The Fallen Celestial: TG

By Geovani Bernal

Published on May 6, 2013



The Fallen Celestial

Chapter 1 – Lost

"Lexington, awaken."

Lexington opened his eyes and saw the blue of the sky. He clenched his fists and felt small rocks move through his fingers.

Where am I? he wondered.

Soreness coursed through his body. He had no recollection of what happened before he arrived wherever he was. He slowly sat up and felt his head rush. He had no bearings. His white robe was tattered and ripped at the ends. His belt was loose and he felt the coarseness of the small rocks graze against the palms of his hands and the back of his legs. He shook his head.

He panned around and saw only rocks and various desert plants. Shade was sparse, but he realized it was that hot. Although the sun was bearing down on him, he felt no discomfort in its warmth. He decided to stand despite the extra effort it required.

Once on his feet, Lexington tried to lift off the ground. Flying would be much easier than walking, but he could not. Had he lost his ability to fly permanently, he wondered. He assumed that the time was noon by the sun being directly above him. Because of this, he again realized he had no bearings of north or south. He just started walking. The soreness in his right calf was slowing him down. He realized if he kept walking gingerly that he wouldn't walk in a straight pace. He forced his right leg to walk normally while grimacing at the pain.

Being a Celestial, he wasn't accustomed to this sort of muscle soreness.

Aside from this, he was also worried that he could not fly nor did he have any recollection of how he arrived in the desert.

Have I fallen? He wondered.

He had also realized that he no longer had Aequitas, his obsidian longsword. Normally, he would be able to summon it at a whim, but no longer. Fear suddenly gripped him. He could no longer fly nor defend himself with a weapon. But what, in this place, would harm him? There's nothing around. There's no one around.

The soreness that originated in his right calf had spread to his entire right leg. The favoring of his left leg started to worry him. He knew that soon he would start walking in circles without any sense of direction and that his left leg would also grow sore.

Fortunately, the sun was towards his back. He knew now that he had been walking east this whole time. Unfortunately, he still had no idea where he was going or how he would return home. To make matters worse, his head and arms were getting increasingly heavy. Thirst and hunger also plagued him.

Soreness? Hunger? These sensations were unknown to Celestials. Without a doubt, he knew that he was now a human and he was dying. But at the same time, if he died, would he not simply end up back home with his kin and King?

He didn't know - not for sure at least. The rules with his kind are different than with humans. He worried. Fatigue had set in at this point and he knew it would not be long before he could walk no longer. Despite his dismay, he admired the beauty created by the long shadows cast by the setting sun. His right leg finally gave in and he felt him self fall.

Fortunately, the sand was soft. He gave one last passing glance and saw a faint light up ahead, but couldn't make out what it was.

Night had fallen and he could already feel comfort of the cool breeze, but he was still thirsty and hungry. He heard voices.

Delusion setting in, not a good sign he thought.

But the voices were real, he knew this the moment he felt hands upon him.

Then black.

Lexington once again opened his eyes. White. His eyes slowly gained focus to the crusty surface of a ceiling of a well-lit room.

"Am I dead" he said aloud.

"No, son, you're very much alive. Drink." replied a husky voice.

Lexington sat up again using more effort than he initially thought he needed. He grabbed the small cup on his bedside table and drank. The water was soothingly cool. The soreness in his arms and back forced him to lie back down.

"Where am I?" Lexington asked.

"You are in the home of Albeus, the lord of Shantei."

Lexington turned to see a tall stocky man with a thick black beard standing erect by the door. He knew that this man had to be a soldier of some sort although he wore no armor, but instead was dressed in thick canvas like material with a sword sheathed at his side.

"Are you Albeus?"

"No, my name is Mardul. I am Albeus' headguard. My men found you wandering in from the Badlands."

Lexington closed his eyes again. The weight of his eyelids was unbearable.

"What, may I ask, were you doing in the Badlands?"

What was I doing? Lexington paused to think. With his eyes remained closed, and he replied "I don't know. I don't remember how I got there."

Mardul gave a slight grunt. "There's no way you could have survived the Badlands for long. I find this hard to believe simply because we are at the very edge of the Badlands."

"What is the Badlands?"

"The Badlands is a vast desert and it is surrounded by the Dead Ocean.

Despite it's name, the Dead Ocean has long been plagued by violent storms.

Those who favor life know to avoid the Dead Ocean by all means necessary.

It is because of the Dead Ocean that the Badlands remains uninhabited save for Shantei. Shantei survives only because of the River Luildel and the few vessels that stop by. It is amazing that you were able to walk out of the Badlands with your life. You must be blessed."

Blessed Lexington thought to himself before passing out.

Lexington awoke once again to the white ceiling of the room he had been staying in. The light that poured in from his balcony window was softened by the billowing beige curtains. He sat up and stretched his legs. He felt surprisingly well. He stood up and walked out to the balcony and peered over what was a humble village. There were maybe two dozen homes and a few large town centers. All the buildings were made out of the same white clay that was used to build the large manor of Albeus, lord of Shantei.

The sound of faint moaning echoed from a particular nearby building. It was a bit larger than the other homes. At first, Lexington was alarmed, but then he did vaguely remember of meeting places that humans used in a carnal sense. The particular term escaped him, but he knew the house was used for unbridled pleasure in exchange for goods. He shook his head in disgust.

Another set of moaning and grunting gave Lexington reason to leave over the edge of his balcony. He saw a thinly framed man with a heavyset woman with unsettlingly large breasts.


Lexington had never witnessed the act of humans engaging in sex, but it was surely an interesting sight. Celestials never engaged in sexual acts due to the lack for need to procreate. Celestials were soldiers for the Omnipotent and had no time for carnal distractions. He leaned himself against the balcony and the adjacent wall and continued to watch the fornicators.

The thin man was standing while squeezing the breasts of the fat woman who was on her back. Her legs were spread while the thin man kept thrusting himself into her. Lexington noticed a swelling in his pants, something new to him though he understood the reaction. The sensation worried him. The more human he was the farther he was from being a Celestial. He turned his focus back on the rest of the village.

At first, Lexington had though Shantei was a city or a nation but it was not so. The walls that surrounded Shantei were a little taller than the average man and were not very thick. There were no gates to the village but instead were simple openings. Lexington was well aware of the brutal and warring nature of man and was surprised to find a village so poorly defended. Shantei was open to attack from anyone. But then again, who would want to attack Shantei? Aside from being a humble village, Shantei was merely the last stop to certain death - that death being the Badlands.

