The Faint Aroma of Soap

By Steve Street

Published on Nov 15, 2012



I open my eyes, a deep sense of contentment washes through me. The morning sun flows softly through the bedroom window, and I realize that I had slept deeply after fucking Boy. Boy, still asleep, has his arm draped over my chest as if to make sure I am there. I feel the warmth of his body and his soft breath on the side of my chest as he lays with his head nestled under my arm. As the sleep leaves my eyes, I look around the room. While familiar, the whole room seems new - as if I had never been here before.

As I stretch my arms and legs, Boy starts to wake up. His eyes half-closed, he raises his head up and licks my chest. Turning his body just enough to have his chest on my chest, he starts licking and kissing my chest, swirling his tongue over my left tit and then the right. The sensation I feel is wondrous as my tits harden with each swirl of his tongue - what a great way to start the day. Soon enough, Boy slowly turns his body around as he kisses and licks my chest and abdomen pushing the blanket down with his arms. Boy's caged cock is next to my head when I feel his tongue licking the base of my cock. I squeeze one of his ass cheeks gently as he moves his tongue down the length of my cock. Putting his head down low and using his tongue, he pushes my cock up and licks the underside. I feel his lips encircle the tip of my cock and his tongue gently but ardently attempting to enter my piss slit. The pleasure I feel is all but overwhelmed by the need to relieve my bladder. I resolve, again, that I will train boy to drink my piss.

I enjoy Boy's ministrations for several minutes but the urgent need to piss forces me to move my legs over the edge of the bed. "Let's get up, Boy," I tell him.

I stand up. Boy pushes himself off the bed and follows me into the bathroom. When I stand in front of the toilet, Boy kneels behind me. After releasing a long stream of light colored piss, I flush the toilet and walk over to the sink.

"Sit on the toilet, Boy, and relieve your bladder while I brush my teeth."

Saying nothing, Boy gets up, and as he sits down the plastic cage on his cock clinks on the edge of the toilet. I start brushing my teeth, listening to Boy's piss splash into the toilet water. I finish brushing my teeth and rinse out my mouth. Boy remains seated on the toilet as I give him his instructions.

"You will brush your teeth and shower after breakfast, boy," I tell him. "I want you to get up and go into the kitchen and prepare our breakfast while I shower and dress. I want you to prepare the same breakfast you did yesterday - it was delicious."

"Yes, Master," boy responds, his voice raspy from sleep. Boy stands up and walks out of the bathroom and, again, I admire the masculine beauty of his ass cheeks that twitch seductively with each step he takes.

I look into the toilet. The water has a light tan color which pleases me. I flush the toilet and walk into the shower. I take my time, enjoying the warm and soothing spray from the shower. I finish showering and towel my body dry. As I begin shaving, I have this sense of well-being, as if this moment is the most important moment in my life. I determine not to think about this feeling, but just to enjoy it. I finish shaving and walk into the bedroom. I put on a pair of khaki pants, no underwear, and pull-on a T-shirt. I walk out of the bedroom, barefoot, and into the kitchen.

Boy is kneeling facing me when I walk in. I notice that, as I expected, the breakfast table is fully set - eggs and cereal heaped with sliced bananas. I walk up to Boy and run my hand through the strip of hair on his head. "Looks like you prepared a good breakfast, Boy," I tell him.

"Thank you, Master," boy responds as he lowers his head down to my bare feet. I stop his movement by putting my hand under his chin.

"I'm hungry, boy, get up and sit at the table and let's eat," I tell him. Boy gets up and walks over to the table and slides into his chair. I sit down and take the first bite of the soft-boiled eggs. Seeing me start to eat, boy digs into his breakfast, obviously very hungry. Boy, as usual, has eaten everything in front of him before I finish and waits, hands to his side, for me to finish.

I finish eating and lean back, feeling not stuffed but very satisfied. "Get up, boy," I instruct him, "get us each a cup of coffee."

