The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Oct 9, 2008


The Exodus Project - Pt 3

Disclaimer - this is a work of fiction. It or future parts contains male on male sexual situations of boys who are 18 or over. This story is copyrighted by the author, Trey Anderson.

"How's the first day going?

"90% of the boys washed their roommates penis and anus. They are amazing compliant. That is in part to the drugs used to knock them out on the ride over. It lowered their inhibition and increased this libido. The food at the Mess Hall also contains low doses of the drug."

"What about the other 10%?

"They didn't refuse. They were more hesitant. Give them a few days. With everyone doing it, it will become the 'new normal.' In fact, we have another opportunity this afternoon for a little more direct contact."

C-Flight formed up on a spot outside the dorm, along with four other flights. Andy, but random assignment was the flight guide. That meant, as Cadet Blevin informed him, that he was the ranking Basic of C-Flight. If the Flight messed up, he was responsible. He was also the one who was the mouth for the flight with the upperclassmen. His roommate, was the Flight Guide Assist, as well as Element C- 1 Guide. Two other basics were assigned as Element Guides as well. As far as Andy could see, they had no real authority. They simply were the ones who got shit upon when the flight did something wrong.

The Flight Cadre formed up in front of the Basics. A group of Cadre formed up in front of all the cadets. They were the Squadron Staff. The Squadron Commander called the Squadron to Attention, then after receiving reports from the Flight Commanders that all cadets were present or accounted for, he ordered the flights to march to breakfast.

The Mess Hall was located to the East of the barracks building. It essentially was a large open hanger type building. The Cadre lead C-Flight to the tables. The sat at a group of four tables. Andy had heard meal times were something awful for Basics. But he was pleasantly surprised when he was told to sit down and eat.

The rest of the morning was filled with marching practice, lectures on military protocol, and more in processing. After lunch, the day got a lot more interesting. They were starting intramurals. They also discovered that their numbers were twice as big as they all thought. There was another Squadron of five flights. This squadron was living in a separate area, but they used the same exercise areas and playing fields.

"Depending on the day," Cadet Zimmer explained, "you will be on a different team. Each time half of you will be involved in an aerobic sport, like running, swimming or biking, the other half will be involved in a team sport. There are five aerobic events - Cross Country, Track, Mountain Biking, Swimming, and then the Triathlons, which includes all three. There are also five team sports: football, soccer, basketball, wrestling, and water polo. Today we have Cross Country and Wrestling. This is the one time roommates will be split up. Everyone in Bed A will be wrestling, Bed B will be running. Also, once I dismiss the formation, you are at Rest in the Exercise Area. Flight Dismissed."

The flight broke up with a cheer. They followed Cadet Zimmer to the locker rooms. The door they entered was painted black and had 'Crusaders' emblazoned across the top.

Cadet Zimmer pointed at the door, "If one of you is the artistic type, we have to paint our door with some type of Flight picture. We have one week to accomplish that. Find your locker. It contains the uniform you need for the day. Put on what's in there. When you are done, the clothes go in the bin over there." He pointed to a flap in the wall marked "Dirty Clothes."

Andy found his locker, right at the beginning of the row. Greg's was next to his. He opened up the door and saw a wrestling singlet, socks, shoes, a mouth piece and shoes. He'd never worn a singlet before. He wasn't sure he wanted to wear something that form fitting. Greg looked over at him and smiled. "You feel naked the first time you wear that thing. And ever just to warn you, it not uncommon to spring wood during a match. Rubbing is rubbing." He kept grinning until he looked at what was in his locker. "You got to be kidding me!" He pulled out a supporter and a pair of shorts that was essentially a pair of spandex that would over little more than the grown area. His shirt was just as form fitting.

"You don't want to have drag, big guy." Andy replied with his own grin. He began to strip out of his clothes and soon was dressed in a red singlet with red stripes down the sides. He looked at him self in a mirror. The singlet was so tight, he could easily see the outline of his cock and balls. They pointed out a little but.

"Point your dick up," Greg recommended. "It's a little more comfortable and it's not as noticeable if you expand a little." Greg had changed into his runners outfit as well. The supporter hid the outline of his privates, but it also made a noticeable bulge in the groin area. "No different than anyone else," he commented.

As Andy put his uniform in the locker, he noticed there was a shaving kit on the top shelf, but since he had not been told to touch it, he left it there. He joined his half of the flight and together they walked through a door at the end of the locker room labeled, "Wrestiling Area."