As humble as Shantei was, the village was crowded. He could already tell apart the travelers from the natives. Most of the natives were women and surprisingly beautiful while the travelers well all men and accompanied by camels or horses. The natives were lightly clothed due to the heat and the few travelers were heavily clothed to protect themselves from the weathering desert sands. From his balcony, he could also see the River Luildel and its one bridge. The bridge was oddly thin yet rose very high for such a wide river. He could also see the small empty stretch of trodden dirt that led from the city to the bridge. He could tell that not many people traveled to Shantei. Again, he wondered why anyone would.

With his strength returned, Lexington set his sights on finding how he was no longer a Celestial, yet he didn't know where to start. All he knew was that he woke up in a desert and was two week's journey from the nearest city by boat. But even if he left, he wouldn't know where to go.

Lexington sat in his bed, face in his palms, and sulked.

The sun began to set and Lexington realized that he wasted an entire day.

This is not the way a soldier of the Omnipotent is supposed to act.

Lexington knew that he was better than that. I must find a way back home he told himself.

With his newfound resolve, Lexington stood up, headed towards his bedroom door, and opened it to find a short robust woman with short white hair, a wrinkled face, and wide set eyes. She held a tray of food and water.

"Hello, deary, my name is Anila, wife of Albeus. Are you hungry?"

Lexington paused a strangely large time before answering as if he didn't understand her language.

"I apologize, I'm still a bit dazed from everything. Thank you for your hospitality, I have yet to figure out how I am to repay you."

"Nonsense, deary" replied the elderly woman, "you'll come to know that the people of Shantei are a very welcoming and caring people."

"I already have that sense, thank you again." Lexington took the tray after bowing his head and headed towards his bed.

Anila sat herself on a stool by the door. "Mind if we talk a little?" she asked.

Lexington nodded while eating, realized how hungry he was.

"First of all, we haven't been properly introduced. Again, I am Anila, wife of Albeus and Lady of Shantei. Whom might you be?"

"Forgive me of manners, my lady. My name is Lexington."

"Lexington, nice to meet you. Where are you from?"

Lexington paused. He had no idea how this woman, a human, would deal with the truth. She may think him crazy. But what did it matter? He doesn't lie. He cannot lie.

"I am a Celestial with the rank of Seraph in the army of the Omnipotent. I am second to Mikel, the chief Seraph who is second only to Gavreel, the high Seraph."

Anila's eyes widened.

"Are you - you an angel?"

Lexington paused for a moment.

"I don't believe so."

Anila seemed sorrowful in an instant.

"Forgive me, deary. I have a vivid imagination."

Lexington smiled. "No apology necessary, my lady. Celestials do not live on this world although we visit on occasion. I don't remember how or why but I fell from my realm and ended up here."

"Why fall to earth?"

"Forgive me, my lady, but I do not know. The last thing I remember was being in the presence of my high Seraph, though I do not remember what we were doing."

"That is very interesting." Anila looked stunned. For a moment there was silence. It seemed as though Anila had no idea what to say. What could she say? She just met a Celestial, a soldier in the army of the Omnipotent.

Of course, Lexington had no idea what to say either. He had never spoken to a human for this long on earth before.

"Can Celestials choose to be human?" Anila asked puzzled.

Lexington shared Anila's puzzled look.

"To be completely honest, I did not think it was possible. Unlike humans, Celestials do not have free will. We live to serve the Omnipotent unconditionally."

"It must be nice to know what you're meant to do with life."

It was the first time that Lexington had seen sadness in Anila's face. She stood up, brushed her dress down, and stood at the doorway.

"It was nice speaking with you, Lexington. I hope you find your way home."

"Thank you" Lexington replied.

After Anila left, he was surprised at how she made him feel. Empathy, was it? So many new emotions and sensations were only distracting Lexington from finding a way home. He didn't know where to go, but the Badlands was not the way. He knew he had to head towards the lands past the River Luildel.

Lexington had been in Shantei for a week now staying much longer that he had anticipated. He had familiarized himself with the small village and the various merchants and workers within it by offering any help he could in hopes to repay the kindness of Albeus and Anila. He had also made acquaintances with the children of the lord and lady of Shantei. The eldest was a man named Edalo, the second youngest was a woman named Enama, and the youngest was a girl named Edrith. Edalo was one of the sheepsman while Enama and Edrith helped their mother do much of the sowing of the wool from Edalo. Enama had just celebrated her 25th birthday, the age that Lexington seemed to be.

One thing that particularly stood out about Shantei was the beauty of the women. Even Anila in her elder years was very beautiful. Lexington found it hard to believe that out of all this beauty, Enama and Edrith were the most beautiful of all the women in the humble village. Enama constant talk of the village. Rumors spread that she would marry the richest traveler to visit and would bring more people to Shantei. Lexington was well aware of the strange customs of marriage that humans had although as a Celestial he had witnessed far worse customs in other places of the world.

On the night of Lexington's seventh day in Shantei, it was the first time that he heard yelling. It was late in the night. Strange he thought as most if not all were asleep. He stepped out to the balcony and could barely see the man that was yelling. He could tell it was Plourus, one of the few craftsmen of Shantei.

"Thief! THIEF!" Plourus proclaimed.

The sky could not be clearer that night. Lexington could tell due to how brightly the moon lit the scenery. He could see the silhouette of the alleged thief that was hopping across the rooftops. Lexington could not let this injustice slide. He leaped from the balcony and scaled his way down to the main floor. He dashed towards where he believed the thief would be although he was on the roofs of the homes of Shantei. He could hear the pounding of the culprit's feet on the clay. The thief leaped over and off a home nearest the village wall, but Lexington was able to cut him off.

"I cannot allow you to leave until you return what it is you have stolen." Lexington proclaimed.

The thief did not reply. His face was covered a dark veil and his entire body had been wrapped in the same garment. The material looked oddly familiar. Lexington noticed that the thief was probably figuring a way around. Lexington had grown quite familiar of the village and was doing the same.

The thief bobbed left, then spun right around Lexington. The thief's agility surprised Lexington. The thief leaped over the short wall and Lexington followed suit.

"Stop!" Lexington said. "All I want is the item returned, I need not know who you are!"

The thief was fast though Lexington had expected it due to the thief's agility, but he was growing tired of this game. He sped up with ease and tackled the thief to the ground. Lexington then stood up and grabbed what was a jar caste in gold.

"Forgive me if I caused you pain, but -"

The thief threw a kick at Lexington's leg and tripped him. He then went for the jar as it hit the ground, but Lexington quickly grabbed at what he could which ended up being the back of the thief's mask. The thief fell back as Lexington pulled the thief towards him. The thief's long hair had covered what appeared to be a woman's face. Lexington quickly stood the thief up and stepped back with the jar in hand upon realizing that it was Enama, the daughter of Albeus.

