The Fallout of Jack Hamilton

By River Acheron

Published on Oct 31, 2021


This story is a continuation of Matt Smith's ( fantastic story, 'Jack Hamilton Is Not A Nice Person'. I had often wondered what transpired directly after Jack storms away in the park. This was initially going to be a one-off, but while writing, I have decided to continue the tale that was left untold between Chapter 19, and the '6 Months Later' epilogue we see in Chapter 20. So, for those of you who have wondered what happened in the 6 months after Jack cut his puppet it is!

I would like to thank Matt Smith for creating the characters in the first place; and for his invaluable advice, input and suggestions which made this sequel possible. Especially discussing his characters' motivations and psychology with me. Please read his story first if you haven't already!

An additional special thanks goes out to Jasper Cooper ( for his input, especially having to do with the kinkier stuff. You can read his amazing story 'The Downfall of Nate Ramsey', the inspiration for Jack Hamilton!, here:

Please consider donating to Nifty!

"In this town, don't we love it now? Everyone's waiting for the next surprise! Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back, and scream like a banshee. Make you jump out of your skin! This is Halloween, everybody scream, won't you please make way for a very special guy. Our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin Patch. Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now!"

(Danny Elfman 'This is Halloween' - The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack)


October 31st 2012 (Halloween Night. Four years prior)

This is WLTB Light FM! Serving Cliffwood Beach, Matawan, Holmepoint Heights, Quiet Knoll, and Smithsville. Your home for easy listening...all the time! In local news, the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy's wrath can still be felt across the state; with widespread power failures affecting at least 70% of the population. Due to safety concerns, the governor has ordered all outdoor Halloween activities - including Trick-or-Treating - officially canceled. So for all of you with kids out there, why not try to.....

"This fucking blows!" twelve year old Elliott Farnsworth declared as he turned off the radio in Jack's kitchen. Both boys sat at the table, aglow in nothing but candle light, sans costumes, looking absolutely dejected. Jack's mom tried cheering them up by buying them bag loads of candy. It didn't work. To make matters worse, the power had been out for two days now, following what was already being called 'The storm of the century.' Being a bit inland, with a high elevation, Holmepoint Heights survived the hurricane with only minimal flooding. The tree damage was serious, however, and Jack's street, Wood Thrush Lane, was particularly impacted.

"Tell me about it," Jack said, as he slumped further down in his chair. Every year since they were eight and nine, respectfully, Elliott and Jack would go trick-or-treating together. Now that they were twelve and thirteen years old, this would have most likely been one of the last years that they upheld this tradition. Hurricane Sandy ruined that for them, as it ruined so much up and down the East Coast. "What do you wanna do instead, El?"

"Beats me! My power's out too, so I dunno...I think Ritchie has juice. His folks were able to find a generator. We can head over and see if he wants to watch scary movies or something. You wanna?"

"I dunno. After we rented 'Hellraiser' last week, I think I'm good on horror for a while!" Jack said.

Jack was always shooting down Elliott's ideas, which frustrated him to no end. It's not like they could go trick-or-treating, and anything was better than just staring at eachother in Jack's kitchen by candlelight. Elliott had to get the two of them out of here as soon as possible, before Jack's parents decided to break out the Monopoly board. "Hey, YOU picked it out. I wanted to go to the movies to see Sinister, remember? said you liked it."

"I did, but CHRIST! That movie is going to stay with me for a long time! Can't we just do something else, El? I just don't feel like sitting around. We did that for days!"

"Yess, but not with the power on! Don't you miss electricity?" Elliott teased.

"I have an idea," Jack said, grinning, ignoring his best friend's question. "Ever prowl around a graveyard at night?"

", Raven Hill Cemetery?" Elliott gulped. He didn't want Jack to know this, but he had a fear of graveyards. "They say it's haunted!"

"Exactly!" Jack beamed. "What do you say? We take a couple flashlights and try to find the old Stillwell grave. Old man Stillwell is said to still haunt the grounds. Especially tonight, when the veil between the living and the dead is thin! OooOOooOOooOo!" he teased as he wiggled his fingers in Elliott's face.

"STOP Jack! You're scaring me!" Elliott declared, ashamed. He didn't want his friend to see him acting afraid. He really looked up to Jack. Lately, thoughts of his older friend sparked something else within him, as well. Elliott didn't know what it meant, but it gave him a warm, tingly sensation.

