The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on May 18, 2006


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails or flames expressing outrage will be ignored. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm.

Chapter eight

"So feeling better Bo?" doc Kroos asked examining the patient lying there covered in sweat and a few telltale stains of something thicker than sweat"looks like the plumbing is working just fine."

"I ain't EVER felt anything like that. Is that what was wrong with me?"

"We better make another appointment for you for next Saturday, say about ten?"

"That really necessary?"

"Yes Bo it is, that is if you can fit me into your busy schedule" he gave Bo a broad smile.

"Whatever you say doc" looking down at his shiny dick "and what about the meantime?"

"You better leave that alone until then. We want a good sperm count for Saturday."

"Yknow this morning I woulda said it was outa commission and I was not even tempted to be jackin it... but now..."

"Like I said keep your hands off it" doc said "and that goes for the wife too."

"We're split up for years."

"Well then it's settled. Just leave it be and we'll see you Saturday. Now doc Kroos will show you to the showers."

So Kroos helped Bo off the table and led him down the hall to the shower room. Bo was a little surprised when he followed him in but then saw the several shower heads.

"Ain't taken a shower with another guy since the navy" Bo said looking over at the doc lathering up "but I guess we're kinda like introduced and all now."

"Glad to hear it. So we are gonna see you next Saturday?"

"As long as I can get free. Was supposeta help out with my cousin's kids but I'll see what I can do."

"Good because it is important that we get your test results and make sure everything is fine. We need to get to root of your problem."

"Well doc" Bo said grabbing his cock" looks like this old thing still has some life in it" and he continued soaping his groin but aside from some reddening his cock stayed respectable.

"Say doc..." Bo looked away.

"Yes Bo?"

"Can I ask ya somethin?"

Kroos stopped sudsing himself, suspecting Bo might be readying himself to ask some questions Kroos was not eager to answer. Now that he was coming down from his super orgasm, Bo might be getting clear-headed enough to realize what just happened.

"Doc y'mind scrubbing my back I feel all greasy back there..."

Kroos almost swallowed his tongue! Of all the things he was braced for, that was not one of them. So the doc stepped over to him and just like it was all part of the exam, lathered up Bo's large muscular back and started working his hands down to the massive buttocks.

"Yeah doc that feels so much better, but I think you got that grease all up inside too."

Kroos' hands scrubbed the cheeks and then slowly at first, and then more boldly, the crack between, and then cleaning out the hole. And like Bo said it was real greasy from all the lubricant and ass juices. The more the doc's fingers played with his ass the more Bo leaned back and spread his cheeks.

"Sure feels good doc, a little sore but real good" and Bo just bent over, almost touching the floor.

The doc started to feel himself harden again so he turned away from Bo's backside and went back to lathering Bo's thighs then down to his calves, bending over as he did. Bo looked back and saw the hard tube at doc's crotch, barely disguised.

"What are you thinkin of doing with that pole doc? You ain't thinkin of puttin that anywhere are ya?"

"Of course not! Your treatment ..."

"Well then doc" Bo reached back, lifting Kroos vertical "let me see if I can help ya out a bit" and before Kroos could back away grabbed at the uncircumcised head.

"Sure feels good with skin like this" Bo continued, pulling the foreskin back and forth "I' guessin we both know how it feels so much better."

"Well it sure does feel good" the doc said closing his eyes feeling the slow tingling start.

"Sure'd be something if you cum for me doc. You gonna shoot your load on me? You gonna shoot that white cream all over my big black ass?"

Kroos could not believe what he was hearing! He was more surprised to feel himself so close and he just shot not more than fifteen minutes ago.

"You better ease up I am not sure I should..."

"C'mon doc y'ain't foolin me one bit" Bo's hand kept up its slow stroking "y'gettin all boned playin with my ass, I know where y'comin from doc. Don't be getting all worried n'all, we cool here" Bo's eyes fixed on Kroos' "we got an understanin here now right?"

"Bo... I am a doctor..."

"Doctor gets off on this shit, don't deny it" Bo's hand started a faster rhythm "so right now you can finish getting all that shit outa me and I'll just continue what I'm doin here, clear?"

"But Bo..."

"Go on doc. Clean me out good. I don't want to wake up with my butt all itchy and tinglin like some pussy wantin to get fucked. Okay doc?"

Kroos lifted his right hand to Bo's crack, then both when Bo barked at him.

With all his fingers he continued to clean out Bo's hole, all the while Bo continued the relentless stroking on his hard cock. With his fingers deep inside Bo, Kroos felt himself start to lose the battle.