"Enama?! What are you doing? Your father is the richest man in this village, why would you steal?" Lexington asked, perplexed.

"I don't have to explain myself to you."

Lexington peered into her eyes. "That is true, but still. Because I know of what you've done, it would be wrong to go on saying nothing. I must tell your father."

"If you tell him then you condemn me to losing my hands!"

"You knew the consequences of your actions and yet you did them anyway. So I say again, why do this when you want for nothing?"

"Nothing? What I want is to leave this place! There is nothing for me here!"

"Then why don't you leave?"

"Because I can't."

"Why not?"

Enama dropped her gaze for the first time.

"Why not?" Lexington asked patiently.

"My father... he has plans for me."

"What plans?"

"You've heard the talk. You know the rumors. My father plans to trade me to the richest traveler so that he may receive more people and treasures in return. My father wishes for Shantei to be a gateway to the Badlands and not simply a mere stop."

Lexington was not surprised. Although he has yet to be Albeus, he had known him to be only kind and a good father.

"Enama, look, I have no say in how your father conducts his business or his family. I am but a stranger who your father showed kindness to in exchange for nothing. I am sorry that I cannot help you, but you must understand I will do what is right. I will not tell your father, however I must return the jar."

Tears filled Enama's eyes.

"I cannot allow you to keep the jar, I'm sorry" Lexington said regretfully.

"I need that jar. I need it to pay the traveler, Oheiman, to take me from here."

Worry set into Lexington. "How can you trust this stranger? How do you know they will not just enslave you the moment you leave?"

"I have no other choice."

"You must be more careful with the one life you have. Enama, I am not your father but I beg you to reconsider your options."

Enama continued to cry.

Lexington did not know what to do. Celestials were not trained to console, though at that moment he knew he was no longer a Celestial.

Enama suddenly stopped and looked into Lexington's eyes. She had an idea.

And he feared it wasn't an option he would like.

"You could take me with you!"

"With me where?" Lexington already knew the answer to the question.

"Where you're going!"

"I do not know where I'm going."

"Anything but here is something for me, please, Lexington, I beg you."

"I cannot take you with me."

"I am not a child, Lexington. I am a woman and I can choose what I want to do with my life."

"Your father -"

"Doesn't have to know. Listen to me, I know what I'm doing. Besides, who would I be more safe with, a stranger or you?"

Lexington was baffled. He could not argue with her reasoning. He did not fear what Albeus would think but at the same time he could not wrong Albeus after the kindness he had shown him. He would tell Enama's father.

Lexington could not lie.

"So?" Enama smugly asked.

Lexington looked confused.

Enama stepped closer and asked "Will you take me?"

Lexington paused and the sighed. "I cannot promise you anything."

Enama shrieked and wrapped her arms around him.

Among the many new feelings Lexington had experienced over his short time as a human, regret was the newest one. He sighed again.

After Lexington had returned the stolen jar to Plourus, he set to meet with Albeus, the lord of Shantei. Doing the right thing had never felt so terrible. Lexington felt as if he were betraying Enama, but telling Albeus of Enama's true feelings about her situation was the right thing to do.

Lexington met with Mardul, the head guardsman of Albeus. Mardul let him pass and Lexington stepped into Albeus work chamber for the first time.

Albeus was a very tall man. He was fit for a man his age yet his elderly years were revealed through the many wrinkles in his face and hands.

Albeus walked with a slight limp as he approached to greet Lexington.

"It's finally nice to meet you, Lexington. I apologize for such a late introduction, but I have been rather busy of late."

Lexington shook his head politely replying "No apology necessary. It is an honor to meet you and I greatly appreciate the kindness you have shown me.

I have done what I can to honor you in payment."

Lexington was referring to the aid he had given to the people of Shantei with various tasks.

"I am well aware of your travels through Shantei. My people view you as a great helper. You're welcome to stay. I know of what you have revealed to my wife, Anila, about your journey."

Lexington smiled. "Yes, your wife, like you, has been very kind. But I'm afraid this is not a social visit. I have some bad news."

"Go on."

"Your daughter has desire to leave Shantei. Last night, she stole a jar from one of the marketsman. She was planning to use the jar as payment for passage with one of the tradesman, Oheiman."

Albeus nodded. "I know of her tribulation. She fears that I am to trade her off for greater prestige in return."

Lexington wanted to ask if that was intent, but he knew it was not his place.

"Truth is, Lexington, I do not know. The unfortunate part is, that was never my plan. I had no plans for my children. I merely wish they do the best to honor our family. It wasn't until I realized that Shantei will not survive long with it's current state. The word of the beauty of Shantei's women alone will not be enough to sustain us. What we have now isn't enough for trade and I know you know of Enama's incomparable beauty."

Lexington didn't know what to say, but he was greatly saddened by the news.

He knew Enama would be traded. Injustice disgusted Lexington and slavery was one of its worst forms.

"I have not arranged a trade with Enama but I know that the day will come when a rich traveler will seek the beauty of Enama. I know that her beauty rivals that of many. Her beauty will travel beyond the River Luildel. I don't know how long it will take but I pray it will be sooner rather than later.

Albeus paused for a moment. He didn't know how he could change the subject.

"You have been a great addition to this village and like the people of this village, I will too be saddened by the day you leave our walls."

Lexington nodded. "I see no reason to leave soon. I still feel obligated to repay you in some way and will continue to help in as many ways that I can."

Albeus smiled. "Well, that is all I can ask. Thank you again for your visit. Please be sure to see me before you set out on your journey."

Lexington shook Albeus' hand and made his way out. Lexington looked up at the afternoon sky. He could feel Enama's eyes on him. He did not want to give her the news. Regret, the least favorite of his newfound emotions, continued to tug at his chest.

Lexington did his best to avoid Enama. The pettiness of the act made Lexington realize just how human he had become. Night had already fallen and Lexington continued to struggle to find a comfortable position in his bed. The cool breeze of the night was enough to make anyone fall soundly asleep, but too much was on Lexington's mind. He worried for Enama and at the same time knew that he could not do something against Albeus, the man who practically saved his life. He still didn't know how he was to get home nor how he would survive such a journey in his state.

After finally deciding to do his best to not think at all, Lexington's eyelids began to give way. The comfort of knowing that he would finally fall asleep was all he needed to do so. The noise of the movement of the lever to his door woke him. Lexington sat up preparing to defend himself instinctively, but to his surprise it was no armed intruder, it was Enama.

Before Lexington could say anything, she quickly positioned herself to the side of his bed and placed her hand gently over his mouth. Bewildered at the situation, he decided to follow her lead.

