The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Mar 19, 2007


Disclaimer/Reminder: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to:

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm. Finally, thanks to all you loyal readers who have stuck with this story through thick and thin.

Chapter Ninety-one

Sunday August 11 continude

"...this time however I come as the victorious Dionysus,

who will turn the world into a holiday...

Not that I have much time..."

  • Nietzsche

(from his last "insane" letter to Cosima Wagner)

"Steve! Steve! Steve? You back here?" they heard once their hearts started beating again. They were not alone. Someone else was in the warehouse with them. And coming their way fast!

"Fuck!" Terry yelled then slapped his hand over his mouth fast. What if they heard? What if they heard him and now they knew someone was back here?

"Steve we got company" Bo murmured, low and deadly "ya better do somethin fast!"

"Fuck" Steve looked around then at the door to the warehouse, expecting someone to pop their head through any second. And see this! "fuck... shit... quick get dressed I'll stall'm- "

"Who is it?" Terry looked between Bo and Steve, alarmed how scared they looked all of a sudden. He was going to ask if they were expecting anyone, but their jumpiness told the whole story. He was looking for clothes almost as fast as Bo. He was too busy to see Steve fly to the door and through it gone in a micro-flash.

Steve was out the door, hoping he could intercept whoever it was before they - but he was no clear of the door than he was spotted.

"Hey there ya are" Al yelled seeing Steve emerge from around a column "John said-"

"What? What'd John say?" Steve was trying to intercept Al where he was but Al was closing the distance as well. They met about ten feet from the inside door.

"Man spooked ya didn't I?" Al slapped him on the back, smiling "sorry, didn't mean to make ya lose it. Just John told me ya might be here today and "

"What he told you I'd be here? Today?" Steve was not handling this well.

"Relax okay?" Al tried looking over his shoulder at that door he came from "just you might be here today. I was to drop by and make sure you weren't..."

"Weren't what?"

"I don't know. Making off with the petty cash, shit will you relax" Al looked at him "y'look like someone caught doing something real wrong here. So what do you do here on weekends anyway?"


"Nothing my ass" Al tried to ooze around Steve and get at that door "c'mon we're buds, y'can tell me" Al's smile grew by another several inches "it's a poker game right?"

"Fuck no..." Steve tried to block the way. It was plainer than day there was something back there to hide.

"Fuck it ain't" Al was almost at the door "shit I can hear voices. Guys back there cleanin ya out? Man Steve, y'always were the worst player y'know that right?"

"Hell I am."

"Yeah Steve you are. Know why?" Al's hand was on the handle, a brief struggle "cause you got the worse poker face. I can always tell when you're bluffin" and before Steve could regain the handle, Al pushed it open. What met his shocked gaze was the strangest poker game he ever saw!

"Holy shit!" he yelled coming through the door "this is what you do on Sundays?"

Al was through the door followed quickly by Steve trying to pull him back. Not that Al was a huge guy, which he wasn't, but he was strong. Al stood about six two, maybe one eighty. But he worked out, and ran marathons, and had enough strength in his shoulders and arms to keep Steve from pulling him anywhere.

He stood there taking in the scene. There was a huge black dude wearing a torn sweatshirt and sweatpants, but barefoot for some odd reason. With him was some highschool kid, big and strong but looking like he just got busted for underage drinking. The kid was wearing a jacket, and no shirt beneath from how it looked. His pants were so wrinkled it looked like he had been sleeping in them. But they both looked too wide-eyed to be catching zzz's back here.

"So who's the fourth?" Al looked at the two.

"Say wha?" from Bo "who're you?"

"Name's Al" he came forward to shake the huge dude's hand. As he expected the grip was menacing. Up close he could see the guy was all business. But what really got his attention was there was not a trace of alcohol on his breath. Hell they weren't playing any kind of poker he ever saw, not without a case of beer! But what he did smell was this guy had been working our something fierce. And there was another smell as well. He knew that smell anywhere! "you?"

"Name's..." Bo looked at Steve.

"He's Butch" and over came the kid his hand out as well "I'm... "

"Call'm Hulk" Bo said, shooting Terry a weirder look. Al shook the kid's - Hulk's? - hand next. Shit, if that black bouncer from hell smelled like sex, this kid smelled like he was oozing cum from every pore. This was not what he expected "what fourth?"

"Fourth?" Al looked at Steve, not sure what he was talking about. Then he remembered "oh fourth yeah. Like fourth guy for poker y'know? Thought Steve boy was running a poker racket back here" then he saw the camera. No poker game he ever attended had a camera there. A few times he wished they had!

"Well Stevie boy, so what's the story here?"

"Still don't know what you're doin here" Bo was having a hard time containing his anger. All the times he was back here, he never heard about this dude "I asked you a question. Who are you?"

"Relax relax we're all friends here" Al took a step back, seeing this dude was one mean muthah. His plans for the day did not include a visit to the ER "name's Al like I said. I'm a friend of Stevie's here."

"More'n a friend" Steve was back at the camera, trying to put it out of sight out of mind fast "he's like one of the owners here."

"What?" Terry yelled "I mean... shit..."

"How old are ya kid? You ain't old enough to be gambling-"

"I'm eighteen if it's any of your business."

"So you already graduated from North huh?" seeing the design on the jacket.

"No..." not sure if this guy was a South jerk.

"Then how-"

"I graduate next year from..." he didn't want to start the fight.

"Relax relax" Al put his hands up "I ain't part of that shit. I went to K****r okay? Think both of you two are crazy with all that rivalry shit."

"It ain't shit!"

"Fine, whatever" Al looked at what Steve was doing "cameras huh? Well ya ain't filmin no damn poker game back here. So what were ya filmin?" looking at the rest of the room, seeing towels and clothes tossed everywhere, covering and disguising a lot of odd shapes. But the weight bench and the massage table were obvious to someone like Al "just what goes on here on weekends? John told me you were working on some projects-"

"He said projects?"

"Yeah... just 'projects' Steve. Sounded fishy as hell. That's why I thought I'd swing by on the way home to see what 'projects' you been working on all damn summer. At least you ain't back here messing with the books."

"That what you thought? I was back here ripping off the company?"

"Just making sure... not that anything's ever been missing... or shit like that" that smell hanging in the air was getting to him. He had to get to the bottom of it" fuck!"


"Damn Steve..." Al whistled, taking in Bo and Terry again "you dog! You almost fooled me! I ain't that old or naive!"

"What? Whatdya mean?" Steve just about pissed himself.

"You sly fox..." Al looked around, seeing the inner door "that where there are?" and went to the door opening it before Bo intercepted his movment "okay girls come out now! It's okay I ain't the law!" but no one was back there.

"What? Who?" from various points of the room at once, but not from the direction Al was expecting. He closed the door, looking at Steve,

"Well where are they?"


"You filming stag movies back here so where are they? Where are the hookers?"

"Al!! You nuts? We ain't-I mean I ain't filmin no goddamn skinflicks back here!"

"Fuck you I know you are!" Al could smell the evidence for crisakes.

"Y'wanna bet?" Steve shot out, then realized what he said. Once the words were out of his mouth, he realized he just saved his butt. He just saved all their butts.

"How much?"

"Fuckin hundred!" Al shot back. If there was one fatal weakness to this guy, it was he loved to bet. On anything. Once he and Steve even bet on which of several mis-stacked boxes would fall. Steve won of course. The only bet he ever lost to this guy was on whether the UPS guy would show up before or after four-thirty. Would you know the one time the guy had engine trouble was that day? It cost Steve two bills.

"Ya lose pay up" Bo smirked, one eye on Terry making sure he didn't say boo.

"How I know-"

"He's right" Terry cut in, daring Bo to silence him "shit I wish there was some pussy here" and that brought a laugh from even Bo. Al looked at Terry, but saw the two were serious.

"Shit..." Al was already reaching for his wallet, but the impulse gambler kicked in "double or nothin!"

"For what?"

"Show me that tape and if there's no boobs on it... double or nothin!"

"Fuck NO!" bellowed Bo, Terry too spooked to breathe much less say anything froze. Hell if he saw any of this, if he saw his naked fuck into this big black dude he'd ... hell Terry did not want to stick around to see the reaction.

"Fine!" Steve shot back, waving Bo away, confident he could pull this off. He pulled a tape from his briefcase and loaded it into the camera. In spite of Bo's ear-splitting protests he hit a few buttons and then hit "play". Bo and Terry both came in to see the shit hit the fan. Instead all four watched as a fully-clothed Bo and Terry were arguing about something, the sound not working for some odd reason.

"Pay up Al" Steve smirked, not bothering to see the expression from Bo or Terry, who both looked like they could use some oxygen about now.

"Fuck... that's not... I mean..." Al knew he was being bled dry here, grasping at straws he tried "how I know that's today?"

"Double or nothing and I'll show the date stamp?"

"Yeah shit fine..." Al was going down but not without a struggle "show me!"

"Your funeral" Steve hit another button and then play. As they watched the argument grow physical Al looked close and yeah, there was today's date in red at the bottom corner.

"Damn..." he reached into his pocket again and pulled out his wallet "so what's the damage..."

"Four bills pay up" from Bo, wanting him cleaned out and out of there as soon as possible. Time for another of Al's famous stalls.

"So what were you two arguing about?" Al looked at the kid "Hal?"

"It's Hulk okay?" Terry looked at Bo waiting for him to laugh. Instead he almost coughed when Bo put his arm around his shoulder, real buddy-buddy like.

"Oh so that's it!" Al put the wallet away fast, trying to mask the fact he was good for the cash. He was about three fifty short "kid can't say and live right?"

"Say again?" Terry snapped, not sure but it sounded like the guy just insulted him.

"You don't gotta say nothin..." looking at the difference in size "you don't want any more rough stuff from the killdozer there right?"

"What you talkin about?" from Bo.

"Somethin goin on here..." Al looked at Steve, hoping he did not notice the omitted pay-up "but I'm guessin if I wouldn'ta shown up, you'd be makin this kid your punching bag right now."

"Fuck no HELL no!" from Terry. Yeah, it sure sounded like he was being called a wuss.

"It's okay kid, I'm on your side here-"

"He wasn't poundin on me" Terry thrust out his chest "if anything I was pound-"

"Shuttup kid!" Bo did not want any of this being aired in front of this guy.

"That's even crazier than my idea!" Al taunted him "you beatin on him?"

"Wanna bet?" from Terry of all people. He had no idea about Al's almost pathological inability to turn down a bet; Steve looked at Terry with a growing respect.

"Double or nothing" Steve cut in "kid's callin yer bluff."

"Double or nothin you're on!" Al fell headfirst into the trap. Hell, sooner or later he would recover his loss here. Even if it meant upping it into the four-figures.

