The Fag Contest

By em.notorp@2212rotablA

Published on Jul 16, 2023



Category : gay/authoritarian

Author : Albator --

Please, give to Nifty.

Browsing through nifty stories for some time now, I've been fascinated by authors who invent from scratch a civilization where all the sexual practices characterizing their fantasies, can flourish "concretely" and "logically". Some writers create a whole social, economic and political organization to achieve their goals, with a very exciting capacity for conviction. I was also surprised to see the powerful links these authors disclose between institutions and sexuality, illuminating by comparison or similarity the way our own institutions shape our sexuality.

It's this model of storytelling that I've tried to emulate in this short story. I also tried to avoid what bored me when reading nifty stories, the repetitive obsessions that loop back into endless stories. I'm not sure I succeeded! You can't escape your obsessions.

Any feedback is welcome:

Enjoy your reading.

Part 1 : Brave new world

  • But Sublime Mother... I can't do this! I wouldn't know how.

  • Don't be silly. Of course you can. The honor of the family unit and your City are at stake! You've been lucky enough to be selected to take part in the Competition, and we're going to train you to win. Think of all those who have been recalled.

  • But Sublime Mother...

  • All your great friends are going to take part too! Isn't it extraordinary to have all your friends with you? It's an incredible opportunity!

  • fag-joe, slut-tim, beach-adam and pig-justin are also selected?

  • But of course, you silly girl... You can't imagine how lucky you are. You're going to have so much fun.

  • Yes, Sublime Mother ... but I don't want the whole City laughing at me.

  • On the contrary, you're going to be a star and a symbol of the United Earth's sexual order, which has been and continues to be the strength of our civilization. It's a responsibility. And this year, the competition jury will be made up of the top 10 players on the Ecopolis 12 soccer team. The 10 most beautiful Macho-Apollons... How lucky you are!

I was speechless. As my jaw dropped, my cock instantly went in the opposite direction. As soon as someone says "soccer team", I get a hard-on. Macho-Apollons are the world's exciting alphas, accomplished sportsmen. To my shame, the thin pink nylon of my regulation shorts stretched under the pressure of my cock and Mother put her hand to my package in one swift motion, making me bend in half as I squealed.

  • I can see you like it.

  • But Sublime Mother ... I protested whimpering ... You know I'm in love with the whole team, ... as Mother kneaded my package ... oh yes, oh yes, I'll work hard to please them and win.

  • Good boy ... You'll see, you'll have lots of fun and your brother and I will train you to win.

  • Train me? Allan? But Sublime Mother, he's my step-brother ... I'm not going to practice on him, am I?

  • But of course, you little fool. It's the role of the family unit, so you don't learn anything in constitution classes. And he's the one who's going to introduce you to the members of the Jury. He'll devote some of his precious time to your training. You should be flattered.

I was so confused, I wasn't sure why my cock was throbbing in my shorts. Macho-Apollons or the fact that my step-brother Allan takes care of me? I'm so in awe of my brother who's one of the Masters-tops and at the same time so fascinated by his authority and charisma; he almost scares me.

  • Look at you, you're still hard at the thought of your brother taking you in hand!

  • But it bothers me ... don't tell him please and I'm afraid it'll happen to me when he trains me.

  • That's enough now! Stop being a princess. We're going to need discipline and obedience to prepare for the contest.

  • Yes, Sublime Mother.

I was mega-excited about the Contest with the Macho-Apollons of our community team and just wanted to share my excitement with my section of flower-boys. And at the same time, my stomach was in knots at the thought of being trained by my brother and mother to win the Contest ... not to mention that the Contest was taking place in the Community Temple in front of the Alphas of the City between 18 and 30 yo of Ecopolis 12 and was being broadcast on all the screens of the United Earth of the over 18 yo. I hurriedly slipped on my regulation pink lycra crop-top and white floral flip-flops - they're not regulation, but I'm bored of white high-top sneakers with thick soles. I immediately rushed to my Ecopolis 12 flower-boys training center, which had 7 of them, and into the large lounge reserved for the five 17-year-old flower boys: fag-joe, slut-tim, beach-adam and pig-justin and me. They were all already there in an advanced state of excitement and rushed to embrace me, screaming hysterically.

  • I can't believe we're all going to take part in the Contest and be judged by the Macho-Apollons," beach-adam announced.