"Come ON, El!'ll be fun, right? Don't be a little 'Hallow-weeny' "

Elliott sighed. The thought of slinking about a cemetery, let alone at night, was truly on the bottom of his priority list. What could he do, though? Jack didn't want to go to Ritchie's place, and he was loath to stick around for 'Game Night at the Hamilton Homestead' once again. If he had to suffer through yet another Hurricane Party, he would just as soon kill himself. "FINE!" he said. "Hey, you know who would also be into this? There's a really weird kid in my homeroom. David, or Devin...something like that. Or if not him, we can check with this dude Bryce who I've been friendly with. He plays football! He can be our bodyguard. Now the only problem is, I'm not EXACTLY sure where they live. But if we can get to a working phone, I'm sure both kids are..."

"Noo! We always did Halloween together! Just you and me. It's our "thing!" " Jack complained.

"I guess. I long as you're with me, I'll feel safe." Elliott realized immediately how....girly...that sounded. He hoped Jack didn't see him blush.

Jack did not.


About an hour later, Jack and Elliott stood in front of the entrance to Raven Hill Cemetery, armed only with flashlights. The graveyard dated back to the 1860's, just after the Civil War. It's hilly terrain, and gnarled dead oak trees that were the abode of ravens and bats, gave the entire resting place a look straight out of Tod Browning's 'Dracula'. Throughout Elementary School and Middle School, there was a certain legendary status for kids who were brave (or stupid) enough to spend the night within. There was also something of a local myth centering around Clive Stillwell; a supposed groundskeeper who died of a heart attack one fateful night in the 1930's, and fell into the grave site he was digging out. The legend goes that Stillwell had a dream of his own death the night before, and was digging his own grave to prepare for his inevitable end. The next day, the other workers decided to save the town money by just leaving Stillwell there, without a coffin, and filled up the plot with dirt. Unfortunately, Stillwell only dug four and a half feet before he keeled over. The lack of a coffin, along with the shallow grave allowed Stillwell's spirit to haunt the grounds, and anyone unlucky enough to glimpse him would not live to tell the tale. The fact that the story was most likely completely made up, did not stop the children from believing the story.

"Maybe this was a stupid idea, Jack" Elliott said, shivering. "I mean...who knows what kinda damage Hurricane Sandy did. know....could be tree branches all over the path. I don't wanna trip over anything."

"We can't back out now!" Jack said, as he walked in, ahead of Elliott. "You in? Otherwise you can stay right here and walk back to town alone!"

Elliott sighed. Sometimes Jack could be such a bully. As things stood, Jack didn't really give Elliott a choice. No way was the younger boy going to walk home alone on Halloween night, with 70% of the town in total darkness! "Okay, okay! Fine!" he capitulated.

"That's the spirit! Well...come ON!" Jack said enthusiastically as he ran ahead of his best friend.

"Can you at least not use the word 'spirit' while we're here?" Elliott replied, trying to keep up with Jack.

"Alright. Don't get your panties bunched up. Just stay behind me, okay?" Jack said as they walked the winding paths, archaic tombstones lined up on either side of them.

As they walked, their twin flashlights emitted narrow beams of weak light that barely penetrated the palatable darkness engulfing them. At one point, a bat came crashing out of the inky black night, and almost scratched Elliott's scalp, which drew a scream from the terrified twelve year old boy.

"Shhh! Do you want to draw the cops!?" Jack admonished. "It's not that much farther ahead."

"You better tell everyone I did this, Jack! I wanna at least get some cred in school!" Elliott said as he flashed his beam around, nervously.

"For sure, El."

Just then, Elliott heard a rustling sound from behind him.

"Jack! STOP!" Elliott hissed. "Did you hear that!?"

"Heard what?" Jack asked, as he stopped to face Elliott.

Just then, the rustling sound repeated, sending a cold shock down the boy's spine.

"Jack...." Elliott said through trembling lips. "Oh my god....there's something here with us!"

"Oh don't be redicu...."

Jack was suddenly cut off by the rotting figure that appeared behind Elliott. It was ghastly. It's skin was peeling in places, and it looked as if the thing's eye was coming out of it's socket. It wore dirty blue overalls over a yellow shirt. Elliott whipped around, saw the unnatural horror and screamed so loud, that his voice echoed off of every tombstone in the place. He wanted to run, but he was frozen in place. All he could do was piss himself, and piss himself he did.

"HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" said the zombie, as it took off it's mask. It was Jack's older brother Davis. "Gotcha!"

"Oh my fucking God! You should see your face, El!" Jack laughed.

It took Elliott a few seconds to realize what was going on. Once he did, and his breath slowed down, he became aware of the warm urine stream trickling down his leg. He was never humiliated this much in his life...and by someone who he considered his best friend! By someone he (loved?)

"YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING ASSHOLES!" He said as he began to cry.

"Hey, was a prank!" Jack said. Suddenly feeling bad for spooking his friend so badly.

"We're sorry, little dude." Davis said as he attempted to touch Elliotts shoulder. The boy yanked it away though. "We just....we couldn't go trick-or-treating, so we wanted to do something that....shit, Jack, I think we might have gone too far." Davis noticed that Elliott was still crying, as he sat on the ground with his knees pulled up to his chest.

"Yeah...we sure did." Jack said, regretfully. "Elliott...I'm REALLY sorry. It seemed like a fun idea at the time."

"That....was a really shitty thing to do! How could you!?"

"I don't know! I....acted without thinking. Sometimes I get these ideas and just....I'm sorry, okay? I'll let you borrow my Playstation 3 for a week, okay? No...two weeks!"

"Come on Jack", Davis interjected. "Let's bring him home." Elliott's parents were out of town and he was staying with Jack for the week.

Slowly, the two brothers were able to coax an embarrassed Elliott up and slowly walk him back.


Jack couldn't sleep at all that night. He felt awful for what he did. Elliott was so upset with Jack that he refused to sleep in the same room as him, opting for the couch instead. Jack never felt so alone. He also couldn't understand why he always did these stupid things. He knew he could be an asshole at times, as his friend Tyler was always pointing out, but why couldn't he ever exhibit self control? He knew Elliott would be fine in the morning, and Jack could get back into his good graces, as this wasn't the first time he went too far with his friend. While contemplating that, it was at that moment that Jack realized he missed Elliott's warm body next to his. He didn't understand what that meant, but knew that he cared deeply for his friend.

Maybe even loved him?


October 31st 2016 - Seven weeks after Jack's departure

This is WLTB Light FM! Serving Cliffwood Beach, Matawan, Holmepoint Heights, Quiet Knoll, and Smithsville. Your home for easy listening...all the time! It's that time of year again, listeners! Pumpkins, ghosts, witches and ghouls! It's HALLOWEEN! Be sure to bring your little tykes to Quiet Knoll Elementary School, for the annuel Scare-A-Thon in the gym. Or for you introspective listeners out there, the coffee shop in Holmepoint Heights, 'Cool Beans', will be having an Edgar Allen Poe reading tonight, starting at midnight! Just stay clear of Raven Hill Cemetery! They say 'ol Stillwell's ghost is especially restless tonight! And now....the weather

"This is fucking awesome!" Devin declared as he turned off the radio in Jack's car. Both boys were driving to Drucifer's house to pick up him, Theo, and Taryn. Devin was dressed up as the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, and Jack was dressed up as Harley Quinn....the first time he ever full-on crossdressed. If he could go back in time to early September and tell his past self about it, he would have kicked his own ass. What surprised him was how comfortable he felt, although he wondered if that was only because it was Halloween. Even the manliest of men get a pass on such things during this time of year. Still, he was quite pleased with himself, and the progress he made in such a short amount of time. "We'll stop by Raven Hill and get shit-faced, and then it's the Halloween Ball! I'm so glad you changed your mind and decided to come, babe."

"So am I!" Jack said, enthusiastically. He meant it too. For the past few weeks, he began to doubt himself, and what he wanted out of life. Ultimately, he concluded he would figure that out once he got to college. Life was far too short to worry about such things now. Davis may not understand it, but Jack couldn't concern himself with that. He was his own man, and that meant making his own decisions. The only thing that slightly concerned him was a few days ago, he overheard Tyler Noleff tell his friend Greg in the halls that Bryce got into some trouble and had to leave school for a while. Jack almost asked Tyler what happened, but decided that he didn't want to know. If it had anything to do with what happened back in September, then Jack would have been devastated. In any case, Greg responded by asking Tyler if Bryce was alive at least, and Tyler said yes. gnawed at the back of Jack's mind, and he wondered just what kind of trouble his former teammate and ex boyfriend got into. 'You know what?' Jack said to himself. 'It's really not my problem.' Tonight was a night of revelry, and he wasn't going to let misplaced guilt stand in the way of his good time. To emphasize his own point, he took one hand off the steering wheel, and squeezed Devin's hand. The boys glanced at eachother and smiled.