"Better get that wallet back out... boss..." Steve hit the play button again. They watched the screen as Terry socked Bo and he tumbled to the ground. Steve turned it off fast seeing Bo's anger.

"Shit that's just five seconds" Al was getting more desperate "I bet the musclehead gets up and creams the kid!" turning at Terry's barely surpressed guffaw "something funny?"

"No" Terry chuckled.

"Double or nothing?" Steve held his finger on the play button "you sure? You just digging yourself in deep-"

"Do it!"

Steve looked at Bo nodding reassurance. He hit the play button. They watched Bo suddenly curled into a fetal position. When he got to his feet and shook Terry's hand, Al almost choked. Steve even let it play for a minute as the two "negotiated" Terry's upcoming involvement in the afternoon's activities, just to drive the point home. Before things got any more revealing, Steve turned the camera off and put it away.

"Pay the man... boss..." Bo mocked Steve, knowing Al was in deep shit.

"Sixteen big ones!" Terry chimed in, almost high-fiving Bo. But Bo was watching the new guy like a hawk now. This Al guy did not have enough on him to nail him, but he still saw more than Bo was comfortable with. They were not out of the woods just yet.

"Wait. I mean..." but Al was making no move to reach for his wallet "how I know ... wait!" he turned to Bo and Terry "just because I saw five seconds of you throwing some fake punches -"

"Weren't fake!" Terry yelled. Damn this guy was really getting under his skin.

"Prove it!"

"What?" from Bo "try that again."

"Prove it. Lemme see ya do that now... in! real! life!" he turned, seeing Steve putting the camera away "I see you slug the big ape in real life-"

"Watch who you're callin names!"

"And the big... person not pound you into the ground, with my own eyes... then I'll believe it!" it was a reckless gamble, but Al was reckless. And desperate now.

"Double or nothing" came Steve's familiar echo.

"Yeah... double or nothin" from Terry, slowing dawning on him what this guy's weakness was. And Terry played enough cards to know this guy was easy cash "or else you pay the man now."

"But..." Al looked at Steve. Steve knew he had him on the ropes.

"Pay or accept."

"Fine..." Al grumbled "but I ain't losing this one."

"You goin down" Bo nodded at Terry. It took him a second or two to realize Bo was giving him the green light. Before he got any contradictory signals, Terry let Bo have it in the gut, hard.

Bo doubled over, his eyes wide, and went down like a ton of bricks. Al stood there too shocked to say anything. Just when he thought maybe the punch had been faked, he saw Terry look around, find a belt half-hidden under some clothes, and bring it down hard on Bo's back. Bo's yell was the antithesis of fake,

"Fuck!! Knock it off!" he yelled and Terry brought it down across it ass one last time. The loud crack it made was not special effects. Even Al took a step back, afraid to get caught in the collateral damage from that one. When Bo did not come off the floor and throw himself at the kid, he just stood there, his mouth hanging open.

"Still think it was fake?" Steve put his hand on Al's shoulder, calm but menacing. That could be you down there on the ground bud!

Finally Al cleared his head and went to help Bo up. The way the big guy was moving left no doubt those blows were real.

"Okay okay I believe ya... no more of that" he helped Bo over to weight bench for some place for him to sit and catch his breath. As Bo sat down, the hastily draped towel fell to the floor. They both saw the extension with the dildo at the same time.

No one said a word. No one had to say a word. Al knew where that sex smell came from. They weren't filming stag films back here; they were filming... holy hell!

"John... know... about this?" Al finally edged away from the bench like it was ticking. He looked at Steve then back at the kid "he knows you're making underage kids... do... that!?!?!"

"Fuck no!" from Steve but louder from even louder from Terry! No way he wanted this guy thinking he was... even Terry did not want to face that concept.

"Damnit Steve" Al turned on him "you got a wife and kids! How could you-"

"That's NOT what happened!" Terry was furious "I ain't-"

"Wanna bet?"

"Yeah... double or nothing" Steve delivered his punch to the gut "but you ain't got the guts!"

"Bet what?"

"We never made this kid - I mean we never made Hulk here do anything like... that!" pointing at Bo and the bench he was occupying.

"I don't believe you!" looking at Bo. Damn sure HE wasn't the one doing that shit! "couple of adults - BIG adults! - making the kid do - shit what did you threaten him with? You gonna out him to his parents or something?"

"NO!" Terry yelled. He could just imagine what would happen if the rents go wind of any of this "they didn't make me! I made THEM!" he yelled. So it wasn't the most intelligent thing to yell, but Terry panicked at the sound of Al's threats.

"Prove it!" Al was not much brighter.

"Okay Al last bet" Steve took the camera back out. When Bo saw that he came off the bench, but Terry stopped him. He whispered something in the big guy's ear and that stopped the runaway locomotive "here's the deal. You currently are in to me for what...?"

"Thirty two nails in yer coffin" Bo added rubbing his stomach "and some of those I earned."

"NO! That can't be right!" but Al knew it was. No way he had that kind of money to pay. He had no choice "okay...."

"Okay what?"

"I agree. Double or nothing... but how?"

"How what?" Bo saw the slippery dude try another evasion.

"How I know... I mean how y'gonna prove you weren't makin the kid here do kinky sex shit-"

"I'm tellin ya" Terry shot a look at Steve, then the camera "I was the one callin the shots here! I made this guy... Butch here do anything I damn fuckin wanted okay?"

"But not..." Al choked on the word "not like... y'know sex shit..."

"Yeah... sex shit!" Terry looked at Bo: help me out here! Bo knew they were all in too deep. He turned his head and raised his hand in the air "stop!"

"What?" Bo turned.

"I said stop and turn around! Do it!" Terry knew his voice was cracking all over te place, but it was worth the gamble.

"You sayin what?" Bo gave Terry a dirty look.

"See! SEE!" Al was beaming "I told ya so! No way the musclehead takin orders from the little-"

"Shuttup!" Terry yelled, now he was pissed "okay ya been callin me out since ya walked in here! Now it's you and me asshole!"

"What'd you call me?"

"I called you an asshole, asshole!" Terry's fists were ready when Al lunged at him. Bo and Steve broke it up so fast they never knew what hit them.

"Okay okay OKAY!" Steve yelled "no more callin anybody asshole! Or worse!" he looked at Al "got it?"

"This kid here's gonna eat shit before-"

"We'll see hotshot" Terry's face was red with rage "you and me. Right now. But these two won't let me beat the crap outa ya so here's the deal. Accept the bet or I know you're a dumbshit asshole punk!"

"You're on!" Al yelled, even before he knew what he was wagering. Even Steve never saw him that foolish before.

"I bet ya..." Terry looked at Bo, almost begging him to go along with it "I can just walk up to this big muscledude here and tell him to..."

"No!" Bo yelled "this is gone far enough!"

"Ain't like that... Butch" nodding back at the bench "somethin real easy. But I know mister asshole -I mean mister dumbshit here would never agree in a second-"

"What is it?"

"I bet ya - no, not for money, somethin else - I bet ya I can just go up to this big fuckin wall of muscle here, and tell him to shuck the clothes, bend over, and show you his ass!"

"You are fuckin NUTS!" was the more rated-G response from Al. What came from Bo's or Steve's mouths was pure triple-X outrage.

"AND..." Terry yelled over the din "right on camera! Got it? I lose, I admit you were right all along. You lose..." he looked at Steve "you're leavin here wearing somebody else's duds."


"You heard me! You win I kiss your ass, I win, those clothes are mine!"

"No way I'm agreeing to-"

"Then you're a chickenshit piece of asswipe and you can pay your bud right now!" Terry still wanted to knock out a few of this guy's teeth. But he'd settle for this. For the time being this is.

"No way!"

"Then pay up" Steve saw Terry's reckless gamble. He hated to do this, but it might work.

"This is shit!"

"Knew you were all talk, asswipe" Terry went over and to make his point threw a towel over that bench again. He looked at Al and gave him the nastiest smirk.

"No way I can figure out what you guys were doin before I showed up" Al looked at Steve "but it sure as shit wasn't THAT!"

"Then bet or pay up!"

"Deal!" Al yelled right in Steve's face "but this is one bet I KNOW I won't be losing! What'd the kid say about the camera?"

"This" Steve put it back on the stand and hit "record". He pointed it at where Bo and Terry were standing.

"No way..." Al reassured himself "no fuckin way..."

"Just so ya don't think we're cheatin with mirrors or shit..." Terry smirked "you... here!" Terry pointed at a spot next to him "no magic tricks right? You can see for yourself!"

"Fine..." Al went over to him "but no way this guy's gonna-"

"Okay... Butch... gimme the shirt..." Terry ordered, his voice not cracking this time.

"You better know what the fuck yer doin..." Bo looked at them and then at the camera.

"And if everything works out..." Terry lowered his voice "bonus round..."

"What?" from both Al and Bo.

"The shirt... stud... now!"

Bo shook his head but his hand went to the waist of that torn sweatshirt. Before anyone said a word, it was up and over his head. He was about to toss it when Terry took it,

"Gotta save this. Don't want Al here going home..." he looked back at him "empty-handed, right?"

"So he pealed the shirt, big deal..." Al was looking anywhere but at Bo's upper body.

"What ya wearin under those?" Terry pointed at the sweatpants "nothin I'm guessin."

"Smart kid..." Bo looked at Al, seeing his reluctance to return his gaze.

"Okay mister hotshot... Butch here drops trou and your shit's mine. You goin down..."

"That wasn't the bet!" Al looked at Steve for help. But what he saw instead was the camera pointing the three of them.

"I order this dude to shuck the clothes, your clothes are mine. Yeah that WAS the bet" Terry turned to Bo "gimme the sweats. Now."

Bo turned away from them, lowering the waistband down past his big shiny ass. When Al saw that - saw the big guy really was naked beneath the sweatpants - he knew he fucked up. He was too busy freaking to see Bo lower the sweatpants all the way down, step out of them, and hand them to Terry.

"I tell him to strip, he strips. I tell him to do it, he does it. Got it?" Terry tossed the clothes over the bench, knocking that damn towel off in the process "now I'm tellin you: Strip!"

"But you don't think-"

"Do it!" Bo's deep bass voice rumbled like an approaching landslide "or your next bet's with me!"


"And trust me ya won't like my bets" he nodded at the bench. Al knew he wouldn't dare!

"Look Al..." Steve started. Hell, after all this guy was one of the owners. He did want to come in to a job tomorrow "maybe you can owe me the money okay?"

"Got a better idea" Terry looked at Bo "maybe ya could pay off your bet..."

"Not a fuckin chance!" Al looked around "I don't swing that way..."

"Think I do?" Terry's fists at the ready "you think this big dude's that way?"