Of all our activities, my favorite, and everyone's favorite, was fantasizing about every player on the soccer team. We'd go through them one by one and imagine them flirting with us, then inviting us for a drink and falling in love with us. It was all our dreams. We put up posters of them everywhere: in the gym, where I could spend two hours a day drooling over my favorite Apollon-Macho, Albator, while lifting iron or working out; in the sewing room, where they inspired us to make original outfits, one of our favorite regulatory hobbies where we could finally try on something other than our uniforms; in the body care room, where we could admire them from the sauna, the whirlpool, the massage beds or the make-up tables. The only room without them was the domestic arts class, where our teacher, Monsieur Jacques, refused to allow us to use them, claiming that they would distract us from learning how to cook, clean or iron. And of course, we never missed a game, one of the few programs we were allowed to watch on the screen in our section's living room, which we spent jerking off while watching the exploits of the team's stars. Yes, I know. According to the United Earth Constitution of 2112, we weren't allowed to have sex until we were 18.

But, between us, no one really controlled this rule, and since we rarely played with dolls and dinettes, our favorite pastime was kissing, sucking and riming. On match days, it always got out of hand and we lost our heads, forgetting all the usual precautions to avoid getting caught. We'd moan and pant to the point of systematically attracting the attention of Stud-Miles, the center's Prefect-Supervisor, a body-built Ripper who terrorized me. He'd get furious and take turns spanking us after practically every match to remind us to behave, which only had the effect of making us all cum in his lap and not so much of calming us down.

In fact, in the excitement of being selected for the competition that would give us the chance to meet our Prince Charmings for real, we quickly went from hugs to full-mouthed kisses, before frantically indulging in 69s and anulingus, moaning like mad. We were so caught up in the action that we forgot to lock the door, which had been left ajar. And then what had to happen, happened: Stud-Miles burst into the living room, without us even hearing him until he started blowing his whistle like crazy. That was the signal to line up at attention. Everyone stood up, and in the rush nobody managed to put their regulation shorts back on. And so the five of us found ourselves naked, cock and body at attention. Poor slut-tim, who was secretly in love with Stud-Miles, was getting all in a tizzy. He ejaculated with a high-pitched squeal, without even touching himself, and pig-joe rushed over to lick the cum off the floor, rubbing his cock on the floor with a back-and-forth movement of his ass, which made him cum in turn. Stud-Miles slammed his bubble-butt to make him stop and ordered him to stay on all fours. Then he did something we'd never seen him do, and to my amazement he took hold of my cock and beach-adam's and jerked us both off at the same time. It was the first time a Ripper and even an Alpha had touched me and in such an intimate place. It was incredible and ultra-exciting. I'd never had such a sensation; nothing like our flower boy lovemaking. Tears of excitement wet my cheeks and I ejaculated almost at the same time as beach-adam. fag-joe looked at us intensely while jerking off and came quickly after us. Stud-Miles snapped his fingers in the direction of pig-justin, who rushed to lick up all he could of the mess we'd made.

  • Now that you've emptied yourselves, I'll be able to hold your attention..." declared Stud-Miles as we hurriedly pulled on our regulation uniforms, which always had to be worn in the presence of an Alpha. I can see why you're excited! Girls, there's a good reason! YOU'VE ALL BEEN SELECTED FOR THE ECOPOLIS 12 COCK-TEASER COMPETITION OF THE YEAR 2254. he shouted. Well done, girls. Hip, hip hip ...

  • ... Hurray," we replied enthusiastically.

  • But now you'll have to work hard and train as a family to make the Alphas lift their cocks ...

A long, excited murmur accompanied his remark.

  • Let me remind you that the participants in the cock-teaser competition are selected by the flower-boy training centers, but only their mother and stepbrother can train them, and only your stepbrother can present you at the competition in three months' time. But for now, let's celebrate. Only 12 of the 35 17-year-old flower-boys at Ecopolis 12's 7 flower-boys training centers have been selected on the basis of last semester's aptitude tests. 13 of the 23 flower-boys not selected will become trash-boys and will be assigned to the cleaning and tension-reduction departments of the Elite Training Centers on their 18th birthday.

