The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Nov 29, 2006


Chapter Sixty-nine

Joel passed the farmer's truck, looked at Kroos and shared a quick laugh.

"Pull into that gas station" Kroos checked the gauges "I have no intention of getting stranded out here in the middle of a cornfield without gasoline."

"No shit" Joel slowed down as they approached the intersection, and did a lazy circle into the self-serve lane. A family of four was just leaving.

"Be right back" Joel opened the door and started to get out.

"Where are you going?"

"Pay for the gas, remember?" Joel watched as Kroos reached into the back seat to retrieve his shirt. Joel decided to stay barechested.


"Now what?" Joel stropped half-way to the door.

"You are going to need money..."

"Got some" but Joel took the two steps back to the truck, stopping on the passenger side.

"Look Joel, it is still my truck. I truly should pay" he dug into his pocket, and pulled two twenties out of his wallet.

"Y'know I could pull rank here right? I could say..." Joel had to smile "but I'll go half-and-half with ya" he took one of the twenties "but you're paying for breakfast."


"And I'll warn ya" Joel rubbed his smooth belly "I'm mighty hungered."

Joel sauntered back to the entrance and went inside. The air-conditioning hit him in the chest like an full-bore linebacker.

"Maaan!" he shouted, feeling the goosebumps explode across his bare flesh.

"What?" the guy behind the counter looked up expecting trouble.

"Y'running a deep freeze in here?" he went to the counter, checking out the guy. Maybe late high school or just out, not more than nineteen for sure. A bit thin but nice shoulders. Dark hair a bit spiky.

"Maybe if y'put some clothes on..." he finished the paperwork in front of him.

"Why?" Joel narrowed his eyes, expecting shit "didn't see a 'no shirts shoes service' sign on the door."

"Naw, ain't like that" the guy was having a hard time keeping his eyes of Joel's torso "I'll serve ya. What'ya need?"

"Forty premium" he looked out the window "number... two?"

The guy looked out the window "shit! that your Wrangler? That the new - shit! that's the new Rubicon right?"

"Ain't it a hot machine?" he did not want to go into particulars.

The guy rang him up, now having to divide his attention between this shirtless guy in front of him and what appeared to be a huge hunk still sitting in the trunk "that your bud?" thumbing out the window.

"Yeah, that's..." Joel looked around the store while the guy produced his receipt "that's my... bud" he wanted to say "fucktoy" but this guy looked flustered enough already.

"He don't believe in much clothes either huh?" the guy was smiling so Joel did not take it for a dig "where y'two from?"

"E*****t Lake" Joel lied "why?" seeing what little supplies were stocked. He walked over to the cooler and pulled out two sports drinks.

"No reason" the guy lied back "just don't see many - I mean all I get's a buncha stupid asshole FIB's from Chicago or shit."

"No shit" Joel wandered the store, looking at what else he might need. In one large cardboard box he found a picked-over assortment of tourist souvenir t-shirts.

"Got any tank tops in here?" Joel held up one with "Wisconsin" across the front.

"Not in there" the guy said "check the box underneath."

Joel tossed the top box to the floor and started rummaging in the lower one. He found two XXL basketball jerseys with some Korean offbrand logo on them.

"How much for these?" Joel held them up.

"Man you can have'm both for five."

"Deal" Joel piled the boxes back together and brought them to the counter "so I guess I better put one on or y'won't ring me up, right?"

"Naw" the guy looked nervous "I don't mind. Shit" he gave Joel the change "after all the pasty-assed slobs I see in here -- " he cut himself off fast.

"Y'mean y'don't mind seeing some real..." studs, he wanted to say, but wanted to play the game back.

"Yeah... I guess."

"But y'must see some hot babes in here right?" Joel started scratching his belly very casually.

"Naw... I mean... sure yeah... maybe..." the guy had to look outside to keep from watching Joel. He saw Kroos catch his eye and waved at him. Kroos took it as a sign he could start the pump. He got out of the truck and went over to the pump, his shorts tight and sweaty.