Enama lifted the blanket off Lexington and placed herself on his lap, pressing her hips onto his. Lexington never knew just how strong Enama was until he felt the firmness in the muscles of her legs. He enjoyed it. She reached under and slowly pulled Lexington's undergarment from his waist and dropped it on the side of the bed. Lexington could feel the brush of Enama's pubic hair against his. She leaned forward and placed her lips on his.

Lexington felt his penis surge for the first time. The sensation was amazing. His fully erect penis was pressed up against Enama's crotch and the warmth only added to his arousal. She reached under and took hold of his penis and started to stroke it. Her grip was firm. Lexington felt this urge to wrap his legs and arms around her as to keep her from leaving, but Enama wasn't going anywhere. She made that clear as she lifted her hips just enough to slide Lexington's penis into her already soaking vagina. Their hips met again and she fixed her hips on his while she continued to work her tongue on Lexington's lips and into his mouth.

Lexington slid his hands down Enama's side and placed them on her hips. As if on instinct, Lexington motioned her hips to move up just enough to expose the shaft of his penis, then gently motioned her back down. He repeated to do so as Enama followed suit. Enama's moaning ensued as they continued to go at each other orally. She then started placing kisses on his cheek and slowly made her way to the lobe of his ear.

Lexington increased the pace of moving Enama's hips and noticed too had began his own complimentary motion. The smoothness of Enama's vagina was inexplicable. He had never felt this before, but he knew he loved it.

Enama continue to moan into Lexington's ear as she gently sucked on the lobe of his ear with her supple lips. He couldn't understand why nor did he try to do so, but to his own surprise, Lexington quickly flipped Enama to her back and inserted himself into her again. This time, Lexington drove himself into her with vigor and force. Enama's moans turned to screams as she begged for more.

Enama ran her hands up Lexington's defined arms and dug her nails into his triceps and he continued to pound into her. The sweat that built on both of them mixed and seemingly made everything all the easier to continue. As Enama wrapped her legs around his waist, Lexington again felt something he had never felt before. A sensation was building inside his penis and he could not explain but he knew he had to keep going. In and out of her slick but constricting vagina went his penis until finally he sent his sperm deep into her womb. Enama gasped as she reached orgasm and in her excitement actually drew blood from the nails she had dug into Lexington's arm.

Lexington, however, did not feel the pain. He felt nothing but bliss as he laid himself on top of Enama. She wrapped her arms around him as her legs were wrapped around his waste. He let out a sigh all the while trying to catch his breath.

"Take me with you" Enama whispered in his ear while stroke the back of his head.

Lexington didn't know to what say. He didn't know what to think. All he knew was that although his penis was no longer erect, he loved the feeling of it buried within Enama. He never wanted that night to end.

Chapter 2 – Found

Lexington awoke to the stirring of Enama fondling his testicles. The sun had yet to rise, but he didn't mind the early start to the day. Enama continued to caress his testicles in hand while gently placing kisses on his neck.

"Good morning," Enama whispered lovingly.

"Good morning."

Lexington felt his penis surge with blood as he started running his hands over Enama's naked, smooth skin. He lightly brushed his fingers over Enama's stiff nipples before cupping her supple breast with his hand. She placed a quick kiss on his lips. Though it was too dark to see, he could feel her lips curl into a smile as she kissed him.

Enama slipped herself under the covers teasingly dragging her the fingers of her free hand downward along the firmness of Lexington's body. She continued to play with his testicles and grabbed the base of his fully erect penis. Lexington sunk the back of his head into the pillow in ecstasy as Enama placed the head of his penis in her mouth. She squeezed her lips around his shaft and pressed her tongue against the bottom of his penis as she engulfed it entirely. Enama proceeded to bob her head up and down rhythmically all the while manipulating his scrotum in her hand.

Lexington gripped the sides of his bed as Enama brought him close to orgasm.

Wanting to please Enama as well, Lexington motioned her to stop to her reluctance. He pulled her up to his side with her back facing him as he turned to lie on his side. He slid his right arm under Enama and slid two fingers into her mouth. With his free hand, he placed his hand on the side of Enama's hip and squeezed it lightly while pressing his erect penis in between the muscular cheeks of her buttocks. He then slid his saliva-drenched fingers down Enama's body and into her vagina. While continuing to grind his crotch against her butt, he wiggled his fingers up and down against Enama's clit. At this point, Enama's vagina was drenched as Lexington knew while inserting his fingers in an out of her vagina followed by tantalizing her clit.

Enama couldn't take it anymore. She turned, forced Lexington onto his back and mounted him. She shoved his penis into her soaked vagina and started rocking her hips back and forth, motioning his rock hard penis in and out.

Enama gripped at Lexington's chest while he took hold of her hips to increase her pace. Sweat streaked its way from Enama's head, down her neck, in between her breasts and over her firm stomach. The mixture of sexual juices and sweat made Enama's sliding on top of Lexington all the more easy.

Lost in the pleasure of each other, Enama felt herself build to orgasm.

Lexington knew due to her steady and quick pace. The tightness of her vagina made it so he could no longer hold his load. He lifted his hips into Enama as he ejaculated while Enama too was overcome by her orgasm, screaming in result. Enama collapsed onto Lexington's chest as both tried breathed in exasperation. He pulled the covers over them as the morning breeze started to cool them off.

For months, Lexington and Enama had followed this morning ritual ever since that first night. Being a Celestial solder in the army of the Omnipotent was a fading memory, though the thought randomly gnawed Lexington during his idle time.

Although it was tradition for a man and woman to be virgins upon marriage, Lexington and Enama were able to keep their sexual encounters a secret while posing as the appropriate courting couple. Though against Albeus' initial plans, he eventually grew to like the idea of the two. Albeus found comfort in knowing that Edrith, almost every bit as beautiful as Enama, would soon be old enough for Albeus to follow through with his plan.

The sun had risen once again, though Enama wouldn't awaken for a few more hours. Lexington scooted himself to the edge of the bed and stretched. He couldn't remember the last time he felt such bliss. Rays of sunshine bled through wherever his balcony curtain couldn't contain it. He could already hear the merchants bartering with the travelers, children laughing, and the multitudes conversing – sounds he had grown to love.

Lexington threw on his robe and sandals and proceeded to head down to the lobby of the manor. Edalo had already been up, preparing his meal for the day. Lexington noticed the regal wear that Edalo was dressed in. He had remembered that Edalo was in the process of courting Lani, one of the daughters of Hoduras, a cropsmen of Shantei.

"Pleasant morning, Edalo, how are you?" Lexington asked politely.

