The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Oct 16, 2008


The Exodus Project Pt 7

Three Side Stories

The following is a complete work of fiction.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.


The following story may contain erotic situations. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

Kevin and Jonny

Kevin looked up and saw that it was 0500. He lay on his side gazing at Jonny. He couldn't help rubbing his hand against Kevin's pale smooth skin. He was sleeping so peacefully. Kevin smiled to himself. Jonny reminded him of his young brothers. Not in looks for sure. Kevin was a red headed Irish boy with green eyes and freckles. Kevin's brothers were of course black, like him.

Kevin let his mind drift back home. He was the oldest of six, four boys and two girls. They had lived in a four bedroom house. All through high school, he had roomed with the next two older boys. They had shared their parents king sized bed in the master bed room. It was the price they got for having the biggest room. His brothers, Alex and Trent, were 2 and 3 years younger than him. The other brother was only 2. He stilled slept in the nursery. They had lived north of Chicago in a fairly decent suburb, but they were never rich. His dad was an engineer for a tech firm on the northwest side of the city. His mom was a vice president at a local bank. With both his parents in demanding jobs, most of the running of the household had fallen to Kevin.

The house was not air conditioned, which wasn't a problem except for about two weeks every summer. He and his brothers normally slept in pajama pants, but on those days they'd sleep in the buff, so Kevin wasn't freaked out by the arrangements as much. He'd never messed around with his brothers, but they'd jacked off in the bed. In fact, if they were too squirrelly, as they normally were when it got really hot, he'd tell them to "get their frustrations outs" which meant jack off. They'd see who could jack off the quickest.

Kevin always considered himself open to new experiences, so he had actually been fascinated to have the opportunity to wash up Jonny. Jonny told him last night that he was still a virgin. He had gone out on many dates, but the most that he had ever done was feel up his girl and do some kissing. Once a girl had felt him up, but hadn't closed the deal. He was an only child, so Kevin wasn't surprised in the least when he nutted on his face during the second shower. Jonny had been embarrassed, Kevin had been amazed at how red the boy had been.

He told Jonny he'd let him return the favor that night and boy, had he ever. They had lain down next to each other as soon as the screen closed. Kevin had asked Jonny if he wanted to get Kevin to nut. It had been so sweet, Jonny had blushed again, turned his face away and nodded yes. Kevin had not expected what happened next.

Kevin had laid on his back and spread his legs. Kevin had moved down and knelt between his legs. He had pulled Kevin's boxers down. Kevin had felt Jonny's hands trembling as he began to message Kevin's thighs and stomach.

"I've never seen a black cock before, Kev." Kev's cock was already at attention. His dick stood straight up 8.5" He felt Jonny's hand on his cock, lightly slide up and down. He used his thumb to rub the tip. Kevin in haled at the sensation. He lifted his ass off the floor, trying to thrust into Jonny's hand. As he lifted his ass up, Jonny's other hand started messaging his balls. Then he felt a finger run along his ass crack. With his other hand, Kev had continued to stroke slowly.

What came next was the surprise. Kevin felt Jonny's breath on his cock, then he felt him lick just above the base, down the right side of his legs, and under the nut sack. Kev started to squirm. Kevin looked down just in time to see Jonny lift his head and place his mouth over Kevin's dick.

Kevin hadn't busted a nut in about 4 days. Add the stimulation from the showers, and he could no longer hold back. He flooded Jonny's mouth with cum. Jonny swallowed the first blast, then let the rest fly out and hit Kevin's chest.

"Damn, boy that was good. Did you like the taste of my juice?"

Kevin looked up with a sheepish grin. He answered Kevin by bending over and licking some cum up. "Did I do good?" He asked. In answer, Kevin had beckoned him to come up, and he had stroked Jonny off a second time. They both fell asleep with Kevin spooning Jonny.

Kevin's thoughts then drifted back to the previous night. They had both been so shocked by the terrorist attacks; they had simply clung to each other for close to an hour. Jonny had cried intermittently and was often shaking. He couldn't help thinking how if they hadn't been chosen for this special training, they'd probably be dead right now.

Kevin knew Jonny needed to sleep, but he was too wound up. He pushed Kevin on his back. He'd never considered sucking a guy's cock before, but he suddenly wanted to do that for Kevin. Kevin was actually pretty small in the equipment area, at least when he's soft. Kevin leaned over his body and took his cock and balls into his mouth. He liked the taste of it. He couldn't last that way for long, as Jonny started to get excited. When his dick expanded, it grew to a respectful 7" He continued to suck his cock, pulling his lips over his teeth, so as not to scratch him.