When they got to Drewcifer's house, the boys were already waiting for them in the front yard. Theo was dressed as Deadpool, and Taryn as Dr. Frankenfurter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which came as no surprise to Jack. The boy was obsessed with the movie, and would even go to audience participation viewings every Saturday Night in Matawan. As for took Jack a few seconds to recognize him. The boy, usually the most 'gothed out' out of all of them, was dressed up as a Holmepoint High football player. He was even wearing Jack's old number! The youngest of them was literally Old Jack for Halloween!

"Hey, ya faggot!" He called out, jokingly, as they pulled up. "Don't get in my way or I'll give ya a knuckle sandwich! Get it, Jack-O-Lantern? I'm YOU! you WERE!"

Jack didn't find this the least bit funny, and was actually quite offended. He was about to say something to him, but Devin smiled at him and gently squeezed his hand, knowingly. "Just let it go," he whispered. "he's just a kid."

Jack nodded and smiled at Drew. "Ohhh...I get it now! Cute. Alright guys, what do you say we head over? Mike's not coming?"

"Nah. He said it would be weird drinking in public with a bunch of minors. Mike and Candice went to some party at their friend's house in Smithsville. Buuuttt...he left us these!" Drew proudly said as he held up two bottles of red wine.

"Too bad Taryn is such a fucking lightweight. Still...more for us." Theo joked as they all hopped in Jack's backseat.

"Oh shut it. I'm not. And whatever. At least I don't piss myself like Ethan."

"This is true." Theo admitted.

As they drove, the boys talked excitedly about the night ahead of them. The sky was crystal clear, allowing a very thin crescent moon to be seen. The atmosphere was perfect for Halloween. Jack wasn't paying attention, though. Drewcifer's "costume" really bugged him, and brought up unpleasant memories of the asshole he used to be. He couldn't blame the boy too much, however. He was young, and in his own misguided way, was paying homage to him. Drewcifer really looked up to Jack, and he was sure that the boy was only trying to impress him. While it had the opposite effect, the sentiment was there. That wasn't the only thing on Jack's mind, though. The last time he went to Raven Hill Cemetery was - oddly enough - also on Halloween night. Four years ago. Jack and Davis played a mean prank on Elliott. While Elliott forgave Jack the next day, Jack felt terrible for weeks. Was THIS the facade, though? Was Jack REALLY an asshole at heart? As the cemetery came into view, Jack thought about his own ordeal seven weeks ago and while he could never excuse Elliott's actions against him, he could UNDERSTAND it. Jack pushed him and pushed him for years, and while the two remained friends through it all, it must have left Elliott with some hidden resentment towards Jack...especially knowing now that Elliott always had feelings for him. 'If we could have been honest with eachother, even back then, maybe....' Jack wondered what his life would have been life, had he and Elliott knew about eachother all these bitter years. That was ruined now, of course. Jack was honest when he told Elliott in no uncertain terms that whatever could have been was forever ruined. Elliott made his own bed when he raped Jack, and even though he didn't realize it WAS rape, the damage between them was forever done. Elliott made his own bed with Jack....and he had to lie in it. It went deeper than that, however; Jack knew in his heart that he could never even be friends with Elliott after what happened. Jack wondered as he pulled up to the entrance, if this is where things started. The catalyst. Four years ago on Halloween night.


Jack, Devin, Theo, Drewcifer, and Tayrn decided to "set up camp" between two gravestones. As the night went on, they laughed, teased eachother, and drank. The night itself was perfect, there was just enough of a chill in the air to get the boys into the Halloween spirit, but not so cold as to be uncomfortable. Jack was actually impressed how little the cemetery changed in the past four years. He realized that it most likely hadn't changed much in the past four DECADES.

"So...I first came out to my parents as bisexual when I was fourteen!" Devin said as he passed the wine bottle to Taryn. "I kinda had to! My dad found a bunch of gay porn on the family computer. They took it a lot better than I expected!"

"I kinda wish I was bi or gay." said Taryn as he took a swig and leaned his elbow on the blanket. "I mean, I know it's not easy for you guys sometimes, but do you know how hard it is to get chicks? You guys just can't wait to just in each others pants"

"Haha I GUESS! But GOTTA be some kinda gay, with all that Rocky Horror you're into!"