"Pleasant morning it is, Lexington. I'm well. I'm off to meet with Hoduras for some business."

The two exchanged nods as Edalo left.

After Lexington had his meal, he decided to take a stroll around Shantei.

He was still looking for a way to repay Albeus and Anila, but he figured at this point he could never repay what he now owed them. Although he understood the nature of debt in the human world, it did not exist in the realm of the Omnipotent. He grew wary upon realizing that he still needed to find a way home, but then he stopped to think.

Do I need to go home? Do I even want to go home? Lexington wondered.

Lexington continued to walk as he noticed the only thing he had hated about Shantei, the whorehouse. However, he found himself strangely drawn to it.

He did not want to go in, but he felt compelled to at least see what was going on. There wasn't the usual amount moaning echoing from whorehouse, but then again it was still the morning.

Upon entering the room, there were three gorgeous women to greet him. Two of the three were new.

Too young he thought as they smiled while they approached him.

Selia, the head mistress, was smiling seductively. Selia was dressed in an elegant flowing walnut colored dress. The color complimented Selia's peculiar light complexion. Her skin was mesmerizingly smooth and unlike most of the women of Shantei, the muscles in her arms and legs weren't as defined. He could tell that she spent of her time in doors and away from the hard labor that most women of Shantei endured.

Two drapes of brown linen pressed her Selia's large breasts against her chest with her nipples proudly defined. Her dress exposed her lower back so much that you could almost see the point where her buttocks cleaved.

Her hips were wide and swayed gracefully with each step. She had a strange way about her. She was dominant yet passive. She let men feel as if they were in control yet she was the one driving their decisions. Selia knew that men wanted her and she enjoyed the games she played on them.

Lexington spent just as much time avoiding her as he did analyzing her.

Selia placed her arm under Lexington's and wrapped it around his waste.

She was much shorter than he, but her figure nonetheless was tantalizing.

"What brings you here? I thought you were already taken care of," Selia teasingly asked.

Lexington smirked and replied, "I thought it'd be polite of me to stop by and greet your two new workers."

Selia smiled and said, "You don't dislike this place as much as you let on, good sir."

Lexington was at a loss for words. A nearby couple's moaning distracted him. Drawn to the source, he found that the moaning was coming from one of the corridors and stuck his head around the corner. He could see one of the travelers getting serviced by one of Selia's girls. Lexington couldn't recall her name either, but her graceful movement entranced him.

The traveler was sitting on the bench that lined the corridor with his robe hiked up to his stomach. The girl looked as if she was sitting on him.

Lexington watched as his swirled her hips on his. The girl was dressed in a white cloth that draped over one breast while the rest of her attire seemed to be on the floor. The traveler's head was leaned back against the wall with his eyes closed obviously paralyzed in the joy of it all. The traveler's placed his hands at the small of the girl's back. After a moment, the girl stood up. The traveler opened his eyes and smiled as the girl now faced him and mounted him while he remained seated. She reached back, grasped the shaft of his very long penis and positioned the engorged mushroom head in between her buttocks.

All this time Selia and the girls had been talking to him but Lexington did not hear them. He remained drawn to the girl. He leaned against the side of the entryway of the corridor and continued spectating. The only other thing he noticed was his own erection as his tip brushed against the corner of the corridor entryway.

He noticed that the girl had fixed the man's head of the penis against her anus. Lexington was surprised that she showed no pain as her ass easily swallowed the entirety of the traveler's large penis. As she pressed her waist down against the traveler's she was wrapped her arms around his neck.

Lexington watched as she forced her tongue in out of the man's mouth. The girl began to bounce up and down on the man's penis as it went in and out of her apparently tight sphincter. The girl began to moan even louder than before.

Selia, the head mistress, had noticed Lexington's stiffness and she smiled.

She quietly knelt beside him and slid his erection free of his robe. To her delight, Selia noticed that Lexington was still unaware of her presence. Selia took pride in her many abilities, especially her stealth.

She marveled at his penis. It wasn't the largest or the thickest she had ever seen, but it was one she knew Lexington should be proud of. She opened her mouth wide and guided it over Lexington's tip. Once the head of his penis reached the back of her throat, Selia tightened her lips around and pressed her tongue up against Lexington's shaft.

To her surprise, Lexington didn't move. He merely glanced at Selia gobbling his penis before quickly returning his focus to the girl and the traveler. He was still amazed at the girl's movement. The sweat draped over her back cast a sort of glow over her. The small muscles in her back and the dimples on her lower back glistened. Lexington was overcome with pleasure. He wanted to unload and though he would not voice it, he enjoyed what Selia was doing. Selia continued to bob her head on Lexington's shaft leaving it slick with saliva. Lexington glanced down at Selia again. He never noticed the thickness of her lips. They were thicker than Enama's.

He felt his unloading coming soon, but he didn't want it so.

Lexington looked back at the two going at each other on the corridor bench.

He could see that the traveler to was close to orgasm. The traveler suddenly grabbed the girl's hips and held her down as he groaned through out his orgasm. They paused for a moment, then the girl gave the traveler one last kiss and stood up. The traveler's noticeably shrunken penis plopped out of the girl's rectum. The girl bent down to pick her clothes up, used them to wipe the traveler's penis clean, then used what was left to clean in between her buttocks, and walked off. The traveler sunk to a slouch on the bench in haze.

Lexington finally gave Selia the attention she deserved. She was still working his penis and quite inexplicably, she held him at the point where he wanted to come so badly but he couldn't. Selia was still only using her mouth as she easily glided the penis in and out of throat. Lexington felt a tingling in his legs as if they were going numb. He held onto the wall as Selia started using her hands to stroke Lexington's shaft. It was all he needed to blow his load into her mouth. Selia continued to grip and stroke his shaft and sucking on the head of his penis as he unloaded into her mouth. She skillfully swallowed his sperm and stroked him clean.

Selia tucked Lexington's now flaccid penis back under his robe, stood up, and smiled. She gave Lexington a wink before saying, "Come back whenever you'd like"

Again, Lexington was at a loss for words. He adjusted his belt and made his way out of Selia's whorehouse.

It wasn't until close to noon when Lexington found his way back to the home of Albeus and his family. As usual, Albeus was in his chamber signing various parchments and meeting with travelers and merchants of Shantei. It was also during this time that Enama and her younger sister Edrith focused on their sowing duties as their mother, Anila, supervised.

Lexington sat himself next to Enama, admiring her craftsmanship.

"Where have you been, my love?" Enama asked.

Lexington paused for a moment before answering.

"Is something wrong?"