"Oh Kev, that feels good." He started writhing. It only took about 2 minutes and then Jonny was blowing his load. Kevin wanted to taste the cum, so he kept his mouth on the dick. "Dude, that was awesome." Jonny had immediately returned the favor.

Back in the moment, Kevin continued to stroke Jonny's side. He was lying behind him. Jonny woke up. He looked up into Kevin's eye and he saw this mischievous grin. Without saying a word, he pushed Kevin onto his back and scooted down to his cock. He stared kissing the inside of his thighs and, lifting up his balls, he licked underneath them.

Kevin lifted up his legs in response. Andy, encouraged by that action, used his hands to roll Kevin's butt in the air. Before Kevin could think about what Jonny was doing, he felt Jonny kissing his sphincter. Then, his tongue extended and pressed against the opening. A wave of pleasure rippled through Kevin and he groaned. He could feel the rough tongue of Jonny lick tentatively around the opening. Jonny kept that up for about 3-4 minutes. He was writhing in pleasure. Then he felt Jonny spit right on his ass and rub the spit around with his finger, until first one then two fingers slipped in.

Once again, before he could say anything, Jonny found his prostate, just like the doctor had. Kevin started bucking on Jonny's fingers, trying to get them further into his ass.

Jonny pulled his fingers out, and Kevin was about to tell him to put them back, when he felt something bigger than the fingers press up against his hole, Kevin's eyes widened in amazement, as he realized Jonny was about to fuck him. Part of him wanted to scream no, but the more animal side simply rocked his ass up a little higher so Jonny would have better access.

Jonny's white cock slammed into Kevin's black hole. He cried out in pain, and Jonny waited for a minute, then he started sliding in and out, slowly at first and then faster and faster. Jonny reached down and started to stroke Kevin, the sensation was too much. He blew his wad and clamped down on Jonny, which caused him to blow as well. He pumped in and out for several more thrusts and then fell on top of Kevin, his cock still buried in Kevin's' ass.

"Dude you are awesome" Jonny said, as he shared a long kiss with Kevin. Jonny thrust in a couple of times while they kissed and then his cock finally slipped out.

Kevin could feel Jonny's cum leak out, and suddenly felt the tables had turned. He had thought of Jonny as a younger brother, he as the dominate one. Now he looked at Jonny as the boyfriend who just fucked his girl. Yet, that didn't bother Kevin, it actually felt good. He had always been the one in charge, now someone else could do that for a while. He snuggled up against Jonny, who put his arm around Kevin's chest and sighed contentedly.

_____________________________________________________________________________ Peter and Nico

The boy named Nico sat cross-legged looking at his roommate Peter. Peter had darker skin than most of the other cadets, Nico had observed. He had come to understand that was because he was Hispanic. He was still amazed that this species placed so much emphasis on the genetic trait that's only beneficial effect pertained to the absorption rate of certain wavelengths of energy. Peter was stronger than the average male; he was more fit. He penis and testicles - cock and balls - even seemed to be of larger size than the average. But because of his skin tone, he apparently felt he needed to prove himself more than some others. He had to prove he was here on his own merit and not because of charity.

Nico examined his own body. He had not realized how important outward appearance would be in this world when he had chosen his outside look. Thankfully the boy he had selected was considered about average in looks and physique. He too had a darker "white" skin color. He had come to understand that he had a Mediterranean look. His chest was hairier than a lot of the other boys, but not overly so. Peter had actually told him that he preferred the hair on his chest, "he wasn't no sissy boy who shaved his body."

Nico's race was not preoccupied with looks at all. Indeed, why would they be, when their outward appearance was dependant on their latest 'copying'. Nico realized he was playing with his cock again. That piece of equipment had completely amazed Nico. Whenever he 'copied' a new species, he inherited the species emotional and physical aspects to a large extent. He even received a dim echo of his 'copies' thoughts. This enabled him to quickly assimilate into the world he was sent to explore. His 'factual' as he thought of him, would bring himself to orgasm several times a day, especially before bed. Nico had proceeded to stroke himself that first night as soon as the lights went out. Peter had looked incredulous. "Whoa man" he said, "I know we all do it, but normally guys a little more discreet."

"Why?" Nico had asked innocently, honestly wanting to know.

Peter seemed to think about that for a moment, then shrugged and said, "I guess you're right." This response had confused Nico, but then Peter had pulled off his boxers and preceded to jack off. Nico figured he'd undetstand some day, went back to relieving the pent us testosterone in his system.