"No! I mean... I..." Al did want to look at Butch. The fact he was now naked made it worse "I... y'know..."

"Well while you're explainin... gimme my clothes" Terry nodded "cause I want'm in one piece. You don't want the bouncer here rippin'm off ya do ya?

And you sure as hell don't wanna get a rep as someone not payin on their bets, right?"


"Okay... the clothes or your checkbook. NOW!"

"Damn..." Al knew he was in trouble. Serious serious trouble. He hated to admit but dropping trou in front of these idiots was the least of his worries. If somehow Steve spread the word he was welching on his bets... if word got around town... well his wife did not look good in black. Yeah, he was in pretty deep to some serious dudes. They get wind of this and he'd be screwed. Or worse.

"Turn that damn thing off!" Al yelled at Steve.

"No can do" Terry snapped "Big Bouncer Dude here can show dick for the camera, so can you!"



"You breathe a word of this..." Al glared at Steve "about ANY of this..." and he started at the buttons of his shirt. He pulled it off and was about to toss it somewhere when Terry yanked it from his hand.

"Keep going..." Terry had to check him out a bit. As Al pulled the t-shirt from his pants and then over his head, he could see the guy worked out now and again. Except for his pits the guy was almost hairless, tight and wiry, the muscles showing real nice under the light. Terry took it from his hand and said "shoes and socks now."

"But they're-"

"You can get those smelly things back later" Terry examined the t-shirt "won't even fit me!"


"Do it already."

Al crouched down and off came the left shoe and sock, then switched and off came the others. He put them aside like they were priceless objects. He straightened up, not sure what to do,

"Look maybe we can work something out... okay?"

"Like what?" Bo finally caught his eye "I'm listenin..."

"Maybe we can forget all about this. I'll forget I was ever here" looking at Steve, or the camera or both "you forget you know me... we all shake hands and go our way-"

"No deal" Terry cut in "pants now" he nodded "and anything underneath too. Do it."


"Kid's waitin" Bo boomed, his arms folded across that chest, looking more the bouncer than before, even if he was not dressed the part.

"Kid's waitin" Terry echoed "now."

"Fuck..." Al turned his back on all of them, and started wrestling with the belt. He had the belt and fly open, his hands actually trembling, then pushed them down. Terry let out a small "yes" as the guy's tight buns came out of the clothes. Al kicked them as far to the side as he could, not turning and keeping his hands plastered over his front.

"Yeah... bet's a bet" Terry looked at Bo "almost forgot."

"Forgot what?"

"The bet was I could order you to bend over and show butt for the loser here" Terry saw Al look at him over his shoulder "go on. Kinda late for shy shit now right?"

"Damn, kid..."

"Do it!"

Bo looked at Terry then at Al. With an angry humph! he turned and slowly bent forward.

"Ya gettin this?" Terry taunted Al "turn around so you can see you lost big time. Turn around!"

Al half-turned at that kid trying to order him like that. Then he saw Bo lean forward and just like that throw his ass out! Al hated to admit it but it was an amazing sight. The dude's butt was pure muscle, big as a fuckin linebacker but the way the muscles strained, Al could tell this guy was as much a gym rat as he was.

"Okay move the hands" Terry ordered "I wanna see if you're old enough for this."

"For what?" from Bo and Al both.

"Okay Bo, spread the feet more" Terry even kicked at Bo's left foot. Bo wanted to straighten up and throttle the kid now. Bad enough to run around bare-ass in front of the mixed-up dude but this?

"When Butch here don't listen I gotta tie his hands behind his back" Terry watched Al's eyes bug out "watch" and he took one of the thongs from before and looped them around Bo's wrists, more for show than restraint "you wanna get tied next?"


"Okay drop the hands... if your man enough" Terry always liked that one. He called it his "ace in the hole". After this afternoon he had a better use for that phrase. Sure enough, Al dropped his hands, daring the kid to make a comment.

Al was sporting maybe five inches of cut meat, hanging above a very presentable set of low-hangers. His bush was more of the eye-catcher than anything. It looked like whatever hair the dude has was around his dick. Terry was more impressed that the guy actually did it, more than what he was showing. Time to wrap up this little show.

"Okay Butch, spread the feet now... go on... it's all part of the bet we won okay?" Terry tapped his foot against Bo's again, and this time the big guy did widen his stance. Bo knew what was coming but like Terry just wanted this over with. So when he spread his legs apart and bent over again, he knew they could look right up his crack. But when he felt Terry's hand on his ass he wanted to turn away. But the way he was balanced, his hands tangled behind him, Terry's other hand keeping his shoulders down it took him too long to react. By then Terry's hand was rubbing his ass, getting closer and closer to his still-greasy crack.

"Get a good look" Terry continued to taunt the guy "shit ya paid big time to see this right? Look at this" Terry's hand ran into Bo's crack, knowing once his fingers found that hole, Bo would collapse like a house of cards "see this?"

"Damnit kid..."

"See how nice and greasy this dude is? And his hole all stretched and swollen?" and just like that Terry's finger slipped into Bo. Bo let out a yell, more of a moan really, and pulled away from that finger, almost toppling in the process. But Terry's eyes were not on Bo's ass. They were watching that five-incher pass five and a half and start for the six-inch mark. Al's hands were trying to cover the damage but Terry had this one nailed.

"Relax... Butch..." Terry saw Bo pull his hands free of the cord, looking like he wanted to kill him "had to do that... had to show mister bigspender here that fucking thing over there wasn't for me. He didn't believe I was the one doing the rough stuff. Now ya believe me don't ya mister bigshot?"

"Okay gimme my clothes I'm leavin-"

"And go where butt-ass naked?" Terry stopped Bo with a gesture "and go where all boned up looking up some dude's hole!"

"What?" from all four walls echoing at once!

"Steve y'know your boss here's sweet for your booty?"

"Shuttup! I'm married and-"

"And up to your dick in debt right?" Terry laughed and looked at Steve "man no wonder he let you use this place..."

"No stop I didn't know..."

"Well now y'do and you're just as hot for ass as the next... guy" Terry laughed at him, pulling his jacket over his head. As Al guessed he had nothing on beneath. Neither did he have anything beneath those wrinkled pants Al could see as the kid stripped down naked in front of him like he was getting ready for bed or something. His hands were having a harder time hiding his reaction to all this naked flesh. He never had this problem at the gym; but then the gym did not reek of all this sweaty fuck smell. Every breath he inhaled went right to his balls "yeah y'can hide it all ya want but that dick of yours is just beggin for some action - and don't gimme all that wife-and-kids shit okay? So now it's your turn mister bigshot" Terry looked at Bo who was trying to stay out of the line of fire now "or should I say mister bigdick-"

"Knock it off and gimme my clothes-"

"You lost those in a bet" Terry smiled "but we got shit y'can wear" he started pulling clothes and towels off shelves and tables looking for what he wanted. And yeah, Al got a good eyeful of all those dildoes and various other implements lying or hanging by that bench. He went from alarmed to shocked when he saw what Terry was holding "here y'can wear this" tossing his wet jockstrap at him. It hit him right in the stomach. Al reached down to pick it up to throw it back, his hardon visibly at the seven-inch mark now. He was about to toss it when Terry tossed his t-shirt at him next "there! Can't say we're makin ya leave here naked or shit!"

"This is nuts!" Al turned to Steve, then realized the camera was recording everything "and turn that off!"

"No one's keeping you here" Bo found a pair of trunks and pulled them up. Terry was past that point now "there's the door."

"Steve c'mon! Gimme a break here!" Al managed to stuff a towel in his crotch at least. He had a bad idea why it felt so cool and wet next to his skin. Not like he was in any condition to throw it away in disgust however "Steve!"

"Nobody twisted your arm... boss..." Steve nodded at Terry "ya lost a bet fair and square. And I want to keep that between me and you as bad as you do right?"

"Yeah, fuck yeah... I mean..." Al looked around and there was Terry emptying the pockets of his pants "hey!"

"Clothes are mine. This shit's still yours" putting the keys and wallet and loose items on the weightbench "like you got pockets to put this shit in" he stepped into Al's pants, then pulled his shirt on as well. He could not get the pants closed and threatened to bust some seams soon. Al yelled but it was too late to do anything once he did hear some ripping. His pants were unwearable now, as was his shirt. Terry tossed his underwear on the pile with his keys.

"Fuck now what am I gonna wear..." Al moaned, the towel starting to waft up to his nose. Yeah, it was wet with what he thought. And damn but if it didn't keep him hard!

"Steve please!"

"Like I said, our secret today okay?" Steve looked over at Terry pushing through Al's rags all over the place "work it out with... with Hulk there" he laughed "shit he even looks like the Incredible Hulk now!"

"He ain't green" Bo yelled waiting for the guy to leave so this could all be wrapped up "so find something to wear and take off already."

"How about these?" Terry held up Bo's sweatshirt and sweatpants "wrong size but at least you're not gonna be showing dick all the way home right?"

"Yeah... okay... thanks..." Al started towards Terry, the nightmare finally ending.

"First things first" Terry tossed them at Bo "I can't be giving away some other dude's clothes right? Butch, what ya want for these really special designer clothes here?"

"Million dollars" Bo chuckled.

"No seriously..."

"Hey Butch, remember the dude ain't got no money" Terry looked at Steve "and he's already up to his dick in debt. How about..." Terry was getting good at this "how about mister bigshot... mister bigdick here, make another side bet?"

"No c'mon! I already am-"

"In over your head am I right?" from Steve, working on the camera like it was a new sports car.

"Help me out here Steve!"

"Talk to the kid, Hulk there, see what his twisted brain's come up with?"

"Okay... Hulk" Al was having a hard time looking at the kid standing there, half-in and half-out of his, his! torn clothes "I ain't agreeing-"

"Easy one for ya..." Terry looked at Bo, then at Steve "got any cards around here?"

"CARDS?!?!" Al yelled, red flag in front of a bull "no cards!"

"Aw ease up already" Terry went over to the bench where Steve was pointing.

He opened one of the drawers and found a deck of cards lying there. He shot Bo a dirty look after seeing what else was in the drawer. He opened the pack and pulled out three cards "okay real easy" shuffling them a bit "you me and... Butch here, we all take a card..."

"What do I gotta do with this?" Bo made no move to come within arms length of those cards. If Al had a major issue with handling cards, Bo had even more.

"Easy easy nothin too..." Terry looked at Al like the guy was ready to bolt "weird... all y'gotta do to earn back some clothes to leave here with... easiest thing in the world is a little massage is all-"

"Hey!" Al was not ready to have those two "massagin" him, not now not ever "I ain't into that shit! I'm married and-"

"And in debt up to yer balls okay?" Terry tried to calm Bo as well "it's all real easy. We each pick a card. Whoever gets the ace, well all they gotta do is relax their sorry ass on the table here. The guy with the king's gotta do the hard work. And the last card? the deuce? that dude just gets to sit it out... okay?"