"Yeah doc, I knew I could win our bet" feeling the dick start to swell in his massive mitt "go on doc, let it out. Do it doc shoot for me, shoot that load, shoot that hot load" and sped the rhythm until he felt Kroos' cock throb in his hand and something warm splash against his asscheek,

"Yeah doc cum on me cum on me" and he started to beat his own meat but was happy to feel it even half-hard. Kroos reached around and started to grab Bo's dick but feeling it almost hard said,

"Well you heard the doc. we better leave this alone til next week."

"Well thought I'd try."

So they finished the shower and headed back to the exam room. Towels were waiting for them but the doc was gone. Bo dried off and got dressed. Promising he'd be back next week he left, softly chuckling to himself.

Jeff and Hank tore out of the building and went over to Jeff's bike.

"Man I stink. I wish I had a shower or something."

"Me too" said Jeff "but I just wanted to get outa there. Right now I gotta go home and take care of this" looking down at his still swollen crotch now tucked into his shorts.

"My folks aren't home" Hank stared at the bike "y'know y'could come over to my place" glancing at Jeff's crotch "we could... I could help... ."

"Gee bud, c'mon Hank you don't hafta-"

"Meet me there in five minutes. I gotta make one stop and then..."

"Well...okay" Jeff got on his bike "meet you in five" and carefully pedaled off.

Jeff also thought he'd stop on the way and get some soda and juice to drink. By the time he got there Hank had still not shown up, so he let himself in the kitchen, yelling through the house but like Hank said the parents were gone. He found the note on the table from Hank's mom saying they'd be back for supper and there was food in the frig, etc etc. So Jeff grabbed the stack of sandwiches and headed for the bedroom shedding his clothes once the first sandwich was in his mouth. He was taking off his shoes and socks when he heard Hank yelling for him from the kitchen. Jeff yelled "I'm in the bedroom" with a mouthful of food, and heard Hank come up the stairs two at a time.

"I'm gonna take a shower now if you don't mind."

"Hell we both need to get cleaned up" Hank said pulling the shirt over his head "I think the people in the store were looking at me funny" and he looked over at Jeff now starting to pull down his shorts.

"You go ahead I'll catch up with you" Hank said watching Jeff's naked backside head into the bathroom. Damn if he ain't still boned up, he thought, stripping off his shoes and then pants. He looked down and saw that he was starting to bone up also. Well Jeff will have to share the shower, he told himself and headed in.

He looked in the shower stall and Jeff was standing under the stream just relaxing.

"Hey don't use up all the hot water bud!"

"I just got in here for cryinoutloud!"

"Hey bud I could scrub your back" Hank said opening the door and getting in.

"Fine by me" Jeff shrugged his muscular shoulders, making some room for Hank.

"Man I could stay like this all fuckin day" Hank said grabbing the soap and starting to scrub Jeff's back.

"Like what?"

"Just soakin in the shower like this, scrubbing my bud."



"You like this?"

"What? Messing around like this?"

"No... I mean..." Jeff hung his head, letting Hank's hands get out all the knots and tensions from the afternoon "I mean always being the one...doing, y'know, stuff for me?"

"You mean like getting you off and stuff? Hell yeah! You the stud Jeff!"

"Well, it's like" Jeff reached behind him and started to feel for Hank's cock "it's like it's always you doin all the work."

"Work? You call this work?"

"No! I mean..."

"Whatya getting at bud?"

"Well I feel like... like I'm this big jerk and I got you into this shit and yet you're the one who's now stuck doin all the heavy lifting" Jeff felt the full hard dick in his hands and with his other hand started to jack himself knowing he could cum in a second like this.

"Shit Jeff" Hank felt himself hard and ready in Jeff's hand "you don't really think that do you?"

"Well yeah..."

"C'mon Jeff that's a lotta crap! You didn't get me into this, I-"

"But that's how it feels."

"Damn...well if you really want to even things up, well then the first thing you can do is get your fuckin hand away from your dick right now!"

Jeff automatically stopped jacking himself and put his hand by his side, "what you have in mind?"

"You really want to get even? You wanna pay me back for all the bad wicked shit you got my innocent virgin ass into?"

"Well I really owe you."


"Yeah really?"

"And you would do what I ask?" Hank asked, now rubbing his hands all over Jeff's back and then his butt and around to the front to his balls and finally the very hard, and very desperate dick.

" are the man Hank!"

"You mean it?"