He had heard stories from other agents about beings with strong pleasure areas, and had even copied a couple. But none of the ones he had copied had been as strong as these humans. Part of it, Nico also understood, was from the fact that even as he copied a being, he still retained his native pleasure zones. Several human pleasure zones overlapped with his natural ones, which seemed to interact exponentially.

Nico looked over at Peter again. He didn't fully understand the plan of Peter's people. He knew that they had discovered the threat and he also knew the over arching plan, after all they couldn't hide the construction project. But why was Peter's government shaping these boys to be homosexual. He had detected the pheromones in the sedating agent on the bus and again in the shower spray and the now in the bed chamber, although it was markedly less this second night. The pheromones weren't dangerous to the boys, it wouldn't make them do anything they wouldn't have possibly done without it. But it did lower inhibition and enhance the emotions of trust and belonging. Nico admired the people who administered it. After the initial prepatory dose, they had administered it expertly so the bond would form between roommates. They had even used the negating pheromone during that third shower, when the roommates were split up, which would have the effect of strengthening the roommate bond because of the contrast. Once a coupling was achieved, the bond was pretty much cemented. Nico would be surprised if he detected the pheromone after tonight. Too much could actually begin to break down the relationship as the bond could grow into a sense of possession.

Nico had allowed himself to be the submissive with Peter. That's what he had needed. Peter was very resistant to the pheromone. He had a strong aversion to homosexuality. Not that he was 'homophobic' as he had read about in this world's information bulletins. He had told Nico how he had several friends who 'liked to play with the home team.' But he has a strong sense of identity, and that identity was a lady's man. Nico didn't understand the government's plan, but he suspected there was an important purpose, so he had actually helped. He emitted pheromones of his own that were associated with a female in heat. He had copied a female for a time, so that he could understand the entire species and now could emulate one or certain aspects of a female at will. Between the friendship pheromones, Nico's female pheromones, and the intramurals which had elevated Peter's testosterone levels with his resounding conquest of his wrestling foe, Peter gave in to Nico's subtle suggestion and fucked Nico doggy style. That's when Nico had realized that human males had a pleasure zone inside their anus which corresponded in location to Nico's pjark, the most sensual spot in his system. The pjark was stimulated by the neuter member of Nico's specie as the female member was going through the equivalent of ovulating. This enabled the males to inseminate. The pleasure was seen more than felt. When Peter started pounding Nico's ass, Nico began to see colors of the spectrum, which had the effect of causing him to spruk, as they called it. When the male spruked he emitted a chemical into the female that made here fertile.

When he had spruked last night, Peter had noticed. The chemical had latched onto Peter's cock. A second later, Peter became even more hot and heavy. The chemical apparently had sent him into a high orbit. He had told Peter afterwards that he had seen a spectrum of colors flash by. The most beautiful colors he had ever seen, and that was when he lost it and shot volley after volley into Nico's ass. That's when Nico discovered something about Peter. He may see himself as a straight boy, but he also sees life as 'fair is fair.' He proceeded to give Nico a blow job, to return the favor. He viewed this as no different than eating out the girls he fucked. He even let Nico come in his mouth. Nico was pretty sure that some spruk was mixed with the human sperm. He wasn't sure what effect that would ultimate have on Nico. But from past experience, the effects had never been harmful to other species.

In his sleep, Peter unconsciously grabbed his cock. Nico moved over and snuggled down next to him. Like a magnet attracting iron, Peter rolled over and hugged Nico close to him. Maybe it was just the human emotions effecting him, but Nico suddenly felt safe and secure in a way he'd never experienced before.

Luke Foster and Lex Jones

Luke was not happy, in fact he was bordering on depression. This was not what he had signed up for. He had been whisked away to some mysterious location and was being forced to do a bunch of gay shit. Here he was locked up in a glass cage with another cadet who appeared to be a little bit freakish. He had been told first of all to wash the guy's balls and then to shave him.

Luke and Lex were opposite in about every way that Luke could tell. First of all, there looks. Luke was played a lot of sports - he was the quarterback in the fall, point guard in the winter and star pitcher in the spring. The Academy had drooled over him. He had the boy next door look, with dark brown hair, light tan, almost golden eyes. He was a healthy skin complexion, the tone that never really burned, just turned a satisfying deep brown after a summer of construction work and pick up b-ball games.

Lex on the other hand was a wiry kid. Tall, but more lean than trim. He had strawberry blonde hair, with some light freckles and green hazel eyes to match. He obviously made it in the Academy more on brains than brawn. And the boy must be a fag. The first time they entered the showers, the boy began lathering up Luke's body, without even his say so. He had pushed him away and told to wash himself up. He didn't care if he had to do 100 push-ups, he wasn't about to let some other guy touch his body, let alone the family jewels.