"No not okay" Al was not going to admit he was almost okay with the idea. Not like he wanted to get physical with these two strangers, especially knowing the young kid had a mean streak a mile wide.

"Or y'can just leave here dressed like that" Terry was in his element "man what's your beef? I'm givin ya one in three odds of beatin the rap" looking to Steve "explain to your... boss here, I'm tryin t'cut him a deal!"

"Y'know the kid's givin ya a better break'n you'd-"

"Shuttup okay?" Al was rubbing his jaw raw "I'm thinkin here!"

"No time for thinkin" Bo looked at Steve "pick a goddamn card!" and before Al could move, Bo grabbed one. That got Al's butt moving fast. He grabbed one of the last two fast, complaining his odds were only one in two now. Bo just shrugged and looked menacing.

Al flipped over his card with a loud "oh fuck!" showing the King of Hearts.

He swore and grumbled but inside he breathed easy, knowing he was not going to be on that damn bench at the mercy of... who? Now he had to figure out which of these two he had to put his hands all over. Bo smirked, showing the Ace of Diamonds. Terry tried to look pissed but already the little gear wheels were spinning.

"Hey Butch y'ready for this dude t'give ya a nice relaxing massage?"

"Maybe..." Bo pulled himself up onto the table and lay down on his back, keeping one eye on the kid like he knew there was more to this.

"Shit..." Al looked around, coming towards the table slowly at first. Hell, he told himself, it's just a fuckin massage, you're almost getting off easy! Judging by what this place smelled like, a lot nastier stuff was going on between those two. Compared to half the stuff he imagined, a massage was a walk in the park "c'mon I can't be doin this with that camera in my face!"

"Hulk your call..." Bo looked at him "I'm bettin your horny little brain can come up with somethin."

"Ya wanna take that bet?" Steve yelled, but the way he was laughing they knew he was not serious.

"Yeah I'm bettin you don't wanna be recognized right, with your hands all over this black meat, right?" Terry looked around "wear this!" tossing his grungy t-shirt at Al. He grabbed it out of the air, then gave Terry his best dirty look.

"What about this?" He held it up seeing the condition it was in "even I wear this-"

"Put it on already" from Steve.

"Fuckin stinks..." he pulled it over his head and was starting to pull his arms through the sleeves when Terry yelled,

"Leave it like that."

"What?" Al asked half-in half-out.

"Ya don't want yer face recognized right?"

"Yeah... but..."

"Okay then leave it like that" Terry smirked at Bo "no one'll know it's you if it's coverin yer ugly mug-"

"Hey!" Al pulled his arm out, until it was around his neck. As much as he hated the idea of walking around bare-ass with some kid's smelly t-shirt on his head he could not come up with something better "shit... this sucks..."

"Maybe" Bo winked at Steve.

"Okay... okay at least gimme some shorts to wear or somethin-"

"I'm tellin ya... wear these" Terry had that dirty jockstrap off the floor and waving it at Al.

"Hell I ain't wearin those skanky things."

"Then go bareass for all I care" Bo leaned forward "enough fuckin jawin. Let's see some action."

"Okay how long?"

"Butch how about one hour?"

"One hour?!?!" Al protested "c'mon!"

"I'm a big one" Bo lay down again "gotta lotta territory to cover. One full fuckin hour. Starting now!"

"Damn..." Al went over to the side of table, looking down on all that muscled flesh. Could he do this? He knew the basics of how to give massage, but actually putting his hands on all those huge muscles? Maybe a jock was not a bad idea.

"Okay gimme that" Al took the stained jock from his hand and turned towards the wall and down came that towel. He pulled up the jockstrap, feeling that same cool sogginess against his flesh. His dick gave a lurch before he tucked it in place. When he finished he looked around for some kind of oil to use.

"Hell this ain't no fancy-ass spa" Terry smirked "use this" pointing at that jar of white grease. Al protested thinking it was a joke until Terry reached in and pulled a big glob out and slapped it on Bo's chest. Bo grunted then let show a small smirk.

"Clock's still runnin Al" Bo leaned back and closed his eyes. When he felt a tentative weak touch to his shoulder he grunted "harder'n that, I ain't no weaklin! I look like you can break me?"

"Guess not..." Al's fingers started a gradual, cautious rubbing over his left shoulder, then down to that hard round bicep. He had enough clearance looking straight down at all the flesh beneath him, but anything higher was blocked by the bottom of that t-shirt wrapped around his head like a turban.

So they recognize his chin, big deal. That was the least of his worries right now. He bent forward as his hands started running all over Bo's smooth flesh, all damp and sweaty from whatever they were doing before he stumbled into this little circus. But once he got over the shock of having to use that grease, and once it started to soften and liquify under his stroking he almost started to develop a curious tolerance for what he was doing, in a weird furtive way. And Terry was right there keeping an eye of this, seeing Al's strokes growing more brave and assertive, yet the reaction in his jock stayed well hidden by the table. But not from where Terrry was standing. His twisted little brain got another one of those flashes,

"Yeah y'doin just fine just fine right Butch?" Terry started, seeing Bo's eyes open with worry "whole thing with a masssage is using yer hands right? Yer hands supposed to be doin the work right?"

"Yeah... right..." Al did not trust this kid an inch.

"So enough lookin and peakin pull it all the way down y'don't need to be watchin everything you're doin right? It's about lettin your hands do your thinkin for-"

"Talk english kid."

"Lemme show ya" and Terry had the bottom of that t-shirt down and around Al's neck, effectively blinding him.

"What you trying to pull?"

"Go on. Do it!" Terry started knotting it behind his neck "finish the massage like that, all disguised and shit. Hell ya need yer hands not your eyes, right Butch?"

"You two stop arguing and get back to those muscles!"

"Y'heard the man... or ya want to forfeit here and now..." Terry pulled the noose tight around Al's neck again. He tugged it a bit in front, guessing he could breathe through it for a while. And as he expected, the smell started right for Al's pouch. Damn, why was this dude having such a strong reaction to this stinky shit?

Al's hands went out and made contact with Bo's big chest again. Hell, it was hard not to miss. His slippery hands found the glob between his pecs and started smearing it all over that smooth muscled chest, even allowing his fingers to graze Bo's nipple once or twice. When he felt it start to nub under his fingers he got nervous. Shit what if the big musclehunk actually started to... y'know... respond? Hell, he was standing there just getting harder and harder, rubbing his hands all over these mounds of hard flesh, what would happen if the dude got turned on? The thought was more than foreign; it was impossible.

So when his hands started circling down towards that big belly he got more than nervous. Shit, at least the dude's wearing some damn shorts right? When his fingers went over and down that belly he was reassured to feel the hem of that waistband.

"Go on" Terry grunted "yank'm down for the big stud..."

"But no... I can't..."

"Do it Al..." he heard that voice somewhere behind him coming closer. Suddenly his ass felt very vulnerable. He remembered seeing all those dildoes lying on that bench before. His ass clenched shut with the image. But his greasy fingers found their way back to that elastic waistband. He knew arguing was not going to do much good at this point. His fingers went under the material as he felt Bo lift his meaty ass off the table. Before he knew what he was doing he was sliding the shorts down to what felt like Butch's gigantic thighs. His fingers went back up to where the belly was greasy, grazing something lumpy and hairy on the way up. Damn, no way it's gonna be THAT kind of massage, he told himself. I ain't no cheap hooker.

Al continued working the safe area above that gigantic outie of a navel, using it like a marker south of which was not safe to go. Up and down that big round firm belly, then up to those giant pecs again. Damn, this Butch guy was right; there was a huge amount of territory to cover. He went back up to the shoulders and down the safe and for Al, totally amazing roundness of those hard biceps. He knew this was getting dangerous when he felt this Butch guy start flexing and pumping those guns under his strokings.

"Lift yer legs... Butch..." Al heard that kid say somewhere by the foot of the table.


"Gonna make this a real... total... massage... y'get my meanin" Terry's voice continued from another direction.

"Y'better not be-"

"We're gonna make this interesting now... stud..." Terry's voice was back at the foot of the table "okay... lift'm!"

"But what...." Al felt the big guy shift his weight beneath him, his arms tensing as he moved his legs. He continued to work on those arms and shoulders more until he had a better idea what the kid was trying to pull. Maybe not being able to see this was the smart way to go, he told himself. Especially when he felt Butch's shoulders lunge upwards and the big guy start swearing, but the kid just mumbling something about "askin for it" and Butch's shoulders eased back to the table, but all the muscles tense and twisting under his fingers. Al could feel Butch's chest start heaving and the big guy panting as something was going on. When his fingers went down to those massive pecs again, he could feel Butch's heart pounding in his chest.

"Okay enough of his chest" Terry's voice came from the end of the table again "do the big guy's legs now."

"But..." from both Al and Bo at the same time. And when Al felt Terry guide his hand down Bo's belly and down to those thighs, he felt how the big guy's knees were still propped up, his feet flat on the table beneath them.

Al's hands started a cautious exploration of Bo's thigh, heading down to his knees and down to his calves. Bo's groans and grunts first made him think he was hurting him somehow.

"Sorry" Al's hands pulled off that warm flesh fast "I didn't mean t'hurt-"

"Y'ain't hurtin him" Terry's voice almost chuckling "right Butch?"

"Aw... aw... fuck..." Bo's deep voice came rumbling up from the table.

"Y'sure I didn't rub anything too-"

"Keep goin" Terry told him "go on... back to those legs..."

Al's hands were back on Bo's left knee, rubbing down the tight hard calf, down to his foot. As he did, the back of one hand accidentally grazed what must have been Bo's ass. Al's hand was up to that knee as fast it could go without looking obvious.

"Y'gotta finish those thighs..." Terry's voice right next to him now "they're so big, they need a lot of working."

Al worked down from the knee, carefully trying to stay on the top of Bo's leg, not daring to go beneath, but a few more words from Terry made it clear his hands were going to have to work the entire circumference of those giants trunks. His hands continued to knead and tug at those corded thighs, working down until one hand came to the fold at his glutes.

"Yeah now your gettin it" Terry almost breathing in his ear "right Butch?"

"Unggh... oh.... yeah..." the guy sounded like he was not enjoying this.

"Keep doing what you're doing..." Terry's voice lower and almost burning into Al's shoulder "keep going lower. The dude's big muscles down there need real working... right Butch?"

