able to play football with that asshole from now on?"

"I have no idea. I don't even want to think about that now. That reminds me, though. The coach wants to talk to me after school. He said he felt bad about me being gone all month. I can't imagine what he wants. I asked him if I was off the team, and he said of course not."

"Do you think....Jack will EVER play again?"

"No. It doesn't look like it. Fuck....I wish we could all step into a time machine, El" Bryce lamented as they made their way to their respective classes. "We should have gone with my plan."

"You mean the intervention, right?"

"Yeah." Bryce looked pensive. "We should have just talked to Jack. Nicely."

Elliott nodded. "We should have known."

Neither boy wanted to say it, but they both harbored a bit of resentment towards Ben. Everything that happened WAS his idea after all. The reality of it was made clearer day by day, especially for Elliott. While it killed him to think back to what Jack used to do to the youngest of them, and even more to what was happening to Ben now....Elliott couldn't escape the guilty thought that Ben was directly responsible for ruining all their lives. There were times when they were together the past month where Elliott literally had to make an excuse to leave, because he would feel anger well up. Was that right? Was it fair? Elliott didn't know, and didn't care. He didn't know how much longer he could date him though. The love was almost gone, if it was indeed ever there in the first place.

"You know what hurts the most now?" Bryce added. Still talking about wishing they tried his plan for Jack.

"What's that?"

"It would have worked."


Elliott sat in his English class, ignoring the stares from his teacher, Mr. Turner, and his classmates. All except Danny, of course, who looked at Elliott with a mixture of pity and something akin to sympathy. He suddenly received a text, about twenty minutes in. It was Tyler.

[RECEIVED 10:20am]: GOOD NEWS, FAG! You're going home early today!

[SENT 10:22am]: Really? Thank u....sir

[RECEIVED 10:23am]: I'm in a good mood, so I will ignore those sarcastic dots after the "u" (it's "you" by the way) listen. In five minutes, stand up and say "FUCK YOU MR. TURNER. YOUR MOTHER'S A WHORE". You'll be going home after that! I promise.

[SENT 10:23am]: WHAT! no u cant b serious even for u!!

[RECEIVED 10:24am]: Serious as a heart attack. No more texting. One more text and I'll turn you in! You have FIVE MINUTES. You're being watched, by the way. Do it!

Elliott looked around the classroom. A blond overweight boy named Lucas winked at him and mouthed "do it" while holding up his cell phone to prove his point. Elliott was fucked. Tyler was going to get him suspended for sure. Possibly expelled! At least if that happened, he would be free of Tyler's reach (he HOPED!), even if Cliffwood Beach Regional was just as bad as everyone said it was. It had to be better than being owned by a psychopath and his psychotic friends. Still, Elliott was always a very respectful boy. He didn't know how he could even BEGIN to force himself to say such a horrible thing to a teacher....and not only that...a teacher he really liked, and who also liked him! He, in fact, had quite a few after class discussions on favorite books, and stuff like that with Mr. Turner.

Elliott groaned. His heart raced. To do something this reprehensible was beyond all comprehension. 'So was forcing someone to masturbate in class, you hypocrite.' a little voice said to him in his head. Tyler was making him do this, but it was Jack who no doubt told Tyler to give the order. 'Well, if this is what Jack wants....if it somehow makes him feel better and more even then....' he tried to convince himself. The thing was much more revenge or justice or just plain suffering did Jack need from him!? When was enough enough? It really didn't matter anyway, because unless Elliott wanted to go to prison for a long stretch and allow his friends to share the same fate (which was out of the question)...he HAD to do it. He wiped away some tears and tried to psych himself up. Perhaps one day he could take Mr. Turner aside and somehow explain that he was forced to do this. He would have to omit certain details, and lie a little, but maybe one day he could get back into his favorite teacher's good graces.

As Ben got his chair kicked out from under him in math class amid giggling freshman who saw Ben getting bullied by a senior and decided to have their own fun with him, as Jack walked into the club (in his regular, non-gothed out clothes and sans makeup) after ditching school today, at exactly 10:29am on November 1st 2016. Exactly sixty days after tricking Jack into being his slave....Elliott stood up in his seat, cleared his throat, and said:


[Author's Note: Yeahhh....I really wanted to end this on a cliffhanger! I couldn't resist! I hope you guys liked it! I originally had what will now be chapters 10 and 11 as one MEGA chapter. Time wise, I just couldn't do it though. With the holidays close, and my life more hectic than it normally is, I had to break this up into two chapters, so I can give you guys more content without having to wait so long. I will TRY to get CH 11 posted before Christmas! That's the goal, anyway! Also: For those of you who would like to recieve exclusive backround information on this story; including Easter Eggs, real-life inspirtations, and even a video-walking tour of me the REAL LIFE Rose Hill Cemetery (Raven Hill's real-life counterpart, where I did indeed have sex in and party with my goth friends) then all you have to do is send me an email and give me your thoughts on 'Jack Hamilton' so far! I will also pick three people whose names I will use in the story in future chapters!]

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or opinions, please email me at for exclusive content!!

Next: Chapter 13

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