"Man..." the guy took it all in "you guys play ball?"

"So y'probably get kinda bored here all day... dealing with the braindead tourists and all."

"No shit" the guy stuffed his paperwork under the counter, little to do now.

"Bored and..." Joel took on of the shirts and pulled it over his head. As he did he wanted to see if the guy would check him out when he thought his face was covered "and horny... right?"

"No shit..." the guy coughed out before he could recovered "I mean... y'know my girlfriend - she -- "

"She ain't here now is she?" Joel made a point of lowering his shorts to his pubes to stuff the top inside. The guy almost stopped breathing.

"Ah... er..."

"So if yer anything like me y'probably walkin around horny as hell twenty four seven, right?"

"Geez - I'mean -- "

"So..." Joel grabbed his stuff and headed for the door. As he was about to leave he mentioned over his shoulder "y'need a blowjob all y'gotta do is close the store for five minutes and head for the john" he looked over his shoulder "but we're leavin in like five minutes so y'better make up yer mind" and the door closed behind him. He did not turn to see the guy's reaction.

"Catch!" Joel tossed the other shirt at Kroos, who was standing next to the pump, his lower belly still sticky with Jeff's cum "want ya lookin decent."

"Thanks!" he caught it with his left hand and tossed it over his shoulder "how much I owe ya?"

"It's free, courtesy of the management" Joel thumbed at the windows "well free that is, in exchange..."

"Exchange? For what?"

"The guy that works here, he's kinda still deciding whether or not he wants the big pro-ball player to give him a blowjob."

"What?!?!" Kroos looked around to see who heard, but except for a few cars going by, they had the lot to themselves.

"I told him if he's horny, t'close the place for a coupla minutes and somebody'd meet him in the johns" Joel smiled "guess who?"

"Look Joel you cannot be going around -- "

"I just did" Joel opened one of the drinks and emptied half of it. Man, this shit is thirsty business, he thought.

"Were we supposed to be getting breakfast? That was an hour ago?"

"Well things keep coming up" Joel looked at Kroos' front "so put it on before ya attract any more horny dudes and we don't get t'eat til after sundown!"

"Joel we really -- " the pump dinged, letting them know they were finished.

Kroos replaced the nozzle and went back to the car and got in, the shirt flying over his head in the process "so what are we waiting for?"

"Told the guy he had five - now four minutes to make up his mind" Joel went over to the car and got in the driver's side. From what he could see the guy was watching them through the window.

"Joel, why not just go."

"Naw, let's give'm a few minutes. When he sees us sitting here, he should figure out that this little offer was on the level."

"You really expect -- "

"Yes Kroos yer gonna blow the dude, and make sure it's the best suck he ever gets. Shit it's probably his first and last suck he'll ever get."

They sat there in the hot sun, glancing once or twice at the station. After two more minutes, Joel's gamble seemed to work. The guy went to the front door, flipped a sign saying "back in 5 min" and exited the door, making a point of not looking at the truck. He walked to the men's bathroom and went inside.

"Told ya!" Joel beamed. To Kroos' suprise he started getting out "okay here's the deal. I'll go in and get him... 'warmed up' got it? After a few minutes, you come in and I'll let you take over."

"He is going to run out of there when -- "

"Not with you blocking the door, remember?"

"What if someone comes along?"

"We'll worry about that later" and Joel closed the door and started heading for the bathroom. He turned back to Kroos and signaled: three.

Joel opened the door carefully, not sure if the guy would be ready to take a swing at him or what. Joel knew he could make short work of him if he was stupid enough to challenge him physically. Instead the guy was standing by the urinal, trying not to look nervous.

"Look if y'were just jerkin me..." the guy tried to sound casual but his voice kept cracking.

"Jerkin? Fuck no" Joel came over and stood next to him, pulling the front of his short down, exposing his half-hard "the offer was for a blowjob remember?"

Joel looked down at the guy's limp dick hanging out the front of his jeans.