"Ahhh.... oh.... yeah" Al felt the groaning radiating through the flesh. As his hands worked down lower on the thighs, he knew it would be a matter of time before... and his hand grazed what could only be the big dude's nuts. He tried pulling his hand back but Terry's hands were on his wrists, forcing them back down towards Butch's crotch. Al tried twisting them away a few times, but when it became obvious the kid was steering Al's hands towards Butch's goods, Al pulled away.

"I ain't doin that!"

"Doin what?" Terry's voice all innocent and soft.

"You know damn well what! I ain't gonna be... y'know... touchin him... down there!"

"Butch?" Terry played it for broke "this guy don't wanna finish with your massage. And he only been at it... what? twenty minutes now?" looking at Steve.

"Twenty-four" Al heard Steve from across the room.

"Hey!" Al pulled the stinking t-shirt off his face "who's side you on here?" and that's when he saw what was making Butch all tense and groaning. He looked down between those huge bent legs and could not miss seeing the blunt end of something disappearing beneath those huge balls. Damn, that kid had stuck something up the big guy's butt! While Al was rubbing his hands all over the naked dude's body! Al was backing away from the bench as fast as he could "godDAMN!" turning back to Steve "turn that thing off now!"

"Too late for that" Terry raised his greasy hands to show Al "looks like we're both caught red-handed, right?"

"You maybe not me! I'm not... I mean... I ain't like that... I'm married with fuckin kids for crissakes!"

"Who're gonna be all fulla questions with you coming home dressed like that!" Terry did not need to point at what was slowing deflating in Al's pouch "right?"

"Goddamn this... this was not supposed to-"

"Okay double or nothing?" Terry knew this guy's buttons like he could see them in bright fluorescent colors "either you finish the massage - ALL the massage - or one more crack at these!" re-shuffling the three cards "same cards, same rules. What's it gonna be?"

"No... I mean..." Al's eyes never leaving those cards. Terry almost laughed watching his eyes zoom in on the three cards. Talk about shooting ducks in a barrel! "but..."

"You decide" Terry moving his hand back and forth, almost hypnotized the guy "finish it or take your chances. What's it-" and before Terry could move his hand away fast enough, Al reached out and grabbed one of the cards.

Hell, it was worth the gamble if he had a chance of not rubbing his hands all over the musclehead's goods. He turned over the card and threw it in Terry's face; it was the King of Hearts!

"Damnit!" Al yelled "this is all RIGGED!"

"Fair and square buddy, fair and square" Terry held the two remaining cards "so who's gonna be putting his hands all over your-"

"Not my... not my..." Al looked at Steve, or rather the camera "not... y'know down there!"

"Dude don't want no one massaging his tools" Bo raised himself up to his elbows, lowering his legs carefully. Even Al could figure out that damn thing was still up his hole.

"And NOTHING like... that!" Al nodded over at Bo. In a way he had just agreed to being someone's punching bag. But who? "so who's gonna..." Terry held out the two remaining cards to Bo. He took one and turned it over for Al to see. It was the Two!

"Okay here's the deal-"

"No deal no deal!" Al yelled, hoping Steve would come to his aid. But Steve just moved the camera closer to the damn table as Bo slid himself off the shiny greasy leather. Al was mopping it down with a towel, again indicating his tacit approval of this.

"The deal is..." Terry gave Bo a small wink "no one touches your dick okay mister straight and married?"

"Okay right."

"But the deal is even without anyone goin near your dick, I bet you're gonna be hard and beggin in fifteen minutes-"

"No WAY!"

"Wanna bet?" which to Al was like saying: wanna breathe?

"No WAY I'm gonna bone up, not fifteen minutes not fifteen hours-"


"Of course!"

"And if you lose-"

"Which I ain't!" Al was being challenged right in his macho ego, his straight status on the line now "I ain't like that" almost nodding at Bo "I don't bone for dudes!"

"Well if you don't 'bone for dudes' as you say" Terry was gonna love this "you get clothes - decent clothes - to wear home, and..." looking at Steve "let's say that humungous debt cut in half-"

"Deal!" from Al, but Steve hesistated. After a quick discussion, he finally relented.

"But if you lose..."

"I WON'T lose!"

"If you do..." Terry looked at Bo "y'gotta do whatever the big goliath tells ya!"

"Wait no!"

"I ain't the fuckin sadist" Bo was leaning forward a bit, his hands on his knees "like that crazy kid there."

"Crazy am I?" Terry patted the bench, seeing Al hesitate "I'm a big soft pussycat."

"Like hell!" Al looked at Steve, then Bo, finally at the pussycat "remember... nothing..." looking down at his jock.

"Speaking of that" Terry folded his arms "if we're gonna do this fair and square, we gotta be able to make sure that dick of yours stays down-"

"So you wear this!" throwing that t-shirt at Al again "you decide where!"

"Fuck..." Al knew he would never ever let himself get aroused by this idiot of a kid massaging him. But he knew it would be better to have his face hidden either way. Before he got any more lip from the kid, he tied it over his head. Then he turned his back to the room and down came that soggy jockstrap. He was almost glad to get it off his body, his balls getting a slight tug to get them breathing again. He got up on the table face down. That lasted all of three second before he heard the kid tell him to roll it over. With all the eagerness of a condemned man Al rolled onto his back, his balls and dick flopping onto his thigh. He waited for the kid to make a comment but instead felt two hands slap cold grease onto his neck. He tried to jerk forward but the kid's hands were smoothing and warming that grease all over his shoulders and then down to his arms. Damn if it didn't feel good! Hell, fifteen minutes of the kid working his sore arms and he would almost think of tipping him. He was too busy falling into the pleasurable feelings coming from his shoulders and arms to notice the kid's hands spending more and more time on his chest. The next thing he knew his nipples were starting to nub under the kid's rapidly moving fingers. Almost automatically Al lifted his legs, protecting his crotch.

"Feels good don't it?" Terry's hands moved in tight little circles over Al's chest and then down to his sides. He knew exactly how much pressure to apply and where to get the maximum effect. Shit, he didn't need to see what Al was hiding between his bent legs now; he knew just how to make a dude squirm. Before Al knew what was happening he was squirming and wiggling as Terry's fingers started digging into his sides and then up to his pits. He was sweating and panting as Terry eased back a few notches, going back to flat palms on Al's belly. As he did, his hand kept up a steady kneading and pushing, Al having little traction on the slippery padding beneath him, his back and shoulders sliding further and further down the table. Each time he had to reposition his feet until they were almost curled over the edge. That's when Terry moved down to that end, his hands rubbing up and down both calves, easing the feet further apart, then up to his knees, making a dramatic show of not touching Al anywhere near his thighs. When Terry saw himself approaching the ten-minute point, he gestured for Bo to come over next to him. He whispered something in Bo's ear and Al heard his response,

"No fuckin way! You sick in the head kid?" Al almost pulled the cloth off his face, thinking the two were about to have a slug-fest any second. But Terry's hands never left his knees so he stayed put. After a bit more arguing, it sounded like Butch let out a deep semi-vocalized grunt then went somewhere towards the bottom of the table. All Al knew was Terry's hands were back on his chest, curling and tickling around his nipples when he felt something like a warm breath between his upturned thighs. And when he felt Butch's face near his ass he almost shot off that table like a skyrocket. But Terry's hands were forcing him flat,

"You don't move, you don't budge got it?" Terry forced him down "five minutes and that's it got it?"

"But but NO!" Al yelled as he felt something hot and wet at his crack.

"No one's gonna go near your dick just like we agreed got it?"

"But but STOP!" Al felt Butch's tongue start pressing into his crack. In all his long straight life he never EVER felt anything like that. Everything told him to fly off that table and suffer the consequences but then those fingers were back on his nipples and between the sensations coming from his shithole and his tits he knew he was losing the bet. Even if he wanted to, he could not get off the table now, not with his cock swelling like a cheap balloon. He tried to press his thighs together to prevent the inevitable but all that did was squeeze that tongue deeper into his crack and then it found his hole. And when it started lapping around in little circles and even try to push in, Al knew he was royally fucked! His hands grabbed the sides of the table, his fingers digging in painfully hoping that would take his mind off what was happening to his crotch, and with the kid's fingers making his nipples as hard as his dick, he knew he was trapped. Just when those mental images of hospital geriatric patients started a slight loosening and crinkling in his balls he heard,

"TIME!" and someone's hands were pulled his legs down and over the end of the table. Al did not have to pull the t-shirt off his face to know his cock was pointing at the ceiling, hard and pulsing with his pounding heartbeat.

Instead of someone laughing at him, or making a grab at his obvious hardon, he heard a deep booming voice say,

"Double or nothin?"

"What?" Al sat up, that t-shirt off his face and over his crotch in one swift motion. He looked at Butch standing there, very naked and very sweaty. The way his muscles shone in this light almost made Al ask himself why he was even here; this dude was obviously the star of this little show. The kid over there, naked and grinning was just what? contrast?

"What did you say? Something about double or nothing?"

"Wait Butch" Terry was trying to throw himself between the two "he lost his bet, remember?"

"Yeah he remembers" Steve moved the camera back to a safe distance "right Al?"

"But that was cheating!" Al looked at Bo "you cheated."

"What, you don't like some dude playin with yer hole?" Terry posed between them "cause your dick sure as hell-"

"That's my bet" Bo turned to Terry, large and intimidating "MY bet now, got it?"

"Wait, I never agreed-"

"Lemme get the cards" Terry was running around trying to find where they all landed. He finally gave up and went back to the pack.

"Don't be needin those" Bo looked where Al was sitting on the side of table, his towel trying to cover himself "just that pole of yours."

"Hey wait..." Al braced for some insult to his manhood. He was not as big as the massive bodybuilder but hell who was? "don't start about-"

"That pole of yours sure does get hard easy - no don't gotta say nothin - and I'm bettin that thing can stay hard for..." looking at Terry then Steve "half hour tops."

"What kinda comment is-"

"Not only bone hard but..." now it was Bo's turn for the sucker punch "not only hard but I'm bettin y'can't keep that pole o'yours from blowin yer load-"

"No!" Al was off the table, the t-shirt pressed against him like a shield "don't touch my cock!"

"Don't need t'be touchin and grabbin" Bo looked at Terry. Terry saw Bo's glance go from him to the bench behind him. Terry started swelling just thinking what the big guy might have in mind "t'make sure... Hulk... why don't ya tie my hands up" Bo held his hands behind his head "so mister bonehard sees I won't be grabbin at his meat pole there."

"Wait... what?" Al looked at Bo then Terry, then Steve "y'wanna tell me what these two are up to?"

"Ask'm" Steve changed cassettes and went back to his warm chair "I'm just the help here."

"Well?" Al looked at Terry "you know what this is all about?"

"Ask the big man" Terry looked around, finding the closest straps. He went over and tied Bo's hands together, then looped it around his neck so he could not lower his arms without strangling himself. All it did was make his arms and chest muscles stand out more. Even tied up, the dude looked intimidating as hell.