Andy was the first through the door. He saw the other flight was already there. Wanting to set the tone, he suddenly started chanting, "Cru-sa-ders, Cru-sa-ders!" His flight mates took up the call to arms and joined in. Soon one of the others, started punching the air in time to the chant and they all copied him.

Not to be outdone, the other flight began their own chant, "Dog Flight, Dog Flight!" The noise level in the room kept ratcheting up until finally a whistle bleet silence everyone."

"Awesome spirit, Basics," a beefy cadet praised with a smile. "I'm Cadet Second Class Jones, the captain from last year's Wrestling team. I going to show you some basic moves for the next 30 minutes, and then we will have a completion. We'll pair you off by weight. We'll have 14 matches. One point for each match."

For the next hour, Andy started to learn wrestling moves. He had some natural coordination, but unfortunately the Basic from D-Flight that was closest to his weight, had been a wrestler in High School. Andy tried valiantly when it was his turn to compete, but with in 30 seconds he was pinned for the first time. The guy, "Foster", as his flight mates called him, was sitting on his groin, with his back pinned down under his weight. The second time, Andy lasted closer to a minute, but finally Foster had him pinned again. This time, he was laying over him, with his groin in Andy's face. The guy seemed to actually grind his cock into Andy's mouth. Andy figured though, that that was simply a move to ensure he stayed down.

Thankfully, C-Flight had several wrestlers as well. When all was said and down, C-Flight ended up victorious, 9-5.

Cadet Jones called them over. "Before you head back to the locker rooms, I have some news for you. First, you will have intramurals everyday. When you are done, you will shower, or more specifically, your roommate will shower you." A muted groan came from the group. Somehow for Andy though, knowing that D-Flight had to do the same thing, made it a little easier to take. "When you shower in the evening, you will also be shaved - again by your roommate. Shower and shaving items are in your lockers. Towels are available by the showers. Here's the bad news though." He waited to he was sure everyone was listening. "It appears that one of your classmates was having a little too much fun before he arrived here. It was reported that a Basic from another flight had some extra critters near his junk. For those of you who are a little slow, I'm talking about pubic lice. In order to make sure it doesn't spread, everyone has to take precautions. This means shaving off your pubes and washing the area with a special shampoo, also in your showering kits. So, roomies have another task for each other."

One of the Basics from D-Flight piped up, "Sir, you have to be kidding. I don't like my roommate touch my jewels. That ain't right." Others murmured agreement.

"Listen, part of your training is developing the ability to do difficult tasks. We not asking, nor wanting you to enjoy this. This is to help you learn to get over fears. If you can wash another guys balls, you can probably eat worms in the wilderness, and deal with creepy bugs and critters in the wild."

"Yes sir, I didn't think of it that way." The Basic replied.

"You're not paid to think, Basic," Cadet Jones said with a smile. "Now go hit the showers."

Andy took up the chant of "Cru-sa-ders Rock!" altering it slightly. The others took it up as the jogged over to the Black and Red Crusader door. The rest of the flight was coming in at the same time. When they heard Andy's group chant, they picked it up as well. Soon they were gathered by their lockers chanting "Cru-sa-ders Rock!" when Cadet Zimmer arrived.

"Well done, Basics!" Both teams beat the dickens out of D-Flight. You dogged them." The group laughed at his pun. Di you get the news about shaving from the coaches?"

"Yes sir" they responded.

"Hop to it."

Andy went to pull his singlet off, but when he raised his right arm up to pull the left side down, a sudden pain shot through his shoulder. He scrunched up his face and let out a soft , "Ow!"

Greg looked over at him, "Not used to wrestling, I see. Here let me help you with that." He move behind Andy and rubbed at his right shoulder blade. At first, Andy thought he was making it worse. Greg was digging in with his thumb. But after a minute, the muscle loosened up, and Andy could move his shoulder like normal.

"Thanks, G"

"G? Greg too long for you to say? Anyway, it was just a knot. I get them every once in a while. When you wrestle, you use muscles you never knew you had. Come on, the other guys are already in the showers."

Andy pulled off his singlet and gathered up his socks. He also grabbed his towel and shower kit. He through his laundry in the followed Greg to the shower. Inside his kit was a set of shaving blades and shaving cream along with some body soap. Like in the dorms, the showers were extra wide, to accommodate two people. By the time Greg and Andy got there everyone else was already in the showers. The only one open was at the very back.