Just like that Joel reached over and grabbed it.

"Hey!" the guy grunted, but did not pull away "what if somebody-"

"My buddie's keeping an eye out" Joel started a slow wanking, and sure enough the guy's dick liked it a whole lot. Joel spun him around and got to his knees. The guy came full hard in Joel's mouth.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck... ahhhhh maaaaaaan..." shit he sounded like that Jeff guy, Joel laughed to himself.

"Like that stud?" Joel pulled his mouth off it. He looked up at the guy, all red in the face. His long thin circumsized cock stuck straight out of his fly, wet and shiny with Joel's spit "better'n yer girlfriend?"

"She'd NEVER do that, she thinks -- "

"That's why they're called pussies" Joel started lapping and sucking "cause they too chickenshit to know anything. Only dudes can take care of dudes like this" and he started a steady deep sucking, the guy's knob swelling and throbbing in his throat. Just when the the guy started bucking into him hard and fast, like he was about to blow, the door opened!

"FUUCCCKK!!" the guy screamed, pulling out and turning to the wall in a millisecond.

"Chill!" Joel struggled to his knees "he's cool."

"But you -- "

"In fact he wants to finish y'off, ain't that right... Carl?" Joel motioned Kroos over and pointed at the floor "I'll watch the door."

"I don't know what he told ya" the guy was trying to stuff his erection back in his pants with the greatest difficulty.

"Dude I'm tellin ya it's cool. Carl, get on your knees and show this stud here you're serious. Do. It."

Kroos stepped away from the door as Joel grabbed it before it shut. He cast a quick glance outside,

"Coast is clear. Kneel."

Kroos went over to the floor by the urinals, lowered himself to his knees, looking more at Joel than the attendant. And Joel stood by the half-open door, the front of his shorts still past his balls, one hand slowly milking his cock. When the guy saw that, he stopped stuffing his pants. Keeping one eye on Joel, he unsnapped the front of his jeans, and before he could fish it out, Kroos' hands had done it for him. Before he could say another word, his cock was buried deep in Kroos' throat.

"Yeah suck the stud! Give him the blowjob of his fuckin life!"

The guy's eyes flew back in his head, everything obliterated except the feeling growing in his dick. And yeah this was his first blowjob, and yeah it was like nothing he could have imagined. And the power-suctioning from Kroos' throat let him know he was going to blow fast and huge and he had very little say in the matter. He was so far gone racing towards his orgasm that he he did not notice Joel closing the door and leaving. And when Kroos grabbed his bare ass to pull him even deeper into him, the guy just unloaded. Buckets! Like he had never cum before in his life! And Kroos just swallowed him whole.

When he came back to earth, the guy finally noticed they were alone,

"Man that was ..."

"You are welcome" Kroos got to his knees and staggered over to the sink. The two of them washed up like the water was being turned off in the next five seconds.

"I thought f'sure your bud was settin me up.. y'know... like robbing or shit."

"Do not worry" Kroos patted him on the shoulder with his wet hand "he set somebody up all right. But not you."

"Dude y'mean he like made you... y'know..."

"Look guy" Kroos cleaned his knees as best he could "you got a business to run remember?" holding the door open. The guy got the idea break-time was over.

"Yeah right... thanks okay?"

"Like I said" Kroos let a crack of a smile escape "you are welcome."

And just like that Kroos was gone. He was startled to see Joel standing and talking to a guy half way to the door. A red Honda parked at the other pump. As soon as Joel saw Kroos, he broke off the conversation and met him back at the truck. They had started the ignition and were about to leave when the attendant came running up to them,

"You overpaid back there" he said, tossing a twenty into the open seats "those shirts were on the house remember?"

"You said -- " Joel tried, but the red Honda guy was starting over to their direction.

"Name's Rob. Come back again... please" and he was gone. He intercepted the other guy and the two went inside, unlocking the door, and flipping the sign to "open".

Next: Chapter 70

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