The Faint Aroma of Soap

By Steve Street

Published on Jul 10, 2012


I wake up. The bedroom is dimly lit from the early-morning sunlight coming in through the window. I glance at the clock on the bed stand - 6:35 it reads. As the sleep passes I think about how I feel at this moment. Refreshed and rested, I slept well. Boy still sleeps, his head nestled under my arm. I realize that I have come to need him next to me in my bed. His warm aliveness next to my body is not just soothing, but I feel satisfied and complete. Boy may think of himself as my slave, but he has become an integral and vital part of my sleeping and waking life. I give boy a gentle nudge and feel his body stretch as he slowly wakes up. I push the bed covers off with my feet as boy opens his eyes. I see a soft, sleepy smile on his face as he kisses his way down my chest until his lips and tongue kiss and lick my cock. I savor the wondrous feeling of his tongue on my cock and wonder to myself what he is thinking. Does he feel contentment akin to mine as he ministers to my cock?

The urgent need to piss overwhelms the pleasure I am feeling from boy's tongue licking my cock. I promise myself I will train boy to drink my golden nectar to make this morning ritual complete. I get up and walk into the bathroom. Boy follows me and kneels behind me as I relieve my bladder into the toilet. I tell him to sit on the toilet, relieve his bladder, and if needed, have a bowel movement. After I finish brushing my teeth, boy is kneeling in front of the toilet. I look into the bowel; just yellow water and a small turd. I flush the toilet and walk into the shower area. I finish showering and boy dries my back, balls and legs. I tell him what to prepare for breakfast and to go to the kitchen while I shave and get dressed.

While shaving and getting dressed, my thoughts go to the busy day before me at the office. I know I will be dealing with challenging problems that will mean I will be at the office until late in the afternoon. My home life since boy has been with me, has become my central focus but my business life gives me a different and important satisfaction. The fulfillment of managing a successful business and having an enjoyable home life go together; I want and need both.

I walk into the kitchen. Boy is kneeling. The breakfast meal has been prepared and is on the table. I tell boy to sit at the table and enjoy his breakfast. We eat silently, and I give boy a big smile to let him know that the meal is very good. When boy puts the coffee cups on the table, he stands next to my chair. I look at my steaming cup of coffee, at his caged cock and then his face. Boy has his head bowed.

"You want to say something, boy?" I ask him.

"Yes, Master," he responds. I am impressed that he goes through this without any prompting from me.

"Tell me, boy." I say to him.

"Master, your slave wishes you could milk his cock for the fresh cream for your coffee. I will never touch my cock again without your permission, Master." Boy says this in a low but sincere tone.

"Boy, you have been very good the last couple of days. Continue to pleasure and please me as you have been doing, and I will take the cage off your cock on Monday."

"Thank you, Master," he responds.

"Now sit and enjoy your coffee," I tell him.

While we sip the coffee, I tell boy that I will put the task list on the kitchen table before I leave. He is to check off each task upon completion. I tell him he can eat what he wants when he wants while I am away from the house. When he has finished all the tasks, he is to brush his teeth, shower and shave his entire body but not to clean his insides with the enema bag. I tell him he can piss when needed, but he cannot shit until after I get home, and he is not to flush the toilet.

"Do you understand, boy?" I ask him.

"Yes, Master," he responds.

I tell boy to remain sitting and enjoy his coffee. I walk down the hall and lock the guest room door and then walk into the den. I pick up the second cell phone and the remote ear-piece receiver for the phone. I lock the I-pod and Kindle reader in the desk drawer - I do not want boy to be tempted to play games instead of doing his tasks.

Boy is putting dishes into the dishwasher when I walk into the kitchen. He starts to turn around to kneel, but I put my arms around his chest and press his back into my chest. I nibble his ear.

"Boy, I would like to fuck your handsome and beautiful ass right now," I whisper into his ear. "But I want to go to the office now so I will save that for later in the day."

"Oh, ...Master," boy sighs. He turns his head, and i kiss his lips. Boy reciprocates by hungrily sucking my tongue into his mouth. I enjoy the passionate kiss for a few moments, my cock now rock hard. I am tempted to unzip my pants and fuck him where he stands, but I think better of it. I break the kiss.

"Listen up, boy," I tell him. "The cell phone and ear piece is on the kitchen table. Wear the earpiece while you are working. I probably will telephone you during the day to get an update or give instructions. If anyone else calls, just take a polite message and no extended conversation. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," boy replies.

"Good. Now I want you to put on the ear piece. I want to make sure it works, and that you know how to use it when I telephone you."