"Yes, Master," boy responds as he stands up, walks to the counter and pours two cups of freshly brewed coffee. He puts the coffee cups on the table and remains standing at my side with his hands clasped behind his back.

I look at his caged cock. "I would like to milk that cock for fresh cream, but it is caged. Tell me again, boy, why do I have your cock caged depriving me of the pleasure of your fresh cream for my coffee?"

Boy lowers his head. "Because your slave touched his cock without your permission, Master," his voice cracking. "Master, your slave's cock aches to be milked, Master. I wish I had not disobeyed your command, Master."

"Wishing does not help, boy. You disobeyed and for that I am deprived of your cream for my coffee this morning. However, I think you have learned the lesson, so tomorrow the cage will come off, and I will be able to milk your cock whenever I wish."

"Thank you, Master," Boy responds.

"Now sit down and I will enjoy this coffee even without the sweet cream from your cock"

As we sip the coffee, I give Boy further instructions. "When you have finished your coffee, I want you thoroughly to clean the kitchen and then go to the master bath. You my piss and if you must, relieve your bowels but do not flush the toilet. Brush your teeth, shower and shave all parts of your body from head to toe. You have been missing spots, particularly the back of your legs. I want you hairless and smooth when you finish. You do not need to clean your insides with the douche this morning. Clean the bathroom up when you finish grooming yourself, take the wet towels to the laundry room and put up fresh towels. Understood boy?"

"Yes, Master," Boy responds.

"I want to be sure you understand - so tell me what you are to do after you finish your coffee," I tell him.

Boy tells me his instructions, and I am satisfied. I pick up my coffee cup, walk over to the counter and pour fresh coffee into the cup. Coffee cup in hand I walk out of the kitchen and into the den.

I walk over to my reading chair, put the coffee on the table next to the chair and sit down. I look out the window. It is another beautiful day, but I think I will spend most of the day inside reading, doing some work on the computer, and enjoying the presence of Boy. As I sip the coffee, I hear the clunk and whir of the dishwasher, and I think I also hear what sounds like humming or singing. Can Boy be so contented with his situation that he is enjoying himself, I ask myself. I pick up the Kindle reader and start reading the novel I started the other day. After reading several chapters, I pick up my coffee cup and walk into the kitchen. The kitchen sparkles, everything is put away properly, even the floor shines. I put the coffee cup down on the counter as I have a need to relieve my bladder. I walk into the master bath. Boy is in the shower area, his body covered with soap. I can tell he has just shaved his head and face, and he is shaving his chest when I walk in. Boy starts to kneel when he sees me, but I tell him to continue cleaning himself up. I look into the toilet as I unzip my pants. Boy did have a good bowel movement, the sturdy turds floating in the toilet water attest to that. After I finish pissing, I flush the toilet, put my cock into my pants, zip up, and walk the kitchen, fill my cup with hot coffee and walk back into the den.

I walk over to my chair, sit down, and continue my reading while sipping my coffee. I do not know how much time has gone by when, out of the corner of my eye. I see boy walking into the den. Before he walks very far, I stand up.

"Continue standing, boy," I tell him. "I want to enjoy the sight of your freshly groomed body."

Boy stops on hearing this and puts his hands to his back and lowers his head. I slowly walk around him admiring how his muscles glint in the morning sun pouring through the window. I breathe in the pleasant faintly soapy odor that emanates from his body. I note he has done a more than a passable job of shaving his body. His ass is creamy smooth, and the only hair that I can see are the whisps of pubic hair that he could not shave because of the cock cage.

