The Exchange Student Series

By J Russell

Published on Aug 2, 2015


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When I was sixteen years old and in high school I participated in a summer student exchange program. A student from a household in South America came to spend two months with my family and I went to South America to spend two months with her family. The day I left I was so excited I was going to South America! I love Spanish men! I am gay and have been having sex with guys since I was thirteen. Moses was the first Spanish guy I had sex with, but not the last! As I was getting off the plane I couldn't wait to meet the family I would be staying with. From what I know it is a family of six, one girl, who is the one that exchanged with me and is on her way to meet my family, her mother and father and her three brothers. As I'm walking through the airport I am taking in all the sights and then I see a man and a boy and the man is holding a sign with my name on it.

I walk up to them and I introduce myself. I'm glad to find out that they speak a little English, because my I don't speak any Spanish, I'm hoping to learn some while here. The father and one son came to pick me up. The dad is a very good looking Hispanic man about 5'11" with jet black hair on the short side and a slight mustache. He is rugged looking wearing form fitting, worn blue jeans, cowboy boots and a white tee shirt. His jeans are nice and worn, especially in the crotch area where I can see the outline of his nice sized cock. He has only two pieces of jewelry a small gold cross on a thin chain and his wedding band. As I shake his hand he tells me his name is Miguel and I feel that his hand is hard and calloused I presume from manual labor. I then look over at his son. He extends his hand for me to shake and introduces himself as Juan. He looks to be about 12 or 13 and is, like his Dad, handsome with dark features. He is thin and cute. After our introductions, Miguel picks up my suitcase and we head to their car.

We get to their house, or I should say farm, just around dinner time and I meet Miguel's wife, Margarita and their other two sons, Miguel junior whom they call Miguelito and Santos. Miguelito is the oldest son at 16 and Santos is next in line at 14. Miguelito is the spitting image of Miguel but they are both handsome and nicely built. All three sons are wearing jeans and tee shirts like their Dad and like their Dad, I can see the outline of their cocks in their jeans and they all look very well built. As Margarita gets dinner set out, the men show me around. It is a nice sized house with a living room, kitchen, dining room, three bathrooms and four bedrooms. Mom and Dad have a bedroom and bathroom, their sister, who is now up at my house, has her own bedroom and bathroom, Miguelito, the oldest boy, has his own bedroom and the two younger boys share a bedroom and the three boys share a bathroom that is between and joins the two boys bedrooms. Miguel tells me that I'll be sharing a bedroom with Miguelito and looking at him I like that idea. Just then we are called for dinner and we all go to the dining room.

After dinner the boys show me around the farm and I see that they have horses. chickens and cows. I now know why Miguel's hands are so strong and calloused feeling and why the boys and their dad have such strong toned bodies. As we walk around the boys tell me, yes they all speak pretty good English, that they each have their chores to do on the farm and that I'll be helping them. We walk towards the back of the property and go through some woods to a clearing where we come upon a nice sized lake. They tell me this is where we have fun and ask me if I like to swim and I tell them heck yeah and we make a plan to come back tomorrow and head back to the house.

When we get there their parents are relaxing almost getting ready for bed since dad gets up early to tend to the farm. After saying our goodnights we head to our rooms with their Mom yelling for us to keep it quiet. We all go into the room that I'm sharing with Miguelito and just get to know each other a bit. The boys telling me about their life and what they do and me doing the same. The whole time I'm looking at them and undressing them with my eyes. They are all good looking guys with dark hair and eyes and skin that is golden brown from being kissed by the sun. As the night goes on and we are getting tired the younger guys go to their room leaving Miguelito and me alone.