Boy walks to the table and puts the ear piece on his ear. I was surprised that he put the device on his ear with such ease. Obviously, he had used this kind of device before. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed the cell phone number for the phone on the table. The phone rang once, and boy pressed his finger on the ear piece.

"Hello, Master," he said. The connection worked, and I disconnected.

"Continue your tasks, boy," I told him. "I will be home late this afternoon. I imagine around five. I expect you to have completed all the tasks, be squeaky clean, and waiting for me on your knees here in the kitchen when I return."

"Yes, Master," boy responds with his head lowered. I watch him walk back to the dishwasher. My cock remains rock hard in my pants and, again, I am tempted to liberate my cock from the confines of my pants and fuck that fine-looking ass right now. I push the erotic temptation to the back of my mind and walk out of the kitchen to the garage.

I sit at my desk in the office and look at my watch - a little after 3:00 in the afternoon. The day was busy and hectic from the moment I walked in at 9:00 this morning. The main issue, and the most time consuming as well as stimulating was a proposed take-over of a manufacturing company. The company had three manufacturing sites and employed just over 1500 people. Management had done a poor job of marketing the product in the last five years and had mismanaged the manufacturing process resulting in dissatisfied customers and returned product. The majority stock holder and CEO was willing to sell all his shares at 10% of market value. He stated that he did not want to be responsible for taking the company into bankruptcy. After vigorous discussion with my management team, exploring all aspects of the proposed investment, I vetoed the proposal. I explained that the mission of our company was to invest in start-ups or on-going operations that have a realistic opportunity to be profitable in the long run. We are not in the business of scavenging companies for large, short-term profits.

Just a few minutes ago I finished a one-on-one discussion with one of the team members. He came into my office to express his disappointment at my decision. He said he found it difficult to understand how I can turn down the opportunity to make a significant profit in no more than eighteen months from this investment. I told him that I respected his opinion and, more than that, was impressed with the quality of his work with the firm. However, our firm will make long-term investments and not hunt for short-term profit.

There remain several important issues on my desk that I want to address before I leave. I take my cell phone from my pocket and dial.

"Hello," boy answers after only one ring.

"Boy," i say.

"Yes, Master," boy promptly responds.

"Have you finished the tasks?" I ask him.

"All but one, Master," boy responds.

"Good," I tell him. "I will be home before five this afternoon. I expect you to be kneeling in the kitchen, shaved and squeaky clean, when I get there."

"Yes, Master," boy responds.

Without saying anything more, I break the connection and begin concentrating on the issues on my desk.

It is just before five in the afternoon when I park the car in my garage. I am not particularly hungry. We had a meal catered at the office which was very good, and I had eaten until I was truly stuffed. I walk into the house from the garage and into the master bath. I have a need to relieve my bladder, but I also wanted to see what boy had done. I looked into the toilet bowl: the water was a deep yellow which pleased me. I took out my cock, relieved my gladder, flushed the toilet and put my cock back in my pants.

When I walk into the kitchen boy is kneeling facing the entrance. I walk over to him and run the palm of my hand over his freshly shaved head - the strip of hair down the middle of his head still damp.

"Get up boy," I tell him. "Take off the ear piece and then go to the master bath, sit on the toilet. I want you to piss and empty your bowels. After you shit, be sure to clean your ass using the wash rag and lots of soap. Then wait for me in the bedroom."

"Yes, Master," boy responds as he stands up, takes off the ear piece and puts it on the table. I watch the seductive twitch of his muscular ass as he walks out of the kitchen, and my cock responds. I wonder if boy has been anticipating this afternoon as much as I have been.

I walk over to the refrigerator and take out one of the cups of yogurt, get a spoon, and then sit at the kitchen table. The task list on the table and I look it over as I eat the yogurt. Boy has checked off all the tasks. Some of those tasks were in the kitchen, and I checked the results. He did a good job.

Finishing the yogurt, I walk out of the kitchen and into the den. I pick up the workout routine I had printed out last night and walked to the workout room. After putting the printout on the clipboard I walked into the bedroom. Boy, as I expected, is kneeling with his head lowered. I walk into the bathroom and check the contents of the toilet bowl. A large mass of shit fills the bottom of the toilet which satisfies me, and I flush the toilet and walk back into the bedroom.

"Get up, boy," I tell him as I take off my suit coat, throwing it onto the bed. "Get my gym shorts, jock strap, a t-shirt, gym shoes and socks. We need to get ready for our workout."