"Yeah, you'd think so! I love the IDEA of it, but it's like....I just don't have the FEELINGS, ya know?" Taryn said. "I even gave gay porn a try and it does nothing for me."

Theo rolled his eyes and snatched the bottle out of Taryn's hands. "Maybe they weren't paying you enough." he joked.

"WATCHING it! Not starring in it."

"Hey, give it a try when you turn eighteen." Drewcifer interjected. "You know how much you can make on Chatterbate!?"

"You're fourteen, Drew. You shouldn't even be AWARE of that site." Devin lectured.

" never told us what made you decide to come out, Jack-O." Taryn said.

"Yeahhh! I've BEEN wondering about that! Super Jock suddenly had an awakening one day, quits the team, and embraces the gay way. What happened?" Drewcifer added.

For the second time, Jack almost spilled the beans. He wanted to tell them all about what happened so bad, but he just couldn't bring himself to go down that road with his new friends. They loved him, and what's more, they respected him. There would be too much of a risk of one of them - especially Drewcifer - attacking Elliott, Ben or the others. It was a chance Jack was unwilling to take, especially since Bryce was apparently in a bad way right now. Jack didn't need any more drama in his life.

"Guys, maybe he doesn't wanna talk about it." Devin said. Even through the haze of alcohol, he could see the uncertain look on his boyfriend's face.

"'s fine, Dev." Jack said. "I just...I mean, there's really NO story. I was pressured into being this straight acting football player. I knew it wasn't 'ME'. I know...didn't wanna live a lie anymore. That's really all there is to it."

Devin and Theo exchanged uneasy glances at eachother. They knew there was much more to it than just that. Theo especially knew something awful happened to Jack that week in September, and whatever it happened against Jack's will. Theo had his theories about those involved and what may have occurred, but he kept them to himself. If Jack wasn't ready to tell them, he wasn't going to ask and risk opening up old wounds.

"Well, enough of this introspective bullshit!" Drewcifer yawned. "Let's play a game!"

"Did you have something in mind? We're in a graveyard for Christ's sake." Theo said. "Unless everyone wants to whip out their phones and play competitive Plants Vs. Zombies or Angry Birds, I really don't see where you're going with this."

"I was thinking Truth or Dare!" Drewcifer said excitedly.

"Oh Hell yeah." Agreed Taryn.

"Uhhh....I don't think that's such a good idea!" Jack protested.

"Aw, come on! Why not?" Drewcifer whined. "We never get to do anything I wanna do! We have time before the Halloween Ball, so let's just go a few rounds. It'll be fun!"

Jack sighed. At least it couldn't end up any worse than the last time he played Truth or Dare. Still, if any of them ends up asking him about his lifestyle change in September, Jack was prepared to lie through his teeth. That's all there was to it. "Alright, I'm in I guess. Let's just make a rule. No dares that go beyond the graveyard. I don't feel like getting arrested, okay?"

"No worries!" Drewcifer asked. "I go first. I chose Jack-O-Lantern! Truth or motherfucking dare!?"

"Truth" Jack said.

"Rate my footjob skills on a scale of one to ten, ten being the best."

Jack had to laugh. Of course Drew wanted to make things all about himself. That was so....Drewcifer. "Eleven, okay? Eleven! Happy?"

"That's what I wanted to hear!" he beamed as his feet fidgeted. He clearly had the itch. "It's your turn!"

Jack looked around and decided on Taryn. "Taryn...Truth or Dare?"

"Truth!" Taryn said, drunkenly, taking another swig out of one of the wine bottles.

"What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?" Jack asked.

Taryn had to think about this for a moment. He wasn't one to really get embarrassed by much. "Uh....I dunno. OH! I guess when I forgot to lock the bathroom door once and my mom walked in on me taking a dump. And was a BAD one. We had Taco Bell for dinner that night, and, see...I have these stomach issues. Now, what you gotta understand is any kind of spicy food tends to make my crap..."

"Okay! WAY too much info!" Theo declared. "I know it's Halloween, but that's one horror story I can do without! You're turn!"

"Alright, um....Devin, Truth or Dare?"


"Guys, come ON!" Drewcifer said. "Isn't ANYone going to pick Dare?"

"Truth" Devin repeated.