Jeff felt the hand grab his dick and knew he would sign away his grandmother's his grandfather's, shit his whole family! at that point. He had been horny all morning and not getting to cum at the doc's and now Hank's hand slowly milking his dick.

"Yes Hank anything just don't stop-"

But Hank pulled his hand away and said "Okay you're mine for the next two hours. Anything I say goes got it?"


"Anything bud."

"You won't do anything... y'know... crazy."

"Jeff do you trust me."

"Shit Hank, I gotta."

"Okay anything I want for two hours got it?"


"Not yeah, say yes sir."

"Yes sir Hank!"

"Okay you got it" Hank finished rinsing off Jeff "now go into the bedroom and lie down and don't move, don't touch yourself, don't move a fuckin muscle!"



"I mean, yessir."

So Jeff fully hard and tense went into the bedroom and started to dry off but then stopped and, dripping wet and more horny than he could remember, lay down on his bed face down. He knew this had been coming for a long time and he kinda owed it to his bud. He didn't know if he could take all of Hank's cut dick in his ass but it was something he had been thinking about ever since he saw him lying on that table with the dildo, shit, his dildo up his buddy's ass. Oh well, Jeff thought as he lay on his stomach, it might feel okay once he got over the shock and pain. He waited, feeling the minutes tick by but he did not lose his hard, waiting for the inevitable. He started to reach behind himself to play with his ass hoping at least to get it ready, to get it loose a bit, but remembering Hank's warning he stopped. After what seemed like an hour he finally heard Hank come in.

"What are you DOING?" Hank yelled looking at him.

"Getting ready for you....sir" Jeff said trying to relax.

"Well turn over! Now!"

"But - " and Jeff froze.

"Do it now slave!"

So Jeff slowly rolled over onto his back his hard cock flipping to the side. He looked up at Hank still wet with his semi-hard cock hanging low. Damn, he looked like a stud, Jeff thought to himself, a stud with a dick going into his hole. Today. Now. .

"But -"

"No but, you do as I say slave" Hank said getting on the bed and straddling his legs.


"Now remember you do anything I say for two hours. Anything!"


"Man I've wanted to do this for a goddman long time" Hank almost moaned, looking down at him and starting to rub Jeff's legs "you just don't know how I wanted to feel you up good. Head to toe. Every fuckin inch of your bod. All of you and with you not able to object."

"But I wouldn't have -"

"Shut up slave!"


And Hank finally got to feel all of Jeff's legs and his thighs and up up up to his balls. He looked up at Jeff's face as he rolled the balls in his hands and Jeff's ever-hard dick now started to throb to his quickening heartbeat. Hank reached up and pulled back the skin so the head was free and gave it a good squeeze. The bead of fluid formed at the tip.

"Remember I can do anything!"


"Anything I want"


"And you won't stop me."

"Nosir." and Hank bent forward and touched his tongue to the head fully tasting Jeff's precum. He thought it would taste funkier and was a bit surprised it was almost sweet. He took the whole head in his mouth and swallowed. Jeff was so completely surprised he bucked up when he felt all of Hank's mouth on that most sensitive part.

"Don't stop me!"

"But -"

"I can do you and you can't stop!"

"But -"

"You are my slave and I can anything I want you got it slave?"


And Hank went back trying to swallow Jeff's dick but it was bigger than he thought and not as easy as he always had imagined. But even though he could not get the whole thing in his mouth he could feel, and taste, Jeff was close to blowing his nut.

"Don't more a muscle Jeff" Hank got off the bed and came back from the bathroom holding a bag.

"What you -"

"Close your eyes and don't say anything" Hank said and took a leather cock ring out of the bag. He looked down at Jeff with his cock now shiny with his spit throbbing in the air and dribbling juice into his navel. He held the leather in his hand and blew on it, trying to warm it up a bit. Finally he reached down and started to wrap all the snaps around Jeff's cock and balls.

"Hey whatda!" Jeff tried to pull away when he felt the foreign object touch him in his most sensitive private spot.

"Keep your eyes closed I mean it!"

"Yessir." Jeff felt something tightly encircle the base of his cock making it swell even more. Man it felt like his cock grew another inch, and then something was tickling his balls. He tried not to squirm and although the room was not hot he felt himself start to sweat, trickling out of his armpits and down the sides of his belly. Finally the straps were tightened around his balls and he felt the full dull throbbing as his balls tried to pull up but were held in place by the leather straps.

"Don't say a word. You are my slave now."

Jeff just nodded his head. He felt like a slave and to really play the part he spread his arms and legs to the corners of the bed like he was spread-eagled in a cowboy movie.