Lexington shook his head. "No, no. I was just admiring your handiwork. I took my usual trip around the town. Saw a few new travelers, but other than that the walk was uneventful."

Enama nodded as she carried on with her work.

Edalo poked his head in through the doorway. He was sweating. Lexington could tell he was worried about something.

"Lexington, father and I need you at the south wall at once" Edalo quickly said, then left.

Lexington glanced at Enama, then Edrith and Anila. They all shared his perplexed look.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Anila said nonchalantly.

Lexington gave a quick peck on Enama's forehead before making his way out.

What could possibly be the problem? For one thing, there was nothing at the south gate but dirt. And for another thing, Lexington was almost sure that Albeus was in his work chamber.

Lexington arrived at the south gate where Albeus, Edalo, Mardul, and Mardul's guardsmen were arranged.

"What's going on?" Lexington wondered.

Mardul turned, smiled and placed a hand on Lexington. Over the time Lexington had spent in Shantei, Mardul had grown to liking Lexington.

Mardul admired Lexington's loyalty and unshakeable morality.

Although all the men seemed worried, it seemed that only Albeus had the courage to answer. "The sheep were slaughtered in the night," Albeus said grimly.

"Whose sheep?" Lexington asked.


Lexington wondered how could this have happened. Lawbreakers were few and far between in Shantei and even the travelers were quick to learn the laws.

Travelers loved Shantei for the women and that was enough of a reason to keep them peaceful. Besides, no traveler would benefit from slaughtering sheep.

Mardul motioned towards the south gate. "All the sheep in Shantei were slit at the throat and dumped here. Whoever did it wanted it to be found."

Lexington had never seen Mardul look so grave. The months he spent in Shantei were so peaceful that Lexington would regularly question to himself why guardsmen would be needed in the first place.

Lexington turned to Albeus and asked, "Has anything like this ever happened before?"

Albeus shook his head. "Your time here, have you experienced anything but peace?"

Lexington nodded. Though the short run in with Enama and her trying to escape was obviously an exception, Albeus was right. Lexington had known and seen nothing but peace.

"This is the way of Shantei. It has always been a peaceful village and has even tamed the most violent of travelers. This is unprecedented," Albeus said sorrowfully.

Mardul cleared his throat and said "My lord, I will place two guardsmen at each entrance of the city. As for the sheep, we have already dispatched a rider to Shahemein to purchase enough to breed more."

Albeus nodded in thanks. Lexington had never seen Albeus look any older than he did right now. This event was weighing on Albeus much more than Albeus let on.

Who would do such a thing? Lexington continued to ask himself. He decided then to question the new travelers through out the village.

Although the first place all travelers visited in Shantei was the whorehouse, most of them regularly stayed at Ingrid's small tavern. Her tavern resembled most of the white clay based homes of Shantei though it had the most rooms. The rooms of Ingrid's tavern were small, but travelers never spent more than a couple of days in Shantei. On the rare occasion, when Ingrid's tavern was completely occupied, travelers would stay in the whorehouse. Expectedly, the boarding at the whorehouse was much more expensive.

Lexington had found Ingrid, scrubbing hard at the wall. The purple stain was an obvious sore to Ingrid's eye. He had noticed that the stain had been there for some time now, perhaps days. Ingrid scrubbed with all her might to rid the wall of the purple mess. As he walked in, he remained quiet. He did not want to disturb Ingrid. He could see how focused she was. Ingrid, like all the other women of Shantei, was also beautiful.

What made her different though was that she wore much more clothing than the other women. There was a rumor that Ingrid favored women over men, but because of her seemingly limitless kindness, most shook the rumor off as nothing more than that.

Lexington admired her work ethic. He was quick to notice the muscles in Ingrid's arms, shoulders, and back flex as he worked that purple stain out of the wall. She too had a seemingly perfect body though her breasts were much smaller than most. Despite her small breasts, her astoundingly large ass seemed to make up for them. Lexington knew she was a runner, probably the fastest in the village. Ingrid tended to wear very non-revealing clothes, again something not common with the women of Shantei. Lexington also knew she was a fighter and could handle herself. Ingrid's hair was kept short and bound tightly, just above her shoulders. Her hair was a light brown, similar to Enama's but not as thick.

Ingrid had finally paused for a moment. She stared at what was left of the stain for a bit seemingly content with the work she had done and rose to dump her scrub in its bucket. Lexington cleared his throat to alert her.

Ingrid quickly turned and smiled. "Lexington! How are you, dear friend?"

Ingrid quickly made her way towards Lexington to embrace him.

"I'm well, thank you."

Ingrid nodded in acceptance. She had a beautiful smile. "How can I help you?"

"I need to know how many new travelers came in yesterday."

"Only one" Ingrid quickly responded. "I believe his name was Hangoot. He came to trade exotic furs from the east, past Shahemein."

"Do you know where he is?"

"He left early this morning after his morning meal. He headed towards Selia's."

So that was Hangoot, the traveler who obviously had the time of his life with that incredibly skilled girl. Lexington grasped Ingrid's shoulder lightly and smiled. "Thank you again, Ingrid. I apologize for interrupting your work."

Ingrid smiled. "No apology necessary. His things are still here. I do believe he intends to stay another day. What is this all about?"

"Don't worry. I just need to have some words with him" Lexington replied assuredly.

Last he remembered, Hangoot was slouched on the corridor bench at Selia's.

He had apparently passed out from his session with that one girl. I must know her name Lexington told himself.

As Lexington approached Selia's whorehouse, he tentatively stepped into the doorway though he did not know why. He still wasn't comfortable with this place. Selia was there at her usual spot displaying her bright smile.

"Lexington! You return and so soon? I suspect you're looking for more that what you got this morning?" Selia smiled her seductive smile.

Lexington shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not. The traveler I saw this morning, was his name Hangoot?"

Selia nodded. "He awoke shortly from his haze after you and I had... concluded our business."

Lexington ignored her little quip. "Which way did he head?"

"Towards the north gate, I believe. But I don't suspect he was leaving.

He had only his garment in hand."

Lexington nodded and quickly said "thank you" before turning to leave.

Selia quickly grasped his hand and tugged enough to make him pause. She pressed herself against him and whispered, "I know you want more. Stop by whenever you want. It will be on the house."

Lexington respectfully pulled from her grasp and made his way to the north gate.

As he trudged his way on, Lexington felt a tugging at his chest. It wasn't painful. It was more disconcerting that anything. The sensation was familiar though, yet he could not recall when it last happened. As he saw the north entryway, he shook the feeling off and pressed on.