"Yes, Master," boy responds as he stands up and walks over to the dresser. He returns with the clothes, kneels in front of me and puts the clothes on the floor next to my feet.

"Get me out of these clothes boy," I instruct him.

"Yes, Master," boy responds. I remain standing while boy takes off my shoes and socks. Putting the shoes and socks to the side, boy stands up and unties the knot in my tie and takes it off, putting it on the bed next to my suit coat. As he unbuttons my shirt, I notice a soft smile on his face. I wonder to myself if he really enjoys performing this demeaning task. Whether he does or not, I know that having him undress and dress me gives me satisfaction. When he has unbuttoned my shirt, I pull it off and throw it onto the bed. Boy kisses my chest as he lowers himself to his knees. He unbuckles and unzips my pants, letting them fall to my feet, and then kisses the bulge in my jock shorts. Putting his fingers on the top of my shorts, he pulls them down. When my cock, now fully erect, pops free he kisses the tip and flicks his tongue over my cock head. I step out of the pants and underwear. Boy picks them up and puts them on the bed.

"Now, get me dressed, boy," I instruct him.

Boy holds the jock strap at my feet, and I step into the straps. He pulls the strap up, stretching it out to go over my erect cock and then pulls up the shorts up my legs. He kisses the bulge in the jock strap as he pulls the shorts up to my waist.

"Hand me my t-shirt boy," I tell him. I take the shirt from his hand. "Put my clothes away, and then go to the workout room."

"'Yes, Master," boy responds as he stands up. I pull on my t-shirt and walk out to the workout room. I am warming up on the treadmill when boy walks in.

"Put on your socks and shoes," T tell him. Boy sits on the floor, puts on his socks and shoes and kneels next the treadmill. I step off the treadmill and tell him to get on, set the machine to level 3 and warm- up for twenty minutes. After completing each set, I watch boy jogging on the treadmill as I check off the set on the printout. Boy has a contented look on his face, and I think he must enjoy these workouts as much as I do. I look at his caged cock and realize that I miss watching his cock sway freely with each step he takes; I know he will be relieved to have his cock freed from its cage, and I will be happy to see and touch his liberated cock. Boy completes his scheduled sets with apparent enthusiasm, his body glistening with sweat as I watch and supervise. I tell him to remove his shoes and socks, go to the kitchen and prepare a cool protein smoothie for each of us.

I follow boy into the kitchen, admiring lustfully his muscular ass coated with sweat. He turns around as we enter the kitchen, and I tell him to stay standing and prepare the smoothies. I sit at the kitchen table as he goes to the refrigerator and takes out the fruit and milk. I enjoy watching his backside as he prepares the smoothies, I think that the evening is yet young, and I will soon be satisfying my lustful desire to fuck that handsome ass and then spend a restful evening in the den before eating a late dinner.

Boy pours the nutritious mixture from the blender into glasses and brings them to the table. I tell him to sit, and I take a sip, giving boy a big smile of satisfaction. I take my time enjoying the soothing drink and boy, as usual, hungrily gulps down the contents of his glass. Finishing the last drop of the smoothie, I tell boy to clean up the kitchen and then go to the master bath.

I walk to the bedroom, undress, leaving my clothes on the floor. I go into the bathroom and sit on the toilet, and enjoy the satisfying sensation of a slow, smooth bowel movement. Boy walks into the bathroom and kneels as I am flushing the toilet.

"Go into the bedroom, boy," instruct him, "put away my gym clothes and come back here."

I step into the shower and enjoy the warm water flowing over my body - relieving the physical and erotic tension in my muscles. I finish showering, and boy is kneeling facing me with a towel draped over his arms. I take the towel and dry my upper body. Giving the towel back to boy, he dries my back and ass. I feel the caress of his fingers through the towel on my balls. I smile to myself thinking that he may be desiring to get fucked as much as i desire to fuck him.

Boy dries my legs and I tell him to fill the enema bag with warm water.

"Yes, Master," boy responds. I lower the lid on the toilet and sit down and watch him fill the enema bag. I instruct him to take a shower, using plenty of soap to get all the sweat off his body, and then douche his insides three times. He steps into the shower, hangs the full enema bag over the shower head, and begins showering. When he has rinsed all the soap from his body, he turns off the shower. I watch with satisfaction as he inserts the enema tube into his ass and starts the flow from the bag.

"Hold it in for at least a minute," I tell him when I see his abdomen bulge from the water filling his intestines. "And I want your ass facing me when you release."