"What does Jack-O-Lantern do in bed that turns you on the MOST?" Taryn asked.

"Hahaha!" Theo interrupted. "Leave it to Taryn to get his rocks off by living vicariously gay through others. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride!"

Taryn ignored Theo, and raised his eyebrow questioningly towards Devin and Jack...both who turned red under their makeup. Devin looked towards Jack as if to get approval. Jack rolled his eyes, smiled and nodded to his boyfriend.

"Alright well...I mean everything turns me on about Jack-O! But if I had to choose one specific thing that REALLY gets me going? Uh....I guess when I tie him up and milk his cock."

"Oh my GOD!" Jack said and laughed, covering his face embarrassingly. "That IS hot, though!" He felt his cock begin to harden.

"Damn!" Taryn said as he got up to stretch. "That's fucking awesome. I mean, I knew you guys were kinky as Hell, but.....damn! You guys do that often?"

"Ah, but you only get ONE QUESTION!" Jack interjected. "NEXT!"

"Oh, fine! But that subject isn't going to be closed forever! Alright, Devin...go"

"Theo. Truth or Dare?"


"For fucks sake. Finally!" Drewcifer said.

"Hmmm" Devin was thinking. "I dare you to um....uh.....lemme think here. Okay....I dare you to chug that wine for ten whole seconds without stopping."

"Oh that's really lame! Make him masturbate or something!" Drewcifer said. "Or make him feel the wrath of my TOES!"

"The world doesn't revolve around you, ya know. Or you're weird need to give footjobs." Devin pointed out.

"Done and done!" Theo said as he grabbed the wine bottle. "Give me a ten count!"

Devin counted backwards from ten as Theo stood up and continuously gulped the wine. If it was beer, it would have been easy, but he discovered that chugging wine was no simple matter. He spurted some onto his Deadpool costume, and by the time Devin got to 'one', Theo dry-heaved and then puked a little, thankfully avoiding the blanket.

"Aw GROSS!" Drewcifer exclaimed as he laughed.

"See, Drew? I KNOW Theo! Not so 'lame', eh?" Devin said.

"I tip my hat to you, sir," Drewcifer relented.

They went on like this for a good twenty minutes, as one bottle of wine was finished rather quickly. Not all of it imbibed, however, as Jack was dared to pour some of it onto his head slowly while singing 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow". The only sexual dare up to this point was on Taryn. Drewcifer dared him to experience one of his footjobs. While Taryn admitted it felt good, he stayed soft. He just couldn't get hard for a dude, forever accepting that he was straight. Little as he may like it. Finally, Taryn turned to Jack;

"Truth or Dare?"

"Well..I'm feeling adventurous...and drunk. Dare!" Jack said.

"FINALLY! It was all Truths with you all night! Okay, I dare you and Devin to do it! And it's gotta be on that grave! I want you to sit on top of the headstone, while Devin kneels down on the plot itself and blows you!"

"Woah wait a minute! It's JACK'S dare! Has nothing to do with me!" Devin protested.

"Don't like an audience? I thought you were kinky!" Taryn pointed out.

"It's not that! It's just....haha. I mean, well shit. I can't really think of a good reason not to! You okay with this Jack?"

"It's a dare. I have no choice. But on a GRAVE? Isn't that kinda morbid!?"

"Of course it is. It's Halloween" Drewcifer said. "You gonna do it or not!?"

Jack sighed and pulled his costume down around his ankles before sitting atop of the gravestone. "You guys are way too much sometimes." he said as he chuckled. "A dares a dare. I've been on the other end of this before, so I'd be a hypocrite if I backed out now."

"That's the spirit!" Taryn said.

****** "Can you at least not use the word 'spirit' while we're here?" ****** The ghost of twelve year old Elliott whispered within Jack's mind.

"Damn. I gotta say...No Homo or anything, but you have a pretty impressive cock, Jack-O!" Theo said, the alcohol loosening his lips more than he would have liked sober.

"Heh, thanks!" Jack said as Devin got on his knees and slipped Jack's cock into his mouth. The boys watched with rapt attention as Devin deepthroated him. Jack very quickly forgot the morbid location of his impromptu blowjob, as Devin's warm, wet mouth and slick tongue worked it's magic all the way to Jack's hefty balls. Devin's method was methodical. He never changed speed, pressure or technique. It was getting late, and he was determined to get his boyfriend off as quickly as possible. He slid his mouth up and down, up and down while lapping the underside of Jack's shaft with his tongue - a technique that drove Jack crazy. After only a couple minutes, Jack grunted and blasted a load of thick cum into Devin's gulping throat.

Wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his costume, he looked back to Taryn. "There. Happy??" he asked, sarcastically.

"Very much so! Hey, uh...Jack. You see that branch covering the name on the tombstone? Can you move that over to the side? Been bugging me all night, and I'm wondering who's buried here."

"Yeah, give me a second." Jack said as he hopped off the tombstone, and pulled his costume back up. "After desecrating this site, I don't think I WANNA know. Haha"

Jack moved the branch aside, however. He gasped as he saw the name engraved into the marble.

********** Silas Hamilton Born 1843 Died 1865 **********

"GOTCHA!" Drewcier and Tayn said simultaneously.

"Wha....I don't get it?" Theo said, confused.

"Oh my god! Too fucking funny!" Taryn explained. "Drew and I set up that Truth or Dare game! We tricked Jack into having sex on the grave of his ancestor!"

Jack could only stare at the grave in horror over what he just did. It was Devin who reacted first.

"You....fucking ASSHOLES! That's TOTALLY messed up! What the Hell is wrong with you two!?" Devin shot daggers at Taryn and Drewcifer.

"Yeah, guys. That's pretty fucked up, actually." Theo added. "And that's coming from me!"

"It...was just a Halloween prank!" Drewcifer explained. "We didn't mean any harm. It was a goof. We saw that grave the other day and had the idea to...fuck. I'm sorry Jack!" Drewcifer suddenly realized that maybe it was a stupid (and mean) idea after all.

Jack could hardly speak. He was disgusted by what he just did. He was tricked into having sex on the grave of a Hamilton. His family long since had roots in Holmepoint Heights, and it was most definitely an ancestor of his, who most likely was killed in the Civil War. He felt he somehow now tarnished a part of his family's history. How could they do that to him? Could they be so blind that they didn't know how wrong it was?

"Jack, are you okay?" Devin asked his boyfriend. "I had no fucking idea! Seriously, what's WRONG with the two of you?" He asked, as he turned his attention back to Taryn and Drewcifer.

"I thought everyone would get a laugh out of it..." Taryn whispered. "Guys....Jack....I'm sorry."

"Whatever. It's done now. It happened. Let's....just....I'll drop you guys off at the Ball. I think I'm going to go home though. I'm kinda drunk and I want to go to sleep."

"Let me stay with you for the night." Devin said to Jack as the boys closed up shop and gathered their things together. "I really didn't know anything about this."

"No, it's......look hon, you go have fun tonight. I'll be alright. Really. I just wanna sleep it off. Okay?"

Devin felt horrible. He knew Jack went through something pretty awful and that he was very sensitive and emotional because of it. That made what Taryn and Drewcifer did even worse. They weren't bad kids, just completely fucking stupid and obtuse! "Are you sure, Jack?"

"Look, you're already dressed up, so go. Have a good time. Come on, let's get out of here" Aside from what the boys did, the memory of what he did to Elliott in this very spot, four years ago, was not lost on Jack. That just added to the fucked up situation he now found himself in. For the first time, he consciously wondered if this morbid lifestyle was truly for him.

The five boys walked out in silence. In silence they remained as Jack drove them to the Halloween Ball. Jack decided that tomorrow he was going to pay Felix a visit down at the club. He had questions about himself, and....for some reason, he needed to talk to someone connected to that week in September. It couldn't be any of his former victimizers - although he VERY briefly considered reaching out to Elliott. He shot that down, however. Nor could it be Davis. Felix was his only option.

'Things are going to fucking change tomorrow', Jack thought as he drove home in his now empty car. 'I've had it.'

And so Halloween 2016 had come to a gloomy end.

[Author's Note: And THIS is the point where we see a huge shift in Jack. He will be making many decisions about himself, as well as his future. This was a very fun chapter to write, and I hope you guys enjoyed it. It's actually a very important period within that six month gap. Not only for Jack, but as we will see, come November, many of the boys we've come to know and love - or hated- will be reaching their own crossroads, as well as some important eye-opening moments. Stay turned for Ch 10...where things will be getting mega sexual and kinky once again! We will also find out what happened to Bryce after the police picked him up. His story is far from over!]

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or opinions, please email me at

Next: Chapter 11

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