I walk over to the couch, sit down, spreading my legs wide. "Come over here, boy" I quietly instruct him. "Kneel between my legs."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he walks over to the couch. He kneels, his knees almost touching the edge of the couch, and keeps his head down. His body seems to me to be folded into itself as if he were the bud of a flower waiting to open and blossom forth. I press the palms of my hands on his pecs and watch his body begin to unfold at my touch. Taking long, slow breaths, his body slowly expands, and I feel the nubs of his tits begin to harden against my palms and his heart beat. I run my hands down his abdomen and see that his cock has hardened and seems to be struggling in the confines of the plastic cage. I put the fingers of my right hand under his chin and raise his head. His eyes seem to glow with longing as he looks up at me. I place my hands on his cheeks, my fingers touching his ears, lean my head down and gently press my lips on his lips. Boy opens his mouth and I insert my tongue, savoring the bitter-sweet flavor as he sucks my tongue. I let my kiss linger for a few seconds and lean back my hands still holding his head still.

"You understand, boy," I tell him, Keeping my voice low, "that you can never speak without my permission. Right now, I am giving you permission to speak whatever is on your mind. For the next thirty minutes, you can tell me how you feel or say nothing."

Boy's eyes take on a teary glow as he heard my words. I put my hands on my knees and lean back. I feel a warm smile on my face as I take in the sight and smell of the body I find attractive beyond words. Boy slowly lowers his head, his breath quivering. He remains silent for several minutes.

"Master," he finally says.

"Yes, boy?" I respond.

"Your slave hungers for your touch, Master. I feel so good when you touch me," Boy says, keeping his head down. I say nothing and wait to hear more.

His voice soft and cracking with emotion he continues. "Only when I taste you and feel you inside me do I feel complete and wanted." I said nothing and, after several minutes of silence, Boy lowers his head and starts licking my bare feet. After slowly licking the top of each foot, boy starts sucking first one toe and then another. I let out a sigh of pleasure at his sincere ministration and let him continue to suck and lick my toes for what remains of the half hour I gave him to speak.

I stand up. "Boy, remove my pants," I tell him, keeping my voice low. Saying nothing as he raises his head, Boy unbuttons my pants and pulls down the zipper. My pants fall to the floor, and I sit back onto the couch. "You may taste my cock, boy, and swallow it deep into your throat."

Saying nothing, Boy puts his hands to his back, leans his head forward and kisses the length of my now hard cock. Using his tongue, he raises my cock and licks the underside of my cock. When he puts his lips around the tip of my cock, I breathe in the masculine odor from his body and close my eyes. Boy presses his tongue around the tip and then slowly sucks my cock deep into his throat. When I feel his throat muscles quiver against the base of my cock. I place my hands on his freshly shaved head. Boy sighs through his nose as I touch him. I want this to last, and control his pace of sucking with my hands. Too soon, I can no longer restrain my orgasm. A sense of satisfaction washes through my entire body as my cock ejaculates my cream deep into his throat. As Boy swallows, his throat muscles massage my still hard cock adding an indescribable dimension of pleasure. Boy pushes his head slightly forward, keeping my cock in his throat, breathing softly through his nose. I let him keep my slowly deflating cock in his throat for several minutes. I move my hands down to his cheeks and let my cock leave his mouth and guide his head up until I press my tongue into his mouth as I move my hands under his arms and hug him tightly into my chest.

I savor the flavor of his mouth, tinged with the remnants of my own cream, for a few moments and release my kiss. I press his cheek next to mine and bite his ear. "Boy," I whisper, "you please me beyond any words "

Firmly, I push him back until he is on his knees, and he puts his hands on his ankles. I rub his head and cheeks with my hands. I know he senses my satisfaction as he looks up. I want somehow to express that I love his masculine body, his smooth skin, and erotic odor but cannot find the right words. I can only smile and let my hands communicate how I feel.

I stand up. "Put on my pants, boy," I tell him.

Saying nothing, Boy picks up my pants and holds them so that I can put one leg in at a time. As he pulls the pants up my legs, he ardently kisses the tip of my cock. It seems to me that he is saying to my cock "So Long, but I will see you later."

Boy buttons my pants, pulls up the zipper and sits back with his hands on his ankles.

"OK, Boy," I tell him. "Stand up and go to the kitchen. I want you to fix us each a smoothie."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds with not a little enthusiasm. Boy stands up and walks towards the den entrance. I let him get near the den entrance and follow him. I want to enjoy the sight of his muscular ass twitching as he walks. When he is in the kitchen, he turns around and starts to kneel.

