The Exchange Student Series

By J Russell

Published on Aug 25, 2015


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*After breakfast Santos and I go out to the barn. Miguel and Miguelito had to go into to town and will be gone for hours. Juan has summer school so he won't be back for hours either so it's just Santos, me us and his Mom on the farm and she has her own chores in the house to do. When we get to the barn Santos tells me we have to move some bales of hay up to the loft and generally just clean up. After an hour or so of moving the bales we are both already hot and tired and Santos takes off his tee shirt while telling me hot he is which I can tell from just looking at him! I'm not surprised all these guys have such great bodies and nicely toned muscles, this is hard work! I watch him as he does most of the work, not knowing he is watching me watch him and I long to lick the sweat dripping down his muscular chest! He is now only wearing his jeans and sneakers and I can see the outline of his cock move in his jeans as he works. After a couple of hours all the bales are up in the loft and he falls back on them saying "time for a break" so I lay down next to him. *

He lies there with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed and is breathing heavily from the work and I watch his chest move up and down with each deep breath he takes. I look at his strong arms and hairy arm pit longing to lick both his arm muscle and hairy pit. His hair, like his father and brothers is jet black and is cut short on his head. He has a very hairy arm pit and it is also jet black and my cock gets hard just looking at it! I have always loved hairy arm pits! His jeans are not overly tight, more on the looser side to allow movement as he works but not too baggy to where I can't see the outline of his cock. He has a belt on and since his jeans are loose and his waist so thin they slide down a bit and I can see the top of his pubic hair sticking out of the top of his jeans. He still has his eyes closed and his breathing is becoming more regular as I devour him with my eyes. He moves his right leg up, slightly bending it at the knee which stretches his jeans and makes his cock all the more prominent. After a few minutes his breathing has slowed down a lot and I suddenly hear him snore; he has fallen asleep!

*I move onto my right side facing him and I position myself so that my face is lying right next to his arm pit and I take a deep breath, breathing in his sweat and manly scent. I reach my tongue out and I lightly lick his hairy pit. I then wait a few minutes and when he doesn't move and he is still snoring I lick his pit again, this time a little more aggressively. Again no response so I move in closer and I open my mouth and I close it on his pit and I start to lick and suck the sweat on his delicious arm pit. At this he moves slightly moaning little when at that moment his Mother walks into the barn and calls out our names. I quickly move away as he wakes up and screams to his Mom, "we are up here" and she says" come to the house I have lunch for you boys". He yells back to her "ok Mom" and she leaves the barn and he jumps up quickly. I sit up and when he gets up, we both see that his cock has gotten hard and he laughs grabbing his hard cock and says I must have had one hot dream when I fell asleep. I look at his hard cock nestled in his jeans as he massages himself and as I get up I say "I guess so" and playfully grab at his hot cock as we get down from the loft and go into the house for lunch. *

*As we are having lunch Juan comes in from school and joins us. After lunch Santos says to us "I'm gonna go finish the barn why don't you guys chill upstairs and in about an hour we'll go hit the swimming hole" Juan tells him ok and nudging me says "let's go upstairs, I wanna change outta these school clothes" and he grabs his book bag and I follow him as he runs upstairs. When we get upstairs Juan throws his school bag on the bed and walks back to the door closes and lock it. He then kicks off his sneakers and pulls his shirt off. Juan is the youngest and the skinniest of the boys. He definitely has a nice body but I guess he doesn't do as much around the farm as his brothers because they are more muscular than he is, his body is more toned. Like his brothers he also has dark hair but his is longer and as he reaches up to remove his shirt I see he also has a lot of black hair under his arm pits. *

*He sees me looking at the hair under his arms and rubbing his arm pit says "you should see my Dad he has hair all over his arms, chest and up and down his legs, we just got hairy pits and a lot of hair around our cocks, you wanna see?" and unbuttons his pants, pulls down his zipper and dropping his pants steps out of them. He's now standing there in his white briefs which stand out against his brown skin and pulls down the front of his briefs exposing his bush. I am not a hairy guy. I have light blonde hair on the long side and even though I have hair under my arms and around my cock it is blonde and doesn't look like a lot, so his bush amazes me and he can see that in my eyes. As I look at his exposed bush his cock, still covered by his briefs starts to get hard. I don't know what to do so I just stand there and I lick my lips. He says to me "I got a lot of hair, right?" and I nod yes. He then steps closer to me to where he is now right in front of me and says in a low voice "do you want to touch it?" I don't know if he means do I want to rub my fingers through his hair or do I want to touch his cock which is almost completely hard by now. *

*I'm standing with my back to his bed and he takes another step towards me and to avoid him touching me I fall backwards sitting on the edge of the bed and taking another step closer he is directly in front of my and his bush and hard cock is inches from my face. He says to me, almost in a whisper "go ahead, touch it" and I look from his cock to his face and he nods so I reach up and I run my fingers through his thick black pubic bush feeling his muscular stomach underneath. He smiles and asks me "do you like that?" and I just nod yes. I am mesmerized by his large cock and the amount of hair around it when I see a small wet spot appear in his briefs at the tip of his cock and I lick my lips. I am his now and I will do anything he tells me and he knows it. I am still rubbing my fingers through his pubic hair when he says to me "take my cock out" and I do. I reach my hand into his briefs and I surround his fat cock with my hand and I pull his cock out of his underwear. *

*His cock is circumcised about 7 inches and perfect for sucking. I move my hand up and down slowly jerking him off when another drop of pre-cum appears on the tip of his cock and he says in a gravelly voice "lick it off" and looking him in the eyes I stick my tongue out and I lick the drop of cum from the tip of his cock. When my tongue rolls around the head of his cock he moans and grabs my hair and pushes his cock deep into my mouth and holding my head keeps it there. He then slowly starts to gyrate his hips moving his cock in and out slowly fucking my mouth. I put my hands on his waist and I feel his smooth skin. As he moves his cock in and out of my mouth his movements get faster and he starts rapidly fucking my face. In and out he goes as I rub my hands all over his body eventually reaching around and feeing his ass. I feel his urgency as he gets faster and faster his balls slapping against my chin and my know pounding into his pubic hair covered stomach when suddenly he pushes his cock deep into my mouth and with a grunt unloads his young seed into my stomach. He cums and sums shooting for quite a while when he starts to slow down and pulls out a little letting the last few squirts go into my mouth. *

*When he pulls his cock out of my mouth I lean forward lapping at the last few drops that slip out of the slit of his cock head not wanting to miss a drop and laughing says "that was fucking hot dude, this is gonna be a great summer"! *

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 4: The Exchange Student 4

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