"Yeah slave, you're tied up" Hank said knowing he had no rope "and you're lying there waiting for the torture. But you won't be tortured. Instead" Hank reached down and started to play with Jeff's tits "instead you are under my command."



"Yessir" and Jeff felt his cock harder than he ever felt pointing straight up, not flat on his stomach, but pointing at the sky. Then he felt the warmth on the head, it was Hank's mouth, and he knew he would cum right there but something was preventing it. No matter how many times Jeff sucked in and out he couldn't cum and his balls felt like they were swelling bigger and bigger.

"I gotta cum-"

"When I let you slave. We still got a long time. And I ain't close to finishing with you."


"You cum when I let you!"

"Ah ah" and still Hank sucked and sucked knowing that Jeff could hump his hips all he wanted but the cockring would hold. He raised himself up to his knees and crawled forward until his thighs were touching Jeff's stomach. He looked down at Jeff's face, eyes closed and started to beat himself. But he was too close. So he went back to playing with Jeff's chest while he looked down but he leaned forward, his dick resting on Jeff's chin. Jeff slowly started to part his lips. Hank rubbed the head around the lips and finally pushed it in. He felt Jeff start to gag but then get control of himself. Again he put it in his mouth just enough to get him going. After a couple of times he knew he had to pull out.

"Hank oh man-"

"Don't say anything! You are my slave."

"Hank yessir..."

Hank reached under his ass to feel Jeff's cock. It was throbbing and like steel but now covered with his spit and precum it was totally lubed. He grabbed it and started to point it at his butt.

"Remember anything I want."


"And you won't fight--"

"No sir."


"Yessir!" and Hank leaned his weight back until his asshole was right over Jeff's cock. With a little angling he put it to his hole, squeezing his ass out he lowered himself until the head slid past the ring.

"Hank!" Jeff's eyes flew open and he looked down at his buddy with his dick now half-way into Hank's butt.

"Hank stop! please!" but Hank squeezed his eyes closed and throwing his head back and taking a breath or two, slowly started to lower himself down on his buddy's dick.

"Hank no please" but Jeff's dick was now starting to inch its way into Hank as he kept lowering himself another inch or two. He balanced there, catching his breath, waiting for his ass to get used to the real thing. He perched there, tears running down his face, inching up and down slowly, until after a couple of minutes he felt that awesome cock, Jeff's cock! completely buried in his butt.

"Don't move a muscle Jeff" Hank grunted through gritted teeth as he sat there getting used to the feeling of his hole completely stuffed with his best bud's hard stud cock, no fake rubber but the real thing, his long wait finally over. As he felt his knob responding to the pressure, just by sitting there not even moving, Hank slowly started to raise his weight off Jeff's crotch, slowly onto his knees.

"Stop Hank I'm killing you."

"I said don't move" Hank pushed Jeff's shoulders back to the bed "man you are some kind of super stud!" He started to lower himself back down again slowly taking the cock in until he was again resting his balls on Jeff's bush.

Jeff closed his eyes and could not believe this! He was actually doing this! He was fucking! And it was his best friend he was fucking! Never in a million years would he have imagined lying here with his dick up Hank's butt. And it felt like nothing he could imagine. It was the tightest, hottest hole and with the straps around his cock and balls no matter how awesome it felt he was getting no closer to cumming. And after this morning at the doc's when he left fully hard and dripping, riding the bike trying not to let the bumping and jolting stimulate him even more. He had been on the edge all morning and now this! He dug his fingernails into the bedspread and felt himself start to spin.

Hank finally got to know the sensation of his bud's hardness in him, every single inch of it. Finally. After the dildo at the doc's office when he realized he could take it, and it felt almost good - something he would never admit to anyone - and he knew he had to have the real thing like this, just like this. That week of vacation it was the recurring image he couldn't get out of his head, and after wrestling with it for days he knew he had to do it, but he knew Jeff would never in a million years agree to anything like this! Jeff would either take a swing at him, or worse!. So he had to come up with some plan. On the way back home this morning he made a quick stop at the dirty book store because he knew they'd have some stuff he just might need. The girl behind the counter helped him find the cockrings and lube and he made up some story about his kinky girlfriend but she just kept looking at his hardon so he ran the hell outa there. Once he pushed Jeff out of the bathroom he was able to lube his butthole with the stuff he got and the hot shower helped him relax cause he didn't want to ruin the only chance he might ever ever get. So now feeling Jeff's cock deep inside him he knew it was what he'd been waiting for. what had been haunting him all week. And damn it felt better than he thought it would. Again and again he raised up and lowered himself back onto Jeff's cock trapped underneath him. And when he started to bump into that one place he felt himself start to leak. Damn, if he did it any more he might even cum. So he lifted himself all the way off his cock, the cold air hitting his hole.

