The Fag Contest

By em.notorp@2212rotablA

Published on Jul 23, 2023



Category : gay/authoritarian

Author : Albator --

Please give to nifty, using the link : https// ...And so ... The show could go on ! And your fantasies will flourish ! And the planet will be saved if you relieve your frustrations by fantasizing rather than spending money in unneeded consumer goods !

Part VI : the interview (by whory-timy)

Allan stripped me completely naked except for a white micro thong like the ones used by sex providers. "You have to be neutral for the interview," he said. I'm going to join the four laureates on very high stools on jacks; on the seat, there's a big dildo. How cool! I shove it up my anus without hesitation as I sit down. It's good and it helps me hold on to the narrow seat. There's a lottery and I'm the second to go after the very handsome blond-haired blue-eyed boy I hadn't seen until then. The interviewers are an emanation of the jury: there's Albator and two other star players from the team, Billy and Tom. They're facing us, two meters away in very comfortable-looking armchairs.

  • Let's start with you, blondie... What's your name?

  • slavy-dummy, sir.

The video of slavy-dummy's performance scrolls across the screens, with his preferences superimposed (debasing servility, verbal debasing abuse with a pronounced taste for "pain and bondage" and uro).

  • And what are your dreams, slavy-dummy?

  • To be a houseboy wife enslaved by a master like you and to serve him body and soul.

Slavy-dummy rises from his stool with a loud "ploc" produced by the expulsion of the docking dildo from his ass. I let out a little squeal as it's forbidden to move off the stool without permission. slavy-dummy jumps on Albator's sneakers and starts licking them like crazy.

"This attitude is a breach of the rules and unworthy for a houseboy wife" says the organizer's voice. Two Rippers rush to slavy-dummy and lift him up. He secures him back on his plug and lowers the height of the stool. One pulls out a pair of clippers and shaves off all his beautiful hair. The other takes out a huge, wide collar and puts it in place of the one slavy-dummy was wearing. Then he puts other wrist bands which he attaches to the collar; a huge penis-gag is stuck in his mouth. Both his ankles are shackled by a short chain and huge clamps crush his nipples. The announcer's voice sounds like a thunderclap: "slavy dummy, your attitude shows your total lack of control, the basic quality of a houseboy. You clearly lack the intellectual prerequisites expected of a houseboy wife. In its wisdom, the Matrimonial Commission allows you to live in the lowest status you crave for and enslaves you with immediate effect. You're assigned for one year to the elite cadet section of the Oceanopolis 12 police force, where you become a slave with no ethical restrictions. Then you'll be integrated into the police Commander's harem of slaves."

slavy-dummy is so lucky! The Commander had all the flower boys fantasizing! I would have loved to join his slave harem! I'm jealous of slavy dummy. There are so few lucky ones! Because only the police are allowed to own slaves. This evocation and the sight of the new slave makes me raise my cock; I start to discreetly raise my pelvis to file on my docking dildo. That must be forbidden too. I'm getting totally horny again; I don't understand how it happens so quickly; I can't think anymore; I'm totally lost. I'v buterfly in my stomach and I don't know who I am anymore. My micro-thong is stretched to the max and I want to cum.

"Next contestant" shouts the announcer as slavy-dummy crawls out in the wake of the Ripper who's pulling him along by a leash. I'm the next candidate and I'm wiggling on my plug, which has the effect of massaging my prostate and turning me on even more.

  • Your turn," says Albator, "What's your name?

I don't know what I'm called anymore; nothing comes out; it's excruciating, I'm going to end up as a trash-boy, if I can't string two words together.

  • I wish to be called whatever my Alpha wants, whatever pleases him.

  • Ah, you slut !... okay ... so what am I going to call you? ... "Take all"?... Nope...

On the screens, the endless list of my tendencies scrolls over the images of my show.

  • Wow! I've never seen anything like that ... Impressive! What do you think of "total fag", a fag with no limits to whom you can do anything!

The crowd goes wild screaming "total fag", "total fag"!

  • Oh yeah, you like that. Go for "total fag" ... I had my suspicions, but now I understand the deeper meaning of "take all" ... explain it to me in your own words.