"Well Butch?"

"Half hour I get to do whatever... no ain't about nothin violent or shit" Bo chucked "that's HIS scene" nodding at Terry. All Terry could do was shrug in agreement "no this is just what I call goofin, okay? Half hour of goofin, you don't empty those balls and what say?" lookin at Steve "cut it in half?"

"This I gotta see" Steve shook his head.

"Me too!" from Terry "so what's my part here?"

"Don't worry kid" Bo smirked "we still in that bonus round."

"Fuuck..." Terry looked at Bo, or rather his crotch "you're on."

"Hey what'm I supposed to be doin" Al looked between the two "while you two are scoring your bonus points."

"Just relaxin..." Bo looked around "like right there" nodding at the pad on the floor.

"Doin what?"

"Just lay your ass down there and relax your tired bones" Bo chuckled "I mean bone."

"Just lie here" and then Al did the dumb thing. He did it. He plunked down on the floor, lying on his stomach. Seeing the two standing over him, he realized that was a bad idea and flipped onto his back fast "like this?"

"You got it?"

"And... do what?"

"Just lie there just like that" Bo straddled over him, staring down past his firm belly at Al's crooked face.

"You're gonna do something funny-"

"Naw... just goofin."

"Goofin with my dick!" Al sat up again "I know."

"Okay one last time" Bo looked down at him "I won't be grabbin yer precious pole - Hulk here won't be touchin it either right?" Terry shrugged and nodded "so nobody's gonna be grabbin at your dick, not ever Stevie boy over there, right?" but Steve just ignored the comment "and t'make sure you ain't cheatin and jerkin it yerself" Bo looked at Terry "that's your job, you keep him from pullin on his pole got it?"

"Tie him too?" Terry was all for that.

"Not if the straight married dude promises not to jerk his meat for the camera."

"Fuck I ain't gonna do that!" but Al did shoot a nervous look in that direction "look Steve, can you turn it off now? Please?"

"Stays on" Bo growled "part of the bet. Okay, half hour and y'don't shoot yer load got it?"

"I ain't shooting..." Al lay back, putting his hands behind his head like he was catching some rays. He had no idea what the big dude was planning, but if he was going to keep his hands, if they all were going to keep their hands, away from his stuff, what's the worst - and then it hit him like a truck! The musclehead was gonna blow him!

But Al looked at him, almost laughing at the thought. Even if the big dude would do something like that - which Al was betting he wouldn't - how could he with his hands tied like that and those cords around his neck. That would make it awkward if not impossible. So Al lay there, assured nothing too kinky was going to happen. Then he heard Butch yell something to the kid about "second drawer, egg thing" and that almost caused Al to sit up and turn around. Except that Bo had lowered himself, until he was crouching just over Al's chest. So Al did not see what Terry rummaged from the drawer and brought around to Bo.

"Okay, time that thing comes outa me" Bo was on his knees now, stradding Al's chest. If he lowered his weight entirely Al knew he would pass out then and there. Luckily Bo stayed on his knees, but did lean forward. Al had to turn his head and press against the mat to keep from getting a faceful of Bo's crotch. The thought of having that tube near his mouth made his heart start pounding again. As much as the thought wanted to make his dick shrivel, the scent coming from all that flesh so close to his face had the opposite effect. Then Al felt the kid's hands very close to the t-shirt covering his crotch,

"Hey no touchin me down there!"

"Relax" Terry ran his hand between Bo's cheeks, finding the stump of the dildo in him. Before Al got any more ideas, Terry got a hold of the greasy end and started a slow steady tug. Bo leaned forward and the tube was pulled from his hole with a loud pop! Terry made a point of dropping it and hitting Al's front with it, an evil grin on his face. Al felt it but could not see it behind Bo's large waist. He was about to scream something about keeping it away from his ass when Terry lifted it and showed it to Al,

"See? Dude's man enough to take that up him! Even it wasn't entirely up to him" Terry cracked a smile, then a huge laugh erupting from his chest. Al was the only one not to get the joke "so what am I supposed to do with-"

"Never you mind right now" Bo interrupted "now we gonna get Al here all relaxin n'goofin..." and Bo lifted himself back to his knees while Al took a few deep breaths, even that partial weight on him causing his ribcage to ache and complain. He suddenly felt very small and very fragile beneath all this industrial-grade muscle. So when he felt those large balls make contact with his belly, he knew he was in a bad spot. But Bo just started a slow rubbing forwards and backwards, his heavy genitals sliding up and down, both their bodies greased like serious machinery. Al looked down at how Butch was using his body as a lubed surface, and how his balls and dick were bending forward and backwards with the sliding up and down up and down. And each time Bo smeared his crotch along Al's front, he managed to slide further down, until their mismatched genitals were rubbing up and down each other. Okay, so I'm gonna start boning, Al told himself, closing his eyes, like that wasn't in the plan. And when he felt those balls start a longer and harder pressure against the underside of his flipped cock, he knew there was only one way for his cock to go. And everytime Bo's crotch pressed upwards, his cock was squeezed fuller and longer. This was not the ideal or preferable way to get his cock to respond, he told himself, but damn, it was sure doing the trick.

"So what am I supposed to be doin here?" Terry stood there feeling like a sweaty naked third wheel. He was about to throw in the towel - or in his case find one - when he saw Bo start sliding up and down Al's front with a different effort. Instead of applying pressure on the way up, now Bo was pressing down into Al's midsection on the downward slide. Terry had a real good, a real bad! idea what he was doing. Terry looked around until he found something that might come in handy. He detached two of the leather cushions from the head and middle of the padded table and brought them over to where the two were "goofin" as Bo put it. He showed them to Bo who had to laugh,

"This hulk kid's mean AND smart" Bo lifted up to a crouch over Al. As he did the whole world could see what all this rubbing was doing to Al's front.

His entire midsection from his navel south was red and shiny with the friction. But nothing like what this was doing to the dude's dick. It was all shiny and bone hard from the constant rubbing, and so red it looked like somebody dipped it in paint. Bo's hands on Al's chest got him to open his eyes "okay lift up yer butt."

"What for?" Al muttered, catching a breather from all this attention.

"So yer butt don't get sore from the floor" Bo sounded all soothing and concerned. So Al bent his hips and when he did Terry slipped the two cushions under his ass. Now with his back bent and his crotch lifted up and forward, Bo had an easier time lowering himself down so their crotches could smash together. When Terry returned with that tub of grease, Bo took some and slapped it down on Al's belly.

"Hey! What'd ya do that for?"

"Don't want ya gettin a rash right?" Bo's crotch was right there, smearing his balls and dick with the fresh grease, smearing it up and down, then further down Al's pubes and then down Al's dick and balls. When Al felt the increased lubrication, he let out an involuntary sigh of pleasure.

The next thing he knew, Bo was rotating his ass backwards and forwards over his angled crotch and before he could protest, felt his cock bent upwards from Bo's gyrating and then the head went into somewhere very tight and very hot. With all the lube he was half-way into Bo's ass before it hit him! He was buttfucking this great big musclehead crouching on top of him!

Al tried to lift himself up and somehow slide out from beneath the great mass of flesh, but then he felt that Hulk kid starting to jab something prickly into his toes. His automatic reaction was to pull his feet back, lifting his knees, and shoving his great hard straight cock deeper into what was that hot slippery sleeve, only the third hole his dick ever invaded and he hated to admit, the most amazing of them all. He was too busy thrusting his hips up into that hole, the fuck muscles taking over like a wind-up toy, to notice the kid was pushing his feet further back until they were half-way to his butt. When the kid tried to move them apart, Al reacted as automatically as before: he tried a swift kick to the kid's gut!

But Terry was on familiar territory here, knowing all the moves and signs. When he saw Al tense and try to kick him, he twisted the foot inward so the blow was thwarted before going anywhere. And Terry had his full weight on his hands, keeping those feet back and spread, just like all the times he had some puny kid all bent and twisted beneath him, a pretzel of pain waiting for the blows to come down on the exposed ass. But Terry knew this was not about reddening some punk's ass; this was a much bigger stronger guy. And the device hidden behind him was not going to redden that butt; it was going IN that butt.

Terry did not have to apply much more grease to Al's already smeared crack, but when his finger found that hole Bo almost was bucked through the ceiling. And he would have been had he been two hundred pounds lighter. And had Bo not been bolted to Al's crotch, Al's cock permanently embedded deep inside his ass. And when Al tried to buck him off and somehow pull away from that finger touching him in his most forbidden area, all that happened was he managed to drive his cock the full eight inches deep into Bo's spasming hole. If Al had opened his eyes and looked down at where their two bodies were soldered together he would have seen Butch's dick growing and lengthening down his belly, pointing up to his chest as it filled and darkened. And when Al gave that back-breaking jolt up into Bo's ass, he would have seen that black monster flip and burp out a drop of clear fluid. But Al was more concerned with that finger prodding at his clenched hole, and then it happened! The greased finger invaded him!

"Stop! NO! Get that OUT OF ME!" Al screamed and bucked, trying to grab onto the mat beneath him from traction, but by that point everything, especially his hands, were so slippery he could do nothing but slide and twist, Bo's ass pressing down into his bent crotch. Even at that angle, his dick stayed firmly buried deep in there, his ass bent up and forward from the cushion beneath, as well as his feeble attempts to push him out and free from this torture. When he thought that finger had worked its way in and out of his hole enough to make his see stars, he felt something cold and hard at his hole. Before he had a chance to clench himself tight, it slipped into him, and as rapidly his sphincter clamped shut behind it. Something hard and round was buried inside him and was not going anywhere.

As soon as Terry's hands were off his feet, Al kicked his legs free, hoping to connect with something like pained flesh. Instead he kicked air as his legs straightened out in front of him. As he did, that tight spasming hole descended down on his cock to the base with a loud whoosh! Al was pinned and not going anywhere.

"Five minutes" Al heard that Hulk asshole call out. He tried to open his eyes, but all he could see was Butch's massive front through his tears. Then everything went dark as something warm descended onto his chest. Al looked down, trying to pull up the t-shirt that had fallen down again, but his arms were pinned by someone's thighs. The fuckin kid was sitting on his chest!

"Ya think ya can blow by then?" Al heard Hulk ask. But the tight hole riding up and down his cock was going to make him blow in seconds not minutes.

"Ungghh unghh stop! I can't stop I'm gonna..." Al groaned and yelled, twisting his head back and forth, pulling the t-shirt off his face as best he could. Even with that baseball in his ass, his dick was threatening to explode any time now. And that ass just kept oozing up and down up and down, his cock stuck with no where to go.

"Not you" he heard the kid say "you!"