"Damn Hank don't stop!"

"Man I gotta stop, that's too intense! We still got lots of time slave!"

"Hank please you got no idea-"

"You never thought you'd feel anything like that did you?"

"No fuckin way bud!"

"I wanted you to do this but I knew you'd freak! You'd never agree-"


"But now you're fucking your bud. You like it? You like it slave?"

"Oh Hank..."

"You like it?"

"Yes... yessir!"

Jeff felt every nerve in his body tingling, he never imagined anything like that. He thought he could never feel anything so intense as what he had just experience. That was until he felt the hot asshole again slowly lower itself back down on his cock and even the restraints couldn't stop it this time. The most intense almost painfully hot orgasm started to explode out of his balls and boil up his cock, it was too much, he let go, it felt like he couldn't stop cumming. Hank felt the throbbing in his guts but shouted,

"No Jeff you are not to cum!"

But Hank was screaming and writhing, the intensity not letting up

"You ain't gonna cum bud! Y'only think you are but you're not, you can't cum. As long as those straps are on your dick can't shoot."

"But I'm cumming" Hank finally squeezed out.

"It just feels like it. Let's see how many times you can dry-cum!" Hank lifted himself off and looked down and sure enough, Jeff's cock was swollen red and throbbing like a crazed monster, that dick bigger than he'd ever seen before and all slick with his lube it looked like a balloon ready to pop. But the slit was wide open, and no cum to be seen..

"Don't move slave!"


"Not a muscle stud!" and Hank went into the bag and pulled out an instant camera and started to take pictures of Jeff from all different angles.


"I said don't more." and after a few more pics he went back to straddling Jeff's belly. Again he slowly found the hole and lower himself onto Jeff. Again Jeff started to hump and hump trying to release but still no cum came out.

"I can't take it anymore I gotta cum! Please Hank!"

"When I say so!" Hank raised himself off the dick. His own dick was throbbing and leaking and the front of his balls were shiny with fluid. He leaned forward and again lowered his dick to Jeff's lips. Jeff opened wide without resistance and Hank plunged it in but after a couple of thrusts had to pull out. He didn't want to go over the top but that was too close.

As he leaned back and lowered himself again Jeff's cock bumped his prostate. And that did it! Hank gasped and tensed every muscles as a single pearl drop of cum formed on the tip. Man, he thought, I can't keep this up much longer. He knew he could only last another minute at the most.

He carefully lifted himself off and leaned forward, reaching between his legs to unsnap Jeff's harness.

"Yeah man Hank thank you sir thanks- " Jeff leaned forward taking the head of Hank's cock in his mouth tasting the salty drop of cum for the first time. That was too much and Hank quickly pulled out but his cock swelled up and a great drool of cum dripped out landing on Jeff's chest. He reached behind and in one thrust impaled himself on Jeff who yelled and bucked up.

"Yeah I'm cumming I'm cumming" as shot after shot blasted free of his balls, tore out his spasming cock and exploded deep into Hank's bowels. As the force of his blasts hit again and again against Hank's prostate his dick exploded again shooting long ropes on Jeff right in the face once twice three times. As Hank pumped up and down on the dick he pulled the last drops out of his cock puddling all over Jeff's chest and belly. Finally he collapsed on top of Jeff's heaving chest.

They both lay there panting for several minutes, With his dick starting to shrivel still inside Hank's butt Jeff leaned forward and kissed his buddy. He kissed Hank.

Hank almost pulled back in shock, but then kissed him back. Hard. Then stayed that way holding and kissing until Jeff's dick finally plopped out.



"That was-"

"Thank you Jeff."

"I should be thanking-"

"I wanted this for a such a long fucking time."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Jeff you woulda freaked!"

"Hank okay I woulda freaked... but--"

"You woulda freaked. Big time!"

"Well I am glad it finally happened."

"You are?"

"Shit yeah!"

"For real?"

"For real."

"Oh bud" and Hank gave him a big hug. And as he did there was a big squish between them.

"Shit we gotta get cleaned up. We made a huge mess." the two pulled each other off the bed. When they looked down at themselves they started laughing, "damn we're a nasty mess."

"But it was worth it."

"Damn right it was worth it" and they heading for the shower.

Next: Chapter 9

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