Allan made me repeat it earlier, but I can't remember; I've got to get started or I'll end up as a trash boy. Albator just said, "A fag with no limits, who can do anything"... ah yes, that's it.

  • Yeah, you've got it, what I like is pleasing the Alphas and my future husband. I'll do whatever he wants without ethical restrictions. The whore, the bitch, the slave, the puppy, the sissy and he can do anything to me, spank me, slap me, any form of oral and anal penetration, even what's forbidden in the Code of Ethics.

It just came out! By force of repetition... Phew!

  • Even what's forbidden by the Code of ethics for the sexual domination of sex-houseboys-wives? oh, oh ... little pig ... And what do you know about what's not allowed by the Code of ethics?

  • Whips, iron branding and electrical devices ... and also body modification ... if my Alpha wants it, I want it too.

The speaker tried to speak, but the crowd screamed "total fag", covering his intervention.

  • Violations of the houseboy Code of sexual domination are strictly forbidden and severely punished, whether by Alphas or inferior individuals like total fag.

  • Calm down," resumed Albator, "total fag only wants to express his total submission to his Alpha and his ability to fulfill all his desires. No Alpha will transgress the Code of Ethics or the Charter.

It's not true; Allan has already put electric electrodes on my testicles and even whipped them ... and I liked it even though it's forbidden! Well, I'll keep this to myself and keep my faggy mouth shut.

  • And I'll take you into my future harem of houseboys ... and I'll share you with my friends ...

"total fag in Albator's harem" echoed the crowd of overexcited onlookers.

"that's enough" shouted the announcer's voice. "It dont seem appropriate that an inferior should claim a breach of the Code of Ethics of sexual domination of houseboy wifes. In its infinite wisdom, the Matrimonial Affairs Commission sanctions total fag aka whory-timy who is downgraded to sex provider for one year; he will be assigned to the pleasure baths of the Great Sages located, as everyone knows, in the capital of the United Earth, Oceanopolis Prime.

Downgraded to sex provider! It was so humiliating I almost came. What a debasement! But being a whore without limits turned me on enormously. And what's more, in the service of the very high aristocracy of the United Earth ... those who exert absolute power. I heard they liked to gratify their Enforcers, the Commissioners of the United Earth and the Governors of the Cities, by inviting them to their legendary pleasure baths where the finest specimens of fags were assigned .... Oh, but like me! I was going to be a legendary whore!

Albator and the crowd let out a "ho" of disappointment on hearing my downgrading. After all, the sex providers of the baths of pleasure usually ended up in the private harems of the Great Sages or Commissioners and Governors. It was a highly prized honor for Enforcers to have a houseboys former sex provider of the pleasure baths.

"However," continued the announcer's voice, "if Albator wins the next World Cup with his team, total fag will be integrated into his harem as a gesture of recognition."

The crowd erupted in cheers of victory as Albator raised his victory fist in the air.

The same two Ripers reappeared and rushed at me. One held me tightly in his arms, immobilizing me so that the other could inject an identification chip under the skin of my shoulder, allowing any Alpha to know my tendencies and availability. Then, dragging me over to a chair that had miraculously appeared, he sat down and roughly turned me over on his lap, ass up in the air. This made it easy for the second Ripper to tattoo the sign of the sex providers on my right buttock, the bunny which, it seems, is a very ancient symbol of whore status. Finally, they stuck a huge needle into my neck to inject a microprocessor into my vocal cords. This enabled users of the sex providers to adjust the volume of their whore's voice as they wished, and of course to silence them whenever they want. The disadvantage was that this device gave a very effeminate, lisping high-pitched voice that made it easy to identify the sex providers even without seeing them. Finally, the Rippers coated me with definitiv shining-slutty hot cream, a super-powerful shining-slutty hot cream that was applied only once and had a permanent effect. Thanks to this magical ointment, the sex providers were permanently horny and always ready for the most intense lovemaking. The effect was that he could think of nothing but ... Ah fuck, I want a cock; I want to suck the Rippers ... but he puts a collar on me ... oh yes, their dick ! Now !... and pulls me like a bitch off the stage ... oh I need a cock !

  • On your way to the baths of pleasure, little whore!

Next: Chapter 7

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