He approached the north gate, but did not step out of village. He glanced around, but could not see Hangoot. Finally, he stepped outside to the wide-open dirt land that stretched all the way to the River Luildel. He turned to the walls of Shantei and saw Hangoot leaning against the wall staring in the direction of the great river.

Lexington made his way towards Hangoot. Hangoot didn't seem to notice Lexington. With his clothes on, Hangoot seemed a bit larger than when Lexington first saw him in the whorehouse. Though Hangoot was not fit to be a soldier, Lexington expected him to be more agile that he let on.

Lexington smirked at the realization that it was still in his nature to size up his opponent.

I'm still a soldier after all, Lexington thought to himself.

Standing right next to him, Hangoot still had yet to acknowledge Lexington.

Lexington grew impatient.

"Excuse me, are you Hangoot?"

Hangoot did not respond. His gaze was still fixed towards the river.

"Hello?" Lexington asked impatiently. He then nudged Hangoot with his fist. Still, Hangoot did not respond.

Lexington didn't know what to do. An unresponsive human was another first for him. He felt as though he were a Celestial again visiting this world for a short time. Humans lacked the ability to see Celestials though Celestials could clearly see them. How strange, Lexington thought.

The tugging in Lexington's chest abruptly intensified. For some reason, Lexington turned his attention towards the river. Though he didn't know if Hangoot had anything to do with it, Lexington could not help but wonder what so vast an army was doing marching its way towards Shantei.

Lexington took one last glance at Hangoot. Hangoot held his unresponsive gaze on the incoming army. Lexington turned and quickly made his way towards the home of Albeus. Lexington found the home empty except for Enama and Edrith. Edrith was asleep while Enama was preparing supper.

"Enama! An army approaches!"

Enama turned, perplexed. "An army?"

"Yes! Does this village have some sort of alarming bell or..." As Lexington asked the question, he already knew the answer. From his first day in Shantei, Lexington knew that this village was poorly defended. The approaching army would tear through this village like nothing.

"Enama, wake Edrith, pack what you can carry and find your parents. I must see what I can do to stop this" Lexington quickly commanded before dashing his way towards his balcony. Once he passed his balcony curtains, he could see the army in its entirety. It stretched far beyond the width of the village and looked as if a black cloud had crawled its way from the River Luildel.

Where did they come from? There were no ships in the river that he could see. The bridge was completely empty. The army appeared out of nowhere.

Lexington could already hear the screams of the village folk. Panic had erupted. He yelled to tell them to stay calm and make their way through the south gate, but no one heard him. They couldn't. Villagers and travelers streamed their way out of every gate, but the north one. He didn't have time to guide them.

The army appeared to take a halt. One figure draped in purple stepped forward from the frontline at the center of the army. They were still far off enough making it difficult for Lexington to identify them. He knew that Albeus had little armor and weapons and what ever he did have was too small to fit Lexington.

Lexington made his way downstairs. His only option was to talk to this one particular person. Maybe he was the leader. Mardul stormed his way into the home of Albeus and approached Lexington.

Lexington quickly asked, "Mardul, have you seen Albeus and Anila?"

"Yes, I have already set them and my guardsmen on the path towards the River Luildel. The path is trenched, the army will not be able to see them."

Lexington felt relief for but a second. "Take Enama and Edrith and go with them."

"But the people-"

"The people are my responsibility now. It will only be a waste of your time. Wait for me at the river dock with Enama and her family. If I return by dusk, all is well. If not, then leave."

Mardul nodded and made his way to Enama and Edrith.

Lexington tightened his belt and grabbed the sword that Albeus had left behind. He quickly made his way towards the north gate and on to the army.

As he passed the walls of Shantei, he looked back to see Hangoot still standing in place.

What is that man doing? Lexington shook off the notion. He had one focus now. Figure out what this army wants. As he got nearer to the frontline of the army, he slowed his pace. He didn't want to come off as aggressive.

He could almost make out whom the leader was.

Lexington stopped in his tracks as he recognized the leader. He noticed the black scaly wings that stretched from the leader's back and the whipping noise of the leader's accompanying tail. The leader was a Valkyrie, the fiercest among the Celestial's opponents. Valkyrie were almost evenly matched with Seraphs.

Of course, this worried Lexington because to his dismay, he again realized he was only human. The Valkyrie took note of Lexington's pause and made her way towards him. Lexington could see the typical purple shade of the armor that Valkyrie wore. Her breastplate was engraved with complex symbols and held her large breasts tightly against her chest. Her muscular stomach was exposed. The only piece of armor on her lower half was a triangular shaped piece of metal that was supported by a chain that wrapped around her waist. She had hooves for feet and the same armor protected her legs up to her knee, exposing her muscular thighs.

The Valkyrie smiled. "Do you remember me, great Celestial of the Omnipotent?"

Lexington remained silent. Her skin too had a shade of purple mixed in with brown. She looked radiant as the sun reflected off her muscular arms and legs. He could feel her blood red eyes peer through him as if she were reading his mind.

Lexington finally replied, "I remember you, Thraxa of Avariceal."

Thraxa continued to smile. Her tail whipped back in forth. It seemed to be a reaction of her joy. Thraxa seemed taller than Lexington had remembered. Her shadow with her wings aid cast long over Lexington.

"So it's true." There was an unnatural echo in Thraxa's voice. "The great Seraph Lexington has fallen."

Lexington gripped his sword tighter, but he couldn't find any words to say.

Thraxa continued to smile. "You know that sword can't harm me." Thraxa reached out and gripped Lexington's throat. He dropped the sword and wrapped his hands around her wrist. She effortlessly lifted him off the ground and looked into his eyes. "This was easier than I thought."

Thraxa laughed as the echo in her voice carried on. She turned to her army and yelled "DESTROY THEM ALL!" Her black soldiers resembled massive men, almost bear-like in appearance as they stomped their way towards Shantei.

Thraxa still held Lexington in the air. She then brought his ear close to her mouth, stuck out her tongue, slid it upward along his cheek and whispered, "You're coming with me."

Lexington felt helpless in Thraxa's grasp. At this point, she had been dragging him through the dirt towards the River Luildel. He wanted look back at Shantei but he could still hear Thraxa's army of Shadowmen stomp their way towards Shantei, the only village he had known and had grown to love. He worried for Enama and her family.

This was the closet that Lexington had ever been to the bridge of River Luildel. The bridge was much larger than he had thought and it rose much higher as well. Thraxa stopped at the foot of the bridge. She muttered something he couldn't understand.