"Just go to the refrigerator and tell me what fruit we have," I tell him before he can kneel. Turning, Boy walks over and opens the refrigerator door. After assessing what is there, he turns around.

"Master," he says. "There is one container of fresh blackberries and one of strawberries."

"Alright," I say. "Use the blackberries. Put in four scoops of the protein powder, plenty of those shelled walnuts and two bananas."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he takes out the milk and other ingredients and starts preparing the smoothie.

I decide we need to go to the super market this afternoon to replenish our food supply. I sit down at the table and watch Boy diligently preparing the smoothie. The sight is truly an erotic entertainment for me. My cock, in spite of my having cum not more than ten minutes ago, starts to get hard again. I am tempted to stand up and walk behind him, put my arms around his chest and press my cock between those muscular ass cheeks until it penetrates that rosebud they hide. However, right now, I enjoy the temptation more than the act. "Tonight," I say to myself, "I will fuck that beautiful ass, clean and well-lubed, in my bed."

My erotic reverie is interrupted as Boy puts the large glasses filled with the purple splendor of the smoothie on the table and kneels next to my chair.

I run my hand through the strip of hair on his head and, with the other hand, take a sip of the smoothie.

"Delicious, Boy," I tell him as I lick my lips. "Now get up, sit on your chair, and let's enjoy this soothing repast."

Boy gets up without saying anything, walks over and carefully scoots his ass onto his chair. I look at his caged cock. It looks semi-hard in its plastic cage, and I think that Boy must have not a little discomfort from that situation. I took another sip of the smoothie, and boy picks up his glass and gulps down one-third of the contents. I take my time enjoying the drink, but Boy has drained his glass and sits with his hands to his side staring at the glass. Boy learned early in his training that he is never to look at me while sitting at the table without my permission. His self-discipline is apparent to me as he never tries to look at me without turning his head, he keeps his eyes focused on the table.

I finish the smoothie and stand up. "Stand up Boy," I tell him. "After you have cleaned up the kitchen, come to the den"

"Yes, Master," Boy responds. He picks up the glasses and walks towards the dishwasher.

I walk into the den, sit at my desk and turn on the computer. I connect the iPad to one of the ports on the computer. As I am logging into one of my favorite blog sites, Boy walks into the den and kneels next to my desk chair, his head down and his hands on his ankle. I pick up the iPad.

"Boy," I tell him, "I have the iPad hooked up to the internet. You may download two new games. Sit with your back to my chair."

Boy looks up, a smile on his face, turns around, spreads out his legs and leans back against my chair. I hand him the iPad. He takes the iPad and within moments is browsing through the available games.

I turn my attention back to the blog and am soon involved in reading posts and posting my own comments. I hear the barely audible squeals and moans from Boy and I know that he is engrossed in a game. I am hungry and realize that I have been blogging for quite some time. I look at the time on the computer screen: 2:30.

I log off and turn the computer off. I reach over Boy's shoulder and grasp the iPad.

"I want you to fix us some lunch, Boy" I tell him as he reluctantly releases hold of the iPad. I disconnect the iPad from the computer and put it on my desk.

"On your feet, Boy," I tell him, keeping my voice low. "Go into the kitchen and prepare us each a tuna salad sandwich and wash and quarter two apples."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he pushes himself to his feet.

I follow Boy as he walks out of the den into the kitchen, admiring, as I cannot help doing, his handsome ass. After entering the kitchen, Boy starts to turn around to kneel, but I tell him just to get right to work preparing the lunch. As Boy walks over to the counter, I walk over to the bookcase on the far wall of the kitchen and pick up one of my favorite recipe books and the pad and pencil I keep there. I want some fresh ideas for meals for the week. On my mind, as well, is the three days, starting next Friday, when Howie and his dog-boy will be with us. I want to decide what I want Boy to prepare for the meals during those days. I walk to the kitchen table, sit down, and start going through the recipe book. When I find a recipe I like, I write down the ingredients needed that I have to purchase and note the page number on a separate sheet. I have picked out several meal recipes when Boy walks over to the table carrying two plates with the sandwiches and apples. Boy puts the plates on the table and kneels next to my chair. I put the sheet with the page numbers in the recipe book, and put the book on the table.