As they passed one shower, Andy thought he heard one of the guys moan a little and then give a grunt. It almost sounded like he just spunked. He figured he was just imagining things, when he heard a quiet, "Sorry Kev, let me clean that off." Then they were past. Amazingly, the showers were built in such a way, that unless you were directly in front of the door, you couldn't hear anything but water coming down.

Greg and Andy arrived at the shower.

"Let's get this over with." Greg said. "I'm going to shave and wash you first, then you can shave and wash me." He leaned in closer to Andy and whishpered. "And if it feels too good, please let me know, so you can spunk on the wall and not my face." Greg's knowing grin told Andy that he had heard the exchange from the other shower as well. Andy wasn't sure who it had been, as they had not had much of a chance to get to know each other. One of the guys who wrestled today had been named Kevin, but Andy wasn't sure who his roommate was.

Andy's contemplations quickly ended, as he felt Greg grab his penis and lift them up. He sprayed his groin with water and then lathered the shaving cream up. The feeling of the shaving cream and the motion of Greg's hand lathering the area up made Andy bone instantly.

"Don't worry Greg, I'm not going to shoot," he whispered. Greg laughed and for some reason jacked him a couple of times.

"How about now," he said with a grin. Andy must have had a look of absolute horror on his face, at least that what he felt like. Not because Greg stroked him a couple of times, but because he was afraid he would shoot. Andy was sure Greg was only playing grab ass type games with him, trying to add some humor to the awkward situation.

"Just remember I have the opportunity to inflict back," Andy reminded him.

"It's actually easier you being hard, it gives me something to hold on to. You're like non existant when you're soft. Never would have guessed you'd grow this big." Greg continued moving his cock and balls this way and that, so that he could scrape away the hair. He was especially careful as he glided the blade over Andy's nut sack. For the most part it was not big deal, after the initial sensations subsided. But every once in awhile, Greg would rub against the underside of the head. That would cause his knees to buckle some. Andy could feel himself leaking pre-cum. Greg had to have noticed, but didn't say anything. Finally Greg looked up. "Ok, turn around and bend over. Time to get that hairy ass of yours.

Andy obliged, bending over and grabbing his ass cheeks to pull them apart. Greg sprayed the shaving cream along his ass and continued working. A couple minutes later he was done.

"Alright G, now it's pay back time." Andy brandished the razor and made a Karate like pose. He held his hand out and beckoned Greg with a "come over here" gesture.

"I told you, I'm not G," Greg said with a tinge of a smile that said he really didn't mind getting the nickname. "Or I'll start calling you D." Greg moved over and spread his legs apart. And kneeled down and lathered up Greg's groin. The light colored hair was hard to see. As he scraped slowly away at the area above his cock, Andy kept feeling the skin to make sure he had got it. Greg became ticklish and started to squirm a little.

"Hold still, or I might knick you." Greg's cock had also started to harden from all the attention.

"Hey D, while you're down there, you could help me out," Greg joked. He bucked his hips once towards Andy's face.

"Fuck you, G. Remember who's hold the blade by your junk. I could turn lorena bobbit on you."

Andy continued to work slowly and steadily. He grabbed Greg's nutsack ands stretched it tight, so he could shave the hair off. Soon Greg was truly hairless in fact, not just appearance. He moved his hands over his balls and said, "I fill like I'm playing with a boy's junk."

"That's cause of the size G, not the smoothness. Now bend over and take it like a mine, we gotta finish soon." Greg bent over and spread his ass cheeks with his hands as Andy had. Andy lathered up and went to work. As he was feeling for stubble in Greg's crack, his finger hit Greg's hole. A mischievious thought entered Andy's mind. Why not give Greg a little payback for his couple of strokes. Andy's finger traced the crack to the hole, and then, with a little pressure, he slipped it in.

"Whoa," Greg piped. He instinctively clenched down and bucked forward. Andy's finger slipped out.

"Sorry G, your hole just sucked my finger in. You must be missing your boyfriend."

Greg grabbed the shower nozzle, flipped the temp to cold, and sprayed Andy. Andy yipped and said, "I give." Both laughing, Greg flipped the water to a more pleasant temp, grabbed the soap and washed his roommate up.

Just as Andy was returning the favor, they heard Cadet Zimmer yell, "OK Ladies, I gave you a couple of extra minutes as a reward for your victories on the fields of conquest. Now finish up and get out here. They finished up, grabbed their towels, dried off and hurried out to change in their uniforms. Soon they were heading back to the Cadet Area and the Evening meal.

Next: Chapter 4

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