"Yes, Master," boy responds as he turns off the flow from the bag and removes the enema tube. His ass muscles quiver as he struggles to keep any water from leaking as he steps over the drain and turns around. After about a minute, he bends his knees, spreads his ass cheeks with his hands and releases the water which has a brown color. I wonder to myself why I enjoy the sight of the water squirting out his ass. The third douche flows out of his ass into the drain and is crystal clear.

"OK, boy," I tell him, "get your body dry and get over here in front of the toilet with your ass facing me and your hands on your ankles."

"Yes, Master," boy responds as he steps over and picks up a dry towel.

He assumes the position in front of the toilet, and I run my hands over his back and legs. As I did the last time, I notice several areas on his legs that he missed while shaving. Before next Friday, I will shave him myself and apply the hair remover over his entire body. I want no unsightly hairs marring his masculine beauty. I spread his ass cheeks. The rosebud winks enticingly, and I have the urge to taste it. I rarely rim the boy, but this afternoon I want to taste the rosebud. Boy moans when my tongue swipes his rosebud. I insert my tongue into the rosebud, swirl it around, savoring the taste as boy continues to moan and his body quivers. I enjoy this taste feast for a few minutes and then lean back. I pick up the lubricant from the sink counter and pour a liberal amount at the top of his ass crack. Using my fingers, I massage the oil around rosebud and insert my finger until It touches his prostate. Boy's body jerks and he moans as I massage the prostate for a few seconds. I release his ass cheeks, and give his ass a light slap.

"Turn around, boy, and kneel," I tell him.

Saying nothing, boy turns around and kneels his eyes focused on my cock.

"What do you worship every day, boy?" I ask him.

"Master," his voice quivering, "from the time your slave wakes up until he goes to sleep, your slave worships your cock, Master."

This extended response impresses me. Again, he refers to himself as 'your slave', saying it with sincerity, which makes me believe that he means it and wants it.

"Show your devotion, boy," I tell him.

Without any hesitation, boy leans his head down and starts kissing and licking the entire length of my cock keeping his hands behind his back. I enjoy the sensation of his lips and tongue on my cock for several minutes. I put my hands on his cheeks and raise his head. He looks up at me, his eyes communicating hunger and need. I lean over and press my lips to his. He sucks my tongue into his mouth. I feel transported out of myself by the passion of our kiss as he sucks my tongue deep into his throat. I enjoy the passionate kiss for several minutes and then lean back.

"Go into the bedroom, boy," I tell him, "get onto the bed on your back with your legs raised and your arms around your knees."

"Yes, Master," he responds as he stands up.

I follow him into the bedroom. Boy sits on the bed and pushes his ass up onto the bed, raises his legs and puts his arms under his knees. His rosebud, fully exposed, winks seductively, and I see anticipation on boy's face. I put my hands on his hips and pull his ass to the edge of the bed. I position my cock on the rosebud and unhurriedly push it past the sphincter muscle. The entire length of my cock slides into him and I feel boy's sphincter muscle flex. I hold still, lean over onto my elbows, kiss and bite his blood engorged tits, and begin to fuck with short, slow strokes. A warm ecstasy flows through me. Boy, eyes closed, pants with each stroke of my penis. When I reach the point of orgasm, I hold still until the feeling passes and then continue. I lose track of how many times I have paused; I am lost in the bliss of sex. Sooner than I would like, I know I can no longer restrain the orgasm, and I fuck boy hard, pulling my cock almost out of his ass and plunging it back in with force. The energy of the orgasmic ejaculation I experience is so great that I feel that every part of me is draining into boy. Exhausted, I drop onto boy's chest, breathing deeply. When I start recovering, I nibble boy's ear and whisper "I just had an incredible fuck, boy."

I lay on boy's chest for several minutes, savoring the ecstasy, as my cock, still in boy's ass, slowly deflates. I take my cock out of his ass and stand up. I look at boy, his arms still around his upraised legs, and his eyes closed. I see a small amount of cream dripping from the tip of boy's caged cock. I do not think he had an orgasm.

"Get up and on your knees, boy," I tell him softly. "The pleasure of fucking your wondrous ass will not be complete until you have sucked my cock clean."

Saying nothing, boy lowers his legs and slides to the floor onto his knees in front of me, putting his hands behind him. In one fluid motion, boy swallows my cock into his throat. Breathing through his nose, he gently sucks my cock as if he wants my cock inside of him for a long time. I enjoy his sucking for several minutes before putting my hands on his cheeks and remove my cock from the soothing confines of his mouth and throat.