The sandwich looks good and Boy has arranged the quartered apples on the plate very attractively, showing a degree of devotion, maybe fun, on his part. I put my hand down to run my hand over his head, but Boy raises his head just enough so he can lick and kiss my fingers.

"You did an outstanding job, Boy," I tell him. "You are pleasing the daylights out of me. Now get over to your chair, sit down, and let's eat."

Boy goes over to his chair and carefully sits down and puts his hands to his side. I bite into my sandwich, and Boy picks his up and starts eating. He eats more deliberately this time, and I think he may not be as hungry as I am. We both finish eating the sandwich and apples at about the same time. I lean back, satisfied.

"After you clean up here, Boy," I instruct him. "Go to the workroom and get your shoes and bring them into the bedroom and wait for me there."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he stands up and walks over to the sink counter. While Boy works, I finish up the shopping list. I take the recipe book and place it, meaningfully, next to the coffee maker. I walk out of the kitchen and into my bedroom. I need to piss so I go into the bathroom and relieve my bladder and flush the toilet. I go back into the bedroom and select a pair of chino pants, a white T-shirt, and socks for Boy to wear while we go shopping. I get out a pair of my underwear from one of my drawers and a pair of socks. I put my underwear on the bed and put my shoes and socks on the floor next to the bed. I turn around and see Boy walk in, his shoes in his hand. Boy kneels in front of me as he puts his shoes on the floor.

"Boy, go into the bathroom , sit on the toilet and relieve your bladder and if you need to, empty your bowels but do not flush the toilet."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he stands and walks into the bathroom. After less than five minutes, boy walks back into the bedroom and kneels at my feet, his hands on his ankles.

"I want you to take down my pants and then get me properly dressed," I instruct him. Saying nothing, Boy unbuttons my pants and pulls the zipper down. The pants fall to the floor and Boy kisses the tip of my cock. "I want to wear the underwear that is on the bed," I tell him. Boy reaches over and picks up my underwear and holds it next to my feet. I step into the underwear, and Boy pulls them up, giving my cock another kiss before pulling the underwear all the way up. "Now my pants, Boy," I tell him as I sit down on the end of the bed. Boy picks up my pants and pulls the pants up my legs. I stand up and, again, his kisses my now covered cock before pulling the pants all the way up. He buttons the pants and pulls up the zipper. I sit down again. "Put on my socks and shoes, Boy" I tell him. Boy kisses the top of each foot before pulling on the sock and then puts my shoes on. I stand up and he ties the shoe laces.

"Now put on those pants," I instruct him, pointing to his pants on the floor. "And then your socks and shoes."

Sitting back onto his ass, Boy pulls on his pants and puts on the socks and shoes. I point to the T-shirt and tell him to put that on. Boy pulls the T-shirt over his head, still sitting on his ass. When he is dressed, I tell him to stand up, tuck his shirt into his pants and then put his hands to his back. When he does that, I walk around him. His pants fit tightly over his ass and crotch, emphasizing his most attractive features."You are a handsome guy, Boy" I tell him. "Prepare yourself for admiring stares while we are shopping."

"Follow me out to the garage, Boy," I tell him. "We are going shopping."

"Yes, Master," he responds as I start walking out of the bedroom. Boy stays about three steps behind me as we walk out to the garage. "Get in the car, Boy," I tell him. "From now on you are not to speak unless I give you permission, understood?"