A collective gasp of relief escaped us. The idea of wearing those thin leather mini thongs, bitch collars, knee pads and leather harnesses dyed pink or yellow to scrub the Elite School facilities and serve the Alphas repulsed me. Because trash-boys had to wear mohawks as hairstyles and dye them pink, blue or yellow. The ultimate in vulgarity. And everyone knew that the real job of the trash-boys was to serve as whipping boys for the Top-Masters, the elite of elites. slut-tim thought that the tension reduction we were all wondering about, consisted in massaging and jerking off the Top-Masters, which turned us on, but in fact we didn't know anything about that at all. The important thing was to have escaped their horrible uniforms.

  • And the ten others not selected, what happens to them? asked pig joe.

  • They'll be houseboys like you, but not prime houseboys wife like you. I'd also like to remind you," continued Stud-Miles, "that the current winner will be queen houseboy of the City for one year. In addition, he will have the honor of representing Ecopolis 12 in the World Contest of the 12 United Earth Cities. Remember what the 12 cities are called?

A blank stared through our little group, too excited to think. We were supposed to have memorized them, but nothing came out. Stud-Miles pointed to me to answer. I was panicking.

  • I've got a hole," I finally replied, biting my lip and squirming, very much afraid of being punished again for this lapse of memory.

  • Let me remind you: Ecopolis 1, Ecopolis 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and finally Ecopolis 12, in other words, our beautiful city. You should know this; it deserves punishment, even today. Just look at you! You don't even have your regulation shoes on. And I forgot, you've just engaged in a sexual practice prohibited by the Constitution for under 18 year-olds, and what's more, any of the other flower-boys at the Center could have seen you. Inciting debauchery with a younger flower-boy than yourself is strictly forbidden and any transgression is punishable by severe penalties. Remember trash-whore who was degraded to sex-provider for producer for this reason!

I fell to my knees and kissed his black leather boots. I didn't want to end up as a sex-provider for producers, which was the lowest status in the whole City, because they were used to relieve all those who worked in industry and agriculture, which was at the very bottom of the ladder.

  • Ripper Stud-Miles, it was the news of the Contest that made me lose my head. Sorry, Stud-Miles. I begged, hoping for a spanking as punishment, which I didn't mind.

  • Thank heavens, your cadets were in their assigned lounge with their section. Lucky for you.

But fag-joe, slut-tim, beach-adam and pig-justin, ever mindful of just punishment, shouted "punishment gear!", "punishment gear". Oh no, not that, I thought at once. But my friends were right. My offenses deserved this. What would I do without them?

  • If you insist. I'm off to my office to pick up the new punishment uniform that no one here has ever worn before.

All intrigued and excited to discover the new punishment uniform, my friends rushed over to me, except fag-joe who ran off to warn the other sections of the Center, he explained. The unveiling of the latest punishment uniform was an event, and no one would have wanted to miss the show. In the meantime, my friends tore off my pink shorts and tank top, then dragged me into the shower, washed me, dried me before applying the shining-slutty hot cream all over my body, which not only oiled my whole body and gave it a glistening sheen, but also made me completely horny thanks to a hormone that slowly diffused through my body for hours. Even though I'd cum a short while ago, I was once again immersed in an intense desire for sex. Stud-Miles brought in the punishment uniform and appointed slut-tim to dress me in a pair of ultra-short panties, with a shiny red pouch and a completely see-through back on my ass, barely covered by the fabric, a black-trimmed red micro apron tied around my hips with a big bow at the back, a shimmering black openwork tank top, a ridiculous little white headdress held together with a huge red ribbon tied under my chin, a red choker and 12-cm stilettos.

  • This is the punishment-uniform in which you'll be serving lunch to the Top-Masters in their private dining room at the elite training center. I'll take you there," says Stud-Miles. But first, there are a few adjustments to make.

He fastened leather bracelets around my wrists to my collar, forcing me to keep my arms raised. He repeated the operation at my ankles, connecting the two bracelets with a short chain that forced me to take tiny steps. Then he shoved a huge red rubber ball-gag into my mouth. Finally, he attached a leash to my collar and made me walk around in front of my entire section. It's a good thing I'd practiced walking in these high heels so often! But with my arms raised and the chain between my ankles, I had to trot along, concentrating on keeping my balance on my high heels. My whole squad was getting hard again, rubbing their crotches as they watched me. And I wanted to suck them off but it wasn't possible because of the ball-gag and Stud-Miles wouldn't allow it.