"Stand up, boy," I say tenderly. Boy gets to his feet, his chin on his chest.

"Go to the den, boy." I tell him.

I watch boy walk out of the bedroom. After putting on khaki pants, no underwear, and a t-shirt, I walk barefooted to the den. Boy is kneeling, head lowered, facing the entrance when I walk in. I go to the desk, unlock the drawer, take out the I-pod and the Kindle reader. I make myself comfortable in the reading chair next to the window, putting the I-pod and reader on the table next to the chair. I look at the clock - it is just a little past 8:00PM. I know I will be wanting to eat dinner in about an hour.

"Boy, " I say, to get his attention.

Boy turns around on his knees and raises his head.

"Come over here," I tell him, pointing my finger to the floor between my feet.

Boy stands up and walks over to my chair and kneels with his knees between my feet and puts his hands on his ankles. Without instruction, he leans his head down and kisses the bulge in my pants. He continues to kiss the bulge with unmistakable ardor. I put my hands on his cheeks and raise his head. His eyes communicate yearning.

"You worship my cock, don't you boy?" I ask him.

"Yes, Master," boy responds, his voice husky but quiet. "Master, your cock gives life to your slave."

Boy, again, has surprised me with his words, spoken with sincerity. I realize that boy is submissive to my demands, but I never anticipated that my cock would become, for him, essential to his being alive. Fulfillment tinged with an uncomfortable sense of responsibility fills my senses as I look into boy's eyes. I lean my head down and put my lips to his. He quickly sucks my tongue into his mouth and throat, and I enjoy the passionate kiss for several moments.

Sitting back up into my chair, I tell boy to turn around and put his back against my chair between my legs. When he has his legs stretched out in front of him, I hand him the I-pod. I put my legs under his arms and cross them over his chest. Boy does not turn the machine on right away, just holds it in his hands for a minute. He turns his head and kisses the calf of my leg and then commences to play a game.

The warmth of boy's chest pressed against my legs complements the ecstatic glow that lingers from my fucking boy just a few minutes before. I know boy is mine and that he will pleasure me in whatever way I want and when I want it. That he expresses that he needs my cock to live adds an interesting aspect to our relationship. I turn on the Kindle reader and activate the novel I am reading.

I lose myself in the novel, but I begin to feel the pangs of hunger. I finish a chapter and look up at the clock - 9:15PM. Uncrossing my legs, I reach over boy's shoulder and touch the I-Pod.

"Give me the I-Pod," I tell boy. "I am hungry and I want you to go to the kitchen and fix our dinner."

"Yes, Master," responds boy with a soft sigh as he powers off the I-Pod and hands it to me. As he stands up I instruct him to bake chicken breasts, which takes about a half-hour from the refrigerator to the oven to the table, prepare a green salad and microwave a package of frozen mixed vegetables. We do not usually eat this late in the evening, but tomorrow is Saturday, and I can stay up late tonight and sleep in tomorrow morning.

I follow boy into the kitchen taking my reader with me. Before he can turn around, I tell him to concentrate on preparing the dinner. I watch his lithe body as he gets the chicken out of the refrigerator and turns on the oven. I think about the first few weeks he was with me and the training he had to undergo to learn to fix the meals. He received many painful jolts from the training dildo, an occasional whipping as well as frequent 'good boy' praise. Watching him now grating carrots and slicing tomatoes I think he gets some kind of satisfaction from the task. I start reading again. In less than 45 minutes he has the meal ready and on plates and has the coffee brewing.

Boy puts the plates, steam rising from the baked chicken and vegetable, on the table and returns to the counter and brings back the two bowls of salad, places them on the table and kneels next to my chair with head down. I feel more than satisfied with what boy has prepared. I think to myself that he must get some pleasure from the cooking task to produce such a tasty looking meal.

"Very good, boy, " I say as I run my hand through the strip of hair on his head. "The food looks delicious. We are going to enjoy this meal. Now get up and sit."

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master " boy responds as he starts to get to his feet. Boy slides his ass gently onto the kitchen chair, puts his hands to his side, and focuses on his plate. One of the minor rules he must obey is that, while at the table, he cannot look away from his plate without my permission.

I slice the chicken breast on my plate while boy, keeping his hands to his side, waits for me to begin eating. I take my first bite. Boy, with restrained gusto, brings his hands up, cuts a slice from the chicken breast and promptly eats it. I continue to be impressed that boy eats as if he is famished no matter when we eat. I eat the meal unhurriedly, enjoying each bite. I finish eating and push my plate back. Boy, having eaten his salad and everything on his plate minutes before I had finished, sits with his hands to his side and his eyes focused on his plate.