"Yes, Master," he responds as he walks around the passenger side of my car, opens the door and gets in. The drive to my favorite super market takes twenty minutes and during that time, Boy keeps his eyes to the front and says nothing. When I park the car, Boy gets out when I do and follows me into the store. Boy selects a cart and follows closely behind me as I take my time walking each aisle. I check off each item on my list as I pick the product up, but I select many things that are not on the list. It takes me more than hour before I am satisfied. Boy pushes the full, almost overflowing, cart behind me as I walk towards the check-out area. The young guy who is scanning my purchases gives Boy furtive glances and smiles, obviously trying to make eye contact with Boy. I cannot help myself and I say, "He is good looking isn't he." The young boy drops his head, his face turning red with embarrassment. "Yes, sir," he half whispers. The cashier keeps his head down while he finishes the scanning and gives me the receipt. Boy has been putting the loaded plastic bags into the cart and has to put his hand on the top of the load to keep the bags from falling off.

I walk out to the parking lot, Boy close behind pushing the overloaded cart, keeping one hand on the top. When we reach my car, I pop the trunk lid and watch as Boy, without instructions, loads the bags into the trunk. When he has everything in, I close the trunk and motion for Boy to get into the car.

When I park the car in my garage, I push the trunk lid button, and before we get out of the car, I instruct Boy, he must strip off his clothes before he reenters the house and put his shoes in the workout room and put his other clothes away in the bedroom. Then come back to the garage and take in the groceries.

"Yes, Master," Boy responds. When I open my door, Boy gets out of the car and takes his clothes off, and I follow him into the house as he carries his clothes to the work-out room and bedroom. As Boy puts his clothes away, I walk into the bathroom and check the toilet. Boy did have a bowel movement and I like the healthy look of the turd that float in the water. I sit on the toilet and have a satisfying bowel movement. I flush the toilet and walk back into the bedroom just as Boy is walking down the hall towards the garage.

I walk into the kitchen and sit at the kitchen table. Boy walks in carrying three bags, puts them on the counter and returns to the garage. After four trips, Boy has all the bags out of the car and in the kitchen and kneels next to my chair.

"Put the groceries away, Boy." I instruct him.

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he stands up and walks over to the counter. I take a kind of inventory of the food as I watch him put everything away. I have to concentrate not to watch him and just observe what he is doing. His chest and back, now covered with a light coat of sweat, seems even more attractive. His sweaty odor as he walks near me to get to a cupboard is intoxicating. After the better part of an hour, Boy has put everything away and kneels next to my chair.

I stand up. "Follow me into the den, Boy," I instruct him. "I will do some reading, and you can play your iPad games for a while before we have dinner."

Saying nothing, Boy stands up and follows me into the den. I pick up the iPad from my desk and walk over to my reading chair. I sit down. "Sit with your back to my chair between my legs, Boy," I instruct him. When he is sitting on his ass with his legs in front of him. I cross my legs over his chest and hand him the iPad. Boy is quickly engrossed in a game, and I turn on my Kindle reader. After a while, I notice the room is getting dark, and I turn on the lamp next to the chair. I look at the clock -it is a little after seven.

I turn off the reader put it on the table next to the lamp and uncross my legs. "Stand up, Boy," I tell him as I reach over his shoulders and put my hands on the iPad. "Go into the kitchen and prepare us each one of the frozen chicken dinners. " Boy reluctantly surrenders the iPad as he says, "Yes, Master" and pushes himself to his feet. As Boy walks out of the den, I stand up and put the iPad on my desk and walk into the kitchen.

Boy is putting the chicken dinners in the microwave when I walk in. "There is cheese cake in the refrigerator, Boy, cut two slices for dessert and make coffee," I instruct him.

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he walks over to the refrigerator. In less than ten minutes he has the chicken on two plates and brings them to the table. After putting the plates on the table he kneels next to my chair.

"Go sit in your chair and let's eat," I tell him.

Saying nothing, Boy stands up and scoots his ass slowly onto his chair, putting his hands to his side. I start eating and so does Boy. Like me, he must not be all that hungry as he eats with a measured pace and we both finish the chicken dinner at about the same time. "Bring the cheese cake to the table, Boy," I instruct him. "And pour us each a cup of coffee."

