The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Nov 22, 2006


Disclaimer/Reminder: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails or flames expressing outrage will be ignored. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm.

A warm thank you to all you guys who have taken the time to write with their comments and suggestions, esp. AL EA BE and the ever-hard CH. Your emails remind me the story is as important to you guys as it is to these guys who are caught in the growing story.

Final note: This is dedicated to the memory of someone who was a great inspiration to me at various points in my life. He showed me it was possible to combine various stories into a woven cohesive whole, and yes the sum could be greater than the parts. That it was possible to juggle one, then two, then twenty-three plates - er characters - at once, and keep them all going to the delight of the audience. In a way this saga is a faint and poor echo of his artistry, an amateurish aping of his effortless mastery. A crayola version of his technicolor brush-strokes. But quite impossible had he not shown the way, and delivered the boot to the butt. We will all miss you, Robert Altman.

Now, back to our show --

Chapter Sixty-seven

Joel was enjoying the idea of lying in bed beside Kroos with Randy taking in the whole thing. In a way Kroos was his trophy fuck, his show-off prize.

It was his way of shoving in Randy's face he had graduated to the big leagues now, and this naked stud next to him was proof positive. And the frosting on the cake was how Kroos was his little sex toy. And how Randy would shit when he saw how far Joel was going to take this. If he thought he was just going to take a pic or two he was fuckin clueless.

Randy was going nuts, trying to concentrate on downloading the camera while watching what was going on in his bed. It was the longest two minutes of his life! By the time the camera was ready to go again, Joel had gotten Kroos' cock massaged back up to full red swollen pisshard. And it almost looked like Joel got himself full hard without even touching himself, or so it seemed from Randy's constant back-and-forth glances.

"So Randy" Joel enjoyed this no end "how were we again? Kroos here was like this?" waving his cock back and forth in spite of the fact Kroos was almost bent in two trying to hide his crotch. But that did not stop Randy from firing off several shots, flash and all. At first Kroos protested and tried to turn away, but after the second time Joel poked him in his sensitive belly he gave up the fight.

"Shit Joel this is fuckin somethin else..." Randy stood there, his pants showing a growing throbbing down below "just lemme get one like how you first were, like when I first came in..."

"Hey click away" Joel spread his legs, showing off his own hard for the camera "but y'better hurry before Kroos here floods the bed, ain't that right, big meat?"

"Damn I don't know how long I can keep holding it..." Kroos' eyeballs were almost turning yellow.

"Well we'll make it quick" Randy was opening stroking himself, the other hand balancing the camera "okay Joel you were on your side - no the other side, the sheet around your crotch. And you Kroos, you were on your fuckin back, that flagpole waving in the breeze. C'mon Kroos just stretch out - yeah like that" click went the camera "okay now on your back. Do it Kroos" again the camera clicked away "okay now lower the legs, like that. Yeah lemme see the prize bull..." and Kroos slowly uncurled and spread his legs, his cock and balls fully exposed, his uncircumsized cock hard and pointing skyward. Randy went nuts with the camera.

"Okay leave some space" Joel got out of bed "don't use up the whole thing."

"Why?" Randy almost looked hurt "I was just starting..."

"Kroos one more thing before y'get to piss. If I guess right" Joel looked at Randy's crotch, his hard cockhead clearly visible, pushing up the right side of his pants "my guess this won't take long" and he took the camera from Randy's hand "Kroos y'gotta admit it was real nice of cousin Randy here t'let us use his crib right?"

"Yes... I guess" Kroos was all to happy to double up again, his fist squeezing his dick, fighting off the painful urge to empty his bursting bladder.

"Well why don't you get on your knees right here and show Randy your gratitude" pointing at the floor at Randy's feet.

"What?" from both of them.

"You heard me" Joel went over to the chair and had a seat "on your knees stud."

"But... Joel!"

"Do it! Or you like sitting there with a bladderfull."

"Damn..." Kroos eased off the bed, looking like he was in pain. Which he was. He lowered himself onto the floor in front of Randy, looked at the bulge in front of him briefly, then over to Joel, "okay now what?"

"Y'know what Kroos" Joel pointed at Randy's crotch "get it out!"

"Shit Joel" Randy almost leaned back "you really think Kroos'll go through with -- "

"Consider it payment in full for using yer place okay?"

Randy looked at Joel like he was out of his mind, then down at Kroos, not thinking for a minute he would actually do it. But when Kroos reached up and started unzipping his pants he almost jumped out of his skin!