"Oh fuck..." he heard that deep booming voice vibrating right down to his dick "yeah..." Bo moaned as he felt the kid's greased hand start a rapid jacking of his fully hard cock, jutting out and against Terry's cock, their two crotches inches apart, their combined weight threatening to squash Al like a bug. And when Bo started bucking and humping his cock into Terry's fist, his ass tightening and pumping the life out of Al's swelling cock he lost it! Al thrusted upward again and again as far as he could as he unloaded deep inside Bo's spasming hole. Bo felt the hot fluids flushing his insides, his face twisted with the sensations coming from his knub and then the kid's hand on his cock went crazy.

"Yer gonna blow yer load y'hear me? I'm gonna keep pullin and yankin and you're gonna cream for me, y'got no say in this, I'm stearing this pole now" Terry's hand a blur up and down the great length of Bo's cock, his other hand a blur on his own cock, their two heads slamming into each other "cum ya muther! Cum cum cum!" Terry kept chanting, tugging harder and faster on both sets of cocks, and then he felt that gigantic tube swell and Bo unloaded his white gism all over Terry's crotch. But Terry's hold just tightened as his own cock responded to being bathed in the giant musclestud's juice and then he unloaded as well. His eruption splattered Bo's pecs, slowly oozing down to that great heaving belly. Terry rolled off Al's chest as soon as he realized what he had just done. The full implication hit him like a two-by-four right between the eyes: he just jacked the guy off! He just nutted on him at the same time! He was damned for good now...

"Let me up... let me up" Bo heard a weak voice beneath him.

"Glad to hear you're still breathin down there" Bo eased up a bit on his knees, giving the poor sucker some air. Al tried to extricate his cock from that hole, but somehow that basketball up his hole was preventing him from going completely soft.

"Ya lost yer muthafuckin bet" Bo squeezed his ass tight around Al's shrinking cock "I can feel yer juice in me-"

"Goddamnit" Al tried to wiggle lose but Bo was not budging.

"Admit it!" Bo's ring tightened around Al like an angry fist "you lost!"

"I... er... I mean..."

"Not even ten minutes and you're cummin like a oversexed kid" Bo looked over where Terry was trying to wipe the evidence of his crimes off his front "like that Hulk there. Admit it!" and he squeezed tight around that dick again.

"Okay okay!" Al was almost whining "just get up off my dick! You're killin me!"

"I'm guessin that dick of yours real sensitive like" Bo eased up, sliding off Al with a steady motion. Al finally came out with a soft pop! "yeah, guys dicks all super-tender when they cum, right?"

"Damn..." Al reached down between their bodies, rubbing his cock tenderly. Then he remembered where that cock had been and flinched. His hand came away, greasy and dripping "damn... I gotta clean this-"

"Hey Hulk!" Bo yelled, pulling away from Al and sitting his sore ass down on the mat next to Al "dude here needs something to clean himself."

"Here!" Terry tossed something at Al, hitting him in the stomach. Al grabbed it and started rubbing himself fast before he realized what it was. It was some oversized sweatshirt. Didn't they say something about him wearing this home? And now it was all smeared with his cum and god knows what? He didn't know if he should cover himself with it or toss it in the corner with disgust. He got to his knees, noticing a fat plastic cord dropping from his ass to a small plastic box. He was about to yank it and that softball out of himself when he heard that kid yell,

"I wouldn't try that if I were you!"

"Hey!" Al felt where the cord went into him and gave it a tug. Yeah, it was attached to that thing in him "what the hell-"

"You lost your bet" Terry came over to him "so pay up!"

"But... I mean..." shooting a desperate look at Steve "Steve! C'mon!"

"Hey I'm just a fly on a wall here" raising his hands, then patting the camera slightly "I'm just the hired help."

"Steve c'mon!"

"Talk to your boys there" Steve nodded at Bo, then Terry "they're the ones you're in deep to."

"Guys!" Al tried to look angry and out of patience, but standing there naked and covered with grime, he looked more ridiculous than threatening "enough's fuckin enough!"

"Double or nothing?" Terry loved this game. Like the guy was just asking for it!

"No more bets!" Al heard himself say. Even Steve coughed when he heard that. He doubted if Al even knew what the words meant.

"So how you planning on gettin outa this one... boss..." Steve knew it was hitting the fan, but he also knew Steve would never, could never, retaliate against him now.

"I don't know!" Al looked at Bo, seeing the real ringleader now "you!"

"What about me!"

"You're the one!"

"The one what?"

"You set me up!"

"Man..." Bo smirked at Terry then back at Al "you set yourself up. Now you gotta pay the man" nodding at Steve next.

"But... but..." Al had gotten into some bad situations before, but this one was the capper. He looked at Bo "help me out here!"

"Well there is a way..." Terry was seeing nothing if not dollar signs. Hell if this dude was Steve's boss, and did own this place, or at least part of it, he had to be good for some bucks. Terry did not know where all this dough was coming from, but he was not leaving here with hitting this one out of the park "Butch? I'm sure you're thinkin somethin right now."

"Butch" Al turned to him next "or whatever your name is... at least gimme some clothes so I can go home-"

"And do what?" Bo had heard bullshit like this before "lock the door? Pretend this shit never happened? Or worse..." he remembered how the whole thing blew up in his face not twenty-four hours before "get city hall involved?"

"NO!" Al yelled "I would never - I mean I can't-"

"Good" Bo felt about fifty pounds come off him "we seein this thing clear now..." he looked at Terry who was mouthing "bonus bonus" then to Steve "first thing, drop that skanky sweatshirt. Don't want your jizz all over my fine clothes there."

"Yours?" Al looked down at what was pressed against his front "this yours?"

"Yeah" Bo smirked at Steve "so hand it over!"


"Do it..." Bo's voice rattled the metal roof "now!"


"First thing you better start learnin bout takin orders. Right Hulk?"

"Right" Terry stood there, hoping he could have five minutes with this guy.

"But..." but Al lifted the sweatshirt off himself and handed it to Bo. Who tossed it away with a grimace.

"Okay, here's the deal like I see it. First, mister straight and married hasta find a way t'get home to the wife and kids without gettin arrested for public indecency like, is what I'm seeing, am I lyin?"

"But... okay" Al had his hands plastered over his crotch, what little good that was doing at this point.

"Hands on your head!" Terry boomed, almost trying to sound like Bo.


"Hands on your head" Bo repeated "while we sort this shit out. No more but but buts, got it?"

"Bu-okay" Al knew he had to get out of this somehow "can I at least get this thing outa my-"

"Up to you" Terry gave Bo a wink "but as soon as that's outa ya, one of us replaces it. So you decide" Terry watched Al stopped tugging on it fast "that stays in or, Bo? y'want a turn in his ass instead?"

"NO!" Al screamed, then threw his hands back on his head fast "I mean... no! Not that!"

"So who ya want buttfuckin YOU now..." Bo even gave himself a shake "me or the kid there!"

"No please not that!" Al was almost crying "Steve, tell them you won't let them-"

"Up to you" Terry came over and made point of standing right in Al's face "keep that in yer hole or me and big Butch there take turns up your hole."

"No... okay..." Al coughed "no I mean, okay it stays in, okay? OKAY?"

"Fine by me" Terry smirked "but y'don't know what yer missin. That log on Butch there, man, you'd be singin a different tune after you had that pony ride" and even Bo chuckled at that. Steve just shrugged when Al glared at him.

"Okay, so if I keep this in..." Al wiggled his ass, clenching and unclenching his cheeks trying to find a more comfortable way to stand "then can I... y'know leave?"

"Gimme just fifteen minutes..." Terry had a belt in his hand, snapping it against his bare thigh again and again "just fifteen minutes with the dude. Then he can have all the clothes he wants" snap! down came the belt on Terry's leg. Al winced when he heard that.

"No please..." Al looked at Bo "help me out here. Don't let the kid-"

"Wail on you like he was doin on me y'mean?" Bo looked at Steve then back to Al "y'saw enough of that tape to see the kid's one mean little somabitch, right?"

"Yeah yeah, so help me-"

"You decide" Bo folded his arms over his big shiny chest "fifteen... no make that a half hour" nodding at Terry "a nice big fat bonus half-hour, you decide!"

"Decide what?" Al knew he was fucked no matter what.

"Half hour with me callin the shots" Bo bit his lip to keep a straight face "or a half hour with that sadistic little thug there" and right on cue snap! down came that belt again.

"Damn... okay" Al bit his own lip, but for different reasons "okay... but... if..." he looked at Bo, or rather Bo's cock "but I mean... this thing" wiggling his ass "stays in me right?"

"Shit now the dude LIKES his toy" Terry chuckled "I've seen everything now."

"No I mean..." Al lowered his gaze, not wanting to look Bo in the eye "y'know... no... none of that..." nodding his head at Bo's crotch without looking up "y'know... buttfuckin..."

"Sheeeet" Bo threw his head back "even if y'want y'couldn't take me up you!" Bo shook his head "I want my money, not t'put some married-n-children dude in the hospital!"

"Okay..." Al felt the cold sweat dripping and running down him "okay... then... you... I mean, not the kid, you..."


"Yeah, right, half-hour."

"No more 'but but but' bullshit? I tell ya t'do somethin and you just jump and do it, right?"

"Yeah..." Al's eyes flew open "I mean as long as it's not... that."

"Okay no dicks goin up yer butt okay?" Bo smirked and looked at Terry "y'agree t'that, Hulk?"

"Damn..." Terry gave himself a tug "here I was lookin forward to riding that butt."

"NO!" Al's hands flew off his head backing away "you agreed!"

"Kid's hot for ass but not today" Bo smiled "so we agreed all of us, right?

No dick's goin up your straight butt."


"First thing, hands back on that heada yours" Bo commanded looking around for something. After a few seconds he gave up "keep'm there. And no buts! Got it?"

Okay okay" Al's hands were back on his head, trying not to look where the camera was moving.

"Okay what?" Terry snapped the belt "y'mean, okay sir!"


"Say it!" snap!

"Shit... okay... sir" Al's voice cracked. Of all the things today, saying sir to this punk kid was almost the worst.

"Okay I'm callin the shots now" Bo looked at Terry "don't you worry. This goes right we all get our bonuses. And mister straight dick there goes home all clean and shiny, no one the wiser" looking at Steve "right?"

"Don't ask me."

"We got a half hour left" nodding at the camera "right?"

"Sure it's your funeral."

"You mean mine" Al stood there, glancing down at how he must look right now "I mean mine sir."

"You got it you got it..." Bo nodded at Terry "okay y'wanna know what ol Bo-I mean Butch here has in mind? Well it's somethin gonna make your head spin and make smoke come outa your ears" to Terry "botha you."