Luke thought Lex had smiled when Luke pushed him away, but when he looked again, he say Lex's face drawn into a grimace. From the reaction of the Cadre, it didn't sound like anyone had complied with the washing requests. That actually seemed to please the Cadre, who didn't do anything accept to tell them to listen better in the future.

The only highlight to the first day was when he managed to demolish that runt from C-Flight in the wrestling match. He was the one all gong-ho, calling out chants and shit. The euphoria didn't last long however. When he got back to the shower rooms, he had found out that they had to shave each others' balls. Luke went ballistic. As the Flight Guide, he complained to the Flight NCO. He simply shrugged and pointed to two burly active duty techs who were standing by watching. The point was clear, they would shave each other or else face some unpleasant consequence.

That night, he had woken up to find Lex fondling him. At first he thought of pummeling the guy, but as Lex kept caressing him, Luke began to think differently. He knew they were isolated out here without any pussy within a hundred miles probably. His hand was never his favorite release valve. The more Lex stroked Luke the more two emotions waged in Luke's gut, one a resentment towards Lex for touching him and the other a strengthening horniness that soon trumped everything else. Luke's cock was feeling slick with what must be his per-cum leaking out. The two emotions grew so strong that Luke could think of nothing else - horniness drawing him towards Lex and the resentment wanting him to pummel Lex. He finally acted out on both emotions at once. Without even a word of warning, Luke grabbed Lex and rolled him on his stomach. He rolled on top of him and sought out Lex's asshole for his relief. He lifted up Lex's hips so that his butt was a little in the air, and without even a pause to lube up, Luke pushed his cock into Lex. Lex grunted, but then pushed back towards Luke and started humping his hips a little.

Luke knew. This scrimp of a boy obviously had been fucked up the ass before and liked it. Luke was fucking in and out fast in no time. Lex started moaning and telling him, "do me Luke, do me hard." It was corny, but made Luke thrust all the more. Man he was tight, tighter than any pussy he'd ever fucked. His slim build helped create the allusion that he was a girl that Luke was fucking doggy style. But as Lex continued to hump Luke's cock, Luke's euphoria increased. He started feeling a tingling feeling throughout his body, more intense than any other time he had had sex. Lex gave a final grunt and Luke felt him orgasm, even as he heard the cum splatter on the sleeping mat. Lex's ass clamped down even tighter on Luke, and he was sent over the edge. Cum erupted from his cock in numerous powerful gushes. With each spasm of his cock, Luke seemed to experience vivid sensations of intense colors, blues, reds, violets.

When he finished he pulled out. Lex rolled over and said "Thanks dude, I needed that." And he tried to lean in and kiss Luke. Luke turned his face away. Lex grabbed his pillow and fell asleep lying on his stomach. Luke looked over and saw the remnants of his fucking oozing out of Lex's ass. He sat down and realized what he had just done. Had he raped Lex? Lex seemed to have wanted it, but Luke never gave him a choice. And he doubted he would have stopped if Lex had tried to resist. That wasn't him. He'd once pulled out of girl after two thrusts, because she had changed her mind. He hadn't even finished off until he took her home and made sure she was OK. Here he had been an animal.

Exhaustion had finally taken its toll and Luke had fallen asleep, curled up in a ball. When they woke up, Lex smiled up at Luke and leaned in for a kiss, Luke had been about to pull away, when Lex, remarked, "Unless you want me to think you were just raping me last night, you better show me some love." Luke was horrified, but his guilt would not let him hold out. He leaned in and kissed Lex. Lex pushed his tongue in. Luke closed his eyes and imagined Lex was a girl. Lex pushed him on his back and began feeling his lower stomach then went further and began massaging Luke's cock. Luke felt Lex grasp there cocks together as one. The feelings generated in his groin made him moan out in pleasure. Lex moved down his body and began kissing him in various places. First his neck, then his chest, paying attention to Luke's nipples, then his stomach, and finally he took Luke in his mouth.

Luke had never known a blow job could feel like this. Lex seemed to know all the right spots to tongue and lick. He paid particular attention to the tip. Colors began to swarm in front of Luke's eyes again. He didn't resist when Lex liftd up Luke's ass and began massaging his rose bud. Fingers entered in and found Luke's prostate and the feelings soared. Luke had stopped thinking, he was simply in the moment. Lex stopped sucking on Luke's cock and moved up to his chest. He started kissing Luke deeply. All of sudden Luke couldn't get enough of Lex's tongue, deep down he knew that the salty taste was his own leakage, but it didn't matter. And then Luke felt Lex slam his cock home in his ass. Luke's eyes went wide, Lex pressed down hard on his kiss, so Luke couldn't scream out the cry he wanted to make. Lex felt like his ass hole was on fire, like he had just taken a dump after being constipated for 2 days. He struggled, but Lex held him down. He may have been smaller than Luke, but he seemed to have some hidden strength. Lex pumped away for several minutes. Soon the pain turned into a low building pleasure, like the pain of running which gives way to the endorphin high.