"Yes, Master," he says as he stands up and walks over the counter. After putting the plates of cheese cake on the table, Boy walks back to the counter and fills two cups with the freshly brewed coffee. After putting the coffee on the table, Boy stands at my side with his hands behind his back.

"I do want your fresh cream for my coffee, Boy. Tell me again why I cannot milk your cock now," I say to him as I brush the plastic cock cage with my fingers.

"Master, my cock is caged because I touched my cock without your permission, Master," Boy responds with his head lowered and his voice cracking. "Your slave's cock aches to be milked, Master," he added, a tone of desperation in his voice.

I let out a sigh. "That will have to wait until tomorrow, Boy." I tell him. Now sit down and eat your dessert."

Silently, Boy walks over and slides into his chair. He stared at his cheese cake as I ate mine. When I finished eating the cake, Boy had not eaten any of his - he just stared at the table.

"You must clean up the kitchen, Boy," I said firmly. "Don't let your sullenness over your aching cock force me to have you sleep in the garage tonight."

"Yes, Master," Boy said softly and started picking at his cheese cake.

"When you have finished cleaning the kitchen, go to the den," I tell him.

"Yes, Master," he responded.

I pick my coffee cup, and walk into the den. As I sit in the reading chair, I wonder how Boy will finish out this evening. I could whip him if he does not clean the kitchen or put him in the garage for the night. I start reading again. In about twenty minutes, Boy walks in. I point to the area between my knees. Boy walks over and kneels facing me holding his head down. I need to piss anyway, so I get up and walk into the kitchen. To my satisfaction, he did clean the kitchen, and everything was put away. I walked to the master bath, relieved my bladder, and leaving the bathroom lights on, walk back into the den. I pick up the iPad from my desk and walk over to my chair. I sit down and tell Boy to sit with his back to my chair. When he is on his ass, and his legs in front of him, I cross my legs over his chest and hand him the iPad. I read and he plays his games for some time when I look up at the clock. It is almost 10:30.

I uncross my legs and reach over his shoulder and grasp the iPad.

"Time to get ready for bed, Boy," I tell him. Boy released the iPad and I stand up. "On your feet, Boy. Go to the bedroom and wait for me there."

"Yes, Master" he responds as he pushes himself onto his feet. I watch his backside with anticipation as he walks out of the den. I put the iPad on my desk, turn out the lights and follow Boy down the hall to the bedroom. When he reaches the bed, Boy turns around, kneels and puts his hands on his ankles. "Go into the bathroom, Boy. I want you to brush your teeth."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he stands up. I walk over my side on the bed and turn on the lamp on the table next to the bed. After pulling the bed blanket down, I walk over the bathroom doorway and admire Boy's back and ass as he leans over the sink brushing his teeth. When he has rinsed his mouth, I tell him to sit on the toilet and relieve his bladder. His cock cage clinks on the edge of the toilet seat as he sits down. As I brush my teeth, I listen to the soft splash of his piss hitting the toilet water. I rinse my mouth and instruct Boy to get the enema bag, fill it with warm water, and walk into the shower area. Boy hangs the enema bag over the shower head and kneels facing me.

"OK, Boy," I tell him. "Stand up and release the valve on the enema tube. I want to see how the water flows."

Saying nothing, Boy stands, picks up the enema tube and releases the valve. The water flows out in a strong steam. "Close the valve Boy," I tell him "Turn around and insert the tube into your ass. When it is fully in your ass release the valve. I want your bowels full before you turn off the flow."