  • I understand better why the Creators called you whory-timy when I see you wiggling your ass perched on your heels; anyone would be ashamed but you get a hard-on. The Alphas are going to love you," laughed Stud-Miles, "and I can't figure out why... All that's left is the finishing touch.

Stud-Miles attached a pair of clamps to each of my nipples through the holes in my tank top. At the other end, he affixed a small sign after showing it to me, a smirk on his face. "Naughty boy to spank", it was written in big red letters.

The Ripper pulled on my leash to guide me out of my section's lounge. In the entrance hall of the Center, all the flower-boys from all the sections - there was one per age group from 12 to 17 - formed a guard of honor.

"whory-timy, whory-timy", they shouted to encourage me, while others offered words of comfort: "you've got the best ass of Ecopolis 12"; "you're the most beautiful slut on Earth"; "what a chance to serve the Elites"; and even advice: "try not to get hard in front of the Alphas"; "avoid coming on their plates". I was really lucky to have such support. They were good comrades, but I knew deep down that I wouldn't be able to respect their advice, because in the presence of Alpha, whoever he was, I always get hard, and coated in shining-slutty hot cream, I was very afraid of ejaculating in their presence without even touching myself.

  • So you didn't read the sign, girls! Get to work! Stud-Miles shouted.

Oh, no, I thought, not the spanking ... that always makes me cum. The whole 12-year-old section rushed over and every one of the 5 members slapped my ass. There was nothing I could do to avoid it, perched on my high heels, arms and ankles hobbled. I was so ashamed that my cock was pulsating under the red pouch of my panties. Everyone ended up slapping my ass. I went out into the street completely horny and on the verge of cumming. And then it occurred to me that my stepbrother might very well be present in the Top-Masters dining room and that mortified me entirely. Oh, no, I'm not going to serve him in that ultra-fag outfit with my cock at attention! And risk cumming in front of him! Oh no !!!! A spark lit me up. That was the point of punishment gear protocol, to shame me so much that I wouldn't do anything stupid again. How lucky I was that so much care was taken to perfect my training. What the hell, I was so horny from that damn shining-slutty hot cream that I didn't want to think about anything but putting one foot in front of the other while rolling my ass.

The master top mess wast five hundred meters away, and on my heels, I couldn't go fast, which gave all the passersby time to stare at me and compliment me on my looks before slamming my ass, as instructed by my sign. A Sublime-Mother walking with her young alpha son of about ten years approached me and explained that if he worked hard and became a Top-Master, he might be able to have as pretty a houseboy-wife as me to look after him.

  • But Sublime Mother, he looks completely stupid in that outfit!

I was so humiliated that he would talk about me like that. But Stud-Miles, who was still holding me on a leash, turned around and laughed out loud.

  • You see whory-timy's been messing around and not following the rules the Constitution has set to guide him. He doesn't have to be clever, he just has to follow the rules and what the Alphas ask of him. To help him, he wears a uniform punishment, the purpose of which is to reflect to everyone that he's a dumbass and needs to be supervised by an alpha like you or me to stop doing stupid things.

  • He's dumb but cute," replied the cheeky youngster as he caressed my ass.

  • Ah no, young man, you can spank him as part of the punishment gear protocol, but you're not allowed to abuse flower-boys until they reach 18, which you can easily detect by the piercings they wear from that age onwards. Look at the trash boy cleaning the sidewalk on all fours with the brush. He's got piercings on his tits, ears, nose and tail, which you can see under his leather thong... which means he's over 18. You can do whatever you like with this one.

Stud-Miles then pulled the trash-boy by the collar and positioned him in the middle of the sidewalk, then lifted the young Alpha and placed him on the trash-boy's back.

  • Go on, slap his ass so he'll give you a ride.

Hilarious, the young Alpha grabbed hold of the trash-boy's blue Mawhok with one hand, threw himself back and slammed his ass as hard as he could, shouting "hue, hue".

  • Thank you, Ripper, for that valuable lesson," thanked Sublime-Mère.

While Mother and Stud-Miles were exchanging educational principles that were out of my hands, the young Alpha steered his mount towards me and, away from the adults' gaze, ran his hand under my micro apron and stroked my crotch moulded in the red fabric. It didn't take long for my cock to swell up again and I was still hyper horny. Stud-Miles picked up the pace and I trotted along, stumbling on my heels as best I could.