The pleasure kept building higher and higher. Finally Lex thrust one final time. As he let loose up Luke's ass, the most intense orgasm that Luke had ever had coursed through his body. His eye's fluttered and he knew no more until morning.

The next morning followed a similar pattern in D-Flight that had occurred in C-Flight. The unannounced inspection, the demolishing of the rooms and the switching of partners for the morning showers. But that was where the similarities ended. Luke got partnered up with a boy named Randy Hicks. With their bald heads, they could almost have been twins. They had very similar builds, except that Randy's complexion was a shade lighter. Randy had more of the basketball build, were as Luke looked more like a quarterback. They were first in and so proceeded to the last set of showers. Lex ended up in the shower opposite them with another cadet, whom Luke did not know the name.

Luke started washing Randy's front. He accomplished this by standing behind him and rubbing his front. He had discovered this was actually easier than standing in front of him. He heard a soft grunt from across the way and looked into the other shower. He nearly dropped his wash cloth in shock. Lex was tagging the other basic in the ass, bold as anything in the open there. Lex looked up at Luke and smiled. Their eyes met and all thoughts fled from Luke. He turned towards Randy and began rubbing his chest again, only this time he slowed down the motion. His hand dipped to Randy's crotch and he began stroking him. At the same time he pressed his now hard cock against Randy's ass crack. He also lowered his mouth and started nibbling at Randy's neck. Randy put up a token resistance, but then began pressing back towards Luke and let out a low moan. Luke took that as an invitation. He lathered up his cock with some soap, and pressed it against Randy's sphincter. It almost seemed to suck him right in. As the water poured down on them, he slowly humped Randy. Randy began to moan more insistently and Luke picked up the pace, until he climaxed in his ass. Just as he did, Randy spewed a load all over the floor. His knees buckled, and Luke had to hold him up for a couple of seconds.

As quickly as the frantic need to fuck Randy had come over him, the feeling also left. Luke pulled away and felt shame again at what he had done. Randy looked up at him and gave him a week smile. Somehow that made it worse for Luke. They finished washing separately and then returned to their rooms.

All morning long Luke was in a funk. This just wasn't like him. How could he have become so perverted? He had forced himself on two people, guys no less, within the past 12 hours. The shame kept building. At the noon meal formation, his shame turned suddenly into hot anger, as he heard C-Flight doing there chanting and push-ups thing. He glanced over and caught site of the puny C-Flight Guide. He wanted to walk over and just punch the little bastard out. It might have been irrational, but that punk seemed to be the source of all his troubles.

That was when the officers were summoned forward, and Luke, as the Flight Guide, joined them. He found himself standing next to that C-Flight jackass and was contemplating giving him a quick jab, when his mind caught up with his ears and the news from the Squadron commander sunk in. The four chief military academies in the nation had been attacked, thousands were certainly dead.

The horrific news only added to his already mild depression. By time lights out arrived, he could hardly motivate himself to do anything. Finally he was lying on the mat of his Cubby and the glass window was closing.

Lex looked over at him and asked, "What's wrong Luke."

Luke couldn't form the words, "I ... I ....I'm sorry about last night, I had no right to force myself on you."

"Luke, is that what you think? You didn't force yourself on me. I asked you to make me feel good, and you more than obliged." Lex smiled at Luke and put his hand on the back of this neck and stroked the bottom of his head.

Luke was confused. "What about what you said this morning?"

"Shh" Lex shushed Luke, "I won't ever let anything ever happen to my little Lukey, come here and let me make you feel better."

Luke bristled at being called 'Little Lukey'. He turned his face up towards Lex to tell him that when he met Lex's gaze again. The look was filled with love and strength. Luke lost himself in those eyes and scooted closer to Lex. Waves of pleasure started to course though his body and the feelings of depression and doubt vanished. Lex twisted his ass up and guided Luke's cock to his hole with one hand. Luke slipped into him and he was lost to the world.

"That's right Little Lukey, give papa Lex what he needs, and let me give you what you need." A victorious smile formed on Lex's lips.

Next: Chapter 8

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