Boy turns around, bends over slightly and pushes the tube slowly into his ass. When I see that the tube is fully in, I tell him to release the valve. "I don't want to see any water leak out of your ass, Boy," I tell him firmly. Boy releases the valve and after several seconds, he closes the clamp. "Take the tube out of your ass, Boy, but don't let any water leak out." Slowly, he pulls the tube out of his ass, and I see his ass muscles flex as he struggles to keep from leaking. "Hold the water until I tell you to release, then squat over the drain and let the water out," I instruct him. I wait for a minute and tell him to release. Boy quickly squats over the drain. The brown water spurts out of his ass in a steady stream. "I want you to douche two more times, Boy, and make sure that your bowels are full before you remove the tube, and that you hold the water for a minute or so before squatting over the drain."

Saying nothing, Boy repeats the douching two more times. The third flow out of his ass is clear.

I put the toilet seat down and sit on the toilet. "Get a towel, Boy, and dry the water off your body and then come over here in front me," I tell him. Boy steps to the towel rack, takes a towel and dries his arms, ass and legs. Dropping the towel to the floor, Boy walks over and stands in front of me and, knowing what I expect, turns around, bends over and puts his hands on his ankles. I put my hands on his hips and pull him closer and, then pry his ass cheeks apart with my fingers, exposing his rose bud. Boy, no doubt anticipating what is to come, flexes his sphincter muscle causing the rose bud to wink seductively. I cannot resist kissing and licking the rose bud, Boy lets out a soft moan with each swipe of my tongue. I reach over to the counter and pick up the bottle of KY. I pour a good amount of the oil on the top of his ass crack and, with my fingers rub the oil over the rose bud. I insert one, then two, fingers into the rose bud to get the insides well oiled. Boy squirms and moans when my fingers rub against his prostate. Removing my fingers, I rub my oily hand over his back to get the excess oil off and then gently slap his ass.

"Turn around, Boy, and kneel," I instruct him. Boy turns , kneels, puts his hands on his ankles and lowers his head.

"Tell me, Boy, what do you worship every day?" I ask him.

"Your slave worships your cock, Master," he responds warmly.

"Show your devotion, Boy."

Boy leans his head forward and kisses the length of my cock, licks the piss slit, and using his nose, pushes my cock up and licks the underside. My cock hardens at his touch. I gently grasp his cheeks in my hands and raise his head. His eyes glow with passion. "Go into the bedroom, Boy. Lay on your back on the bed and raise your legs with your hands on your ankles."

"Yes, Master," he responds as he stands up. I follow Boy into the bedroom after turning out the bathroom lights and watch him crawl onto the bed and turn onto his back.

"All the way up on the bed, Boy," I tell him. " Get your head on the pillow and raise your legs."

Boy scoots his body up until his head is on his pillow. He raises his legs, grasping his ankles with his hands. He spreads his legs. The lamp light glints off of his oily and fully exposed rose bud. I crawl up on the bed on my knees until his legs are on my shoulders, and I rest my elbows on the bed next to his chest. I feel my cock brush against his rose bud. I lean my head down and lick my tongue over his lips. Boy opens his mouth, and I insert my tongue as my cock steadily presses against his rose bud until it pops in. I kiss Boy deeply with my tongue as I steadily push my cock forward until it is fully into him. Boy moans as he sucks my tongue. I hold steady for several minutes, enjoying the sensation of his sphincter muscle spasmodically twitching against the base of my cock. Releasing the kiss, I raise my head slightly as I cup Boy's head in my hands and begin to move my cock out and then back in. I slowly fuck Boy, running my tongue in his ears and softly nibbling his ear lobes. I continue to steadily piston my cock sensing that I can keep this up for quite a long time without reaching orgasm. Time ceases to have meaning as I enjoy this fantastic fuck. Boy lets out moans of pleasure, moving his head back and forth with each stroke of my cock. My entire body is awash with pleasure when I sense the imminence of orgasm. I thrust my cock hard and fast until, with an electrifying jolt, my cock explodes. I let my chest fall onto boy as I keep my cock embedded in his ass as it slowly deflates. When my cock leaves his ass, I roll over onto my side, reach over and turn off the bed lamp, and then pull the blanket up. Boy is panting as he stretches his legs, and I put my arm under his shoulder and pull his body close to my chest.

Next: Chapter 13

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