*He asks me if I want to shower and I tell him no, I'd rather in the morning he smiles and says me too and pulls his tee shirt off. I just stare at him as he is beautiful. His chest and arms are nice and muscular and as he raises his arms to remove his tee shirt I see that he has a lot of dark black hair under his arms and I love that! He then undoes his belt and the button of his jeans and starts to unzip his jeans. I am still standing there I haven't moved and am just watching him. He sees me looking at him but doesn't say anything or stop what he's doing. After he undoes his jeans he bends down and takes off his sneakers and socks and then standing up looks right at me and pulls off his jeans. I just stand there looking at the bulge in his briefs with my mouth open when he stands up, reaches down scratches his balls and adjusting his cock looks at me says "are you going to undress?" I stutter and stammer a yes and turning away I take off my shirt and start to undress. As he gets into his side of the bed he says to me "my dad will be up very early but we can sleep in" and turning away from me goes to sleep. *

I finish undressing and then I carefully get into bed next to him. I can feel him next to me as I lay there, my cock rock hard and I drift off to sleep with thoughts of sucking the cock I saw in his briefs. I wake up early, around 5am, and need to take a piss. I go to the bathroom between our rooms and relive myself. When I'm done, I peek into the room that the younger guys are in and I see that they are asleep so I go in. They have their own beds and I walk up to each bed and check them out. They are both sleeping on top of the sheets in just their briefs and both of them have hard cocks. Santos cock is a little bigger than Juan's hard cock at about 7.5" and Juan looks to be about 7". They are both cut and beautiful. I want to reach into their briefs and take out their cocks and suck them but am scared so instead I leave the room and go back to my bedroom. When I get there I realize I'm thirsty and decide to go get a drink.

As I leave my room I run into Miguel, literally! He must have just come out of the shower and has just a towel wrapped around his waist and I walk right into him as I walk out the bedroom door. My right hand goes right up against his towel covered cock and my left hand goes around his waist. He is as startled as I am and when we run into each other and my hand goes up against his cloth covered cock, his arms wrap around me and hold me against him for a minute or two. As he holds me against him I can feel his cock against my hand and he definitely feels nice and hard. When he lets go and I move away, I look down and see his cock is on the hard side. He sees me looking down at the bulge that is tenting the towel he's wearing and asks me if everything is ok. I tell him yes I was just looking to get a drink. Telling me to be quiet because the rest of the house is asleep he tells me to follow him and I do.

When we get to the kitchen e motions for me to sit at the table and opens the fridge bringing out a pitcher of water. He turns to me and reaching above me to the cabinet, gets two glasses. As he is reaching to get the glasses I'm checking him out. He is a hairy man with hair on his chest, arms, legs and underarms. The hair on his legs goes all the way up to his groin and I love it. As he reaches up his towel opens and I can see his hairy cock and balls. His cock is definitely on the hard side and I want to taste it. He looks down and sees me staring at his cock and smiles. He puts water in the glasses and standing in front of me, his hard cock tenting out the towel, hands the glass of water to me and says "is this what you want?" he then grabs his cock under his towel and letting the towel fall off of his body says "or is this what you want?" I look from his hard cock to his face when he moves closer and rubs the tip of his cock against my lips. He says to me "As soon as I saw your pretty pink lips at the airport I wanted to stick my cock in your mouth" and pushes his cock past my lips and into my mouth.

I couldn't believe what was happening! I wanted to suck off his sons and I guess him too but never thought I would! I let him take control and slide his cock in and out of my mouth until he was holding my head and pounding my mouth with his hard cock. I loved it as he assaulted my mouth over and over until after about 7 minutes he pushed his cock deep down my throat and with his cock swelling unleashed load after load of his hot cum down my throat. He held me there in place as his cock shot his hot cum into my mouth until it started to subside. He then let go of my head and only the tip of his cock was in my mouth and I tasted the last few drops of cum sliding out onto my tongue. When he pulled his cock out of my mouth, he rubbed the tip of his cock leaving the last drop of cum on my lips and says to me "I knew I'd take you, this is our secret and you'll be my cock sucker while you're here, ok boy?" I just look up at him, smile and say yes!

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 2: The Exchange Student 2

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