"Get up, boy," I tell him, "fix two cups of coffee and bring them to the table."

"Yes, Master," boy respondsboy responds as he stands up. He puts the steaming cups of coffee on the table and stands at my side, his feet spread, his hands behind him and his head down. I smile to myself realizing that he has learned that is the required position after serving coffee. I give the plastic cage encasing his cock a sharp flick with my finger. Boy's body jerks.

"Tell me, boy," I say, "why did I put that cage on your cock."

" Master," he responds, his voice low and shaking, "your slave touched his cock without your permission, Master."

"Tell me, boy," I continue, "why do you stand here next to my chair after serving my coffee?"

"Master," boy responds in a shaky voice. "Your slave wishes you could milk his cock for the fresh cream you want in your coffee, Master."

"Your obedience and devotion have earned you a reprieve, boy. My fucking you has been especially awesome all this week. Show me that you at all times will obey and will devote yourself to pleasing me and, come Monday, I will take the cage off your cock."

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master," boy responds.

"Now sit, and enjoy your coffee," I tell him.

Boy slips into his chair and begins sipping his coffee. I tell him to remain sitting until he has finished his coffee, clean-up the kitchen and then go to the den.

I pick up my coffee and walk into the den. I sit at my desk and turn on my computer. There are several messages posted in the in-box. None, as expected, from the firm, a lot of junk mail and one from Howie. After I delete the junk mail, I open the message from Howie.


Like you, I am eager for next weekend. What excites me the most is that we will be sharing with each other the master/slave relationship we have with our boy. We will have an erotic and fun time demonstrating how we fuck and discipline our boy.

Reading your last post got me to think about my relationship with dog-boy. Like you and your boy, I am proud to 'own' him, to know that he is mine. I have had real dog pets in the past, all of them obedient and loyal, but no dog has ever shown the kind of devotion and obedience that dog-boy shows me every day. He is a dog in almost every respect: he pisses and shits like a dog, eats like a dog, loves to be petted and scratched like a dog, and loves to play fetch like a dog. Unlike a real dog, dog-boy has a wondrous ass that I fuck frequently, and he uses his talented mouth to suck my cock on demand.

We will respect the rights we each have as 'owner' of our boy. We will explore the nature of our ownership - what qualities our boy has that we want to share and those we want to keep exclusively our own.

See you next weekend.

Your friend and fellow Master,


I sit back into my chair after reading the message. I agree with Howie's sentiments about sharing. My cock twinges as I think about what we will be doing next weekend. Given the lateness of the hour, I decide to put-off responding to Howie until tomorrow. I look up as boy walks into the den and kneels next to my chair. Boy looks down at the floor, his hands on his ankles, as I admire his chest, gently moving with each breath. He does not know that we will have guests all next weekend, and I wonder, with some excitement, how he will act when I have him presenting his many attributes to Howie.

I walk over to my reading chair with the Kindle reader and the I-pod and sit down, making myself comfortable.

"Boy," I say softly to get his attention. Boy looks up at me.

"Come over here," I tell him pointing to the floor between my feet. Boy walks over, and I tell him to sit with his back leaning against my chair. When he has his legs in front him, I give him the I-pod, ,cross my legs over his chest, and I start reading.

I read for awhile and then look up at the clock - almost 12:30AM. Boy's head is nodding, evidently having trouble staying awake. I read over his shoulder and tell him to give me the I-Pod as we are going to go to bed. Without saying anything, boy turns off the I-Pod and hands it to me.

"Stand up, boy," I tell him "and go to the bedroom." I follow boy out of the den, turning out the lights as I go. When we walk into the bedroom, boy kneels. I unzip my pants and let them fall to the floor.

"Put away my pants, boy," I tell him. "And then come into the bathroom."

I have finished pissing when boy kneels behind me. I tell him to sit on the toilet and relive his bladder. While he starts pissing, I start brushing my teeth. Boy is kneeling in front of the toilet when I am finished brushing my teeth, and I instruct him to brush his teeth, turn out the bathroom lights and go into the bedroom. I walk into the bedroom and lay on the bed after turning on the table lamp. When boy comes into the bedroom, I tell him to turn off the bedroom lights and then get onto the bed between my legs. I tell him he is to suck my cock for a few minutes before I go to sleep. Boy crawls between my legs and has my cock deep into his throat. I turn off the table lamp.

Next: Chapter 11

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