"Wait I thought-" Terry held the belt with a certain confusion.

"You been thinkin too much" Bo smiled "ain't good for someone yer age" to Al "let us grown folks do the thinkin now. And the first think I'm thinkin here..." Bo scratched his chin "is you two need to put some iron in those dicks o'yers. Now!"

"But" from Terry before Al had a chance to object.

"Let's see which one of you two can get up fastest" Bo chuckled deep and slow "and no cheatin. No hands."

"What?" from both of them, Al ending "sir?"

"Almost forgot" Bo looked around, then finding that tub of grease "Hulk, y'make sure that thing in Al there don't come loose on'm okay?"


"If that thing falls out, then I ain't responsible" Bo gave himself a pull "jus pullin yer leg."

"What you want me to-"

"Make sure it's... it up there nice'n tight" Bo started smearing himself with the grease, slow and easy "you know you're there when Al starts moanin and whinin. Hurry up boy time's wastin!"

"No, I can do that-" Al started to lower his hand.

"I tell you to drop those hands?"


"No what?"

"I mean no sir" Al saw this getting worse and worse. But if it mean going home in one piece, then he could "sir" himself right through this minefield if that is what it took "sorry sir."

"Better. Well get to it boy."

Terry smeared some of that grease on his hand and went over to where Al was already bending forward slightly. As soon as the cold slimy hand made contact with his crack, Al winced and wished he had never walked in that door today. Even before the finger found the cord going into his rectum Al was moaning and wimpering.

"Stop yer whinin" Bo had his cock nice and coated, and was starting to smear it beneath his balls and back "I want ya to tell me what it felt like, the first time - I'm suspectin the first time - you had that dick of yours up some guy's hole. Talk t'me!"

"Ow... ouch..." Al wimpered as the finger finally approached his puckering hole.

"Start talkin!"

"Okay okay..." Al felt the slipperiness on his ring now. As it started to force against the resistance Al said "well it felt... like... like... I don't know..."

"Keep talkin" Bo's own fingers were smearing himself now, a slight moan escaping as he felt the grease being pushed into himself.

"I mean I never felt anything like that!" Al winced as Terry's fat finger invaded him "oh damn... I mean, sir. I mean... I didn't know what all your 'goofin' was about... and when the kid ouch!" Terry reminded him who was on the receiving end now "sorry, I mean Hulk, when he put those things under my butt... oh" Al felt the finger find the end of the softball inside him and start pushing it "oh... fuck..."

"Keep talkin" from Terry now.

"I mean... oh... fuuuuuck... oh... and when you, Butch started sliding your dick up and down my dick... oh oh oh" Al tried to adjust himself, rocking forward as that thing inside him was forced deeper into him.

"Got ya all horned up right?" Bo's voice was low, his eyes closed.

"Daaaamn" Al moaned, feeling the hard ball rub against something inside him. He had a good idea what it was pushing against, and a better idea what it would do "oh fuck... yeah I got real hard, what was I supposed to do, all greased and you rubbing up and down my pole..." Al leaned forward, that thing starting to do a real number on his prostate "yeah... but I never thought you'd fuckin go and sit on my dick!"

"No one forced ya" Terry forced his finger in hard, hoping this was what Butch wanted. When he saw Al's ass start shaking and clenching, he knew it was home.

"And my dick up yer hole and then you shovin this in me... sir..."

"Keep talkin..."

"I never felt anything so so intense before and when I started having an orgasm..."

"Y'mean ya shot your load up my chute."

"Yeah... yeah..." Al was moaning and writhing now. Bo nodded and withdrew his fingers from between his legs.

"Okay, so now we see which one of you gonna throw up some iron first" Bo stood there watching Terry's hand fly to his dick "no, no hands I told ya."


"Al... the kid was real nice t'ya gettin ya all horny n'all" Bo stood right next to them "so why don't ya return the favor."


"Get down on yer knees. Hulk you know what t'do."

No... I mean..."

"Y'get down on those knees" Bo put his hands on Al's shoulders heavy enough to mean business "and y'say thank you sir, for lettin me get outa the shit y'got yerself in! Now!" and those giant paws pushed down. Al knew he was beaten.

He dropped to his knees, fearing he would have to do it. He would have to suck dick. And when he saw the kid stand in front of him, and he smelled that smell coming from the kid's crotch, that same smell that hit him when he came into the place before, his dick gave a jump. But he was too busy feeling the kid's pubes pushing into his nose to worry about what was happening to his own privates. But having his nose right in the kid's crotch, the scent of fucking and cum and everything! just right there, Al knew something inside his head just snapped. And when Terry started shoving his cock between his lips, Al opened up and his tongue tasted dick for the first time.

"Just so y'don't think I'm tryin to cheat ya" Bo leaned down and found the little box at the end of Al's cord. He hit a button and turned a nob to the sound of a soft muffled humming "that'll even it up I guess."

Al knelt there, feeling a cock - a kid's cock! - in his mouth and then deep inside him, that watermelon started vibrating and humming, and the sensation went right to his prostate. He never ever had anything inside him do anything like this, and the sensation just about made him lose it. His hands flew off his head fast, but Hulk grabbed him and put them back there, or rather wrenched his arms backwards with such force, Al almost toppled over. But when his mouth found that warm tube again, he just knew it was bigger than before. Damn, this kid is getting turned on by this! He starting to get a hard-on, in my mouth! And what if... Al almost gagged at the thought of the kid ejaculating in his mouth. But right now his worry was what would happen if the kid's dick kept getting bigger. And then Terry felt himself responding to this dude, this straight married adult on his knees worshipping his dick and he just started filling and growing, knowing once he got hard, this time he would not go down ever, not until his bonus load was finally pumped out of him. And it would take more than a fuckin half hour for him to cum this time.

Bo stood there, tugging at his own lubed cock as casual as if he were home alone. Once he turned on that egg-shaped vibrator he knew that Al guy would be in for a real surprise. But Bo was the one to get a surprise, seeing Al's dick start to fill and redden, almost as fast as the kid's dick going in and out of Al's gagging mouth.

"Okay you two fun's over" Bo watched Terry pull his hard dick free of that warm mouth with a great sigh and pout "here's the deal. You each take turns, five minutes each. Whoever gets me loaded and shootin, wins. Hulk, you win and shit, y'know what you get. Al, you win, and you go home all clean and respectable."

"Five minutes of what?" Al gulped, his throat readjusting to having a cock leave his mouth "I mean what sir."

"Hulk?" Bo went over to the table and rolled himself onto it. He lay on his back, then lifted his knees up to his chest, his greased ass almost hanging over the end "you been such a good sport, you can go first I think."

"Fuucck..." from both of them, with vastly different inflections and meaning. Needless to say, Terry was over to the table so fast his dick was almost sparking. He put his hands on Bo's thighs, no longer squeamish about touching the big dude anywhere now. He was almost stroking Bo's legs as Bo lowered them to Terry's shoulders, and then gasped as he felt the kid bury his cock in him in one steady shove. If Bo gasped, it was nothing compared to the gasp from Al seeing this happen. He looked back to Steve, hoping he would stop this, or at least kill the camera, but Steve was moving it closer, daring Al to interfere.

All he could do was follow Steve, trying to stay behind the camera as best he could. But watching this kid drive a fuck deep into this guy, twice his weight and twice his age, was too crazy to believe. But he was seeing it with his own eyes. His hands were off his head and on his own cock before he realized what he was doing.

"Time" Steve announced, shocking Al out of his fog. Before he knew it, he was the one in front of the camera, with his crotch pressing forward into Bo's hot muscled ass. He didn't realize how hard he was until his cock was pressing again into that tightness. And before he realized that thing inside him was going to drive him crazy, he was pumping away like he could not stop if he wanted. Everytime he rocked his hips back and forth, the box at the end of the cord would swing and bang into the end of the table. Even when he felt Hulk's hand grab it and then a greased finger pushing into his ass, his thrusts into that black flesh in front of him continued at a steady unstoppable pace. And watching the effect this was having on Butch's cock was almost enough to make his gasp. He knew the guy was hung like a horse, even seeing it filled a few times, but this was his first close look when it was full out and throbbing. Each time he slammed his cock into him, that cock throbbed in response. It was mesmerizing how his own cock could have such a dramatic effect on another guy's cock. Like they were connected somehow. Like this thing inside him was connected to his own cock, which was getting closer and closer to exploding a second load, impossible as that seemed so soon after his previous orgasm. Al was standing there, with his hands on his head, a goddamned fucking machine going for broke when he heard,


At first he did not even know what that meant. But then that finger was out of his ass and he was pulled away from that hot clenching amazing hole, his dick just standing straight out waving in the wind. And then Terry was back in Bo, delivering a steady and mean fuck, his greasy hand pulling at Bo's foreskin back and forth back and forth. Al watched and then it hit him: the kid was gonna jack off the big guy while he was getting fucked. And when the big musclehead creams, Al loses!

"Wait! No fair!" Al tried to grab at Terry's hand, but by that point everyone was greased to the gills "you said no hands!"

"He meant OUR dicks" Terry grunted between thrusts "not his!"


"No buts" Terry was racing the clock now, hoping to pull a load from Bo before his turn ended. His dick was slamming harder and harder, that hand a blur on Bo's dick when they all heard "time."

"Fuck..." Bo yelled. But in his case it was an order, not a complaint. And Al was more than happy to shove his cock into a guy's hole now, even if the thought two hours ago would have made him retch. Now he was plunging deeper and deeper into that slimy butt, his own cock responding like crazy to the returning stimulus. He knew he had to do it; he had to grab that telephone pole in front of his face and start masturbating it. His hand had only touched - no grazed! - another cock once in his life. And that was against his will when he was fourteen. He swore no one would ever EVER make him do anything so disgusting ever again. And now here he was grabbing this enormous thing, barely getting his hand around it, shocked how hot and hard it was to his touch. And before he knew what was happening that buzzing inside him turned into a violent loud vibrating and before he could stop it, his cock was erupting his semen deep inside that amazing hole again, his hand jacking that cock without his conscious knowledge. He had his tender cock out and free from that constricting pleasure and pain even before he heard that word "time". And that thing was yanked from his hole with one painful tug.

Al was too busy crouching down to the floor to notice that Hulk kid shoving his cock back into the big guy's hole again. Only when he heard Butch screaming and bucking on the table did he guess the big stud was having his load pulled from him by that kid's fast hand. He got to his feet just as the last of Butch's cream was being milked from the tip of that cock, even larger and harder than he remembered. Then the kid started slamming his crotch forward several times and in a flash pulled out and started squeezing his own cock as it oozed his own orgasm down onto Butch's turkey eggs. Al could only stand there and know he could never go home now.

Next: Chapter 92

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