A mound of dirt began to rise beside them. The mound grew taller than Thraxa. Once it stopped, the dirt on the side of mound parted leaving what seemed an entryway. Thraxa glanced at Lexington while still firmly gripping around his neck. Lexington had never felt so helpless. He was but a toy in Thraxa's vice. They stepped into the mound. The entryway led to a dark tunnel. Fear set into Lexington. A glow emanated from Thraxa enough to be able to see within an arms reach of them, but beyond that was pitch black. Lexington noticed that the light from the entry had finally dimmed and all that lit their way was Thraxa's glow.

Finally, the two arrived in a large cavern. Lexington could hear the water running but could not see it. Torches surrounding the cavern lit themselves in the presence of the Valkyrie. Thraxa released her grip of her captive's neck. He fell to his knees, the soreness in his neck render him unable to speak. Thraxa walked towards the edge of the cavern where the water was gently running against the dirt.

Thraxa turned and sat on what appeared to be a marble table. Lexington found the strength to stand. He could see that he had nowhere to go. He stood still, examining what he could see of the cavern. He placed his focus on the marble table that was surprisingly clean. The glow that emanated from Thraxa and the torchlight made her look elegant despite how terrified Lexington was.

The Valkyrie held her smile. "Come forward, Lexington, Seraph of the Omnipotent."

Lexington did not move. Though he felt weak, he gained a renewed sense of fortitude when hearing his name coupled with his title.

I may be human, he thought, but he was still a soldier of the Omnipotent.

"Lexington, I will not ask again."

Still, Lexington did not move.

Thraxa stopped smiling. The red in her eyes started to glow. Lexington felt a cringe in his gut. His stomach felt as if were about to burst.

While clutching his belly, he fell to the floor, but refused to cry out.

The pain was blinding. And just like that, it was gone.

Lexington felt himself sliding along the dirt towards Thraxa, but she was not pulling him. Though the pain was gone, the experience itself was draining. He felt the dirt build up on his skin and clothing due to being drenched in sweat. He finally opened his eyes and saw Thraxa standing over him.

Thraxa removed her armor revealing a rich black cloth that barely covered her breasts. What drew more of his attention was a bulge that laid under the cloth that covered her crotch. She saw that he had noticed and smiled once again. Thraxa bent over, grabbed Lexington by the arm and belt and effortlessly picked him up and placed him on the marble table. Lexington felt fatigue set in unable to keep his eyes open. He felt Thraxa easily tear his clothes off. He lied naked on the marble table slowly losing consciousness. Thraxa slapped him.

"You're not going to want to miss this." Thraxa said playfully. "Well, maybe you will." Thraxa let out a laugh. The echo in her voice was inhuman.

Thraxa took hold of Lexington's limp penis and started to stroke it.

"My, my. I would have never thought a day like this would come." Thraxa said.

Though Lexington was near fainting, he felt the similar surge build within his crotch. Thraxa leaned over and placed his semi-erect penis into her mouth. The feeling of her warm tongue was exquisite. The strength of her tight lips coupled with the velvety smoothness of her upper mouth was ecstatic. Though he could feel that her tongue was forked, she used it expertly on the underside of his shaft. His rock hard penis could blow its load any second now.

Thraxa stood back up, still stroking her captive's penis.

"I'm going to have a little bit of fun."

Thraxa muttered another inaudible word and it seemed as though an invisible force held Lexington's legs upward and spread. Thraxa leaned forward with clear access to Lexington's anus. She stuck her forked tongue at his sphincter before slipping it into his rectum all the while continuing to rhythmically stroke his penis. She inserted her forked tongue in an out of his rectum, swirling it about while inside. She then started to fondle his scrotum in the process. To his disgust, Lexington couldn't help but enjoy it. The probing of his anus was a new but surprisingly enjoyable sensation. His mind drifted back to the whorehouse and how one of Selia's girls skillfully pleased Hangoot with anal sex.

"You don't have to say anything." Thraxa paused from the oral probing of Lexington's now well-lubricated anus. "I know you're enjoying this."

Thraxa let go of Lexington's rock hard penis as she stood. She pulled Lexington towards her so that his ass was at the very edge of the marble table. She pulled the dark cloth that covered her crotch, revealing her own large uncut penis. Though he was only a human, Thraxa enjoyed the fact that his penis was still a bit larger than hers. Thraxa stroked her semi-erect cock to full erection and aimed her head to Lexington's ass. Lexington's eyes remained closed until he felt pressure up against his sphincter.

"Don't worry, this will only hurt for a second."

Thraxa pushed the engulfed head of her penis in and Lexington winced in response. She was unusually gentle as she cautiously inched her penis into his tight virgin ass. He felt the pressure build which quickly turned to pleasure. He was amazed to feel Thraxa's pubic hair press against his buttocks.

With her engorged penis buried to the base in Lexington's ass, Thraxa leaned forward over Lexington. He was even more aroused as he felt large breasts and her stiff nipples press into his chest.

Thraxa whispered, "I am going to tear your ass apart."

With that said, Thraxa pulled out a bit faster than when she went in then quickly shoved her penis up Lexington's ass again. She placed her large hands on the sides of Lexington, squeezing his muscular obliques quickening her pace.

Through all this, Lexington was in complete ecstasy. Though he could not move, he was enjoying the ride. He felt Thraxa becoming more forceful with every thrust. He was finally able to will his eyes open and what he saw was only he could describe as exquisite.

The glow from Thraxa had faded but the light from the torches still highlighted where her sweat was building. Her large breasts bounced with every one of her thrusts into his ass. He also noticed that his penis was still completely erect though he didn't know what to do. Thraxa saw that Lexington's eyes were open and she smiled. She took hold of his penis with a firm grip and began to stroke while she plunged her penis in and out of him. Her vigor increased and began to grunt.

With his throbbing penis now being stroked, Lexington could hold his load no longer. He yelled out as his sperm shot from the head of his penis.

Spurts of semen hit Thraxa in the face and chest and some landed on Lexington's belly.

While Lexington ejaculated, the tightening of the muscles in his rectum added more pleasure to Thraxa and she too could no longer hold her load.

Thraxa felt the build up in her scrotum and instinctively pulled out. She moved to jerk herself and shot her semen onto Lexington's belly and chest.

She let out a last grunt. Her orgasm seemed to last forever. Gasping, she laid herself on top of Lexington. Their sweat and semen mixed and pressed between Thraxa's large breasts and Lexington's firm chest and stomach.

Lexington, exhausted as he was, took one last glance at Thraxa as she lay on top of him. She was gasping heavily as was he. He still couldn't move and finally gave up.

Thraxa lovingly placed a kiss on his chin and whispered, "Let it be known that Thraxa, the Valkyrie of Avariceal, is the first to fuck a Celestial."

She proudly laughed to herself.

Then black.

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