Kroos had Randy unzipped and de-panted in record time. The shorts were yanked down as well and his mouth swallowed Randy's hard cock before he had a chance for the whole thing to register. And like Joel guessed it only took a minute before Randy was plugging away, both hands on Kroos' head, his orgasm coming on fast. When he started blowing his load down Kroos' throat he was too far gone to see Joel and his camera busily snapping away.

"Yeah Randy blow yer fuckin load. Blow yer nut on his face, lemme see yer splooge on him!"

Randy finished emptying his nuts into Kroos and slowly slid his cock free. He grabbed his cock and managed to squeeze a few drops out of the slit, depositing his jizz on Kroos' cheek. Joel took a few more of the series showing Kroos' messy face, on his knees in front of Randy's wet and red cock. Kroos' fist was photographed tightly wrapped around his own hard pisson in the last two frames.

"Wow..." was all Randy could say, even when he opened his eyes and saw how busy Joel had been "you got all that?"

"You bet!"

"Man you two can stay over any time...!"

"Thanks cuz" Randy helped Kroos to his knees "but this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance bud" looking at Kroos "okay you've earned you chance to piss!"

"Wait!" Randy grabbed the camera "lemme get one of the studcock pumping that piss!"

"Damn!" and Kroos pulled away jumping towards the bathroom. But his cock was too hard to do much good aiming at the toilet bowl.

"Piss in the bathtub stud!" Randy followed him into the bathroom "lemme see ya piss all over the wall. Shit, piss the wall, piss yerself, just pump that shit outa that firehose!"

Kroos looked down at himself as the first leaking steam arched up, hitting a part of the wall. He managed to step into the bathtub, his cock exploding piss everywhere. Randy got around him just in time, flashing away as his piss exploded onto the shower wall.

"Okay point it up. Lemme see ya piss all over that fuckin fur!"

Kroos was trying his best to direct the steam down the bathtub drain, but before his cock could soften enough for that angle he leaned it upwards, and as Randy directed, the stream of his yellow piss arched up and continued pouring from him, splashing his chest and even hitting himself in the chin once or twice. Randy's camera flashed three or four times then stopped.

"Mutherfuck!" Randy grunted.

"What?" Joel stood there, impossible to hide his proud grin.

"Camera's full!"

"Well Randy, guess then the show's over!"

"C'mon dude!"

"Sorry" Joel took the camera "but we been making pests of ourselves long enough" he went to the computer and started downloading "time you kicked us outa here right Randy?"

"Shit no!" Randy was torn between watching Kroos start his shower and going back to the bedroom to see what Joel was doing "thought the three of us could party like."

"Some other time" Joel said loud enough for Kroos to hear "hurry up with that shower Kroos we gotta be headin out before Randy here gets ideas" and went over to the bathroom door and closed it "you got plans for tonight?"

"I'll break'm!"

"Chill" Joel dropped his voice "what's the shit with this place, this restaurant thing -- "

"Shit" was all Randy could say.

"Got a feelin Kroos's gonna get hungry about - let's say - seven" he looked hard at Randy "after we leave you make the calls okay? You set it up!"

"You fuckin nuts Merklins?"

"No not nuts -- "

"You know what you're sayin?"

"Make it happen cuz!" Joel checked the download, then started making a few entries, opening a few programs "we're leavin as soon as Kroos'n me get a quick shower -- "

"But what about -- "

"You want another crack at that big stud maybe you get your chance tonight got it?"

"Shit Joel what's gotten into you?" Randy tried to see what Joel was up to but the angle was bad.

"Leavin ya a few pics to remember all this with okay?" and his fingers were flying over the keyboard "like ya deserve okay cuz?"

"Sheeeet" Randy smirked but now his mind was kicking into gear. The thought of Kroos at Mort's almost gave him a heart attack, especially if he was going to be the main attraction "you really sure about this? Because if you ain't -- "

"Sure as sure can be" Joel winked "go help Kroos in the shower, ya stink" he pushed him away from what he was doing "and don't get any ideas" pointing at his hastily-covered crotch "he's off-limits til tonite got it?"

"C'mon Joel gimme a crack at his -- "

"F'get it!" and Joel gave him a push "yer hot water's running out. Get outa here!"

Randy shook his head and waddled off, shedding clothes as he went. He joined Kroos finishing up in the shower.

"Joel told me t'make sure ya ain't playin with yerself in here" he said, stepping into the shower with him.

Next: Chapter 68

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