Once at the Masters-Tops mess, Stud Miles took off the leash, the ball gag, the sign and freed my hands but not my ankles. He explained that my role was to present the dishes to each guest, about ten of them, turning clockwise. I waited in the kitchen for half an hour for the service to begin, along with another flower-boy from Dressage Center 2, who was dressed exactly like me, but with red cheeks and lips and a little pointy clown hat on his head. We were ushered into the dining room by another Ripper, who I believe was in charge of the Mess staff and who introduced us to the assembled guests.

  • Here are two stupid fags who are going to serve you in the new punishment uniform. One fingered his anus during home economics class and the other transgressed two rules of the Constitution, the prohibition of sexual intercourse and respect for the flower boys' regulation uniform. Two brainless little whores I'd ask you to put in their place.

The Tops-Masters laughed and looked at us concupiscently. The Ripper placed a heavy dish of jellied eggs in our hands. I had to arch my back to present it at arm's length to the Alphas, and I was hard like crazy just to be in the presence of real men. Suddenly, I found myself face to face with my half-brother, whom I hadn't seen because he was hidden by the large back of his armchair. I panicked and dropped the plate on the table.

  • Can't you behave yourself, you little sissy?

I was startled and stammered out an excuse like "Oh Allan, I'm sorry I'm such a little twat", as I picked up the dish and eggs.

  • This is Top-Master Allan," he replied, slapping my face.

  • Oh sorry, Top-Master Allan.

Allan pushed my apron aside and spilled the contents of his glass of water on the ultra-stretched pouch of my panties, which became completely transparent, as the whole table looked on.

  • Looks like the little whore's wetting her panties," he enunciated to the laughter of the other eleven males in the table.

He grabbed his towel with one hand and began to massage the thong pouch under the pretext of drying me off.

  • Oh Top-Master Allan .... I squealed as my cock hardened and escaped from my panty pouch. Top-Master Allan continued to rub my cock with the towel and I was bent double on the table, my ass in the air because of the heels. The attention of the table was then diverted by the other flower-boy who, obeying a request from a Top-Master and showing how he fingered his anus. He had three fingers up his ass. I'd never seen anyone do that and it seemed to give him enormous pleasure. I promised myself I'd try it as soon as I got back to my family unit. The sight of all those males and the friction my half-brother was still exerting on my sex brought me to orgasm and I begged Top-Master Allan to stop.

  • I'm going to come ... I'm going to come ... please stop.

  • Come on, whory-timy, get hold of yourself, come and sit on my lap, proposed a tall dark-haired stud next to my half-brother. The physical contact with this stud gave me a hard-on and, as he stuffed a jellied egg into my mouth, I came without even touching myself. I'd never been so ashamed. It was the second time in my life I'd been touched by an Alpha, and all in the same day and with the same result, ejaculating with unparalleled intensity. Nothing would ever be the same again and fucks between faggot friends would seem very dull now.

  • A la petite pute," shouted the Top-Master, who pulled me by the arm and spanked me vigorously... Naughty boy. Lick the mess you've made.

  • I can't wait to tell Sublime Mother about this," said my stepbrother with a smirk.

  • Oh, no please, don't tell her ...anything you want, just don't tell Sublime Mother. I begged.

  • You're right to be afraid; Mother could repudiate you and you'd end up as a sex-provider by the time you're 18. You're not worthy of her. She gave her egg to conceive you, like she did for me, and the Creator-Geneticists of the United Earth made you what you are. Just as they did for me. And now you can't honor her.

  • Please Top-Master Allan, I'll be ultra-obedient and do whatever you want ... just don't tell Sublime Mother.

  • I'll think about it. In the meantime, go and get the main course.

I finished the service in a spirit of total subservience, trotting as fast as I could on my high heels so as not to keep the Tops-Masters waiting and answering all their requests as quickly as I could. The other flower-boy was in the same mode and his cheeks were wet with tears; his ass was crimson and he must have taken a severe beating. The Tops-Masters eventually returned to their studies, and after helping to tidy up, I waited for Sud-Miles, who brought me my regulation uniform and walked me home. He offered me my punishment uniform, telling me that part of my punishment was to serve my mother and brother in it, before leaving me alone. Exhausted and still horny, I lay down on my bed and tried to reproduce what the other flower-boy had done in front of me in the mess and fingered my ass. I came again almost immediately, so intense was this new pleasure. Another extraordinary discovery in this crazy day.

Next: Chapter 2

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